- A running Openshift cluster with Istio installed by the installer
OpenShift installer also includes a bunch of supporting services that it installed. These are:
- Prometheus for monitoring and metrics data collection and querying
- Grafana that provides dashboards for monitoring data collected by prometheus
- Kiali for observability of your microservices running on an Istio Cluster
- Jaeger for distributed tracing of your microservices
Running kubectl get routes -n istio-system
lists all the endpoints exposed for reaching these supporting services. We have also seen the corresponding pods running in the previous chapter.
Note OpenShift installer automagically setup all these for you!! You don't need to go through extra steps to setup supporting services.
$ kubectl get route -n istio-system
grafana grafana-istio-system. grafana http None
istio-ingressgateway istio-ingressgateway-istio-system. istio-ingressgateway http2 None
jaeger-query jaeger-query-istio-system. jaeger-query jaeger-query edge None
kiali kiali-istio-system. kiali http-kiali reencrypt None
prometheus prometheus-istio-system. prometheus http-prometheus None
tracing tracing-istio-system. tracing tracing edge None
You can access prometheus using the route exposed for prometheus. In my case it is http://prometheus-istio-system.
You can select metrics, create expressions and Execute. You can also view data in graphical form.
You can access prometheus using the route exposed for prometheus. In my case it is http://grafana-istio-system.
Istio provides a set of dashboards by default, you can select each one of them to view the metrics it displays in a graphical form.
Jaeger provides distributed tracking on microservices (observability) are connecting to each other. You can access Jaeger using the route exposed. In my case it is [https://jaeger-query-istio-system.](https://jaeger-query-istio-system.]
You will see the Jaeger console as below. Once we deploy an application and run, you will start seeing some content here.
Openshift uses Kiali for observability using service graph representation, distributed tracing, metrics collection and graphs, configuration validation, Health computation and display, service discovery etc
You can access Kiali using the route exposed. In my case it is https://kiali-istio-system.
It will prompt you to login to Kiali, and you can use admin/admin
as credentials for now. Once you log in it shows the console as shown below.
Navigate and familiarize with all these supporting tools. We will be use these as required once we deploy sample applications.