Treasury for WeCantRead RS3 Clan - A project by RecentSama AKA WeCantRead AKA recently on Discord. This is currently version 0.1a alpha. Project was started 6/4/23.
Todo: Setup index.php to view newly created pages in /pages
- login.php
- update-users.php
- add_view_events.php
- display-participants.php
- display-treasury.php
- add_to_treasury.php
- Entire project MUST be sanitized for sql injection attacks - zero safety and sanitization has been done as of yet
- Add first authorized user to import.sql
- Finalize DB structure and credentials (see: import.sql)
- Replace template images with cool stuff
- Adjust header & footer templates and include on page structure
Integrate Discord bot functionality to interact with the database
- Allow users to review their donations total
- Allow users to review their missed donations
- Allow administrators to retrieve a list of people with non-expired donations ready to collect, add people to events list, and create events
- use discord user ID's