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PoC: KServe raw deployment mode

Based on

📝 The comment in KServe is relevant: While both the KServe controller and ModelMesh controller will reconcile InferenceService resources, the ModelMesh controller will only handle those InferenceServices with the ModelMesh annotation. Otherwise, the KServe controller will handle reconciliation. Likewise, the KServe controller will not reconcile an InferenceService with the ModelMesh annotation, and will defer under the assumption that the ModelMesh controller will handle it. From:


Basic setup

Install KServe, OSSM and OpenShift Serverless according to the README and also do Prerequisites

Additional changes

⛔️ Note: you need to configure the ingressDomain in kserve/kserve-config-patch-rawdeployment.yaml to your cluster's domain.

  • Set the deployment mode to RawDeployment instead of Serverless
  • And use the OpenShift ingress-class openshift-default
  • And set the ingressDomain to the OpenShift DNS
  • And set the urlScheme to https
oc apply -f kserve/kserve-config-patch-rawdeployment.yaml
cat kserve/kserve-config-patch-rawdeployment.yaml | grep ingressDomain
"ingressDomain"  : "",
# Drop the PeerAuthentication resources because OpenShift routing is not calling the service via istio-ingressgateway and without mTLS
oc delete -f service-mesh/peer-authentication.yaml

# Allow OpenShift Router to talk to our demo namespace directly
oc apply -f kserve/networkpolicies-rawdeployment.yaml

Deploy and test an Inference Service on KServe as raw deployment

📝 Note: KServe creates Ingress objects for http. As our default OpenShift only allows https routes, we need an additional annotation on the Route object for routing to work: "edge" . The examples below already have that additional annotation.

oc apply -f kserve/samples/istio-raw/sklearn-iris.yaml

Which creates

kubectl tree inferenceservices sklearn-iris -n kserve-demo

NAMESPACE    NAME                                               READY  REASON  AGE
kserve-demo  InferenceService/sklearn-iris                      True           50s
kserve-demo  ├─Deployment/sklearn-iris-predictor                -              45s
kserve-demo  │ └─ReplicaSet/sklearn-iris-predictor-58b98bd768   -              45s
kserve-demo  │   └─Pod/sklearn-iris-predictor-58b98bd768-49js4  True           43s
kserve-demo  ├─HorizontalPodAutoscaler/sklearn-iris-predictor   -              45s
kserve-demo  ├─Ingress/sklearn-iris                             -              9s
kserve-demo  │ ├─Route/sklearn-iris-n84d8                       -              9s
kserve-demo  │ └─Route/sklearn-iris-nljdc                       -              9s
kserve-demo  └─Service/sklearn-iris-predictor                   -              45s
kserve-demo    └─EndpointSlice/sklearn-iris-predictor-ffvjr     -              45s

And can be called using:

oc get route -n kserve-demo
NAME                 HOST/PORT                                                                                       PATH   SERVICES                 PORT                     TERMINATION     WILDCARD
sklearn-iris-fkzk2   /      sklearn-iris-predictor   sklearn-iris-predictor   edge/Redirect   None
sklearn-iris-qb8cf             /      sklearn-iris-predictor   sklearn-iris-predictor   edge/Redirect   None
curl -k -d @./kserve/samples/input-iris.json


curl -k -d @./kserve/samples/input-iris.json


Deploy and test an Inference Service with GRPC

⛔️ Note: this does currently not work upstream. I created an issue: kserve/kserve#2961

oc apply -f kserve/samples/istio-raw/torchscript-grpc.yaml

export PROTO_FILE=kserve/samples/grpc_predict_v2.proto
grpcurl -insecure -proto $PROTO_FILE inference.GRPCInferenceService.ServerReady


Setup ModelMesh alongside

git clone -b $RELEASE --depth 1 --single-branch
cd modelmesh-serving

oc create namespace modelmesh-serving
./scripts/ --namespace-scope-mode --namespace modelmesh-serving --quickstart
cd ..

Deploy and test an Inference Service on ModelMesh

oc apply -f modelmesh/samples/sklearn.yaml
oc get -n modelmesh-serving pod
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
etcd-7d7db5bb8f-spnql                            1/1     Running   0          11m
minio-676868b987-4bp8g                           1/1     Running   0          11m
modelmesh-controller-87db89d44-bc6cd             1/1     Running   0          10m
modelmesh-serving-mlserver-0.x-8d7d594d7-dpl4x   4/4     Running   0          5m13s
modelmesh-serving-mlserver-0.x-8d7d594d7-w44cq   4/4     Running   0          5m13s

The KServe controller is ignoring the ModelMesh InferenceService

manager {"level":"info","ts":1685611623.0801382,"logger":"v1beta1Controllers.InferenceService","msg":"Inference service deployment mode ","deployment mode ":"ModelMesh"}
manager {"level":"info","ts":1685611623.08016,"logger":"v1beta1Controllers.InferenceService","msg":"Skipping reconciliation for InferenceService","":"ModelMesh","apiVersion":"","isvc":"example-sklearn-isvc"}