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module 3 all code

MongoDB installation process and also install compass and No SQL Booster which is the UI Interface .

  1. video exist in programming hero next level web development module 4
  2. second video in how to install mongo DB, mongo DB shell and No SQL Booster which is the GUI UI data representation0

5-2 insert,insertOne, find, findOne, field filtering, project

  • db.test.insertMany([{name:'complete web development'},{name:'Next Level Web Development'}]); insert many data at a time .
  • db.test.find({}); find all data commands
  • db.test.find({age:17}); find specific data with using
  • db.test.find({company:'Demimbu'});
  • db.test.find({gender:"Male"})
  • db.test.find({gender:"Male"},{name:1,email:1,address:1}); // specific user needed data gathering process . // field filtering process
  • db.test.find({gender:"Female"}).project({name:1,email:1,address:1}); find filtering process

5-3 $eq, $neq, $gt, $lt, $gte, $lte

  • db.test.find( {gender: { $eq:'Male' }}); // equal operator
  • db.test.find( {age: { $ne:12 }}); // not equal operator
  • db.test.find({age:{$gt:30}}); // gather then operator
  • db.test.find({age:{$gte:30}}).sort({ age:1 }); gather then and equal with sorting —→ ascending order;
  • db.test.find({age:{$lte:30}}).sort({ age:1 }); less then and equal with sorting —→ ascending order;
  • [ ]

5-4 $in, $nin, implicit and condition

  • db.test.find({age:{$lt:18}}).sort({ age:1 });
  • db.test.find({age:{$gt:18,$lt:30}},{age:1}).sort({ age:1 }); // less then 18 to gather then 30 with only need age data also ascending order sorting .
  • db.test.find({gender:{$eq:'Female'},age:{$gt:18,$lt:30}},{age:1,gender:1}).sort({ age:1 }); //implicate And condition
  • db.test.find({gender:{$eq:'Female'},age:{$in:[18,24,28,36]}},{age:1,gender:1}).sort({ age:1 }); //implicate And condition // in operator working with like or condition if any thing match this operator will be return the document ;
  • db.test.find({gender:{$eq:'Female'},age:{$nin:[18,24,28,36]}},{age:1,gender:1}).sort({ age:1 }); // nin not equal operator
  • db.test.find( { gender:{$eq:'Female'}, age:{$nin:[18,24,28,36]}, interests:'Cooking'
},{age:1,gender:1,interests:1}).sort({ age:1 });

//implicit And

  • [ ]

db.test.find( { gender:{$eq:'Female'}, age:{$nin:[18,24,28,36]}, interests:{$in:['Cooking','Gaming']}

},{age:1,gender:1,interests:1}).sort({ age:1 });

//implicit And

5-5 $and, $or, implicit vs explicit

  • // db.test.find({age:{$ne:26,$lte:30}}).projection({age:1}) db.test.find({$and:[ {age:{$ne:26}}, {age:{$lte:30}},
]},{age:1}); // and opertaor 

  • [ ]

db.test.find({$and:[ {age:{$ne:26}}, {age:{$lte:30}}, {gender:'Female'}

]},{age:1,gender:1}).sort({ age:1});  //and opertaor

  • [ ]

db.test.find({ $or:[ {interests:'Gardening'}, {interests:'Travelling'} ] }) .projection({interests:1});

  • Array of Object handeling in mongodb

db.test.find({ $or:[ {"":"JAVASCRIPT"}, {"":"JAVA"}


}) .projection({ skills:1})

  • db.test.find({ "":{$in:['JAVASCRIPT','PYTHON']} }) .projection({ skills:1})
  • db.test.find({ $or:[ {'':'JAVASCRIPT'}, {'':'PYTHON'}, ] }) .projection({ skills:1})

5-6 $exists, $type,$size

db.test.find({ phone:{$exists:true} }) // exists property in mongodb

Type :

Type operator

db.test.find({age:{$type: 'number'}});

SIZE Operator

db.test.find({friends:{$size: 4}}) .projection({friends:1});

NULL Operator

db.test.find({company:{$type: "null"}}) .projection({company:1});

5-7 $all , $elemMatch

  1. db.test.find({'interests.2' :'Cooking'}).project({interests:1}); // indexing data searching process

//I have to search second index all data for interests.

  1. db.test.find({interests:{$all:["Travelling", "Reading", "Cooking"]}});

if(ravelling" && "Reading", && "Cooking){} it is working like and operator

all operator working like && operator

  1. db.test.find({skills:{$elemMatch: {name:'JAVASCRIPT',level:'Intermidiate'}}}).project({skills:1}); elemMatch : There is no problem of position, just match(পজিশনের কোন সমস্যা নাই শুধু ম্যাচ করলেই হবে) এক্ষেত্রে আমরা সবসময় ম্যাচ এলিমেন্ট ইউজ করতে পারি

5-8 $set, $addToSet, $push


  1. //update document db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{$set:{

}}); have a problem the $set operator can not be update array, object or array of object type data;


new data added property $addToSet duplicate value can not be accept easily identify the data redundancy

//update document db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{$addToSet:{ interests:'Writting' }});


$each operator —> মাল্টিপল এরে অথবা অবজেক্ট একসাথে আপডেট করতে চাইলে আমরা each operator use .

db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{$addToSet:{ interests:{$each: ['sohel','rana','ali']}

}}); this operator duplicate value can not be accept easily identify the data redundancy

//update document db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{$push:{ interests:{$each: ['sohel']}


$push operator working with duplicate value

5-9 $unset, $pop, $pull, $pullAll

  1. specific documentation data deleting process

//update document db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{ $unset:{birthday:""} });


//update document last index db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{ $pop: {interests:1} });

//update document first index db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{ $pop: {interests:-1} });


//update document db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{ $pull: {interests:'Writting'} });


//update document db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{ $pullAll: {interests:["sohel","rana"]} });

5-10 More about $set, how to explore documentation

  1. update object data use $set operator

//update document db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{ $set:{"":'Dhaka'} });

  1. Multiple object Updating process

//update document db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{ $set:{"":'Dhaka', "":'Bangladesh', "address.postalCode":"00017852" } });

  1. Update array of object property

//update document db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065"),"education.major":"Art"},{ $set:{ "education.$.major":"Mathematices" } });

  1. Increment data :

//update document //{ $inc: { quantity: -2, "metrics.orders": 1 } } db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")},{ $inc: { age: 1 } });

5-11 delete documents, drop collection and how to explore by yourself

create collection process : db.createCollection("posts")

drop collection

Precise Modules

1.problem file url :

  1. solution of problem no 1 is

//pretices module db.test.find({age:{$gt:30}}).project({name:1,email:1});

  1. solution of problem no 2 is

db.test.find({$or: [ {favoutiteColor:"Maroon"}, {favoutiteColor:"Blue"} ]}).project({name:1,email:1, phone:1,favoutiteColor:1}); //solution type 1

db.test.find({favoutiteColor:{$in:[ "Blue" ,"Maroon"]}}).project({ name:1,email:1, phone:1,favoutiteColor:1 }); // solution no 2

// solution 1 and solution 2 both are return same result;

4 . solution of problem no 3 is

db.test.find({skills:{$exists: true,$size: 0}});

  1. solution of problem on 4 is

db.test.find({$and: [ {'':'JAVASCRIPT'}, {'':'JAVA'} ]}).project({name:1,skills:1});

//Alternative solution same problems

db.test.find({skills:{$all: [ {"$elemMatch":{name:'JAVASCRIPT'}}, {"$elemMatch":{name:'JAVA'}}


both solution are return same result;

  1. solution no 5 // all time push duplicate value can not checked data redundancy

db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")}, //{"name": "Python", "level": "Beginner", "isLearning": true} {$push:{ skills:{$each: [{name:'Python',level:'Beginner',isLearning:true}]} }}

//Alternative solution same problems —→ data duplicate data redundancy checked

db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")}, //{"name": "Python", "level": "Beginner", "isLearning": true} {$addToSet:{ skills:{$each: [{name:'Python',level:'Beginner',isLearning:true}]} }} )

  1. solution no 6

db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")}, //{"name": "Python", "level": "Beginner", "isLearning": true} {$addToSet:{ languages:{$each: ["Spanish" ]} }} ) ;

//Alternative solution same problems —→ data duplicate data redundancy checked

db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000065")}, //{"name": "Python", "level": "Beginner", "isLearning": true} {$push:{ languages:{$each: ["Spanish" ]} }} ) ;

7.solution No: 7

db.test.updateOne({_id:ObjectId("6406ad63fc13ae5a40000066")}, //{"name": "Python", "level": "Beginner", "isLearning": true} {$pull: { skills:{name:{$in:['KOTLIN']}}


) ;