/* *************** 3x ON A start *************** */
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�փ;�ہ;d�4R4TR4R4R24TR224R4TR2222;C2;S1;R38;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2352;P2=279;P3=-1155;P4=982;P5=-475;D=21234523454523452345232345452323234523454523232323;CP=2;SP=1;R=56;m2;
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5A98B0 length 24 RSSI = -46
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5A98B0, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5A98B0, -46 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5A98B0
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5A98B0" (7)
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110101001100010110000
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5a98b onoffcode = 0000
2019.10.23 18:59:53 3 : sduino1 IT: IT_1527x5a98b off->off
2019-10-23 18:59:53 IT IT_1527x5a98b off
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;�̄;���;���;�ܛ;d#A#AA#A#A##AA###A#AA####gAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAA;C0;R38;
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=403;P1=-572;P2=279;P3=-1100;P4=916;P6=2933;P7=-7132;D=2341234141234123412323414123232341234141232323236703410303410341034103034141030303410341410303030367034103414103410341030341410303034103414103030303670341034141034103410303414103030341034141030303036703410341410341034103034141030303410341410303030;CP=0;R=56;
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : part is 234123414123412341232341412323234123414123232323 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:41|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : part is 034103034103410341030341410303034103414103030303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:03|41){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#B5674F
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#B5674F length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -46
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#B5674F, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#B5674F
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#B5674F, -46 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#B5674F
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#B5674F
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: B5674F
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101101010110011101001111
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101101010110011101001111 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010010101001100010110000 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: B5674F 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 4A98B0 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414103030303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A5674F
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A5674F length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -46
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A5674F, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A5674F
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A5674F, -46 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A5674F
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A5674F
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A5674F
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101001010110011101001111
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101001010110011101001111 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010110101001100010110000 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A5674F 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5A98B0 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414103030303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A5674F
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A5674F length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -46
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A5674F, test gleich
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A5674F, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:14|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : part is 034103034103410341030341410303034103414103030303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:41|03){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#4A98B0
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#4A98B0 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -46
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#4A98B0, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#4A98B0
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414103030303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5A98B0
2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5A98B0 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -46
2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B0, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 18:59:53 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5A98B0 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414103030303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5A98B0 2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5A98B0 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -46 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B0, test gleich 2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B0, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : part is 0341034141034103410303414103030341034141030303 starts at position 150 and ends at 198 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5A98B0 2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5A98B0 length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -46 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B0, test gleich 2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B0, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:53 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;�ւ;���;�Ą;���;���;��;D44111144141116q44111144141116q44111144141116q4411114414111;C1;R3D;
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=-598;P1=410;P3=-1092;P4=919;P6=2912;P7=-7152;D=3401340404040401313131313401340131340401313131367134013404040404013131313134013401313404013131313671340134040404040131313131340134013134040131313136713401340404040401313131313401340131340401313131;CP=1;R=61;
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:13|40){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : part is 4013404040404013131313134013401313404013131313 starts at position 1 and ends at 47
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:40|13){19,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (19..23) length=23
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#BE0A60
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#BE0A60 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#BE0A60, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#BE0A60
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#BE0A60, -43.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#BE0A60
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#BE0A60
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: BE0A60
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101111100000101001100000
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 101111100000101001100000 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 010000011111010110011111 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: BE0A60 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: 41F59F 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : part is 134013404040404013131313134013401313404013131313 starts at position 49 and ends at 97
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 49 regex ((?:)((?:40|13){19,}))
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : part is 134013404040404013131313134013401313404013131313 starts at position 99 and ends at 147
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: 3. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 99 regex ((?:)((?:40|13){19,}))
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : part is 1340134040404040131313131340134013134040131313 starts at position 149 and ends at 195
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 149
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#5F0530
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#5F0530 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#5F0530, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#5F0530
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#5F0530, -43.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#5F0530
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#5F0530
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 5F0530
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 010111110000010100110000
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 010111110000010100110000 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 101000001111101011001111 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: 5F0530 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: A0FACF 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : part is 134013404040404013131313134013401313404013131313 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 47 regex: (?:67)((?:13|40){24,}) Pos 47) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A0FACF
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A0FACF length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACF, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A0FACF
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACF, -43.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A0FACF
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A0FACF
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A0FACF
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101000001111101011001111
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101000001111101011001111 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010111110000010100110000 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A0FACF 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5F0530 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : part is 134013404040404013131313134013401313404013131313 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A0FACF
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A0FACF length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACF, test gleich
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACF, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:04|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : part is 134013404040404013131313134013401313404013131313 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 47 regex: (?:67)((?:40|13){22,}) Pos 47) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F0530
2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F0530 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0530, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 18:59:54 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5F0530 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : part is 134013404040404013131313134013401313404013131313 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F0530 2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F0530 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -43.5 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0530, test gleich 2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0530, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : part is 1340134040404040131313131340134013134040131313 starts at position 100 and ends at 148 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F0530 2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F0530 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -43.5 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0530, test gleich 2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0530, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:13|40){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:54 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:55 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�փ;�ρ;d�4VtVvtVvtTVvvtVtTVtTTTTTT;C4;S3;R39;m2;E;E;
2019.10.23 18:59:55 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P3=-2340;P4=291;P5=-1151;P6=982;P7=-463;D=43456745676745676745456767674567454567454545454545;CP=4;SP=3;R=57;m2;E;E;
2019.10.23 18:59:55 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 18:59:55 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 18:59:55 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2019.10.23 18:59:55 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5B3A40 length 24 RSSI = -45.5
2019.10.23 18:59:55 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5B3A40, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 18:59:55 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5B3A40, -45.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 18:59:55 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5B3A40
2019.10.23 18:59:55 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5B3A40" (7)
2019.10.23 18:59:55 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110110011101001000000
2019.10.23 18:59:55 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5b3a4 onoffcode = 0000
2019.10.23 18:59:55 3 : sduino1 IT: IT_1527x5b3a4 on->off
2019-10-23 18:59:55 IT IT_1527x5b3a4 off
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;��;��;���;�ׂ;���;�Ʉ;���;�ρ;dEgEggEggEEgggEgEEgEEEEEE%c%%%cc%%ccc%c%%c%%%%%%%c%cc%cc%%ccc%c%%c%%%%%%%c%cc%cc%%ccc%c%%c%%%%%%%c%cc%cc%%ccc%c%%c%%%%% ;C2;R39;
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=2917;P1=-7140;P2=407;P3=-599;P4=291;P5=-1097;P6=911;P7=-463;D=4567456767456767454567676745674545674545454545450125632525012563632525636363256325256325252525252501256325636325636325256363632563252563252525252525012563256363256363252563636325632525632525252525250125632563632563632525636363256325256325252525252;CP=2;R=57;
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:25|63){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : part is 456745676745676745456767674567454567454545454545 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:67|45){19,}))
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : part is 256325636325636325256363632563252563252525252525 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 01 first found at 48 regex: (?:01)((?:25|63){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A4C5BF
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A4C5BF length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BF, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 18:59:56 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A4C5BF
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BF, -45.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A4C5BF
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A4C5BF
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A4C5BF
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101001001100010110111111
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 18:59:56 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101001001100010110111111 2019-10-23 18:59:56 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010110110011101001000000 2019-10-23 18:59:56 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 18:59:56 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A4C5BF 2019-10-23 18:59:56 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5B3A40 2019-10-23 18:59:56 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 18:59:56 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : part is 256325636325636325256363632563252563252525252525 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A4C5BF
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A4C5BF length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -45.5
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BF, test gleich
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BF, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:6)((?:36|56){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : part is 256325636325636325256363632563252563252525252525 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 01 first found at 48 regex: (?:01)((?:63|25){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A40
2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A40 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A40, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 18:59:56 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5B3A40 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : part is 256325636325636325256363632563252563252525252525 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A40 2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A40 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -45.5 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A40, test gleich 2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A40, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : part is 2563256363256363252563636325632525632525252525 starts at position 150 and ends at 198 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A40 2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A40 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -45.5 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A40, test gleich 2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A40, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:25|67){38,})) did not match 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:25|67){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 18:59:56 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting /* *************** 3x ON A end *************** */ /* *************** 3x OFF A start *************** */
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;�ۂ;���;�Ȅ;���;��;��;D4441141411116q4441141411116q4441141411116q444114141111;C1;R31;
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=-603;P1=413;P3=-1096;P4=911;P6=2922;P7=-7149;D=3401340404040134040131313404040131340131313131367134013404040401340401313134040401313401313131313671340134040404013404013131340404013134013131313136713401340404040134040131313404040131340131313131;CP=1;R=49;
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:13|40){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : part is 4013404040401340401313134040401313401313131313 starts at position 1 and ends at 47
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:40|13){19,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (19..23) length=23
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#BD8E40
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#BD8E40 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -49.5
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#BD8E40, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#BD8E40
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#BD8E40, -49.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#BD8E40
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#BD8E40
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: BD8E40
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101111011000111001000000
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 101111011000111001000000 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 010000100111000110111111 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: BD8E40 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: 4271BF 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : part is 134013404040401340401313134040401313401313131313 starts at position 49 and ends at 97
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 49 regex ((?:)((?:40|13){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : part is 134013404040401340401313134040401313401313131313 starts at position 99 and ends at 147
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: 3. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 99 regex ((?:)((?:40|13){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : part is 1340134040404013404013131340404013134013131313 starts at position 149 and ends at 195
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 149
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#5EC720
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#5EC720 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -49.5
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#5EC720, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#5EC720
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#5EC720, -49.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#5EC720
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#5EC720
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 5EC720
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 010111101100011100100000
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 010111101100011100100000 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 101000010011100011011111 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: 5EC720 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: A138DF 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : part is 134013404040401340401313134040401313401313131313 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 47 regex: (?:67)((?:13|40){24,}) Pos 47) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A138DF
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A138DF length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -49.5
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DF, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A138DF
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DF, -49.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A138DF
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A138DF
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A138DF
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101000010011100011011111
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101000010011100011011111 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010111101100011100100000 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A138DF 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5EC720 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : part is 134013404040401340401313134040401313401313131313 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A138DF
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A138DF length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -49.5
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DF, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DF, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:04|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : part is 134013404040401340401313134040401313401313131313 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 47 regex: (?:67)((?:40|13){22,}) Pos 47) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5EC720
2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5EC720 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -49.5
2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC720, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:02:20 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5EC720 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : part is 134013404040401340401313134040401313401313131313 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5EC720 2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5EC720 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -49.5 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC720, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC720, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : part is 1340134040404013404013131340404013134013131313 starts at position 100 and ends at 148 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5EC720 2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5EC720 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -49.5 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC720, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC720, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:13|40){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:20 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�у;�́;d�4R4R4R24R4TTTTR2224R2222;C2;S1;R33;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2347;P2=285;P3=-1155;P4=977;P5=-460;D=21234523452345232345234545454545232323234523232323;CP=2;SP=1;R=51;m2;
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i54BE10 length 24 RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i54BE10, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i54BE10, -48.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatch i54BE10
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i54BE10" (7)
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010101001011111000010000
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x54be1 onoffcode = 0000
2019.10.23 19:02:22 3 : sduino1 IT: IT_1527x54be1 on->off
2019-10-23 19:02:22 IT IT_1527x54be1 off
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;�ք;���;��;��;d#A#A#A##A#AAAAA####A####gAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAA;C0;R33;
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=396;P1=-556;P2=285;P3=-1110;P4=923;P6=2932;P7=-7137;D=2341234123412323412341414141412323232341232323236703410341034103034103414141414103030303410303030367034103410341030341034141414141030303034103030303670341034103410303410341414141410303030341030303036703410341034103034103414141414103030303410303030;CP=0;R=51;
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : part is 234123412341232341234141414141232323234123232323 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:41|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103030303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:03|41){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AB41EF
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AB41EF length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41EF, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#AB41EF
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41EF, -48.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#AB41EF
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#AB41EF
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: AB41EF
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101010110100000111101111
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101010110100000111101111 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010101001011111000010000 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: AB41EF 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 54BE10 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103030303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AB41EF
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AB41EF length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41EF, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41EF, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103030303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AB41EF
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AB41EF length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41EF, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41EF, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:14|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103030303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:41|03){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE10
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE10 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE10, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#54BE10
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103030303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE10
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE10 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE10, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE10, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103030303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE10
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE10 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE10, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE10, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : part is 0341034103410303410341414141410303030341030303 starts at position 150 and ends at 198
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE10
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE10 length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE10, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE10, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : part is 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:1|1){24,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (24..) length=50
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u63#0000000000000
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 63 dmsg u63#0000000000000 length 52 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#0000000000000, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u63#0000000000000
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#0000000000000, -48.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: dispatch u63#0000000000000
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u63#0000000000000
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 0000000000000
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 63
2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 163 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg_invert: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitCount: 52 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg: 0000000000000 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg_invert: FFFFFFFFFFFFF 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexCount_or_nibble: 13 2019-10-23 19:02:22 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 lastInputDev: sduino1 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:22 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:22 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�Ȅ;�ł;D!###############;C2;S1;R35;O;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P0=927;P1=-2346;P2=293;P3=-1096;P4=-581;D=21230423042304042323042323230404230423230423232323;CP=2;SP=1;R=53;O;m2;
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i564690 length 24 RSSI = -47.5
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i564690, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i564690, -47.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: dispatch i564690
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i564690" (7)
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010101100100011010010000
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x56469 onoffcode = 0000
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1 IT: 1527x56469 not defined (Switch code: 0000)
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : autocreate: received 1 event(s) for 'IT 1527x56469 0000 0000' during the last 30 seconds
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : autocreate: ignoring event for 'IT 1527x56469 0000 0000': at least 2 needed
2019-10-23 19:02:23 Global global UNDEFINED IT_1527x56469 IT 1527x56469 0000 0000
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;���;�ӂ;��;��;���;D!###############!###############VsssssssssssssssVsssssssssssssssVsssssssssssssssVs;C7;R35;O;
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=917;P1=-2346;P2=293;P3=-1080;P4=-595;P5=2922;P6=-7137;P7=433;D=21230423042304042323042323230404230423230423232323212304230423040423230423232304042304232304232323235673047304730404737304737373040473047373047373737356730473047304047373047373730404730473730473737373567304730473040473730473737304047304737304737373735673;CP=7;R=53;O;
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:73|04){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : part is 230423042304042323042323230404230423230423232323 starts at position 2 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 2 regex ((?:)((?:04|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : part is 230423042304042323042323230404230423230423232323 starts at position 52 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 52 regex ((?:)((?:04|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:21)((?:73|04){24,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : part is 730473047304047373047373730404730473730473737373 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 56 first found at 100 regex: (?:56)((?:73|04){24,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A9B96F
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A9B96F length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96F, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:02:23 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A9B96F
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96F, -47.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A9B96F
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A9B96F
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A9B96F
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101010011011100101101111
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:02:23 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101010011011100101101111 2019-10-23 19:02:23 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010101100100011010010000 2019-10-23 19:02:23 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:02:23 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A9B96F 2019-10-23 19:02:23 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 564690 2019-10-23 19:02:23 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:02:23 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : part is 730473047304047373047373730404730473730473737373 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A9B96F
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A9B96F length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -47.5
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96F, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96F, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : part is 730473047304047373047373730404730473730473737373 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A9B96F
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A9B96F length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -47.5
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96F, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96F, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:7)((?:40|37){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : part is 730473047304047373047373730404730473730473737373 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 56 first found at 100 regex: (?:56)((?:04|73){22,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#564690
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#564690 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47.5
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564690, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:02:23 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#564690
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : part is 730473047304047373047373730404730473730473737373 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#564690
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#564690 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -47.5
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564690, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564690, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : part is 730473047304047373047373730404730473730473737373 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#564690
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#564690 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -47.5
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564690, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:02:23 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564690, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:23 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:73|04|21){100,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;�͂;���;���;d############# ;C2;RE3;
2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=930;P1=-589;P2=415;P3=-1089;D=012301230101232301232323010123012323012323232;CP=2;R=227;
2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : part is 01230123010123230123232301012301232301232323 starts at position 0 and ends at 44
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:01|23){19,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (19..23) length=22
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#AC8D20
2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#AC8D20 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -88.5
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#AC8D20, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:02:24 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#AC8D20
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#AC8D20, -88.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#AC8D20
2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#AC8D20
2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: AC8D20
2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101011001000110100100000
2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:02:24 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 101011001000110100100000 2019-10-23 19:02:24 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 010100110111001011011111 2019-10-23 19:02:24 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:02:24 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: AC8D20 2019-10-23 19:02:24 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: 5372DF 2019-10-23 19:02:24 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:02:24 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:0)((?:10|30){20,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:0){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:02:24 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting /* *************** 3x OFF A end *************** */ /* *************** 3x ON B start *************** */
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;�˄;���;���;D!#E#E###E###EEE###EEE#E##;C2;S1;R3E;O;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2332;P2=295;P3=-1099;P4=922;P5=-576;D=21234523452323234523232345454523232345454523452323;CP=2;SP=1;R=62;O;m2;
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i511C74 length 24 RSSI = -43
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i511C74, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i511C74, -43 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: dispatch i511C74
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i511C74" (7)
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "FF0F0F10F1F0" (12) bin = 010100010001110001110100
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 IT: V1 housecode = FF0F0F10F1 onoffcode = F0
2019.10.23 19:04:09 3 : sduino1 IT: IT_FF0F0F10F1 off->off
2019-10-23 19:04:09 IT IT_FF0F0F10F1 off
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;�Ƅ;���;�ق;��;�ٛ;D!#E#E###E###EEE###EEE#E##!#E#E###E###EEE###EEE#E##gEEEEEEEEEEgEEEEEEEEEEgEEEEEEEEEEg;C4;R3E;O;
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=425;P1=-2332;P2=295;P3=-1094;P4=905;P5=-601;P6=2932;P7=-7129;D=21234523452323234523232345454523232345454523452323212345234523232345232323454545232323454545234523236703450345030303450303034545450303034545450345030367034503450303034503030345454503030345454503450303670345034503030345030303454545030303454545034503036703;CP=4;R=62;O;
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|45){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : part is 234523452323234523232345454523232345454523452323 starts at position 2 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 2 regex ((?:)((?:45|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : part is 234523452323234523232345454523232345454523452323 starts at position 52 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 52 regex ((?:)((?:45|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:21)((?:03|45){24,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : part is 034503450303034503030345454503030345454503450303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 100 regex: (?:67)((?:03|45){24,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AEE38B
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AEE38B length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE38B, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#AEE38B
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE38B, -43 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#AEE38B
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#AEE38B
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: AEE38B
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101011101110001110001011
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101011101110001110001011 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010100010001110001110100 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: AEE38B 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 511C74 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : part is 034503450303034503030345454503030345454503450303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AEE38B
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AEE38B length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -43
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE38B, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE38B, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : part is 034503450303034503030345454503030345454503450303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AEE38B
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AEE38B length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -43
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE38B, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE38B, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:54|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : part is 034503450303034503030345454503030345454503450303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 100 regex: (?:67)((?:45|03){22,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#511C74
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#511C74 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#511C74, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#511C74
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : part is 034503450303034503030345454503030345454503450303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#511C74
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#511C74 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -43
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#511C74, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#511C74, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : part is 034503450303034503030345454503030345454503450303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#511C74
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#511C74 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -43
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#511C74, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#511C74, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|45|21){100,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;�˂;���;���;d############ ;C2;RDE;
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=920;P1=-587;P2=422;P3=-1086;D=012301232323012323230101012323230101012301232;CP=2;R=222;
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : part is 01230123232301232323010101232323010101230123 starts at position 0 and ends at 44
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:01|23){19,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (19..23) length=22
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#A238E8
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#A238E8 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -91
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#A238E8, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#A238E8
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#A238E8, -91 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#A238E8
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#A238E8
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A238E8
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101000100011100011101000
2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 101000100011100011101000 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 010111011100011100010111 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: A238E8 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: 5DC717 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:04:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:0)((?:10|30){20,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:0){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;��;���;�Ԃ;��;�̈́;���;DV!V&!V&!QV&&!V!QV!QQV!QSV!V&!V&!QV&&!V!QV!QQV!QSV!V&!V&!QV&&!V!QV!QQV!QSV!V&!V&!QV&&!V!QV!QQV!Q;C1;R3F;
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=-7141;P1=404;P2=-596;P3=2920;P5=-1101;P6=915;D=015621562621562621515626262156215156215151562151530156215626215626215156262621562151562151515621515301562156262156262151562626215621515621515156215153015621562621562621515626262156215156215151562151;CP=1;R=63;
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:15|62){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : part is 156215626215626215156262621562151562151515621515 starts at position 1 and ends at 49
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 1 regex ((?:)((?:62|15){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : part is 156215626215626215156262621562151562151515621515 starts at position 51 and ends at 99
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 51 regex ((?:)((?:62|15){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : part is 156215626215626215156262621562151562151515621515 starts at position 101 and ends at 149
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: 3. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 101 regex ((?:)((?:62|15){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : part is 1562156262156262151562626215621515621515156215 starts at position 151 and ends at 197
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 151
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#5B3A44
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#5B3A44 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#5B3A44, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#5B3A44
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#5B3A44, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#5B3A44
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#5B3A44
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 5B3A44
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 010110110011101001000100
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 010110110011101001000100 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 101001001100010110111011 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: 5B3A44 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: A4C5BB 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : part is 156215626215626215156262621562151562151515621515 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 30 first found at 49 regex: (?:30)((?:15|62){24,}) Pos 49) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A4C5BB
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A4C5BB length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BB, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A4C5BB
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BB, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A4C5BB
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A4C5BB
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A4C5BB
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101001001100010110111011
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101001001100010110111011 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010110110011101001000100 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A4C5BB 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5B3A44 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : part is 156215626215626215156262621562151562151515621515 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A4C5BB
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A4C5BB length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BB, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BB, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:6)((?:26|56){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : part is 156215626215626215156262621562151562151515621515 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 30 first found at 49 regex: (?:30)((?:62|15){22,}) Pos 49) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A44
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A44 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A44, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5B3A44
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : part is 156215626215626215156262621562151562151515621515 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A44
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A44 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A44, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A44, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : part is 1562156262156262151562626215621515621515156215 starts at position 100 and ends at 148
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A44
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A44 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A44, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A44, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : part is 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 starts at position 0 and ends at 95
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:0){24,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (24..) length=95
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 63 dmsg u63#000000000000000000000000 length 96 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#000000000000000000000000, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#000000000000000000000000, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: dispatch u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 63
2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 163 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg_invert: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitCount: 96 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg: 000000000000000000000000 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg_invert: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexCount_or_nibble: 24 2019-10-23 19:04:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 lastInputDev: sduino1 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:15|62){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:10 4 : sduino1/keepalive ok, retry = 0
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;�Ѓ;���;���;���;�ʁ;D!#############;C2;S1;R3E;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P0=976;P1=-2337;P2=305;P3=-1156;P4=-458;D=21230423040404040423232323230423042323040423042323;CP=2;SP=1;R=62;m2;
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5F0534 length 24 RSSI = -43
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5F0534, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5F0534, -43 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5F0534
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5F0534" (7)
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "FF1100FF01F0" (12) bin = 010111110000010100110100
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 IT: V1 housecode = FF1100FF01 onoffcode = F0
2019.10.23 19:04:11 3 : sduino1 IT: IT_FF1100FF01 off->off
2019-10-23 19:04:11 IT IT_FF1100FF01 off
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;�΂;���;���;���;��;�ڛ;D#!!!!##!##!$Q##!!!!##!##!$Q##!!!!##!##!$Q##!!!!##!##!;C1;R3F;
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=-590;P1=424;P2=-1088;P3=917;P4=2924;P5=-7130;D=01230303030301212121212301230121230301230121245123012303030303012121212123012301212303012301212451230123030303030121212121230123012123030123012124512301230303030301212121212301230121230301230121;CP=1;R=63;
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:12|30){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : part is 12303030303012121212123012301212303012301212 starts at position 1 and ends at 45
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:30|12){19,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (19..23) length=22
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#7C14D0
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#7C14D0 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#7C14D0, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#7C14D0
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#7C14D0, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#7C14D0
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#7C14D0
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 7C14D0
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 011111000001010011010000
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 011111000001010011010000 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 100000111110101100101111 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: 7C14D0 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: 83EB2F 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : part is 123012303030303012121212123012301212303012301212 starts at position 47 and ends at 95
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 47 regex ((?:)((?:30|12){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : part is 123012303030303012121212123012301212303012301212 starts at position 97 and ends at 145
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: 3. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 97 regex ((?:)((?:30|12){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : part is 1230123030303030121212121230123012123030123012 starts at position 147 and ends at 193
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 147
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#5F0534
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#5F0534 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#5F0534, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#5F0534
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#5F0534, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#5F0534
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#5F0534
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 5F0534
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 010111110000010100110100
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 010111110000010100110100 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 101000001111101011001011 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: 5F0534 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: A0FACB 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : part is 123012303030303012121212123012301212303012301212 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 45 first found at 45 regex: (?:45)((?:12|30){24,}) Pos 45) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A0FACB
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A0FACB length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACB, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A0FACB
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACB, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A0FACB
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A0FACB
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A0FACB
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101000001111101011001011
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101000001111101011001011 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010111110000010100110100 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A0FACB 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5F0534 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : part is 123012303030303012121212123012301212303012301212 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A0FACB
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A0FACB length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACB, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACB, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:3)((?:03|23){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : part is 123012303030303012121212123012301212303012301212 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 45 first found at 45 regex: (?:45)((?:30|12){22,}) Pos 45) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F0534
2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F0534 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0534, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:04:11 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5F0534 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : part is 123012303030303012121212123012301212303012301212 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F0534 2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F0534 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42.5 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0534, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0534, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : part is 1230123030303030121212121230123012123030123012 starts at position 100 and ends at 148 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F0534 2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F0534 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -42.5 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0534, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0534, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:12|30){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:04:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting /* *************** 3x ON B end *************** */ /* *************** 3x OFF B start *************** */
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;�Ԃ;��;�„;���;�ۛ;���;Dg4447447774471g4447447774471g4447447774471g444744777447;C7;R33;
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=-596;P1=2926;P3=-1090;P4=924;P6=-7131;P7=413;D=673407340734073734073404040404073737373407340737316734073407340737340734040404040737373734073407373167340734073407373407340404040407373737340734073731673407340734073734073404040404073737373407340737;CP=7;R=51;
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:73|40){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : part is 734073407340737340734040404040737373734073407373 starts at position 1 and ends at 49
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 1 regex ((?:)((?:40|73){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : part is 734073407340737340734040404040737373734073407373 starts at position 51 and ends at 99
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 51 regex ((?:)((?:40|73){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : part is 734073407340737340734040404040737373734073407373 starts at position 101 and ends at 149
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: 3. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 101 regex ((?:)((?:40|73){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : part is 7340734073407373407340404040407373737340734073 starts at position 151 and ends at 197
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 151
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#54BE14
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#54BE14 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#54BE14, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#54BE14
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#54BE14, -48.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#54BE14
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#54BE14
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 54BE14
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 010101001011111000010100
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 010101001011111000010100 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 101010110100000111101011 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: 54BE14 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: AB41EB 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : part is 734073407340737340734040404040737373734073407373 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 16 first found at 49 regex: (?:16)((?:73|40){24,}) Pos 49) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AB41EB
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AB41EB length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41EB, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#AB41EB
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41EB, -48.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#AB41EB
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#AB41EB
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: AB41EB
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101010110100000111101011
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101010110100000111101011 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010101001011111000010100 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: AB41EB 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 54BE14 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : part is 734073407340737340734040404040737373734073407373 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AB41EB
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AB41EB length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41EB, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41EB, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:04|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : part is 734073407340737340734040404040737373734073407373 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 16 first found at 49 regex: (?:16)((?:40|73){22,}) Pos 49) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE14
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE14 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE14, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#54BE14
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : part is 734073407340737340734040404040737373734073407373 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE14
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE14 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE14, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE14, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : part is 7340734073407373407340404040407373737340734073 starts at position 100 and ends at 148
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE14
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE14 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE14, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE14, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : part is 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 starts at position 0 and ends at 95
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:0){24,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (24..) length=95
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 63 dmsg u63#000000000000000000000000 length 96 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -48.5
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#000000000000000000000000, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#000000000000000000000000, -48.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: dispatch u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 63
2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 163 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg_invert: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitCount: 96 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg: 000000000000000000000000 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg_invert: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexCount_or_nibble: 24 2019-10-23 19:05:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 lastInputDev: sduino1 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:73|40){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�߃;�ȁ;d�4R4TTTR4TR224TTR24R24R22;C2;S1;R34;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2343;P2=282;P3=-1156;P4=991;P5=-456;D=21234523454545452345452323234545452323452323452323;CP=2;SP=1;R=52;m2;
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5EC724 length 24 RSSI = -48
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5EC724, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5EC724, -48 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5EC724
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5EC724" (7)
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010111101100011100100100
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5ec72 onoffcode = 0100
2019.10.23 19:05:09 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 0100 not supported by IT_1527x5ec72.
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5EC724" (7)
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010111101100011100100100
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5ec72 onoffcode = 0100
2019.10.23 19:05:09 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 0100 not supported by IT_1527x5ec72.
2019-10-23 19:05:09 SIGNALduino sduino1 UNKNOWNCODE i5EC724 2019.10.23 19:05:09 3 : sduino1: Unknown code i5EC724, help me!
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;�˂;���;���;���;�ȁ;���;�ۛ;d#E#EEEE#EE###EEE##E##E##gAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAA ;C0;R34;
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=421;P1=-587;P2=277;P3=-1175;P4=921;P5=-456;P6=2933;P7=-7131;D=234523454545452345452323234545452323452323452323670341034141414103414103030341414103034103034103036703410341414141034141030303414141030341030341030367034103414141410341410303034141410303410303410303670341034141414103414103030341414103034103034103032;CP=0;R=52;
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : part is 234523454545452345452323234545452323452323452323 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:45|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : part is 034103414141410341410303034141410303410303410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:03|41){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A138DB
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A138DB length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -48
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DB, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:05:09 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A138DB
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DB, -48 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A138DB
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A138DB
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A138DB
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101000010011100011011011
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:05:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101000010011100011011011 2019-10-23 19:05:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010111101100011100100100 2019-10-23 19:05:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:05:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A138DB 2019-10-23 19:05:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5EC724 2019-10-23 19:05:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:05:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : part is 034103414141410341410303034141410303410303410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A138DB
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A138DB length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -48
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DB, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DB, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : part is 034103414141410341410303034141410303410303410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A138DB
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A138DB length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -48
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DB, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DB, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : part is 034103414141410341410303034141410303410303410303 starts at position 150 and ends at 200
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A138DB
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A138DB length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -48
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DB, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DB, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:14|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : part is 034103414141410341410303034141410303410303410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:41|03){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5EC724
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5EC724 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -48
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC724, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:05:09 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5EC724 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : part is 034103414141410341410303034141410303410303410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5EC724 2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5EC724 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -48 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC724, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC724, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : part is 034103414141410341410303034141410303410303410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5EC724 2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5EC724 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -48 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC724, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC724, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : part is 034103414141410341410303034141410303410303410303 starts at position 150 and ends at 200 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5EC724 2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5EC724 length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -48 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC724, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC724, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|45){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�܃;�ˁ;d�#A#CA!#A#A#A!#CCA#A!#A!!;C1;S0;R36;m2;;;
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P0=-2333;P1=295;P2=-1147;P3=988;P4=-459;D=10123412343412123412341234121234343412341212341212;CP=1;SP=0;R=54;m2;
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5953A4 length 24 RSSI = -47
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5953A4, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5953A4, -47 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5953A4
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5953A4" (7)
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110010101001110100100
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5953a onoffcode = 0100
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5953A4" (7)
2019.10.23 19:05:09 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110010101001110100100
2019.10.23 19:05:09 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5953a onoffcode = 0100
2019-10-23 19:05:09 SIGNALduino sduino1 UNKNOWNCODE i5953A4 2019.10.23 19:05:09 3 : sduino1: Unknown code i5953A4, help me!
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;�Ƅ;���;���;��;���;d00000000000Vr0r00rr0r0r0rr000r0rr0rrVr0r00rr0r0r0rr000r0rr0rrVr0r00rr0r0r0rr000r0rr0rrVr0r00rr0r0r0rr000r0rr0rp;C7;R36;
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=-563;P1=295;P2=-1094;P3=925;P5=2940;P6=-7137;P7=416;D=1230123030121230123012301212303030123012123012125672307230307272307230723072723030307230727230727256723072303072723072307230727230303072307272307272567230723030727230723072307272303030723072723072725672307230307272307230723072723030307230727230727;CP=7;R=54;
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:72|30){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : part is 123012303012123012301230121230303012301212301212 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:30|12){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : part is 723072303072723072307230727230303072307272307272 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 56 first found at 48 regex: (?:56)((?:72|30){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A6AC5B
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A6AC5B length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5B, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:05:10 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A6AC5B
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5B, -47 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A6AC5B
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A6AC5B
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A6AC5B
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101001101010110001011011
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:05:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101001101010110001011011 2019-10-23 19:05:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010110010101001110100100 2019-10-23 19:05:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:05:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A6AC5B 2019-10-23 19:05:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5953A4 2019-10-23 19:05:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:05:10 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : part is 723072303072723072307230727230303072307272307272 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A6AC5B
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A6AC5B length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -47
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5B, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5B, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : part is 723072303072723072307230727230303072307272307272 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A6AC5B
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A6AC5B length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -47
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5B, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5B, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:3)((?:03|23){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : part is 723072303072723072307230727230303072307272307272 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 56 first found at 48 regex: (?:56)((?:30|72){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5953A4
2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5953A4 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -47
2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A4, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:05:10 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5953A4 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : part is 723072303072723072307230727230303072307272307272 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5953A4 2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5953A4 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -47 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A4, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A4, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : part is 723072303072723072307230727230303072307272307272 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5953A4 2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5953A4 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -47 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A4, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A4, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : part is 7230723030727230723072307272303030723072723072 starts at position 150 and ends at 198 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5953A4 2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5953A4 length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -47 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A4, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A4, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:72|30){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:10 4 : sduino1/keepalive ok, retry = 0
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�փ;�ρ;d�4R4R4TR24R224TR4R24R4R22;C2;S1;R37;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2347;P2=305;P3=-1136;P4=982;P5=-463;D=21234523452345452323452323234545234523234523452323;CP=2;SP=1;R=55;m2;
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i564694 length 24 RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i564694, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i564694, -46.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: dispatch i564694
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i564694" (7)
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010101100100011010010100
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x56469 onoffcode = 0100
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1 IT: 1527x56469 not defined (Switch code: 0100)
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : autocreate: received 1 event(s) for 'IT 1527x56469 0100 0000' during the last 30 seconds
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : autocreate: ignoring event for 'IT 1527x56469 0100 0000': at least 2 needed
2019-10-23 19:05:11 Global global UNDEFINED IT_1527x56469 IT 1527x56469 0100 0000
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;���;���;��;���;d#A#A#AA##A###AA#A##A#A##gAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAA;C0;R37;
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=414;P1=-559;P2=305;P3=-1089;P4=930;P6=2927;P7=-7136;D=2341234123414123234123232341412341232341234123236703410341034141030341030303414103410303410341030367034103410341410303410303034141034103034103410303670341034103414103034103030341410341030341034103036703410341034141030341030303414103410303410341030;CP=0;R=55;
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : part is 234123412341412323412323234141234123234123412323 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:41|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034103410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:03|41){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A9B96B
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A9B96B length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96B, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:05:11 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A9B96B
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96B, -46.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A9B96B
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A9B96B
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A9B96B
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101010011011100101101011
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:05:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101010011011100101101011 2019-10-23 19:05:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010101100100011010010100 2019-10-23 19:05:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:05:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A9B96B 2019-10-23 19:05:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 564694 2019-10-23 19:05:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:05:11 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034103410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A9B96B
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A9B96B length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96B, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96B, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034103410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A9B96B
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A9B96B length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96B, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96B, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:14|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034103410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:41|03){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#564694
2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#564694 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564694, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:05:11 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#564694 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034103410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#564694 2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#564694 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -46.5 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564694, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564694, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034103410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#564694 2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#564694 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -46.5 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564694, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564694, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : part is 0341034103414103034103030341410341030341034103 starts at position 150 and ends at 198 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#564694 2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#564694 length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -46.5 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564694, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564694, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:05:11 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting /* *************** 3x OFF B end *************** */ /* *************** 3x ON C start *************** */
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�у;�Ɂ;d�4R4TR4TR24TTR4R24R24TR22;C2;S1;R3B;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2328;P2=298;P3=-1157;P4=977;P5=-457;D=21234523454523454523234545452345232345232345452323;CP=2;SP=1;R=59;m2;
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5B3A4C length 24 RSSI = -44.5
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5B3A4C, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5B3A4C, -44.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5B3A4C
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5B3A4C" (7)
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110110011101001001100
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5b3a4 onoffcode = 1100
2019.10.23 19:06:15 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 1100 not supported by IT_1527x5b3a4.
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5B3A4C" (7)
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110110011101001001100
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5b3a4 onoffcode = 1100
2019.10.23 19:06:15 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 1100 not supported by IT_1527x5b3a4.
2019-10-23 19:06:15 SIGNALduino sduino1 UNKNOWNCODE i5B3A4C 2019.10.23 19:06:15 3 : sduino1: Unknown code i5B3A4C, help me!
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;�΄;���;���;�՛;d#A#AA#AA##AAA#A##A##AA##gAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAA;C0;R3B;
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=408;P1=-552;P2=298;P3=-1102;P4=923;P6=2933;P7=-7125;D=2341234141234141232341414123412323412323414123236703410341410341410303414141034103034103034141030367034103414103414103034141410341030341030341410303670341034141034141030341414103410303410303414103036703410341410341410303414141034103034103034141030;CP=0;R=59;
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : part is 234123414123414123234141412341232341232341412323 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:41|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : part is 034103414103414103034141410341030341030341410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:03|41){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A4C5B3
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A4C5B3 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -44.5
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5B3, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:06:15 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A4C5B3
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5B3, -44.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A4C5B3
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A4C5B3
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A4C5B3
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101001001100010110110011
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:06:15 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101001001100010110110011 2019-10-23 19:06:15 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010110110011101001001100 2019-10-23 19:06:15 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:06:15 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A4C5B3 2019-10-23 19:06:15 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5B3A4C 2019-10-23 19:06:15 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:06:15 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : part is 034103414103414103034141410341030341030341410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A4C5B3
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A4C5B3 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -44.5
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5B3, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5B3, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : part is 034103414103414103034141410341030341030341410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A4C5B3
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A4C5B3 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -44.5
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5B3, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5B3, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:14|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : part is 034103414103414103034141410341030341030341410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:41|03){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A4C
2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A4C length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -44.5
2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A4C, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:06:15 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5B3A4C 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : part is 034103414103414103034141410341030341030341410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A4C 2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A4C length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -44.5 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A4C, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A4C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : part is 034103414103414103034141410341030341030341410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A4C 2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A4C length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -44.5 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A4C, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A4C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : part is 0341034141034141030341414103410303410303414103 starts at position 150 and ends at 198 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A4C 2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A4C length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -44.5 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A4C, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A4C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:15 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;�τ;���;�ׂ;d�4VtVvvvvtTTTTVtVtTVvvvtTT;C4;S3;R3D;O;m2;E;E;
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P3=-2331;P4=296;P5=-1103;P6=907;P7=-599;D=43456745676767676745454545456745674545676767674545;CP=4;SP=3;R=61;O;m2;E;E;
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5F053C length 24 RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5F053C, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5F053C, -43.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5F053C
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5F053C" (7)
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "FF1100FF0110" (12) bin = 010111110000010100111100
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1 IT: V1 housecode = FF1100FF01 onoffcode = 10
2019.10.23 19:06:16 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 10 not supported by IT_FF1100FF01.
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5F053C" (7)
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "FF1100FF0110" (12) bin = 010111110000010100111100
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1 IT: V1 housecode = FF1100FF01 onoffcode = 10
2019.10.23 19:06:16 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 10 not supported by IT_FF1100FF01.
2019-10-23 19:06:16 SIGNALduino sduino1 UNKNOWNCODE i5F053C 2019.10.23 19:06:16 3 : sduino1: Unknown code i5F053C, help me!
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;��;�כ;���;���;���;�Ȅ;���;�΂;DCEgEgggggEEEEEgEgEEggggEECEgEgggggEEEEEgEgEEggggEE%g%ggggg%%%%%g%g%%gggg%%%g%ggggg%%%%%g%g%%gggg%%%g%ggggg%%%%%g%g%%gggg%%%;C6;R3D;O;
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=2927;P1=-7127;P2=426;P3=-2331;P4=296;P5=-1096;P6=921;P7=-590;D=43456745676767676745454545456745674545676767674545434567456767676767454545454567456745456767676745450125672567676767672525252525672567252567676767252501256725676767676725252525256725672525676767672525012567256767676767252525252567256725256767676725250125;CP=6;R=61;O;
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:25|67){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : part is 456745676767676745454545456745674545676767674545 starts at position 2 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 2 regex ((?:)((?:67|45){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : part is 456745676767676745454545456745674545676767674545 starts at position 52 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 52 regex ((?:)((?:67|45){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:43)((?:25|67){24,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : part is 256725676767676725252525256725672525676767672525 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 01 first found at 100 regex: (?:01)((?:25|67){24,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A0FAC3
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A0FAC3 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FAC3, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:06:16 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A0FAC3
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FAC3, -43.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A0FAC3
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A0FAC3
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A0FAC3
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101000001111101011000011
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:06:16 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101000001111101011000011 2019-10-23 19:06:16 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010111110000010100111100 2019-10-23 19:06:16 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:06:16 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A0FAC3 2019-10-23 19:06:16 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5F053C 2019-10-23 19:06:16 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:06:16 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : part is 256725676767676725252525256725672525676767672525 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A0FAC3
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A0FAC3 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FAC3, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FAC3, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : part is 256725676767676725252525256725672525676767672525 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A0FAC3
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A0FAC3 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FAC3, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FAC3, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:16 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:6)((?:76|56){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:16 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : part is 256725676767676725252525256725672525676767672525 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 01 first found at 100 regex: (?:01)((?:67|25){22,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F053C
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F053C length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F053C, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5F053C
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : part is 256725676767676725252525256725672525676767672525 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F053C
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F053C length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F053C, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F053C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : part is 256725676767676725252525256725672525676767672525 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F053C
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F053C length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F053C, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F053C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : part is 111111111111111111111111 starts at position 0 and ends at 24
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:1){24,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (24..) length=24
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u63#FFFFFF
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 63 dmsg u63#FFFFFF length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#FFFFFF, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u63#FFFFFF
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#FFFFFF, -43.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: dispatch u63#FFFFFF
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u63#FFFFFF
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFFFF
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 63
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111111111111
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 163 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg: 111111111111111111111111 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg_invert: 000000000000000000000000 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg: FFFFFF 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg_invert: 000000 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:25|67|43){100,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;�Ђ;���;�Ą;d########## ;C2;RD6;
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=919;P1=-592;P2=411;P3=-1092;D=012301010101012323232323012301232301010101232;CP=2;R=214;
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : part is 01230101010101232323232301230123230101010123 starts at position 0 and ends at 44
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:01|23){19,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (19..23) length=22
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#BE0A78
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#BE0A78 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -95
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#BE0A78, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#BE0A78
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#BE0A78, -95 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#BE0A78
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#BE0A78
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: BE0A78
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101111100000101001111000
2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 101111100000101001111000 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 010000011111010110000111 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: BE0A78 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: 41F587 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:06:17 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:0)((?:10|30){20,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:0){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:17 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�܃;�΁;d�4R4TR4R4R24TR224R4TTTR22;C2;S1;R3D;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2348;P2=297;P3=-1147;P4=988;P5=-462;D=21234523454523452345232345452323234523454545452323;CP=2;SP=1;R=61;m2;
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5A98BC length 24 RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5A98BC, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5A98BC, -43.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5A98BC
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5A98BC" (7)
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110101001100010111100
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5a98b onoffcode = 1100
2019.10.23 19:06:18 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 1100 not supported by IT_1527x5a98b.
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5A98BC" (7)
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110101001100010111100
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5a98b onoffcode = 1100
2019.10.23 19:06:18 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 1100 not supported by IT_1527x5a98b.
2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino sduino1 UNKNOWNCODE i5A98BC 2019.10.23 19:06:18 3 : sduino1: Unknown code i5A98BC, help me!
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;���;���;��;��;d#A#AA#A#A##AA###A#AAAA##gAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAA ;C0;R3D;
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=425;P1=-554;P2=304;P3=-1145;P4=930;P6=2925;P7=-7142;D=234123414123412341232341412323234123414141412323670341034141034103410303414103030341034141414103036703410341410341034103034141030303410341414141030367034103414103410341030341410303034103414141410303670341034141034103410303414103030341034141414103032;CP=0;R=61;
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 234123414123412341232341412323234123414141412323 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:41|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414141410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:03|41){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A56743
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A56743 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A56743, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A56743
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A56743, -43.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A56743
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A56743
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A56743
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101001010110011101000011
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101001010110011101000011 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010110101001100010111100 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A56743 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5A98BC 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414141410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A56743
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A56743 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A56743, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A56743, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414141410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A56743
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A56743 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A56743, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A56743, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414141410303 starts at position 150 and ends at 200
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A56743
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A56743 length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A56743, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A56743, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:14|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414141410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:41|03){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5A98BC
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5A98BC length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -43.5
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98BC, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5A98BC 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414141410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5A98BC 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5A98BC length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -43.5 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98BC, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98BC, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414141410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5A98BC 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5A98BC length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -43.5 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98BC, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98BC, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414141410303 starts at position 150 and ends at 200 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5A98BC 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5A98BC length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -43.5 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98BC, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98BC, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;���;�ۂ;d�#A#A!!#A!!#CCA!!#CCCCA!!;C1;S0;R3C;O;m2;;;
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P0=-2336;P1=279;P2=-1083;P3=918;P4=-603;D=10123412341212123412121234343412121234343434341212;CP=1;SP=0;R=60;O;m2;
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i511C7C length 24 RSSI = -44
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i511C7C, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i511C7C, -44 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatch i511C7C
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i511C7C" (7)
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "FF0F0F10F110" (12) bin = 010100010001110001111100
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 IT: V1 housecode = FF0F0F10F1 onoffcode = 10
2019.10.23 19:06:18 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 10 not supported by IT_FF0F0F10F1.
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i511C7C" (7)
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "FF0F0F10F110" (12) bin = 010100010001110001111100
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 IT: V1 housecode = FF0F0F10F1 onoffcode = 10
2019.10.23 19:06:18 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 10 not supported by IT_FF0F0F10F1.
2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino sduino1 UNKNOWNCODE i511C7C 2019.10.23 19:06:18 3 : sduino1: Unknown code i511C7C, help me!
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;�Ą;���;�ʂ;��;��;���;D4444444444444444444444Vr4r4rrr4rrr444rrr44444rrVr4r4rrr4rrr444rrr44444rrVr4r4rrr4rrr444rrr44444rrVr;C3;R3C;O;
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=-2336;P1=279;P2=-1092;P3=917;P4=-586;P5=2929;P6=-7143;P7=416;D=10123412341212123412121234343412121234343434341212101234123412121234121212343434121212343434343412125672347234727272347272723434347272723434343434727256723472347272723472727234343472727234343434347272567234723472727234727272343434727272343434343472725672;CP=3;R=60;O;
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:72|34){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 123412341212123412121234343412121234343434341212 starts at position 2 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 2 regex ((?:)((?:34|12){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 123412341212123412121234343412121234343434341212 starts at position 52 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 52 regex ((?:)((?:34|12){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:10)((?:72|34){24,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 723472347272723472727234343472727234343434347272 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 56 first found at 100 regex: (?:56)((?:72|34){24,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AEE383
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AEE383 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -44
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE383, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#AEE383
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE383, -44 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#AEE383
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#AEE383
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: AEE383
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101011101110001110000011
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101011101110001110000011 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010100010001110001111100 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: AEE383 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 511C7C 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 723472347272723472727234343472727234343434347272 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AEE383
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AEE383 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -44
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE383, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE383, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 723472347272723472727234343472727234343434347272 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AEE383
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AEE383 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -44
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE383, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AEE383, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:3)((?:43|23){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 723472347272723472727234343472727234343434347272 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 56 first found at 100 regex: (?:56)((?:34|72){22,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#511C7C
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#511C7C length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -44
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#511C7C, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#511C7C 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 723472347272723472727234343472727234343434347272 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#511C7C 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#511C7C length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -44 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#511C7C, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#511C7C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 723472347272723472727234343472727234343434347272 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#511C7C 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#511C7C length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -44 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#511C7C, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#511C7C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:72|34|10){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;�݂;���;�τ;d########### ;C2;RD5;
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=907;P1=-605;P2=407;P3=-1103;D=012301232323012323230101012323230101010101232;CP=2;R=213;
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : part is 01230123232301232323010101232323010101010123 starts at position 0 and ends at 44
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:01|23){19,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (19..23) length=22
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#A238F8
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#A238F8 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -95.5
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#A238F8, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#A238F8
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#A238F8, -95.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#A238F8
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#A238F8
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A238F8
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101000100011100011111000
2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 101000100011100011111000 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 010111011100011100000111 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: A238F8 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: 5DC707 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:06:18 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:0)((?:10|30){20,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:0){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:06:18 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting /* *************** 3x ON C end *************** */ /* *************** 3x OFF C start *************** */
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;���;�ł;d�4R4TR24R4R4R24TTR4R4TR22;C2;S1;R37;O;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2340;P2=291;P3=-1085;P4=920;P5=-581;D=21234523454523234523452345232345454523452345452323;CP=2;SP=1;R=55;O;m2;
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5953AC length 24 RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5953AC, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5953AC, -46.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5953AC
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5953AC" (7)
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110010101001110101100
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5953a onoffcode = 1100
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5953AC" (7)
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110010101001110101100
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5953a onoffcode = 1100
2019-10-23 19:07:40 SIGNALduino sduino1 UNKNOWNCODE i5953AC 2019.10.23 19:07:40 3 : sduino1: Unknown code i5953AC, help me!
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;���;���;�ɂ;���;�ߛ;D!#E#EE##E#E#E##EEE#E#EE##!#E#EE##E#E#E##EEE#E#EE##gEEEEEEEEEEEEgEEEEEEEEEEEEgEEEEEEEEEEEEg;C4;R37;O;
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=439;P1=-2340;P2=291;P3=-1073;P4=920;P5=-585;P6=2933;P7=-7135;D=21234523454523234523452345232345454523452345452323212345234545232345234523452323454545234523454523236703450345450303450345034503034545450345034545030367034503454503034503450345030345454503450345450303670345034545030345034503450303454545034503454503036703;CP=4;R=55;O;
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|45){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : part is 234523454523234523452345232345454523452345452323 starts at position 2 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 2 regex ((?:)((?:45|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : part is 234523454523234523452345232345454523452345452323 starts at position 52 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 52 regex ((?:)((?:45|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : part is 234523454523234523452345232345454523452345452323 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 21 first found at 0 regex: (?:21)((?:23|45){24,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u26#A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 26 dmsg u26#A6AC53 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u26#A6AC53, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:07:40 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u26#A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u26#A6AC53, -46.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: dispatch u26#A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u26#A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 26
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101001101010110001010011
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 126 found in AttrVal development!
2019.10.23 19:07:40 1 : sduino1: SIGNALduino_unknown UNDEFINED sensor SIGNALduino_unknown_26 detected
2019.10.23 19:07:40 2 : autocreate: define SIGNALduino_unknown_26 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_26
2019.10.23 19:07:40 2 : autocreate: define FileLog_SIGNALduino_unknown_26 FileLog ./log/SIGNALduino_unknown_26-%Y.log SIGNALduino_unknown_26
2019.10.23 19:07:40 1 : RMDIR: ./restoreDir/save/2019-10-20
2019-10-23 19:07:40 Global global UNDEFINED SIGNALduino_unknown_26 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_26 2019-10-23 19:07:40 Global global DEFINED SIGNALduino_unknown_26 2019-10-23 19:07:40 Global global DEFINED FileLog_SIGNALduino_unknown_26 2019-10-23 19:07:40 Global global SAVE
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : part is 234523454523234523452345232345454523452345452323 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u26#A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 26 dmsg u26#A6AC53 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u26#A6AC53, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u26#A6AC53, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : part is 034503454503034503450345030345454503450345450303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 100 regex: (?:67)((?:03|45){24,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:40 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A6AC53 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC53, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:07:40 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC53, -46.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:07:40 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101001101010110001010011
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101001101010110001010011 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010110010101001110101100 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A6AC53 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5953AC 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : part is 034503454503034503450345030345454503450345450303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A6AC53 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC53, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC53, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : part is 034503454503034503450345030345454503450345450303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A6AC53
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A6AC53 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC53, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC53, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:0)((?:54|30){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : part is 034503454503034503450345030345454503450345450303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 100 regex: (?:67)((?:45|03){22,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5953AC
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5953AC length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953AC, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5953AC
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : part is 034503454503034503450345030345454503450345450303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5953AC
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5953AC length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953AC, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953AC, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : part is 034503454503034503450345030345454503450345450303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5953AC
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5953AC length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953AC, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953AC, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : part is 111111111111111111111111 starts at position 0 and ends at 24
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:1){24,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (24..) length=24
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u63#FFFFFF
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 63 dmsg u63#FFFFFF length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -46.5
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#FFFFFF, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u63#FFFFFF
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#FFFFFF, -46.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: dispatch u63#FFFFFF
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u63#FFFFFF
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: FFFFFF
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 63
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 111111111111111111111111
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 163 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg: 111111111111111111111111 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg_invert: 000000000000000000000000 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg: FFFFFF 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg_invert: 000000 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|45|21){100,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;�Ă;���;���;d########## ;C2;RD4;
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=927;P1=-580;P2=421;P3=-1086;D=012301012323012301230123230101012301230101232;CP=2;R=212;
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : part is 01230101232301230123012323010101230123010123 starts at position 0 and ends at 44
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:01|23){19,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (19..23) length=22
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#B2A758
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#B2A758 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -96
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#B2A758, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#B2A758
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#B2A758, -96 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#B2A758
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#B2A758
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: B2A758
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101100101010011101011000
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 101100101010011101011000 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 010011010101100010100111 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: B2A758 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: 4D58A7 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:07:41 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:0)((?:10|30){20,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:0){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�σ;�с;d�4R4R4TR24R224TR4R24TTR22;C2;S1;R39;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2339;P2=288;P3=-1155;P4=975;P5=-465;D=21234523452345452323452323234545234523234545452323;CP=2;SP=1;R=57;m2;
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i56469C length 24 RSSI = -45.5
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i56469C, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i56469C, -45.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1: dispatch i56469C
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i56469C" (7)
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010101100100011010011100
2019.10.23 19:07:41 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x56469 onoffcode = 1100
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : sduino1 IT: 1527x56469 not defined (Switch code: 1100)
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : autocreate: received 1 event(s) for 'IT 1527x56469 1100 0000' during the last 30 seconds
2019.10.23 19:07:41 4 : autocreate: ignoring event for 'IT 1527x56469 1100 0000': at least 2 needed
2019-10-23 19:07:41 Global global UNDEFINED IT_1527x56469 IT 1527x56469 1100 0000
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;�Ä;���;��;��;d#A#A#AA##A###AA#A##AAA##gAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAA;C0;R39;
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=418;P1=-562;P2=288;P3=-1091;P4=918;P6=2920;P7=-7141;D=2341234123414123234123232341412341232341414123236703410341034141030341030303414103410303414141030367034103410341410303410303034141034103034141410303670341034103414103034103030341410341030341414103036703410341034141030341030303414103410303414141030;CP=0;R=57;
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : part is 234123412341412323412323234141234123234141412323 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:41|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034141410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:03|41){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A9B963
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A9B963 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B963, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:07:42 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A9B963
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B963, -45.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A9B963
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A9B963
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A9B963
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101010011011100101100011
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:07:42 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101010011011100101100011 2019-10-23 19:07:42 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010101100100011010011100 2019-10-23 19:07:42 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:07:42 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A9B963 2019-10-23 19:07:42 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 56469C 2019-10-23 19:07:42 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:07:42 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034141410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A9B963
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A9B963 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -45.5
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B963, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B963, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034141410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A9B963
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A9B963 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -45.5
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B963, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B963, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:14|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034141410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:41|03){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#56469C
2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#56469C length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45.5
2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#56469C, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:07:42 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#56469C 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034141410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#56469C 2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#56469C length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -45.5 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#56469C, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#56469C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : part is 034103410341410303410303034141034103034141410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#56469C 2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#56469C length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -45.5 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#56469C, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#56469C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : part is 0341034103414103034103030341410341030341414103 starts at position 150 and ends at 198 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#56469C 2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#56469C length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -45.5 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#56469C, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#56469C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:42 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�Ճ;���;d�4R4R4R24R4TTTTR2224TTR22;C2;S1;R3A;m2;#;#;
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2334;P2=289;P3=-1152;P4=981;P5=-480;D=21234523452345232345234545454545232323234545452323;CP=2;SP=1;R=58;m2;
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i54BE1C length 24 RSSI = -45
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i54BE1C, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i54BE1C, -45 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: dispatch i54BE1C
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i54BE1C" (7)
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010101001011111000011100
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x54be1 onoffcode = 1100
2019.10.23 19:07:43 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 1100 not supported by IT_1527x54be1.
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i54BE1C" (7)
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010101001011111000011100
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x54be1 onoffcode = 1100
2019.10.23 19:07:43 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 1100 not supported by IT_1527x54be1.
2019-10-23 19:07:43 SIGNALduino sduino1 UNKNOWNCODE i54BE1C 2019.10.23 19:07:43 3 : sduino1: Unknown code i54BE1C, help me!
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;�Ʉ;���;��;��;d#A#A#A##A#AAAAA####AAA##gAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAA;C0;R3A;
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=408;P1=-576;P2=289;P3=-1097;P4=905;P6=2918;P7=-7140;D=2341234123412323412341414141412323232341414123236703410341034103034103414141414103030303414141030367034103410341030341034141414141030303034141410303670341034103410303410341414141410303030341414103036703410341034103034103414141414103030303414141030;CP=0;R=58;
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : part is 234123412341232341234141414141232323234141412323 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:41|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034141410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:03|41){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AB41E3
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AB41E3 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41E3, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:07:43 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#AB41E3
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41E3, -45 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#AB41E3
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#AB41E3
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: AB41E3
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101010110100000111100011
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:07:43 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101010110100000111100011 2019-10-23 19:07:43 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010101001011111000011100 2019-10-23 19:07:43 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:07:43 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: AB41E3 2019-10-23 19:07:43 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 54BE1C 2019-10-23 19:07:43 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:07:43 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034141410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AB41E3
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AB41E3 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -45
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41E3, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41E3, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034141410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AB41E3
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AB41E3 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -45
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41E3, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41E3, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:14|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034141410303 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:41|03){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE1C
2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE1C length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -45
2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE1C, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:07:43 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#54BE1C 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034141410303 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE1C 2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE1C length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -45 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE1C, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE1C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034141410303 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE1C 2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE1C length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -45 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE1C, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE1C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : part is 0341034103410303410341414141410303030341414103 starts at position 150 and ends at 198 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE1C 2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE1C length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -45 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE1C, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE1C, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:07:43 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting /* *************** 3x OFF C end *************** */ /* *************** 3x ON D start *************** */
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�҃;�ρ;d�4R4R4R24R4TTTTR2224R24R2;C2;S1;R3F;m2;E;#;
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2336;P2=290;P3=-1151;P4=978;P5=-463;D=21234523452345232345234545454545232323234523234523;CP=2;SP=1;R=63;m2;E;
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i54BE12 length 24 RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i54BE12, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i54BE12, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: dispatch i54BE12
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i54BE12" (7)
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010101001011111000010010
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x54be1 onoffcode = 0010
2019.10.23 19:09:00 3 : sduino1 IT: IT_1527x54be1 off->on
2019-10-23 19:09:00 IT IT_1527x54be1 on
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;�DŽ;���;��;�ڛ;d#A#A#A##A#AAAAA####A##A#gAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAA;C0;R3F;
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=410;P1=-564;P2=290;P3=-1095;P4=921;P6=2923;P7=-7130;D=2341234123412323412341414141412323232341232341236703410341034103034103414141414103030303410303410367034103410341030341034141414141030303034103034103670341034103410303410341414141410303030341030341036703410341034103034103414141414103030303410303410;CP=0;R=63;
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : part is 234123412341232341234141414141232323234123234123 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:41|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103034103 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:03|41){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AB41ED
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AB41ED length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41ED, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:09:00 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#AB41ED
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41ED, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#AB41ED
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#AB41ED
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: AB41ED
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101010110100000111101101
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:09:00 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101010110100000111101101 2019-10-23 19:09:00 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010101001011111000010010 2019-10-23 19:09:00 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:09:00 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: AB41ED 2019-10-23 19:09:00 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 54BE12 2019-10-23 19:09:00 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:09:00 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103034103 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AB41ED
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AB41ED length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41ED, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41ED, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103034103 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#AB41ED
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#AB41ED length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41ED, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#AB41ED, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:14|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103034103 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:41|03){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE12
2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE12 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE12, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:09:00 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#54BE12 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103034103 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE12 2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE12 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42.5 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE12, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE12, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : part is 034103410341030341034141414141030303034103034103 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE12 2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE12 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -42.5 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE12, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE12, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : part is 0341034103410303410341414141410303030341030341 starts at position 150 and ends at 198 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#54BE12 2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#54BE12 length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -42.5 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE12, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#54BE12, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:00 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;�ł;���;���;���;�ٛ;���;Dg44474774474741g44474774474741g44474774474741g4447477447474;C7;R3F;
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=-581;P1=2928;P3=-1076;P4=929;P6=-7129;P7=427;D=673407340734040737340737373404073407373407373407316734073407340407373407373734040734073734073734073167340734073404073734073737340407340737340737340731673407340734040737340737373404073407373407373407;CP=7;R=63;
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:73|40){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : part is 734073407340407373407373734040734073734073734073 starts at position 1 and ends at 49
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 1 regex ((?:)((?:40|73){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : part is 734073407340407373407373734040734073734073734073 starts at position 51 and ends at 99
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 51 regex ((?:)((?:40|73){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : part is 734073407340407373407373734040734073734073734073 starts at position 101 and ends at 149
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: 3. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 101 regex ((?:)((?:40|73){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : part is 7340734073404073734073737340407340737340737340 starts at position 151 and ends at 197
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 151
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#564692
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#564692 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#564692, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#564692
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#564692, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#564692
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#564692
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 564692
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 010101100100011010010010
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 010101100100011010010010 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 101010011011100101101101 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: 564692 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: A9B96D 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : part is 734073407340407373407373734040734073734073734073 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 16 first found at 49 regex: (?:16)((?:73|40){24,}) Pos 49) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A9B96D
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A9B96D length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96D, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A9B96D
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96D, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A9B96D
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A9B96D
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A9B96D
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101010011011100101101101
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101010011011100101101101 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010101100100011010010010 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A9B96D 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 564692 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : part is 734073407340407373407373734040734073734073734073 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A9B96D
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A9B96D length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96D, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A9B96D, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:04|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : part is 734073407340407373407373734040734073734073734073 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 16 first found at 49 regex: (?:16)((?:40|73){22,}) Pos 49) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#564692
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#564692 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564692, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#564692
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : part is 734073407340407373407373734040734073734073734073 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#564692
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#564692 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564692, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564692, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : part is 7340734073404073734073737340407340737340737340 starts at position 100 and ends at 148
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#564692
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#564692 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564692, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#564692, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : part is 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 starts at position 0 and ends at 95
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:0){24,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (24..) length=95
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 63 dmsg u63#000000000000000000000000 length 96 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#000000000000000000000000, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#000000000000000000000000, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: dispatch u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 63
2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 163 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg_invert: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitCount: 96 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg: 000000000000000000000000 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg_invert: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexCount_or_nibble: 24 2019-10-23 19:09:02 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 lastInputDev: sduino1 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:73|40){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:02 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�Ճ;�ˁ;d�4R4TR24R4R4R24TTR4R224R2;C2;S1;R40;m2;E;#;
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2328;P2=289;P3=-1154;P4=981;P5=-459;D=21234523454523234523452345232345454523452323234523;CP=2;SP=1;R=64;m2;E;
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5953A2 length 24 RSSI = -42
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5953A2, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5953A2, -42 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5953A2
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5953A2" (7)
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110010101001110100010
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5953a onoffcode = 0010
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5953A2" (7)
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110010101001110100010
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5953a onoffcode = 0010
2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino sduino1 UNKNOWNCODE i5953A2 2019.10.23 19:09:04 3 : sduino1: Unknown code i5953A2, help me!
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;���;���;��;�ޛ;d#A#AA##A#A#A##AAA#A###A#gAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAA ;C0;R40;
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=423;P1=-561;P2=280;P3=-1164;P4=921;P6=2919;P7=-7134;D=234123414123234123412341232341414123412323234123670341034141030341034103410303414141034103030341036703410341410303410341034103034141410341030303410367034103414103034103410341030341414103410303034103670341034141030341034103410303414141034103030341032;CP=0;R=64;
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 234123414123234123412341232341414123412323234123 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:41|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 034103414103034103410341030341414103410303034103 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:03|41){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A6AC5D
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A6AC5D length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5D, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A6AC5D
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5D, -42 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A6AC5D
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A6AC5D
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A6AC5D
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101001101010110001011101
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101001101010110001011101 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010110010101001110100010 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A6AC5D 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5953A2 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 034103414103034103410341030341414103410303034103 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A6AC5D
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A6AC5D length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5D, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5D, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 034103414103034103410341030341414103410303034103 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A6AC5D
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A6AC5D length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -42
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5D, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5D, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 034103414103034103410341030341414103410303034103 starts at position 150 and ends at 200
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A6AC5D
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A6AC5D length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -42
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5D, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A6AC5D, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:14|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 034103414103034103410341030341414103410303034103 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:41|03){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5953A2
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5953A2 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A2, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5953A2 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 034103414103034103410341030341414103410303034103 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5953A2 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5953A2 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A2, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A2, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 034103414103034103410341030341414103410303034103 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5953A2 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5953A2 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -42 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A2, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A2, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 034103414103034103410341030341414103410303034103 starts at position 150 and ends at 200 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5953A2 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5953A2 length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -42 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A2, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5953A2, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�փ;�Ё;d�#A#CCCA#CA!!#CCA!#A!!#A!;C1;S0;R3F;m2;4;;
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P0=-2343;P1=280;P2=-1157;P3=982;P4=-464;D=10123412343434341234341212123434341212341212123412;CP=1;SP=0;R=63;m2;4;
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5EC722 length 24 RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5EC722, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5EC722, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5EC722
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5EC722" (7)
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010111101100011100100010
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5ec72 onoffcode = 0010
2019.10.23 19:09:04 3 : sduino1 IT: IT_1527x5ec72 on->on
2019-10-23 19:09:04 IT IT_1527x5ec72 on
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;�Մ;���;��;��;���;d000000000000Vr0r0000r00rrr000rr0rrr0rVr0r0000r00rrr000rr0rrr0rVr0r0000r00rrr000rr0rrr0rVr0r0000r00rrr000rr0rrr0p;C7;R3F;
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=-569;P1=280;P2=-1109;P3=911;P5=2918;P6=-7148;P7=407;D=1230123030303012303012121230303012123012121230125672307230303030723030727272303030727230727272307256723072303030307230307272723030307272307272723072567230723030303072303072727230303072723072727230725672307230303030723030727272303030727230727272307;CP=7;R=63;
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:72|30){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 123012303030301230301212123030301212301212123012 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:30|12){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 723072303030307230307272723030307272307272723072 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 56 first found at 48 regex: (?:56)((?:72|30){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A138DD
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A138DD length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DD, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A138DD
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DD, -42.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A138DD
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A138DD
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A138DD
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101000010011100011011101
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101000010011100011011101 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010111101100011100100010 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A138DD 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5EC722 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 723072303030307230307272723030307272307272723072 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A138DD
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A138DD length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DD, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 723072303030307230307272723030307272307272723072 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A138DD
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A138DD length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DD, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A138DD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:3)((?:03|23){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 723072303030307230307272723030307272307272723072 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 56 first found at 48 regex: (?:56)((?:30|72){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5EC722
2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5EC722 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -42.5
2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC722, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:09:04 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5EC722 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 723072303030307230307272723030307272307272723072 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5EC722 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5EC722 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -42.5 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC722, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC722, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 723072303030307230307272723030307272307272723072 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5EC722 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5EC722 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -42.5 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC722, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC722, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : part is 7230723030303072303072727230303072723072727230 starts at position 150 and ends at 198 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5EC722 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5EC722 length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -42.5 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC722, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5EC722, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:72|30){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:09:04 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting /* *************** 3x ON D end *************** */ /* *************** 3x OFF D start *************** */
2019.10.23 19:11:06 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;���;�у;�ˁ;d�4R4TR4R4R24TR224R4TR24R2;C2;S1;R44;m2;E;#;
2019.10.23 19:11:06 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2333;P2=287;P3=-1164;P4=977;P5=-459;D=21234523454523452345232345452323234523454523234523;CP=2;SP=1;R=68;m2;E;
2019.10.23 19:11:06 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:11:06 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:11:06 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
2019.10.23 19:11:06 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5A98B2 length 24 RSSI = -40
2019.10.23 19:11:06 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5A98B2, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:11:06 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5A98B2, -40 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:11:06 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5A98B2
2019.10.23 19:11:06 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5A98B2" (7)
2019.10.23 19:11:06 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110101001100010110010
2019.10.23 19:11:06 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5a98b onoffcode = 0010
2019.10.23 19:11:06 3 : sduino1 IT: IT_1527x5a98b off->on
2019-10-23 19:11:06 IT IT_1527x5a98b on
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;�ւ;���;�ӄ;���;�ˁ;��;�ߛ;d#E#EE#E#E##EE###E#EE##E#gAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAA;C0;R44;
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=400;P1=-598;P2=287;P3=-1107;P4=913;P5=-459;P6=2923;P7=-7135;D=2345234545234523452323454523232345234545232345236703410341410341034103034141030303410341410303410367034103414103410341030341410303034103414103034103670341034141034103410303414103030341034141030341036703410341410341034103034141030303410341410303410;CP=0;R=68;
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|41){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : part is 234523454523452345232345452323234523454523234523 starts at position 0 and ends at 48
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 0 regex ((?:)((?:45|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414103034103 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:03|41){24,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A5674D
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A5674D length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -40
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A5674D, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:11:07 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A5674D
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A5674D, -40 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A5674D
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A5674D
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A5674D
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101001010110011101001101
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:11:07 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101001010110011101001101 2019-10-23 19:11:07 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010110101001100010110010 2019-10-23 19:11:07 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:11:07 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A5674D 2019-10-23 19:11:07 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5A98B2 2019-10-23 19:11:07 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:11:07 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414103034103 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A5674D
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A5674D length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -40
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A5674D, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A5674D, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414103034103 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A5674D
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A5674D length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -40
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A5674D, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A5674D, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:14|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 42 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414103034103 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 48 regex: (?:67)((?:41|03){22,}) Pos 48) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5A98B2
2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5A98B2 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -40
2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B2, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:11:07 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5A98B2 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414103034103 starts at position 50 and ends at 100 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5A98B2 2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5A98B2 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -40 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B2, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B2, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : part is 034103414103410341030341410303034103414103034103 starts at position 100 and ends at 150 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5A98B2 2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5A98B2 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -40 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B2, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B2, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : part is 0341034141034103410303414103030341034141030341 starts at position 150 and ends at 198 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5A98B2 2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5A98B2 length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -40 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B2, test gleich 2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5A98B2, Dropped due to short time or equal msg 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 60 -> WS2000 matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|45){38,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|45){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 85 -> TFA 30.3222.02 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 89 -> TFA 30.3221.02 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:07 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;�DŽ;���;�߁;DVVVVVVVVVVV;C0;S3;R43;m2;p;;
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P0=277;P3=-2334;P4=-1223;P5=1037;P6=-479;D=03045604565656565604040404045604560404565604045604;CP=0;SP=3;R=67;m2;p;
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5F0532 length 24 RSSI = -40.5
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5F0532, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5F0532, -40.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5F0532
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5F0532" (7)
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 IT Parse bintotristate: msgcode=FF1100FF010, unknown tristate in onoff-code. is evtl a EV1527 sensor
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "FF1100FF010D" (12) bin = 010111110000010100110010
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 IT: V1 housecode = FF1100FF01 onoffcode = 0D
2019.10.23 19:11:08 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 0D not supported by IT_FF1100FF01.
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5F0532" (7)
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 IT Parse bintotristate: msgcode=FF1100FF010, unknown tristate in onoff-code. is evtl a EV1527 sensor
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "FF1100FF010D" (12) bin = 010111110000010100110010
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 IT: V1 housecode = FF1100FF01 onoffcode = 0D
2019.10.23 19:11:08 3 : sduino1 IT: Code 0D not supported by IT_FF1100FF01.
2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino sduino1 UNKNOWNCODE i5F0532 2019.10.23 19:11:08 3 : sduino1: Unknown code i5F0532, help me!
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;�ٛ;���;��;�΄;���;��;DGE!E%%%%!AAAAE!E!AE%!AE!GE!E%%%%!AAAAE!E!AE%!AE!GE!E%%%%!AAAAE!E!AE%!AE!GE!E%%%%!AAAAE!E!AE%!AE!;C1;R45;
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=-7129;P1=403;P2=-609;P4=-1102;P5=904;P7=2927;D=47014521452525252521414141414521452141452521414521470145214525252525214141414145214521414525214145214701452145252525252141414141452145214145252141452147014521452525252521414141414521452141452521414521;CP=1;R=69;
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:14|52){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 145214525252525214141414145214521414525214145214 starts at position 3 and ends at 51
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 3 regex ((?:)((?:52|14){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 145214525252525214141414145214521414525214145214 starts at position 53 and ends at 101
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 53 regex ((?:)((?:52|14){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 145214525252525214141414145214521414525214145214 starts at position 103 and ends at 151
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 3. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 103 regex ((?:)((?:52|14){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 1452145252525252141414141452145214145252141452 starts at position 153 and ends at 199
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 153
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#5F0532
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#5F0532 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#5F0532, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#5F0532
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#5F0532, -39.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#5F0532
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#5F0532
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 5F0532
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 010111110000010100110010
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 010111110000010100110010 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 101000001111101011001101 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: 5F0532 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: A0FACD 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 145214525252525214141414145214521414525214145214 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 70 first found at 1 regex: (?:70)((?:14|52){24,}) Pos 1) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A0FACD
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A0FACD length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACD, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A0FACD
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACD, -39.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A0FACD
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A0FACD
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A0FACD
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101000001111101011001101
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101000001111101011001101 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010111110000010100110010 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A0FACD 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5F0532 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 145214525252525214141414145214521414525214145214 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A0FACD
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A0FACD length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACD, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 145214525252525214141414145214521414525214145214 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A0FACD
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A0FACD length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACD, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A0FACD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:5)((?:25|45){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 145214525252525214141414145214521414525214145214 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 70 first found at 1 regex: (?:70)((?:52|14){22,}) Pos 1) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F0532
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F0532 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0532, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5F0532
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 145214525252525214141414145214521414525214145214 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F0532
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F0532 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0532, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0532, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 145214525252525214141414145214521414525214145214 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F0532
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F0532 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0532, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0532, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 1452145252525252141414141452145214145252141452 starts at position 150 and ends at 198
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 4. try demodulation at Pos 150
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5F0532
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5F0532 length 24 dispatch(4/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0532, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5F0532, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : part is 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 starts at position 0 and ends at 95
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:0){24,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (24..) length=95
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 63 dmsg u63#000000000000000000000000 length 96 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#000000000000000000000000, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u63#000000000000000000000000, -39.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: dispatch u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u63#000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: 000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 63
2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 163 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitMsg_invert: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 bitCount: 96 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg: 000000000000000000000000 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexMsg_invert: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 hexCount_or_nibble: 24 2019-10-23 19:11:08 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_63 lastInputDev: sduino1 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:08 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:14|52){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:08 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Ms;���;���;�„;���;�т;D!#E#EE#EE##EEE#E##E####E#;C2;S1;R45;O;m2;E;#;
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MS;P1=-2341;P2=277;P3=-1090;P4=927;P5=-593;D=21234523454523454523234545452345232345232323234523;CP=2;SP=1;R=69;O;m2;E;
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Matched MS Protocol id 55 -> QUIGG_GT-1000
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation at Position 2
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching bits: 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MS Protocol id 55 dmsg i5B3A42 length 24 RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5B3A42, test ungleich: disabled
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: i5B3A42, -39.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: dispatch i5B3A42
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1 IT: message "i5B3A42" (7)
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1 IT: msgcode "" (0) bin = 010110110011101001000010
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 IT: EV1527 housecode = 1527x5b3a4 onoffcode = 0010
2019.10.23 19:11:09 3 : sduino1 IT: IT_1527x5b3a4 off->on
2019-10-23 19:11:09 IT IT_1527x5b3a4 on
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;���;���;�DŽ;���;�ӂ;��;�՛;D!#E#EE#EE##EEE#E##E####E#!#E#EE#EE##EEE#E##E####E#gEEEEEEEEEEEgEEEEEEEEEEEgEEEEEEEEEEEg;C4;R45;O;
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=422;P1=-2341;P2=277;P3=-1095;P4=917;P5=-595;P6=2931;P7=-7125;D=21234523454523454523234545452345232345232323234523212345234545234545232345454523452323452323232345236703450345450345450303454545034503034503030303450367034503454503454503034545450345030345030303034503670345034545034545030345454503450303450303030345036703;CP=4;R=69;O;
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|45){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : part is 234523454523454523234545452345232345232323234523 starts at position 2 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 1. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 2 regex ((?:)((?:45|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : part is 234523454523454523234545452345232345232323234523 starts at position 52 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 2. skip demodulation (length 24 is to long) at Pos 52 regex ((?:)((?:45|23){19,}))
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:21)((?:03|45){24,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : part is 034503454503454503034545450345030345030303034503 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 100 regex: (?:67)((?:03|45){24,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (24..24) length=24
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A4C5BD
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A4C5BD length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BD, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u27#A4C5BD
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BD, -39.5 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: dispatch u27#A4C5BD
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u27#A4C5BD
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: A4C5BD
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 27
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101001001100010110111101
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 127 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg: 101001001100010110111101 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitMsg_invert: 010110110011101001000010 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg: A4C5BD 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexMsg_invert: 5B3A42 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_27 lastInputDev: sduino1
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : part is 034503454503454503034545450345030345030303034503 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A4C5BD
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A4C5BD length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BD, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : part is 034503454503454503034545450345030345030303034503 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u27#A4C5BD
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 27 dmsg u27#A4C5BD length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BD, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: u27#A4C5BD, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:4)((?:54|34){20,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : part is 034503454503454503034545450345030345030303034503 starts at position 0 and ends at 50
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation (StartStr: 67 first found at 100 regex: (?:67)((?:45|03){22,}) Pos 100) length_min_max (22..28) length=24
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A42
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A42 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A42, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG U49#5B3A42
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : part is 034503454503454503034545450345030345030303034503 starts at position 50 and ends at 100
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 2. try demodulation at Pos 50
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A42
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A42 length 24 dispatch(2/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A42, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A42, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : part is 034503454503454503034545450345030345030303034503 starts at position 100 and ends at 150
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 3. try demodulation at Pos 100
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: U49#5B3A42
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 49 dmsg U49#5B3A42 length 24 dispatch(3/4) RSSI = -39.5
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A42, test gleich
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1 Dispatch: U49#5B3A42, Dropped due to short time or equal msg
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:1){24,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:03|45|21){100,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1/RAW rmsg: Mu;���;�΂;���;���;d########### ;C2;RD4;
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1/msg READredu: MU;P0=926;P1=-590;P2=415;P3=-1086;D=012301012301012323010101230123230123232323012;CP=2;R=212;
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 8 -> TX3 Protocol matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){43,})) did not match
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 13.1 -> FLAMINGO FA22RF / FA21RF / LM-101LD not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 16 -> Dooya not found, aborting
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 19 -> minify matches, trying to demodulate
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : part is 01230101230101232301010123012323012323232301 starts at position 0 and ends at 44
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: Starting demodulation ( regex: (?:)((?:01|23){19,}) Pos 0) length_min_max (19..23) length=22
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: dispatching hex: u19#B67484
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Decoded matched MU Protocol id 19 dmsg u19#B67484 length 24 dispatch(1/4) RSSI = -96
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#B67484, test ungleich: disabled
2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino sduino1 DMSG u19#B67484
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1 Dispatch: u19#B67484, -96 dB, dispatch
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: dispatch u19#B67484
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown incomming msg: u19#B67484
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown rawData: B67484
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown Protocol: 19
2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : SIGNALduino_unknown converted to bits: 101101100111010010000100
2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : SIGNALduino_unknown: sduino1 Protocol 119 found in AttrVal development!
2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg: 101101100111010010000100 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitMsg_invert: 010010011000101101111011 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 bitCount: 24 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg: B67484 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexMsg_invert: 498B7B 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 hexCount_or_nibble: 6 2019-10-23 19:11:09 SIGNALduino_un SIGNALduino_unknown_19 lastInputDev: sduino1 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 21 -> Einhell Garagedoor not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 22 -> HAMULiGHT not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 24 -> visivon remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 26 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 27 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 28 -> IC Ledspot not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 29 -> HT12e not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 30 -> diverse not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 31 -> Pollin ISOTRONIC not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 32 -> FreeTec PE-6946 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 34 -> QUIGG | LIBRA matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:0)((?:10|30){20,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 36 -> remote not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 38 -> NC-3911 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 39, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_compPattern 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 39 -> X10 Protocol not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 40 -> Romotec not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 44.1 -> BresserTemeo not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 45 -> Revolt not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 46 -> SKXxxx, GF0x0x not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 49 -> QUIGG_GT-9000 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 56 -> Celexon not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 59 -> AK-HD-4 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 62 -> Clarus_Switch not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: for MU Protocol id 63, applying filterfunc SIGNALduino_filterMC 2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 63 -> Warema matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:0){24,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 66 -> WS7035 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 69 -> Hoermann not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 72 -> Siro shutter not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 76 -> LED XM21 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 79 -> wireless doorbell not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 81 -> SA-434-1 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 4 : sduino1: Fingerprint for MU Protocol id 82 -> Fernotron matches, trying to demodulate 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: 0. try, regex ((?:)((?:23|01){100,})) did not match 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 83 -> RH787T not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 84 -> IAN 283582 / TV-4848 not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 86 -> BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 91 -> Atlantic security not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 92 -> KRINNER Lumix not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:09 5 : sduino1: start pattern for MU Protocol id 94 -> Atech not found, aborting 2019.10.23 19:11:10 4 : sduino1/keepalive ok, retry = 0 /* *************** 3x OFF D end *************** */