- Base :
- React (and React Hooks)
- React Router
- Context
- UI :
- Material UI
- Sass
- Components :
- Material Table
- Material DatePicker
- React Spinner
- Dataviz :
- ApexCharts
- Base :
- Node
- Framework :
- Hapi
- Joi
- Configuration :
- dot-env
- Nodemon
- Others :
- Hapi-Swagger
- Lexicon :
- Base :
- Python
- External librairies :
- Virtual-Env
- Faker
- Shortuuid
- Pandas
- Psycopg2
- Clone the project on your local machine
- Once downloaded, go to the project location
- cd data-2020/
- At the root of the project, install the front dependencies
- npm i / npm install
- Go inside the server folder, and install the back dependencies
- cd server/
- npm i /npm install
- Add the credidentials you want to use to connect to the database neeeded at the root of the server folder
- touch .env / create a file named ".env"
- Variables needed : DB_H (host), DB_USER (username), DB_PASS (password)
- Once everything is installed and properly setup, start the back-end
- (Inside the server folder) npm start
- (At the root of the repository) npm start
- You need to start both elements to make it work
The server starts at port 4000, the front at port 3000. Feel free to change them if needed.
- UUID module not found for the two POST routes
- Alerte status switch not working on the first click, have to do the procedure twice to record it and update the alerte
Shortcuts :
- Can only save clients links
For the clients list :
- Plan was to change the toolbar of the material-table, and to be able to change the clients lists by modifying the row/body components depending on the user input. For now, it's only a change between 3 components.
For the client profile :
- Create components for user input to create a campaign
Sass :
- Organize files
React Hooks :
- UseEffect/UseMemo, still struggling to properly understand how they work
Alertes :
- A better handle of the number of queries/filters to apply to call the alertes
Clients table :
- Do something about the column with date type, the front translates them as such, giving long dates and not just DD-MM-YYYY
Objectif post :
- Seems to work at first glance, but glitches sometimes, no idea why
Create a planning table with data inside
Given more time :
- Dynamically create the tasks for the planning
- Create the filter for the clients list
- Create the Messagerie page
- Create the historique for the client profile
Given another go at the project :
- More discussions with my designers, and especially making sure that some functionnalities were not green lighted
- Would have started the project with fake static data, worked on the front, and then worked on the back to make the data dynamic.
The front-end of this project was bootstrapped with Create React App.