Inspired by syuntoku14/fusion2urdf and dheena2k2/fusion2urdf-ros2, this repertoire is ADDIN, who converts it into a ROS2 c++ package and edited to export description package suited for ROS2 ament_cmake type build. Check out syuntoku14/fusion2urdf for converting fusion360 model to robot description package of ROS1.
If you urdf conversion in xacro, it can be used in unity, omniverse
Run the following command in your shell.
cd <path to fusion2urdf-ros2cpp>
Copy-Item ".\URDF_Exporter_Ros2cpp\" -Destination "${env:APPDATA}\Autodesk\Autodesk Fusion 360\API\Scripts\" -Recurse
cd <path to fusion2urdf-ros2cpp>
cp -r ./URDF_Exporter_Ros2cpp "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/API/Scripts/"
This is a fusion 360 script to export urdf from fusion 360 directly.
This exports:
- .urdf file of your model
- files to simulate your robot on gazebo and rviz
- .stl files of your model
Place the generated _description package directory in your own ROS workspace. "model_ws" is used in this example. Then, run catkin_make in catkin_ws.
cd ~/model_ws/
colcon build
Now you can see your robot in rviz by using the following command.
Open a new terminal
cd ~/model_ws/
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch (whatever your robot_name is)_description
If you want to simulate your robot on gazebo, just run
ros2 launch (whatever your robot_name is)_description
Enjoy your Fusion 360 and ROS2 life!