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Releases: remix-run/history


22 Feb 17:16
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This release provides support for native ESM consumption of all exports.


18 Feb 23:34
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v5.3.0-pre.0 Pre-release


17 Dec 20:06
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πŸ› Bug fixes

  • Fixed a few type declarations and deprecated the following types:
    • State (now set to unknown which will require consumer type narrowing)
    • PartialPath (use Partial<Path> instead)
    • PartialLocation (use Partial<Location> instead)
  • Fixed a regression related to the createPath return value (#813)

✨ Features

  • We now use statically analyzable CJS exports. This enables named imports in Node ESM scripts (See the commit).

Full Changelog: v5.1.0...v5.2.0


02 Nov 21:04
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Because the prior 5.0.2 release removed the State type parameter from Location, this was technically a breaking change. To correct for this, I'm bumping this as a minor release. It won't affect runtime code, but it may affect your development experience and tests if you were using that parameter.

The State type export is also restored, so you shouldn't have issues with installing React Router v6.

Oh, by the way, did you hear we released React Router v6?

Full Changelog: v5.0.3...v5.1.0


01 Nov 21:48
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Fixed parsePath adding incorrectly adding search


01 Nov 20:56
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Just a couple fixes:

  • Fixed search params persisting on redirects
  • Changed the location.state type to any and removed the generic on Location

Full Changelog: v5.0.1...v5.0.2


13 Aug 21:15
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This patch release contains a tiny TypeScript update to use the built-in Partial utility for PartialPath and PartialLocation. We always love it when we can ship just a little less code!

πŸ™ Credits

Thanks to @liuhanqu, @hanquliu, @chaance and @mjackson for your contributions!


12 Jun 18:07
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Today we are very pleased to announce the stable release of history version 5!


This version includes many enhancements and fixes a few important issues with the library.

New Features

  • Hash history now has support for location.state
  • Better history.block API, with support for retrying transitions
  • Full TypeScript declarations and IntelliSense docs
  • Adds development and production builds for <script type=module> users
  • Both browser and hash history have support for iframes (custom window objects)
  • About 50% smaller than v4 (and no dependencies)


  • Fixed some long-standing encoding issues with location.pathname
  • Removed unfixable warnings about pushing the same path in hash history
  • Renamed browser global to HistoryLibrary so it doesn't conflict with window.History

Breaking Changes

  • Removed support for browsers that do not support the HTML5 history API (no pushState)
  • Removed relative pathname support in hash history and memory history
  • Removed getUserConfirmation, keyLength, and hashType APIs


Please refer to our installation guide for instructions about how to install the library.

There is also a getting started guide as well as a complete API reference in the docs folder.

We are very excited about this release, especially because it will serve as the foundation for the upcoming release of React Router version 6.

Thank you for your support. Enjoy! πŸ˜€


17 Apr 01:17
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v5.0.0-beta.8 Pre-release

You can track v5 beta progress in #751

You can install the v5 beta using the next tag: npm add history@next


In this release the core library was converted to TypeScript, and the type declaration files that are published with the npm package are derived from the source instead of being written by hand. This should make them both more accurate and more useful.

A migration guide will be available soon. For now, you can either browse around the docs on the dev branch or the tests.



07 Feb 22:15
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v5.0.0-beta.5 Pre-release

You can track v5 beta progress in #751

You can install the v5 beta using the next tag: npm add history@next

Changes from 5.0.0-beta.4:

The main feature of this release is we've added some official TypeScript types, so you don't have to use @types/history anymore in v5! Instead, just use our built-in types.

The only other thing in this release is a small change to some of the environment-specific bundles. We've removed the history/memory bundle and also removed the createHistory methods from the history/browser and history/hash bundles. history/browser and history/hash still export singletons. Instead of history/memory, just use the createMemoryHistory function from the main bundle.

A migration guide will be available soon. For now, you can either browse around the docs on the dev branch or the tests.
