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Workflows used in the production of Volumetric Interview #4 Now You See Me Moria
- Brekel
- Unity
- Toy Gaussian package
- Cinemachine package
- Touchdesigner
- Premiere Pro
%%{init: {'theme':'base'}}%%
flowchart TD
A[Instagram video] -->|download .mp4| B(Luma AI)
D -->|export video| G
D -->|export camera| G
H --->|export depth + color maps| G(Touchdesigner)
B --> C[Gaussian Splat]
C -->|export .PLY splat| D(Unity 3d)
I[Kinect recording]--->|record volumetric data| H(Brekel)
G--->|export combined video|K
J[interview recording]------->K(Adobe Premiere Pro)
L[various image + video sources]------->K
O[audio by Skander]------->K
subgraph Final
M([final film])
P([release event?])
K --> Final