Library for reading/writing file types from the Diesel Engine
I may do some bits here and there in the future. Feel free to fork this repo or make Pull Requests. Code style is kinda all over the place, but I would prefer keeping it to CamelCase.
File Type | Read | Write |
massunit | x | x |
strings | x | |
font | x (BMFont & binary) | x |
banksinfo | x | |
blb | x | |
bundle | x | x |
script files* | x | x |
bnk | x | x |
Bundle/blb/Script file support should work for PD:TH/PD2/PD2 Linux files
- sequence_manager
- environment
- menu
- continent
- continents
- mission
- nav_data
- cover_data
- world
- world_cameras
- prefhud
- objective
- credits
- hint
- comment
- dialog
- dialog_index
- timeline
- action_message
- achievment
- controller_settings
A lot of the code is based on work by Zwagoth and I am not a spy..., much of the code has been changed a lot, but it would have been a lot harder without their work that can be found here