Releases: RagedUnicorn/wow-classic-gearmenu
Releases · RagedUnicorn/wow-classic-gearmenu
- #82 Increase bordersize to more closely match initial value
- Update zhCN translation (thanks to @T3rdW) - see RagedUnicorn/wow-bcc-gearmenu#1
- Fix initial setup of GearMenu for firstTime users (no configuration present)
- Fix multiple issue with setting keyBinds
- Keybinds are now correctly fixed if a slot is deleted and another sloth moves into its place
- Do not lose reference to orphaned GearSlots they cannot be recreated but rather have to be reused
- Rebuilt how gearBars are created and updated to be more efficient. Instead of updating everything for every event only update the absolute necessary parts based on the received event
Release 2.0.0
This release brings a big change to GearMenu and allows to have multiple independent GearBars.
- Improve how GearMenu handles cooldowns on ChangeMenu and GearMenuSlots
Note: A lot of the configuration has changed and is moved to each individual GearBar. This also includes the setting of Keybindings.
After the update to 2.0.0 GearMenu will attempt to migrate your current configuration to a new dynamic GearBar. This includes all GearSlots and their respective Keybinding.
Note: If for some reason the migration failed make sure to go to Interface Options
-> Addons
-> GearMenu
-> GearBarConfiguration
and fix or remake a new GearBar
- Update Interface Version to 11307(1.13.7)
- Update for new interface version 1.13.5 (11305)
- Implement combined equipping - Combined Equipping
- Implement unequip slot - Unequip items
- Implement #64 Increase supported items in changemenu to 40
- Update for new interface version 1.13.4 (11304)
- Add support for zhCN locale
- Add support for ammoslot(0)
- This requires a migration during the update to v1.3.0 and is done automatically
- Implement support for macrobridge
- Add support for adding items into the combatqueue directly from within a macro
- Add support for clearing the combatqueue for a specific slotId directly from within a macro
- Fix #42 Adapt changemenusize after resizing gearslots
- Check for both bagNumber and bagPos when searching an item
- Fix handling of drag and drop while in combatlockdown
- Fix dragging item onto a slot while in combat. The item is now properly put into the combatQueue
- Fix dragging items between slots e.g. trinket1 onto trinket2. The item that is dragged is now properly put into the combatQueue of the targetslot
- Use a more general approach with GetItemInfo for retrieving an items
- Fix #54 Rework detection whether the player is dead or not
- Prevent attempting to change gear while the player is dead
- Add project setup for automated twitch releases
- Replace hardcoded includeBaseDirectory for assembly-development
- Update Interface Version to 11303(1.13.3)
- Add support for visual itemrange. When shortcuts are enabled for the gearslots gearmenu will now indicate whether an item is in range of your target
- Improve visibility of shortcuts on gearslots
- Add support for scaling gearmenu slots. There is a new option to change the size of the gearslots. Related items will automatically adapt to the chosen size
- Add support for adding items to the combat queue while the player is casting. Gearmenu now detects when the player is casting while he tries to change an item and puts that item in the combatqueue until the cast is finished or the player aborts the cast
- Add support for 'Fastpress' in the addon configuration. This feature allows to activate items on keypress down instead of keypress up
- Increase the maximum of supported items in the changemenu to 20