A serverless mutant DNA analyzer REST API written in JavaScript (nodeJs v8.10) for AWS cloud.
The following services are used either directly or indirectly by the project
- CloudFormation
- S3
- API Gateway
- Lambda
- DynamoDB
- CloudWatch
The API is currently published under the following endpoints:
POST - https://nqao9fdx9a.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/mutant
GET - https://nqao9fdx9a.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/stats
Valid input json messages for DNA analysis are provided inside /test/*.json There's also sample data from DynamoDB of a couple of test runs inside /sample_data/sample_meli-xmen-rest-api-dev.csv
Mutant DNA - HTTP 200
"id": "4606cd60-ca0c-11e9-880d-19af2e5d92fe",
"dnaSequence": [
"mutant": 1
Human DNA - HTTP 403
"id": "501f2ef0-ca0c-11e9-880d-19af2e5d92fe",
"dnaSequence": [
"mutant": 0
Stats - HTTP 200
"count_mutant_dna": 13,
"count_human_dna": 4,
"ratio": 3.25
The API was built taking advantage of the serverless framework. Hence, deployment is rather easy.
Install the serverless framework
npm install -g serverless
Go to the root directory of the project and deploy the API
serverless deploy -v
For further info visit: https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/
- Test cases were not coded due to lack of time, but json input messages for the different mutant strands are provided.
- Validation of any kind: input messages are not being validated (eg.: expected json; valid DNA strands; etc.)
- Performance: since the API was built using a serverless architecture, it's highly scalable and should be able to handle heavy loads. Nonetheless, further fine-tuning can be done to make it even more reliable and increase it's performance such as:
- Enable cache in AWS API Gateway for GET methods
- Enable DAX for DynamoDB
- Review function logic
- Resiliency
- ...and many other features