Posion: es un script capaz de escanear hosts, MAC spoofing, realizar ataque de SYNflood y sniffear FTP. Scan Hosts commands ARGUMENT DESCRIPTION -m / --menu Option menu -r / --range Scan hosts Spoofing commands ARGUMENT DESCRIPTION -t / --target Target to spoof -s / --spoofed IP router Synflood commands ARGUMENT DESCRIPTION -syn / --synflood Synflood Attack FTP Sniffer commands ARGUMENT DESCRIPTION -i / --interface FTP sniffer Instalación / Installation > git clone https://github.com/R3LI4NT/Poison > cd Poison > pip3 install scapy && pip3 install argparse > python3 poison.py 📷 SCREENSHOTS Scan Hosts: Spoofing: SYNflood Attack: FTP Sniffer: Error: IMPORTANT: ES: No me hago responsable del mal uso que se le pueda dar a esta herramienta, úselo para Pentesting o fines educativos. EN: I am not responsible for the misuse that may be given to this tool, use it for Pentesting or educational purposes.