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File metadata and controls

99 lines (80 loc) · 6.26 KB

##RELEASE 2.2## June 5, 2015

###New Features###

  • Processing of data along different motion directions with respect to the laboratory reference system (forward, backward, 90right, 90left)
  • Computation of CoP coordinates for force platforms with pads
  • Possibility to skip the computation of joint centers in StaticElaboration
  • Interpolation of gaps in marker trajectories with size less than MaxGapSize (chosen by the user in the elaboration.xml file)
  • Piecewise filtering for marker trajectories having NaN values due to a missed interpolation
  • Inclusion of EMG labels while saving EMG data in .mat format
  • Definition of a maxemg output folder for each dynamic elaboration, to group log data related to the maximum EMG values computation
  • Storing of all raw EMGs selected for the maximum EMG values computation and the corresponding envelopes as .mat files
  • Addition of information about the trial and the time corresponding to each maximum EMG value, when printing the maxemg.txt output file and logging in .mat format (maxemg.mat)
  • Plot of raw EMG and envelope for each muscle, corresponding to the trial where the maximum EMG value occurs
  • Availability of multiple formats documentation (GitHub Project Pages)
  • Compatibility with MATLAB R2014b

###Code Changes###

  • Added optional MotionDirection element in acquisition.xsd to support trials with different directions of motion
  • Added optional PadThickness element in laboratory.xsd and acquisition.xsd, to account for plate padding in the computation of CoP coordinates
  • Added MarkersInterpolationType with MaxGapSize element in elaboration.xsd, to let the user define the gaps' maximum size for the interpolation of marker trajectories
  • Modified identification of the first and last frame for marker trajectories: added case of NaN values when markers are initially not visible
  • Added possibility to disable warnings from BTK tool in C3D2MAT_btk
  • Moved saving of maxemg.txt output file inside maxemg folder
  • Handled error that can occur if input C3D file names do not include the repetition number (as required)
  • Handled error in Y axis scale setting in EnvelopePlotting.m
  • Renamed CHANGES.txt to

###Bug Fixes###

  • Fixed reading of C3D files without data from force platforms (FP)
  • Fixed handling of FP data when a laboratory has more than 2 FPs of different types
  • Fixed selection of Leg on ForcePlatform in AcquisitionInterface when there are more than 2 FPs in the laboratory
  • Fixed definition of timeStartFrame and timeEndFrame in selectionData.m to account for an initial starting condition of t=0 and frame number=1. Fixed accordingly the definition of frameArray in writetrc.m
  • Fixed computation of the hip joint center (HJC) with the Harrington method (HJCHarrington.m) when the input static file has a frame number lower than 3

##RELEASE 2.1## September 8, 2014

###New Features###

  • Compatibility with MacOS X operating systems
  • Envelope plots with normalization scale (% max)
  • Plot of normalized EMG linear envelopes for all the muscles
  • .sto (OpenSim storage) file format for EMG output
  • .mot (SIMM and OpenSim motion) file format for EMG output (new default)

###Code Changes###

  • Changed elaboration.xsd to add support of different output file formats, preserving compatibility with previous versions.
  • Renamed mainStaticElaboration.m as StaticInterface.m
  • Moved main programs (C3D2MAT.m,ElaborationInterface.m, StaticInterface.m) to functions
  • Moved internal functions in private folders
  • Renamed all readme.txt to
  • Modified y axis scale setting of envelope plots
  • Modified data storage structure: added dynamicElaborations folder to group all the multiple executions of DataProcessing

###Bug Fixes###

  • Removed addition of mean values after EMG filtering
  • Fixed units in EMGs plotting
  • Fixed x label of envelope plots
  • Fixed trial type identification for filtering cutoff definition

##RELEASE 2.0## May 9, 2014

###New Features###

  • Support to MATLAB 64 bit and multiplatform (C3D2MAT based on BTK)
  • EMG selection using Analog Labels from each C3D input file
  • Shoulder, elbow, and wrist JC computation for static trials, and examples of setup files for Griffith University markerset
  • Missing values for markers trajectories identified by NaN instead of 0 in .trc output files

###Code Changes###

  • Added src/shared folder to store functions common to several steps
  • Modified filtering of markers trajectories: they are filtered only when visible and only if they have no gaps (DataFiltering.m, ZeroLagButtFiltfilt.m)
  • Modified filtering of GRF data from type 1 force platform: filtering is applied only to non zero values to avoid smoothing due to zero values (data from force platform of type 1 are stored in C3D files after thresholding)
  • Modified data interpolation: markers trajectories are interpolated only if gaps of consecutive frames are shorter than a fixed number defined according to the video frame rate (DataInterpolation.m)
  • Modified retrieval of Analog Data in C3D2MAT: removed assumption of analog data stored only in analog channels subsequent to those dedicated to force data. Now they can be stored in any analog channel indipendently from force data.
  • Renamed replaceWithNans.m as replaceMissingWithNaNs.m
  • Renamed matfiltfilt2.m as ZeroLagButtFiltfilt.m
  • Removed warning messages caused by the lack of subject's first and last names when loading a predefined acquisition.xml
  • Added last selected folder in text fields of graphical user interfaces (GUIs)

###Bug Fixes###

  • Modified transformation of COP coordinates from local to global reference system: translation added only for non zero values.
  • User is not required to set a new identifier each time he/she load an already available elaboration.xml file as in version 1.0.
  • Changed the definition of the interval where markers are visible in replaceMissingWithNaNs.m (the definition of var index)
  • Fixed the computation of the hip joint center (HJC) with the Harrington method (HJCHarrington.m)

##RELEASE 1.0## February 17, 2014

###Initial Release###