An FPS bypass for Genshin Impact written in Python, allowing you to unlock the FPS cap.
This tool allows you to unlock the hardcoded FPS cap, allowing you play at higher frame rates than 60fps. This means you can now make the most of your 144hz (or higher) monitor, as it allows you to manually specify the FPS you wish the game to run.
It supports both the global (oversears) and the Chinese version of the game.
Using the FPS bypass is as simple as downloading the latest executable from GitHub releases. Next, open it and you will be guided through the simple initial setup procedure.
After this, you may open the game directly through the FPS bypass.
This project is written entirely in the Python programming language, using the WindowsAPI for memory.
If you wish to find out more about the inner workings, you may run the executable with the debug
command line argument.