diff --git a/frontend/app/(home)/components/HomeHeader/hooks/useHomeHeader.tsx b/frontend/app/(home)/components/HomeHeader/hooks/useHomeHeader.tsx
index 7c0a6cb07539..b86823d5a148 100644
--- a/frontend/app/(home)/components/HomeHeader/hooks/useHomeHeader.tsx
+++ b/frontend/app/(home)/components/HomeHeader/hooks/useHomeHeader.tsx
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export const useHomeHeader = ({ color }: UseHomeHeaderProps) => {
rightIcon: null,
{ href: "/blog", label: t("blog"), rightIcon: null, newTab: true },
- { href: "/login", label: t("sign_up") },
+ { href: "https://docs.quivr.app", label: t("docs"), rightIcon: null, newTab: true },
{ href: "/login", label: t("sign_in") },
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/brain.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/brain.json
index 9fd511151813..606e932d12c5 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/brain.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/brain.json
@@ -1,73 +1 @@
- "api_brain": {
- "addRow": "Add row",
- "description": "Description",
- "name": "Name",
- "required": "Required",
- "type": "Type",
- "value": "Value"
- },
- "brain_library_button_label": "Explore",
- "brain_management_button_label": "Brains management",
- "brain_params": "Brain params",
- "brain_status_label": "Access",
- "brain_type": "Type of brain",
- "brainCreated": "Brain created successfully",
- "brainDescription": "Description",
- "brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "My new brain is about...",
- "brainName": "Brain name",
- "brainNamePlaceholder": "E.g. History notes",
- "brainUndefined": "Brain is undefined",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "No, keep it public",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "No, keep it private",
- "composite_brain_composition_invitation": "Connect your new brain to other existing brains from your library by selecting them.",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "Yes, set as private",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "Yes, set as public",
- "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
- "defaultBrain": "Default Brain",
- "empty_brain_description": "No description",
- "errorCreatingBrain": "Error occurred while creating a brain",
- "errorFetchingBrainUsers": "An error occurred while fetching brain users",
- "errorSendingInvitation": "An error occurred while sending invitations",
- "explore_brains": "Explore Quivr community brains",
- "inviteUsers": "Add new users",
- "knowledge_source_api": "App (Through API)",
- "knowledge_source_composite_brain": "Agent",
- "knowledge_source_doc": "Documents",
- "knowledge_source_label": "Knowledge source",
- "manage_brain": "Manage brain",
- "myBrains": "My Brains",
- "newBrain": "Add New Brain",
- "newBrainSubtitle": "Create a new space for your data",
- "newBrainTitle": "Add New Brain",
- "noBrainUsers": "No brainUsers",
- "private_brain_description": "Accessible for you and the people you share it with",
- "private_brain_label": "Private",
- "public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "Subscribed",
- "public_brain_description": "The brain will be shared with the Quivr community",
- "public_brain_label": "Public",
- "public_brain_last_update_label": "Last update",
- "public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "Subscribe",
- "public_brain_subscription_success_message": "You have successfully subscribed to the brain",
- "public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "Search public brains",
- "resources": "Ressource",
- "searchBrain": "Search for a brain",
- "secrets_update_error": "Error while updating secrets",
- "secrets_updated": "Secrets updated",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Every Quivr users won't be able to use this brain anymore and they won't see it in the brain library.",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "Are you sure you want to set this as Private?
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "Every Quivr user will be able to:
- Subscribe to your brain in the 'brains library'.
- Use this brain and check the prompt and model configurations.
They won't have access to your uploaded files and people section.",
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "Are you sure you want to set this as Public?
- "setDefaultBrain": "Set as default brain",
- "shareBrain": "Share brain {{name}}",
- "shareBrainLink": "Click to copy link to share your brain",
- "shareBrainUsers": "Users with access",
- "update_secrets_button": "Update secrets",
- "update_secrets_message": "Enter your secret. This information is required to identify you when calling the API",
- "userRemoved": "Removed {{email}} from brain",
- "userRemoveFailed": "Failed to remove {{email}} from brain",
- "userRoleUpdated": "Updated {{email}} to {{newRole}}",
- "userRoleUpdateFailed": "Failed updating {{email}} to {{newRole}} ",
- "usersInvited": "Users successfully invited",
- "usersWithAccess": "Users with access"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"api_brain":{"addRow":"Add row","description":"Description","name":"Name","required":"Required","type":"Type","value":"Value"},"brain_library_button_label":"Explore","brain_management_button_label":"Brains management","brain_params":"Brain params","brain_status_label":"Access","brain_type":"Type of brain","brainCreated":"Brain created successfully","brainDescription":"Description","brainDescriptionPlaceholder":"My new brain is about...","brainName":"Brain name","brainNamePlaceholder":"E.g. History notes","brainUndefined":"Brain is undefined","cancel_set_brain_status_to_private":"No, keep it public","cancel_set_brain_status_to_public":"No, keep it private","composite_brain_composition_invitation":"Connect your new brain to other existing brains from your library by selecting them.","confirm_set_brain_status_to_private":"Yes, set as private","confirm_set_brain_status_to_public":"Yes, set as public","copiedToClipboard":"Copied to clipboard","defaultBrain":"Default Brain","empty_brain_description":"No description","errorCreatingBrain":"Error occurred while creating a brain","errorFetchingBrainUsers":"An error occurred while fetching brain users","errorSendingInvitation":"An error occurred while sending invitations","explore_brains":"Explore Quivr community brains","inviteUsers":"Add new users","knowledge_source_api":"App (Through API)","knowledge_source_composite_brain":"Agent","knowledge_source_doc":"Documents","knowledge_source_label":"Knowledge source","manage_brain":"Manage brain","myBrains":"My Brains","newBrain":"Add New Brain","newBrainSubtitle":"Create a new space for your data","newBrainTitle":"Add New Brain","noBrainUsers":"No brainUsers","private_brain_description":"Accessible for you and the people you share it with","private_brain_label":"Private","public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label":"Subscribed","public_brain_description":"The brain will be shared with the Quivr community","public_brain_label":"Public","public_brain_last_update_label":"Last update","public_brain_subscribe_button_label":"Subscribe","public_brain_subscription_success_message":"You have successfully subscribed to the brain","public_brains_search_bar_placeholder":"Search public brains","resources":"Ressource","searchBrain":"Search for a brain","secrets_update_error":"Error while updating secrets","secrets_updated":"Secrets updated","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description":"Every Quivr users won't be able to use this brain anymore and they won't see it in the brain library.","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title":"Are you sure you want to set this as Private?
","set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description":"Every Quivr user will be able to:
- Subscribe to your brain in the 'brains library'.
- Use this brain and check the prompt and model configurations.
They won't have access to your uploaded files and people section.","set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title":"Are you sure you want to set this as Public?
","setDefaultBrain":"Set as default brain","shareBrain":"Share brain {{name}}","shareBrainLink":"Click to copy link to share your brain","shareBrainUsers":"Users with access","update_secrets_button":"Update secrets","update_secrets_message":"Enter your secret. This information is required to identify you when calling the API","userRemoved":"Removed {{email}} from brain","userRemoveFailed":"Failed to remove {{email}} from brain","userRoleUpdated":"Updated {{email}} to {{newRole}}","userRoleUpdateFailed":"Failed updating {{email}} to {{newRole}} ","usersInvited":"Users successfully invited","usersWithAccess":"Users with access"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/chat.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/chat.json
index 1762e34d587c..a393dba2785d 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/chat.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/chat.json
@@ -1,63 +1 @@
- "actions_bar_placeholder": "Ask a question to a @brain and choose your #prompt",
- "add_document": "Add document",
- "ask": "Ask a question, or describe a task.",
- "back_to_chat": "Back to chat",
- "brain": "brain",
- "brains": "brains",
- "change_brain": "Change brain",
- "chat": "Chat",
- "chatDeleted": "Chat successfully deleted. Id: {{id}}",
- "chatNameUpdated": "Chat name updated",
- "error_occurred": "Error occurred while getting answer",
- "errorCallingAPI": "Error calling the API",
- "errorDeleting": "Error deleting chat: {{error}}",
- "errorFetching": "Error occurred while fetching your chats",
- "errorParsingData": "Error parsing data",
- "feed_brain_placeholder": "Choose which @brain you want to feed with these files",
- "feedingBrain": "Your newly added knowledge is being processed, you can keep chatting in the meantime !",
- "history": "History",
- "keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
- "last30Days": "Previous 30 days",
- "last7Days": "Previous 7 days",
- "limit_reached": "You have reached the limit of requests, please try again later",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "missing_brain": "Please select a brain to chat with",
- "new_discussion": "New discussion",
- "new_prompt": "Create new prompt",
- "noCurrentBrain": "No current brain",
- "onboarding": {
- "answer": {
- "how_to_use_quivr": "Check the documentation https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
- "what_is_brain": "A brain is a virtual folder for organizing information on a specific topic. It can store documents and connect to external apps or APIs. For instance, a 'Medical Science' brain could contain health-related data, and a 'Legal' brain could have legal information. Brains can be made public for others to use without revealing the contents, promoting knowledge sharing.",
- "what_is_quivr": "Quivr is a helpful assistant. You can easily drag and drop files into the chat or the knowledge section to interact with them. It's not just a chat tool; you can also communicate with apps using APIs.\nTo keep your work organized, you can create brains, essentially virtual folders, and subscribe to others' brains in the explore section for seamless collaboration and information sharing."
- },
- "how_to_use_quivr": "How to use Quivr ?",
- "step_1_1": "1. Drag and drop file on the chat or in the 📎.",
- "step_1_2": "Don't have a file ? Download 'Quivr documentation'",
- "step_2": "2. Start chatting with your file",
- "step_3": "3. Enjoy !",
- "title": "Hi 👋🏻 Want to discover Quivr ? 😇",
- "what_is_brain": "What is a brain ?",
- "what_is_quivr": "What is Quivr ?"
- },
- "parameters": "Parameters",
- "receivedResponse": "Received response. Starting to handle stream...",
- "resposeBodyNull": "Response body is null",
- "shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: Choose a specific prompt",
- "shortcut_create_brain": "@+: Create a new brain",
- "shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: Create a new custom prompt",
- "shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: Feed a brain with knowledge",
- "shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDK: Go to shortcuts",
- "shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: Go to user page",
- "shortcut_manage_brains": "CMDB: Manage your brains",
- "shortcut_select_brain": "@: Select a brain",
- "shortcut_select_file": "/: Select a file to talk to",
- "subtitle": "Talk to a language model about your uploaded data",
- "thinking": "Thinking...",
- "title": "Chat with {{brain}}",
- "today": "Today",
- "tooManyRequests": "You have exceeded the number of requests per day. To continue chatting, please enter an OpenAI API key in your profile or in used brain.",
- "welcome": "Welcome",
- "yesterday": "Yesterday"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"actions_bar_placeholder":"Ask a question to a @brain and choose your #prompt","add_document":"Add document","ask":"Ask a question, or describe a task.","back_to_chat":"Back to chat","brain":"brain","brains":"brains","change_brain":"Change brain","chat":"Chat","chatDeleted":"Chat successfully deleted. Id: {{id}}","chatNameUpdated":"Chat name updated","error_occurred":"Error occurred while getting answer","errorCallingAPI":"Error calling the API","errorDeleting":"Error deleting chat: {{error}}","errorFetching":"Error occurred while fetching your chats","errorParsingData":"Error parsing data","feed_brain_placeholder":"Choose which @brain you want to feed with these files","feedingBrain":"Your newly added knowledge is being processed, you can keep chatting in the meantime !","history":"History","keyboard_shortcuts":"Keyboard shortcuts","last30Days":"Previous 30 days","last7Days":"Previous 7 days","limit_reached":"You have reached the limit of requests, please try again later","menu":"Menu","missing_brain":"Please select a brain to chat with","new_discussion":"New discussion","new_prompt":"Create new prompt","noCurrentBrain":"No current brain","onboarding":{"answer":{"how_to_use_quivr":"Check the documentation https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html","what_is_brain":"A brain is a virtual folder for organizing information on a specific topic. It can store documents and connect to external apps or APIs. For instance, a 'Medical Science' brain could contain health-related data, and a 'Legal' brain could have legal information. Brains can be made public for others to use without revealing the contents, promoting knowledge sharing.","what_is_quivr":"Quivr is a helpful assistant. You can easily drag and drop files into the chat or the knowledge section to interact with them. It's not just a chat tool; you can also communicate with apps using APIs.\nTo keep your work organized, you can create brains, essentially virtual folders, and subscribe to others' brains in the explore section for seamless collaboration and information sharing."},"how_to_use_quivr":"How to use Quivr ?","step_1_1":"1. Drag and drop file on the chat or in the 📎.","step_1_2":"Don't have a file ? Download 'Quivr documentation'","step_2":"2. Start chatting with your file","step_3":"3. Enjoy !","title":"Hi 👋🏻 Want to discover Quivr ? 😇","what_is_brain":"What is a brain ?","what_is_quivr":"What is Quivr ?"},"parameters":"Parameters","receivedResponse":"Received response. Starting to handle stream...","resposeBodyNull":"Response body is null","shortcut_choose_prompt":"#: Choose a specific prompt","shortcut_create_brain":"@+: Create a new brain","shortcut_create_prompt":"#+: Create a new custom prompt","shortcut_feed_brain":"/+: Feed a brain with knowledge","shortcut_go_to_shortcuts":"CMDK: Go to shortcuts","shortcut_go_to_user_page":"CMDU: Go to user page","shortcut_manage_brains":"CMDB: Manage your brains","shortcut_select_brain":"@: Select a brain","shortcut_select_file":"/: Select a file to talk to","subtitle":"Talk to a language model about your uploaded data","thinking":"Thinking...","title":"Chat with {{brain}}","today":"Today","tooManyRequests":"You have exceeded the number of requests per day. To continue chatting, please enter an OpenAI API key in your profile or in used brain.","welcome":"Welcome","yesterday":"Yesterday"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/config.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/config.json
index b5ab40e3fcee..9b2781e799dd 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/config.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/config.json
@@ -1,56 +1 @@
- "accountSection": "Your Account",
- "anthropicKeyLabel": "Anthropic API Key",
- "anthropicKeyPlaceholder": "Anthropic API Key",
- "apiKey": "API Key",
- "backendSection": "Backend config",
- "backendUrlLabel": "Backend URL",
- "backendUrlPlaceHolder": "Backend URL",
- "brainUpdated": "Brain updated successfully",
- "configReset": "Config reseted",
- "configSaved": "Config saved",
- "customPromptSection": "Custom prompt",
- "defaultBrainSet": "Brain set as default successfully",
- "descriptionRequired": "Description is required",
- "error": {
- "copy": "Failed to copy",
- "createApiKey": "Error creating API Key"
- },
- "errorRemovingPrompt": "Error while removing prompt",
- "incorrectApiKey": "Incorrect API Key",
- "invalidApiKeyError": "Invalid API Key",
- "invalidOpenAiKey": "Invalid OpenAI Key",
- "keepInLocal": "Keep in local",
- "knowledge": "Knowledge",
- "maxTokens": "Maximum Words per Response",
- "modelLabel": "Model",
- "modelSection": "Model configuration of the brain",
- "nameRequired": "Name is required",
- "newAPIKey": "Create New Key",
- "noUser": "No user",
- "ohno": "Oh no!",
- "openAiKeyLabel": "Open AI Key",
- "openAiKeyPlaceholder": "sk-xxx",
- "people": "People",
- "promptContent": "Prompt content",
- "promptContentPlaceholder": "As an AI, your...",
- "promptFieldsRequired": "Prompt title and content are required",
- "promptName": "Prompt title",
- "promptNamePlaceholder": "My awesome prompt name",
- "promptRemoved": "Prompt removed successfully",
- "publicPrompts": "Pick in public prompts",
- "removePrompt": "Remove prompt",
- "requireAccess": "Please require access from the owner.",
- "roleRequired": "You don't have the necessary role to access this tab 🧠💡🥲.",
- "selectQuivrPersonalityBtn": "Select a Quivr Personality",
- "settings": "Settings",
- "signedInAs": "Signed In as",
- "subtitle": "Manage your brain",
- "supabaseKeyLabel": "Supabase key",
- "supabaseKeyPlaceHolder": "Supabase key",
- "supabaseURLLabel": "Supabase URL",
- "supabaseURLPlaceHolder": "Supabase URL",
- "temperature": "Temperature",
- "title": "Configuration",
- "updatingBrainSettings": "Updating brain settings..."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"accountSection":"Your Account","anthropicKeyLabel":"Anthropic API Key","anthropicKeyPlaceholder":"Anthropic API Key","apiKey":"API Key","backendSection":"Backend config","backendUrlLabel":"Backend URL","backendUrlPlaceHolder":"Backend URL","brainUpdated":"Brain updated successfully","configReset":"Config reseted","configSaved":"Config saved","customPromptSection":"Custom prompt","defaultBrainSet":"Brain set as default successfully","descriptionRequired":"Description is required","error":{"copy":"Failed to copy","createApiKey":"Error creating API Key"},"errorRemovingPrompt":"Error while removing prompt","incorrectApiKey":"Incorrect API Key","invalidApiKeyError":"Invalid API Key","invalidOpenAiKey":"Invalid OpenAI Key","keepInLocal":"Keep in local","knowledge":"Knowledge","maxTokens":"Maximum Words per Response","modelLabel":"Model","modelSection":"Model configuration of the brain","nameRequired":"Name is required","newAPIKey":"Create New Key","noUser":"No user","ohno":"Oh no!","openAiKeyLabel":"Open AI Key","openAiKeyPlaceholder":"sk-xxx","people":"People","promptContent":"Prompt content","promptContentPlaceholder":"As an AI, your...","promptFieldsRequired":"Prompt title and content are required","promptName":"Prompt title","promptNamePlaceholder":"My awesome prompt name","promptRemoved":"Prompt removed successfully","publicPrompts":"Pick in public prompts","removePrompt":"Remove prompt","requireAccess":"Please require access from the owner.","roleRequired":"You don't have the necessary role to access this tab 🧠💡🥲.","selectQuivrPersonalityBtn":"Select a Quivr Personality","settings":"Settings","signedInAs":"Signed In as","subtitle":"Manage your brain","supabaseKeyLabel":"Supabase key","supabaseKeyPlaceHolder":"Supabase key","supabaseURLLabel":"Supabase URL","supabaseURLPlaceHolder":"Supabase URL","temperature":"Temperature","title":"Configuration","updatingBrainSettings":"Updating brain settings..."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/contact.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/contact.json
index 8cf409a954f1..f53a4f571f40 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/contact.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/contact.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "speak_to": "Speak to our",
- "sales_team": "Sales team",
- "form": {
- "email": "Work Email",
- "question": "Question",
- "submit": "Contact",
- "placeholder_question": "How can we help you?",
- "thank_you": "Thank you!",
- "thank_you_text": "We will get back to you as soon as possible.",
- "sending_mail_error": "There was an error sending your message. Please try again later."
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+{"speak_to":"Speak to our","sales_team":"Sales team","form":{"email":"Work Email","question":"Question","submit":"Contact","placeholder_question":"How can we help you?","thank_you":"Thank you!","thank_you_text":"We will get back to you as soon as possible.","sending_mail_error":"There was an error sending your message. Please try again later."}}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/explore.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/explore.json
index fa77114aa81c..69311eb6aab7 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/explore.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/explore.json
@@ -1,15 +1 @@
- "title": "Explore uploaded data",
- "subtitle": "View, download or delete knowledge used by your brain",
- "empty": "Oh No, Your Brain is empty.",
- "noBrain": "Brain id not found",
- "sessionNotFound": "User session not found",
- "deleted": "{{fileName}} deleted from brain {{brain}}",
- "errorDeleting": "Error deleting {{fileName}}",
- "view": "View",
- "chunkNumber": "No. of chunks: {{quantity}}",
- "notAvailable": "Not Available",
- "deleteConfirmTitle": "Confirm",
- "deleteConfirmText": "Do you really want to delete?",
- "feed_brain_instructions": "To add knowledge to a brain, go to chat page then click on plus button on the left of the chat input"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Explore uploaded data","subtitle":"View, download or delete knowledge used by your brain","empty":"Oh No, Your Brain is empty.","noBrain":"Brain id not found","sessionNotFound":"User session not found","deleted":"{{fileName}} deleted from brain {{brain}}","errorDeleting":"Error deleting {{fileName}}","view":"View","chunkNumber":"No. of chunks: {{quantity}}","notAvailable":"Not Available","deleteConfirmTitle":"Confirm","deleteConfirmText":"Do you really want to delete?","feed_brain_instructions":"To add knowledge to a brain, go to chat page then click on plus button on the left of the chat input"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/external_api_definition.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/external_api_definition.json
index 91cdb44b40c7..7336601cb7be 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/external_api_definition.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/external_api_definition.json
@@ -1,14 +1 @@
- "method_label": "Method",
- "url_placeholder": "URL",
- "searchParams": "Search Params",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "params": "Params",
- "key": "Key",
- "type": "Type (string or number)",
- "description": "Description",
- "secrets": "Secrets",
- "paramsTabDescription": "These values are sent as the request body.",
- "searchParamsTabDescription": "These values are sent as the query string.",
- "secretsTabDescription": "These values are sent as header keys"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"method_label":"Method","url_placeholder":"URL","searchParams":"Search Params","headers":"Headers","params":"Params","key":"Key","type":"Type (string or number)","description":"Description","secrets":"Secrets","paramsTabDescription":"These values are sent as the request body.","searchParamsTabDescription":"These values are sent as the query string.","secretsTabDescription":"These values are sent as header keys"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/home.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/home.json
index 5e752c595a6c..f1c583e307f8 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/home.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/home.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"sign_in": "Sign in",
+ "docs": "Docs",
"sign_up": "Sign up",
"star_us": "Star us on Github",
"blog": "Blog",
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/invitation.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/invitation.json
index c864348b1240..731efddf8bbb 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/invitation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/invitation.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "wellcome": "Welcome to {{brain}}!",
- "invitationMessage": "You have been invited to join this brain as a {{role}} and start exploring. Do you accept this exciting journey?",
- "processingRequest": "Processing your request...",
- "accept": "Yes, count me in!",
- "reject": "No, thank you.",
- "invitationNotFound": "This invitation is not valid.",
- "errorCheckingInvitation": "An unknown error occurred while checking the invitation",
- "accepted": "Invitation accepted",
- "errorAccepting": "An unknown error occurred while accepting the invitation",
- "declined": "Invitation declined",
- "errorDeclining": "An unknown error occurred while declining the invitation"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"wellcome":"Welcome to {{brain}}!","invitationMessage":"You have been invited to join this brain as a {{role}} and start exploring. Do you accept this exciting journey?","processingRequest":"Processing your request...","accept":"Yes, count me in!","reject":"No, thank you.","invitationNotFound":"This invitation is not valid.","errorCheckingInvitation":"An unknown error occurred while checking the invitation","accepted":"Invitation accepted","errorAccepting":"An unknown error occurred while accepting the invitation","declined":"Invitation declined","errorDeclining":"An unknown error occurred while declining the invitation"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/login.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/login.json
index a87907ae0a15..b2d1e2167e44 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/login.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/login.json
@@ -1,18 +1 @@
- "password": "Password",
- "googleLogin": "Continue with Google",
- "errorPasswordMissed": "Please enter your password",
- "magicLink": "Continue with email",
- "errorMailMissed": "Please enter your email address",
- "talk_to": "Talk to",
- "restriction_message": "Unpaid users have access to a free and limited demo of Quivr",
- "email": "Email address",
- "cant_find": "Can't find it ?",
- "try_again": "Try again",
- "check_your_email": {
- "part1": "We just sent you a ",
- "magic_link": "Magic link",
- "part2": ", check your emails and follow the steps."
- },
- "login": "Login"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"password":"Password","googleLogin":"Continue with Google","errorPasswordMissed":"Please enter your password","magicLink":"Continue with email","errorMailMissed":"Please enter your email address","talk_to":"Talk to","restriction_message":"Unpaid users have access to a free and limited demo of Quivr","email":"Email address","cant_find":"Can't find it ?","try_again":"Try again","check_your_email":{"part1":"We just sent you a ","magic_link":"Magic link","part2":", check your emails and follow the steps."},"login":"Login"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/logout.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/logout.json
index 31efa551a3e8..9897e5a3e5e5 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/logout.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/logout.json
@@ -1,8 +1 @@
- "title": "Logout",
- "subtitle": "See you next time",
- "areYouSure": "Are you sure you want to sign out ?",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "error": "Error on logout {{errorMessage}}",
- "loggedOut": "Logged out successfully"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Logout","subtitle":"See you next time","areYouSure":"Are you sure you want to sign out ?","cancel":"Cancel","error":"Error on logout {{errorMessage}}","loggedOut":"Logged out successfully"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/monetization.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/monetization.json
index c040052cf916..07df53e0a186 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/monetization.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/monetization.json
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
- "upgrade": "Upgrade to plus",
- "new": "New",
- "manage_plan": "Manage my plan"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"upgrade":"Upgrade to plus","new":"New","manage_plan":"Manage my plan"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/translation.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/translation.json
index 823156d76fc4..fa20d135ac7f 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/translation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/translation.json
@@ -1,38 +1 @@
- "all": "All",
- "and": "and",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "Chat": "Chat",
- "chatButton": "Chat",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon",
- "crawlButton": "Crawl",
- "createButton": "Create",
- "deleteButton": "Delete",
- "deleteForeverButton": "Delete forever",
- "description": "Quivr is your second brain in the cloud, designed to easily store and retrieve unstructured information.",
- "doneButton": "Done",
- "Editor": "Editor",
- "email": "Email",
- "Explore": "Explore",
- "invalidUrl": "Invalid URL",
- "lang": "en-US",
- "languageSelect": "Preferred language",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "logoutButton": "Logout",
- "newChatButton": "New Chat",
- "next": "Next",
- "or": "or",
- "Owner": "Owner",
- "previous": "Previous",
- "resetButton": "Reset",
- "saveButton": "Save",
- "shareButton": "Share",
- "themeSelect": "Interface theme",
- "title": "Quivr - Get a Second Brain with Generative AI",
- "toastDismiss": "dismiss",
- "updateButton": "Update",
- "Upload": "Upload",
- "uploadButton": "Upload",
- "uploadingButton": "Uploading...",
- "Viewer": "Viewer"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"all":"All","and":"and","cancel":"Cancel","Chat":"Chat","chatButton":"Chat","comingSoon":"Coming soon","crawlButton":"Crawl","createButton":"Create","deleteButton":"Delete","deleteForeverButton":"Delete forever","description":"Quivr is your second brain in the cloud, designed to easily store and retrieve unstructured information.","doneButton":"Done","Editor":"Editor","email":"Email","Explore":"Explore","invalidUrl":"Invalid URL","lang":"en-US","languageSelect":"Preferred language","loading":"Loading...","logoutButton":"Logout","newChatButton":"New Chat","next":"Next","or":"or","Owner":"Owner","previous":"Previous","resetButton":"Reset","saveButton":"Save","shareButton":"Share","themeSelect":"Interface theme","title":"Quivr - Get a Second Brain with Generative AI","toastDismiss":"dismiss","updateButton":"Update","Upload":"Upload","uploadButton":"Upload","uploadingButton":"Uploading...","Viewer":"Viewer"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/upload.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/upload.json
index c1db07d08b9a..e5dde681d80b 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/upload.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/upload.json
@@ -1,20 +1 @@
- "title": "Upload Knowledge",
- "subtitle": "Text, document, spreadsheet, presentation, audio, video, and URLs supported",
- "drop": "Drop the files here...",
- "webSite": "Insert website URL",
- "success": "File uploaded successfully",
- "uploadFailed": "Failed to upload file: {{message}}",
- "maxSizeError": "File too big",
- "alreadyAdded": "{{fileName}} was already added but not sent to your brain",
- "addFiles": "Please, add files to upload",
- "selectBrain": "Please, select or create a brain to upload a file",
- "invalidUrl": "Invalid URL",
- "crawlFailed": "Failed to crawl website: {{message}}",
- "ohNo": "Oh no!",
- "selectBrainFirst": "You need to select a brain first. 🧠💡🥲",
- "missingNecessaryRole": "You don't have the necessary role to upload content to the selected brain. 🧠💡🥲",
- "invalidFileType": "Invalid file type",
- "feed_form_submit_button": "Send to my brain",
- "selected_brain_select_label": "Select a brain"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Upload Knowledge","subtitle":"Text, document, spreadsheet, presentation, audio, video, and URLs supported","drop":"Drop the files here...","webSite":"Insert website URL","success":"File uploaded successfully","uploadFailed":"Failed to upload file: {{message}}","maxSizeError":"File too big","alreadyAdded":"{{fileName}} was already added but not sent to your brain","addFiles":"Please, add files to upload","selectBrain":"Please, select or create a brain to upload a file","invalidUrl":"Invalid URL","crawlFailed":"Failed to crawl website: {{message}}","ohNo":"Oh no!","selectBrainFirst":"You need to select a brain first. 🧠💡🥲","missingNecessaryRole":"You don't have the necessary role to upload content to the selected brain. 🧠💡🥲","invalidFileType":"Invalid file type","feed_form_submit_button":"Send to my brain","selected_brain_select_label":"Select a brain"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/en/user.json b/frontend/public/locales/en/user.json
index 225d052e08be..26213dc947ac 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/en/user.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/en/user.json
@@ -1,10 +1 @@
- "title": "{{user}}'s Brain Usage",
- "fetching": "Fetching your data...",
- "requestsCount": "Today's Requests: {{count}}",
- "brainSize": "Remaining Brain size",
- "empty": "Empty",
- "Used": "Used",
- "Unused": "Unused",
- "brainUsage": "Brain Usage"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"{{user}}'s Brain Usage","fetching":"Fetching your data...","requestsCount":"Today's Requests: {{count}}","brainSize":"Remaining Brain size","empty":"Empty","Used":"Used","Unused":"Unused","brainUsage":"Brain Usage"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/brain.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/brain.json
index edca7f792dc0..abbc282910fe 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/brain.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/brain.json
@@ -1,73 +1 @@
- "api_brain": {
- "addRow": "Agregar fila",
- "description": "Descripción",
- "name": "Nombre",
- "required": "Requerido",
- "type": "Tipo",
- "value": "Valor"
- },
- "brain_library_button_label": "Biblioteca de cerebros",
- "brain_management_button_label": "Gestionar cerebro",
- "brain_params": "Parámetros del cerebro",
- "brain_status_label": "Estado",
- "brain_type": "Tipo de cerebro",
- "brainCreated": "Cerebro creado correctamente",
- "brainDescription": "Descripción",
- "brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "Mi nuevo cerebro es acerca de...",
- "brainName": "Nombre del cerebro",
- "brainNamePlaceholder": "Ejemplo: Anotaciones de historia",
- "brainUndefined": "Cerebro no definido",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "No, mantenerlo público",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "No, mantenerlo privado",
- "composite_brain_composition_invitation": "Conecta tu nuevo cerebro a otros cerebros existentes de tu biblioteca seleccionándolos.",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "Sí, establecer como privado",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "Sí, establecer como público",
- "copiedToClipboard": "Copiado al portapeles",
- "defaultBrain": "Cerebro por defecto",
- "empty_brain_description": "Sin descripción",
- "errorCreatingBrain": "Error al crear cerebro",
- "errorFetchingBrainUsers": "Error al obtener usuarios del cerebro",
- "errorSendingInvitation": "Un error ocurrió al enviar invitaciones",
- "explore_brains": "Explorar cerebros de la comunidad Quivr",
- "inviteUsers": "Agrega nuevos usuarios",
- "knowledge_source_api": "API",
- "knowledge_source_composite_brain": "Agente",
- "knowledge_source_doc": "Documentos",
- "knowledge_source_label": "Fuente de conocimiento",
- "manage_brain": "Gestionar cerebro",
- "myBrains": "Mis cerebros",
- "newBrain": "Agregar nuevo cerebro",
- "newBrainSubtitle": "Crea un nuevo espacio para tus datos",
- "newBrainTitle": "Agregar nuevo cerebro",
- "noBrainUsers": "Sin usuarios del cerebro",
- "private_brain_description": "Accesible para ti y las personas con las que lo compartas",
- "private_brain_label": "Privado",
- "public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "Ya suscrito",
- "public_brain_description": "El cerebro se compartirá con la comunidad de Quivr",
- "public_brain_label": "Público",
- "public_brain_last_update_label": "Última actualización",
- "public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "Suscribirse",
- "public_brain_subscription_success_message": "Te has suscrito con éxito al cerebro",
- "public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "Buscar cerebros públicos",
- "resources": "Recursos",
- "searchBrain": "Buscar un cerebro",
- "secrets_update_error": "Error al actualizar secretos",
- "secrets_updated": "Secretos actualizados",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Los usuarios de Quivr ya no podrán utilizar este cerebro y no lo verán en la biblioteca de cerebros.",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "¿Estás seguro de que quieres establecer esto como Privado?
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "Cada usuario de Quivr podrá:
- Suscribirse a tu cerebro en la 'biblioteca de cerebros'.
- Usar este cerebro y comprobar las configuraciones de las indicaciones y el modelo.
No tendrán acceso a tus archivos cargados ni a la sección de personas.",
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "¿Estás seguro de querer establecer esto como Público?
- "setDefaultBrain": "Asignar cerebro por defecto",
- "shareBrain": "Compartir cerebro {{name}}",
- "shareBrainLink": "Click para copiar y compartir tu cerebro",
- "shareBrainUsers": "Usuarios con acceso",
- "update_secrets_button": "Actualizar secretos",
- "update_secrets_message": "Ingrese su contraseña. Esta información es necesaria para identificarlo al llamar a la API",
- "userRemoved": "Eliminado {{email}} del cerebro",
- "userRemoveFailed": "Error al eliminar {{email}} del cerebro",
- "userRoleUpdated": "Actualizado {{email}} a {{newRole}}",
- "userRoleUpdateFailed": "Error actualizado {{email}} a {{newRole}} ",
- "usersInvited": "Usuarios invitados correctamente",
- "usersWithAccess": "Usuarios con acceso"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"api_brain":{"addRow":"Agregar fila","description":"Descripción","name":"Nombre","required":"Requerido","type":"Tipo","value":"Valor"},"brain_library_button_label":"Biblioteca de cerebros","brain_management_button_label":"Gestionar cerebro","brain_params":"Parámetros del cerebro","brain_status_label":"Estado","brain_type":"Tipo de cerebro","brainCreated":"Cerebro creado correctamente","brainDescription":"Descripción","brainDescriptionPlaceholder":"Mi nuevo cerebro es acerca de...","brainName":"Nombre del cerebro","brainNamePlaceholder":"Ejemplo: Anotaciones de historia","brainUndefined":"Cerebro no definido","cancel_set_brain_status_to_private":"No, mantenerlo público","cancel_set_brain_status_to_public":"No, mantenerlo privado","composite_brain_composition_invitation":"Conecta tu nuevo cerebro a otros cerebros existentes de tu biblioteca seleccionándolos.","confirm_set_brain_status_to_private":"Sí, establecer como privado","confirm_set_brain_status_to_public":"Sí, establecer como público","copiedToClipboard":"Copiado al portapeles","defaultBrain":"Cerebro por defecto","empty_brain_description":"Sin descripción","errorCreatingBrain":"Error al crear cerebro","errorFetchingBrainUsers":"Error al obtener usuarios del cerebro","errorSendingInvitation":"Un error ocurrió al enviar invitaciones","explore_brains":"Explorar cerebros de la comunidad Quivr","inviteUsers":"Agrega nuevos usuarios","knowledge_source_api":"API","knowledge_source_composite_brain":"Agente","knowledge_source_doc":"Documentos","knowledge_source_label":"Fuente de conocimiento","manage_brain":"Gestionar cerebro","myBrains":"Mis cerebros","newBrain":"Agregar nuevo cerebro","newBrainSubtitle":"Crea un nuevo espacio para tus datos","newBrainTitle":"Agregar nuevo cerebro","noBrainUsers":"Sin usuarios del cerebro","private_brain_description":"Accesible para ti y las personas con las que lo compartas","private_brain_label":"Privado","public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label":"Ya suscrito","public_brain_description":"El cerebro se compartirá con la comunidad de Quivr","public_brain_label":"Público","public_brain_last_update_label":"Última actualización","public_brain_subscribe_button_label":"Suscribirse","public_brain_subscription_success_message":"Te has suscrito con éxito al cerebro","public_brains_search_bar_placeholder":"Buscar cerebros públicos","resources":"Recursos","searchBrain":"Buscar un cerebro","secrets_update_error":"Error al actualizar secretos","secrets_updated":"Secretos actualizados","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description":"Los usuarios de Quivr ya no podrán utilizar este cerebro y no lo verán en la biblioteca de cerebros.","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title":"¿Estás seguro de que quieres establecer esto como Privado?
","set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description":"Cada usuario de Quivr podrá:
- Suscribirse a tu cerebro en la 'biblioteca de cerebros'.
- Usar este cerebro y comprobar las configuraciones de las indicaciones y el modelo.
No tendrán acceso a tus archivos cargados ni a la sección de personas.","set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title":"¿Estás seguro de querer establecer esto como Público?
","setDefaultBrain":"Asignar cerebro por defecto","shareBrain":"Compartir cerebro {{name}}","shareBrainLink":"Click para copiar y compartir tu cerebro","shareBrainUsers":"Usuarios con acceso","update_secrets_button":"Actualizar secretos","update_secrets_message":"Ingrese su contraseña. Esta información es necesaria para identificarlo al llamar a la API","userRemoved":"Eliminado {{email}} del cerebro","userRemoveFailed":"Error al eliminar {{email}} del cerebro","userRoleUpdated":"Actualizado {{email}} a {{newRole}}","userRoleUpdateFailed":"Error actualizado {{email}} a {{newRole}} ","usersInvited":"Usuarios invitados correctamente","usersWithAccess":"Usuarios con acceso"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/chat.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/chat.json
index f49f1fee664c..0bbc5225061b 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/chat.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/chat.json
@@ -1,63 +1 @@
- "actions_bar_placeholder": "Haz una pregunta a un @cerebro y elige tu #prompt",
- "add_document": "Agregar documento",
- "ask": "Has una pregunta o describe un tarea.",
- "back_to_chat": "Volver al chat",
- "brain": "cerebro",
- "brains": "cerebros",
- "change_brain": "Cambiar cerebro",
- "chat": "Conversar",
- "chatDeleted": "Chat borrado correstamente. Id: {{id}}",
- "chatNameUpdated": "Nombre de chat actualizado",
- "error_occurred": "Error al obtener respuesta",
- "errorCallingAPI": "Error al llamar a la API",
- "errorDeleting": "Error al borrar chat: {{error}}",
- "errorFetching": "Error al obtener tus chats",
- "errorParsingData": "Error al transformar datos",
- "feed_brain_placeholder": "Elige cuál @cerebro quieres alimentar con estos archivos",
- "feedingBrain": "Su conocimiento recién agregado se está procesando, ¡puede seguir chateando mientras tanto!",
- "history": "Historia",
- "keyboard_shortcuts": "Atajos de teclado",
- "last30Days": "Últimos 30 días",
- "last7Days": "Últimos 7 días",
- "limit_reached": "Has alcanzado el límite de peticiones, intente de nuevo más tarde",
- "menu": "Menú",
- "missing_brain": "No hay cerebro seleccionado",
- "new_discussion": "Nueva discusión",
- "new_prompt": "Crear nueva instrucción",
- "noCurrentBrain": "Sin cerebro seleccionado",
- "onboarding": {
- "answer": {
- "how_to_use_quivr": "Consulta la documentación en https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
- "what_is_brain": "Un cerebro es una carpeta virtual para organizar información sobre un tema específico. Puede almacenar documentos y conectarse a aplicaciones externas o APIs. Por ejemplo, un cerebro de 'Ciencias Médicas' podría contener datos relacionados con la salud, y un cerebro de 'Legal' podría tener información legal. Los cerebros pueden hacerse públicos para que otros los utilicen sin revelar el contenido, fomentando el intercambio de conocimientos.",
- "what_is_quivr": "Quivr es un asistente útil. Puedes arrastrar y soltar archivos en el chat o en la sección de conocimientos para interactuar con ellos. No es solo una herramienta de chat; también puedes comunicarte con aplicaciones utilizando APIs.\nPara mantener tu trabajo organizado, puedes crear cerebros, que son básicamente carpetas virtuales, y suscribirte a los cerebros de otros en la sección de exploración para una colaboración y compartición de información fluida."
- },
- "how_to_use_quivr": "¿Cómo usar Quivr?",
- "step_1_1": "1. Arrastra y suelta el archivo en el chat o en el 📎.",
- "step_1_2": "¿No tienes un archivo? Descarga 'Documentación de Quivr'",
- "step_2": "2. Comienza a chatear con tu archivo",
- "step_3": "3. ¡Disfruta!",
- "title": "¡Hola 👋🏻 ¿Quieres descubrir Quivr? 😇",
- "what_is_brain": "¿Qué es un cerebro?",
- "what_is_quivr": "¿Qué es Quivr?"
- },
- "parameters": "Parámetros",
- "receivedResponse": "Respuesta recibida. Iniciando gestión de stream...",
- "resposeBodyNull": "Cuerpo de respuesta vacío",
- "shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: Elegir una instrucción específica",
- "shortcut_create_brain": "@+: Crear un nuevo cerebro",
- "shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: Crear una nueva instrucción personalizada",
- "shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: Alimentar un cerebro con conocimiento",
- "shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDK: Ir a los atajos",
- "shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: Ir a la página de usuario",
- "shortcut_manage_brains": "CMDB: Administrar tus cerebros",
- "shortcut_select_brain": "@: Seleccionar un cerebro",
- "shortcut_select_file": "/: Seleccionar un archivo para hablar",
- "subtitle": "Habla con un modelo de lenguaje acerca de tus datos subidos",
- "thinking": "Pensando...",
- "title": "Conversa con {{brain}}",
- "today": "Hoy",
- "tooManyRequests": "Has excedido el número de solicitudes por día. Para continuar chateando, por favor ingresa una clave de API de OpenAI en tu perfil o en el cerebro utilizado.",
- "welcome": "Bienvenido",
- "yesterday": "Ayer"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"actions_bar_placeholder":"Haz una pregunta a un @cerebro y elige tu #prompt","add_document":"Agregar documento","ask":"Has una pregunta o describe un tarea.","back_to_chat":"Volver al chat","brain":"cerebro","brains":"cerebros","change_brain":"Cambiar cerebro","chat":"Conversar","chatDeleted":"Chat borrado correstamente. Id: {{id}}","chatNameUpdated":"Nombre de chat actualizado","error_occurred":"Error al obtener respuesta","errorCallingAPI":"Error al llamar a la API","errorDeleting":"Error al borrar chat: {{error}}","errorFetching":"Error al obtener tus chats","errorParsingData":"Error al transformar datos","feed_brain_placeholder":"Elige cuál @cerebro quieres alimentar con estos archivos","feedingBrain":"Su conocimiento recién agregado se está procesando, ¡puede seguir chateando mientras tanto!","history":"Historia","keyboard_shortcuts":"Atajos de teclado","last30Days":"Últimos 30 días","last7Days":"Últimos 7 días","limit_reached":"Has alcanzado el límite de peticiones, intente de nuevo más tarde","menu":"Menú","missing_brain":"No hay cerebro seleccionado","new_discussion":"Nueva discusión","new_prompt":"Crear nueva instrucción","noCurrentBrain":"Sin cerebro seleccionado","onboarding":{"answer":{"how_to_use_quivr":"Consulta la documentación en https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html","what_is_brain":"Un cerebro es una carpeta virtual para organizar información sobre un tema específico. Puede almacenar documentos y conectarse a aplicaciones externas o APIs. Por ejemplo, un cerebro de 'Ciencias Médicas' podría contener datos relacionados con la salud, y un cerebro de 'Legal' podría tener información legal. Los cerebros pueden hacerse públicos para que otros los utilicen sin revelar el contenido, fomentando el intercambio de conocimientos.","what_is_quivr":"Quivr es un asistente útil. Puedes arrastrar y soltar archivos en el chat o en la sección de conocimientos para interactuar con ellos. No es solo una herramienta de chat; también puedes comunicarte con aplicaciones utilizando APIs.\nPara mantener tu trabajo organizado, puedes crear cerebros, que son básicamente carpetas virtuales, y suscribirte a los cerebros de otros en la sección de exploración para una colaboración y compartición de información fluida."},"how_to_use_quivr":"¿Cómo usar Quivr?","step_1_1":"1. Arrastra y suelta el archivo en el chat o en el 📎.","step_1_2":"¿No tienes un archivo? Descarga 'Documentación de Quivr'","step_2":"2. Comienza a chatear con tu archivo","step_3":"3. ¡Disfruta!","title":"¡Hola 👋🏻 ¿Quieres descubrir Quivr? 😇","what_is_brain":"¿Qué es un cerebro?","what_is_quivr":"¿Qué es Quivr?"},"parameters":"Parámetros","receivedResponse":"Respuesta recibida. Iniciando gestión de stream...","resposeBodyNull":"Cuerpo de respuesta vacío","shortcut_choose_prompt":"#: Elegir una instrucción específica","shortcut_create_brain":"@+: Crear un nuevo cerebro","shortcut_create_prompt":"#+: Crear una nueva instrucción personalizada","shortcut_feed_brain":"/+: Alimentar un cerebro con conocimiento","shortcut_go_to_shortcuts":"CMDK: Ir a los atajos","shortcut_go_to_user_page":"CMDU: Ir a la página de usuario","shortcut_manage_brains":"CMDB: Administrar tus cerebros","shortcut_select_brain":"@: Seleccionar un cerebro","shortcut_select_file":"/: Seleccionar un archivo para hablar","subtitle":"Habla con un modelo de lenguaje acerca de tus datos subidos","thinking":"Pensando...","title":"Conversa con {{brain}}","today":"Hoy","tooManyRequests":"Has excedido el número de solicitudes por día. Para continuar chateando, por favor ingresa una clave de API de OpenAI en tu perfil o en el cerebro utilizado.","welcome":"Bienvenido","yesterday":"Ayer"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/config.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/config.json
index 721eb79a2fee..324f2bf1cbbf 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/config.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/config.json
@@ -1,56 +1 @@
- "accountSection": "Tu Cuenta",
- "anthropicKeyLabel": "Clave de la API de Anthropic",
- "anthropicKeyPlaceholder": "Clave de la API de Anthropic",
- "apiKey": "Clave de API",
- "backendSection": "Configuración de Backend",
- "backendUrlLabel": "URL del Backend",
- "backendUrlPlaceHolder": "URL del Backend",
- "brainUpdated": "Cerebro actualizado correctamente",
- "configReset": "Configuración restaurada",
- "configSaved": "Configuración guardada",
- "customPromptSection": "Indicadores personalizados",
- "defaultBrainSet": "Cerebro asignado como predeterminado",
- "descriptionRequired": "La descripción es necesaria",
- "error": {
- "copy": "No se pudo copiar",
- "createApiKey": "No se pudo crear la clave API"
- },
- "errorRemovingPrompt": "Error eliminando indicador",
- "incorrectApiKey": "Clave de API incorrecta",
- "invalidApiKeyError": "Clave de API inválida",
- "invalidOpenAiKey": "Clave de OpenAI inválida",
- "keepInLocal": "Mantener localmente",
- "knowledge": "Conocimiento",
- "maxTokens": "Tokens máximo",
- "modelLabel": "Modelo",
- "modelSection": "Configuración de Modelo",
- "nameRequired": "El nombre es necesario",
- "newAPIKey": "Crea una nueva clave",
- "noUser": "Sin usuarios",
- "ohno": "¡Oh no!",
- "openAiKeyLabel": "Clave de Open AI",
- "openAiKeyPlaceholder": "sk-xxx",
- "people": "Personas",
- "promptContent": "Contenido del indicador",
- "promptContentPlaceholder": "Como una IA, tu...",
- "promptFieldsRequired": "Título y contenido de indicador son necesarios",
- "promptName": "Título del indicador",
- "promptNamePlaceholder": "El nombre de mi súper indicador",
- "promptRemoved": "Indicador eliminado correctamente",
- "publicPrompts": "Selecciona un indicador público",
- "removePrompt": "Quitar indicador",
- "requireAccess": "Por favor, solicita acceso al dueño",
- "roleRequired": "No tienen el rol necesario para acceder a esta pestaña 🧠💡🥲.",
- "selectQuivrPersonalityBtn": "Selecciona una Personalidad Quivr",
- "settings": "Configuración",
- "signedInAs": "Sesión iniciada como",
- "subtitle": "Gestiona tu cerebro",
- "supabaseKeyLabel": "Clave de Supabase",
- "supabaseKeyPlaceHolder": "Clave de Supabase",
- "supabaseURLLabel": "URL de Supabase",
- "supabaseURLPlaceHolder": "URL de Supabase",
- "temperature": "Temperatura",
- "title": "Configuración",
- "updatingBrainSettings": "Actualizando configuración del cerebro..."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"accountSection":"Tu Cuenta","anthropicKeyLabel":"Clave de la API de Anthropic","anthropicKeyPlaceholder":"Clave de la API de Anthropic","apiKey":"Clave de API","backendSection":"Configuración de Backend","backendUrlLabel":"URL del Backend","backendUrlPlaceHolder":"URL del Backend","brainUpdated":"Cerebro actualizado correctamente","configReset":"Configuración restaurada","configSaved":"Configuración guardada","customPromptSection":"Indicadores personalizados","defaultBrainSet":"Cerebro asignado como predeterminado","descriptionRequired":"La descripción es necesaria","error":{"copy":"No se pudo copiar","createApiKey":"No se pudo crear la clave API"},"errorRemovingPrompt":"Error eliminando indicador","incorrectApiKey":"Clave de API incorrecta","invalidApiKeyError":"Clave de API inválida","invalidOpenAiKey":"Clave de OpenAI inválida","keepInLocal":"Mantener localmente","knowledge":"Conocimiento","maxTokens":"Tokens máximo","modelLabel":"Modelo","modelSection":"Configuración de Modelo","nameRequired":"El nombre es necesario","newAPIKey":"Crea una nueva clave","noUser":"Sin usuarios","ohno":"¡Oh no!","openAiKeyLabel":"Clave de Open AI","openAiKeyPlaceholder":"sk-xxx","people":"Personas","promptContent":"Contenido del indicador","promptContentPlaceholder":"Como una IA, tu...","promptFieldsRequired":"Título y contenido de indicador son necesarios","promptName":"Título del indicador","promptNamePlaceholder":"El nombre de mi súper indicador","promptRemoved":"Indicador eliminado correctamente","publicPrompts":"Selecciona un indicador público","removePrompt":"Quitar indicador","requireAccess":"Por favor, solicita acceso al dueño","roleRequired":"No tienen el rol necesario para acceder a esta pestaña 🧠💡🥲.","selectQuivrPersonalityBtn":"Selecciona una Personalidad Quivr","settings":"Configuración","signedInAs":"Sesión iniciada como","subtitle":"Gestiona tu cerebro","supabaseKeyLabel":"Clave de Supabase","supabaseKeyPlaceHolder":"Clave de Supabase","supabaseURLLabel":"URL de Supabase","supabaseURLPlaceHolder":"URL de Supabase","temperature":"Temperatura","title":"Configuración","updatingBrainSettings":"Actualizando configuración del cerebro..."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/contact.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/contact.json
index 42e4417c89b7..b49b59031f36 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/contact.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/contact.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "speak_to": "Hable con nuestro",
- "sales_team": "equipo de ventas",
- "form": {
- "email": "Correo electrónico de trabajo",
- "question": "Pregunta",
- "submit": "Contactar",
- "placeholder_question": "¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?",
- "thank_you": "¡Gracias!",
- "thank_you_text": "Nos pondremos en contacto contigo lo antes posible.",
- "sending_mail_error": "Se produjo un error al enviar tu mensaje. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+{"speak_to":"Hable con nuestro","sales_team":"equipo de ventas","form":{"email":"Correo electrónico de trabajo","question":"Pregunta","submit":"Contactar","placeholder_question":"¿Cómo podemos ayudarte?","thank_you":"¡Gracias!","thank_you_text":"Nos pondremos en contacto contigo lo antes posible.","sending_mail_error":"Se produjo un error al enviar tu mensaje. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."}}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/explore.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/explore.json
index f3240dd25bb0..275f64e1d2c7 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/explore.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/explore.json
@@ -1,15 +1 @@
- "title": "Explora datos subidos",
- "subtitle": "Visualiza, descarga o elimina el conocimiento utilizado por tu cerebro",
- "empty": "¡Oh No!, Tu Cerebro está vacío",
- "noBrain": "Id de Cerebro no encontrado",
- "sessionNotFound": "Sesión no encontrada",
- "deleted": "{{fileName}} borrado del cerebro {{brain}}",
- "errorDeleting": "Error borrando {{fileName}}",
- "view": "Ver",
- "chunkNumber": "No. de partes: {{quantity}}",
- "notAvailable": "No disponible",
- "deleteConfirmTitle": "Confirmar",
- "deleteConfirmText": "¿Realmente quieres eliminar?",
- "feed_brain_instructions": "Para agregar conocimiento a un cerebro, ve a la página de chat y haz clic en el botón de más a la izquierda del campo de chat."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Explora datos subidos","subtitle":"Visualiza, descarga o elimina el conocimiento utilizado por tu cerebro","empty":"¡Oh No!, Tu Cerebro está vacío","noBrain":"Id de Cerebro no encontrado","sessionNotFound":"Sesión no encontrada","deleted":"{{fileName}} borrado del cerebro {{brain}}","errorDeleting":"Error borrando {{fileName}}","view":"Ver","chunkNumber":"No. de partes: {{quantity}}","notAvailable":"No disponible","deleteConfirmTitle":"Confirmar","deleteConfirmText":"¿Realmente quieres eliminar?","feed_brain_instructions":"Para agregar conocimiento a un cerebro, ve a la página de chat y haz clic en el botón de más a la izquierda del campo de chat."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/external_api_definition.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/external_api_definition.json
index 455e62047651..13a035930ce2 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/external_api_definition.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/external_api_definition.json
@@ -1,14 +1 @@
- "method_label": "Method",
- "url_placeholder": "URL",
- "searchParams": "Search Params",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "params": "Params",
- "key": "Key",
- "type": "Type (string or number)",
- "description": "Description",
- "secrets": "Secretos",
- "paramsTabDescription": "Estos valores se envían como cuerpo de la solicitud.",
- "searchParamsTabDescription": "Estos valores se envían como cadena de consulta.",
- "secretsTabDescription": "Estos valores se envían como claves de encabezado."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"method_label":"Method","url_placeholder":"URL","searchParams":"Search Params","headers":"Headers","params":"Params","key":"Key","type":"Type (string or number)","description":"Description","secrets":"Secretos","paramsTabDescription":"Estos valores se envían como cuerpo de la solicitud.","searchParamsTabDescription":"Estos valores se envían como cadena de consulta.","secretsTabDescription":"Estos valores se envían como claves de encabezado."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/home.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/home.json
index eebc0096dbdb..cf1b348a17af 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/home.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/home.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"sign_in": "Iniciar sesión",
+ "docs": "Docs",
"sign_up": "Registrarse",
"star_us": "Danos una estrella en Github",
"blog": "Blog",
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/invitation.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/invitation.json
index 653a584d4c14..52e5625557d4 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/invitation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/invitation.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "wellcome": "Bienvenido/a a {{brain}}!",
- "invitationMessage": "Te han invitado a unirte a este cerebro como un {{role}} y empezar a explorar. ¿Aceptas este entusiasmante viaje?",
- "processingRequest": "Procesando tu pedido...",
- "accept": "¡Sí, cuenta conmigo!",
- "reject": "No, gracias",
- "invitationNotFound": "Esta invitación no es válida",
- "errorCheckingInvitation": "Ocurrió un error durante la comprobación de la invitación",
- "accepted": "Invitación aceptada",
- "errorAccepting": "Ocurrió un error aceptando la invitación",
- "declined": "Invitación rechazada",
- "errorDeclining": "Ocurrió un error rechazando la invitación"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"wellcome":"Bienvenido/a a {{brain}}!","invitationMessage":"Te han invitado a unirte a este cerebro como un {{role}} y empezar a explorar. ¿Aceptas este entusiasmante viaje?","processingRequest":"Procesando tu pedido...","accept":"¡Sí, cuenta conmigo!","reject":"No, gracias","invitationNotFound":"Esta invitación no es válida","errorCheckingInvitation":"Ocurrió un error durante la comprobación de la invitación","accepted":"Invitación aceptada","errorAccepting":"Ocurrió un error aceptando la invitación","declined":"Invitación rechazada","errorDeclining":"Ocurrió un error rechazando la invitación"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/login.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/login.json
index 4cbef8167dcc..b3ce7c55f68c 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/login.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/login.json
@@ -1,18 +1 @@
- "password": "Contraseña",
- "googleLogin": "Continuar con Google",
- "errorPasswordMissed": "Por favor ingrese su contraseña",
- "magicLink": "Continuar con correo electrónico",
- "errorMailMissed": "Por favor ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico",
- "talk_to": "Hablar con",
- "restriction_message": "Los usuarios no pagos tienen acceso a una demostración gratuita y limitada de Quivr",
- "email": "Dirección de correo electrónico",
- "cant_find": "¿No puedes encontrarlo?",
- "try_again": "Inténtalo de nuevo",
- "check_your_email": {
- "part1": "Acabamos de enviarte un ",
- "magic_link": "enlace mágico",
- "part2": ". Revisa tus correos electrónicos y sigue los pasos."
- },
- "login": "Iniciar sesión"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"password":"Contraseña","googleLogin":"Continuar con Google","errorPasswordMissed":"Por favor ingrese su contraseña","magicLink":"Continuar con correo electrónico","errorMailMissed":"Por favor ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico","talk_to":"Hablar con","restriction_message":"Los usuarios no pagos tienen acceso a una demostración gratuita y limitada de Quivr","email":"Dirección de correo electrónico","cant_find":"¿No puedes encontrarlo?","try_again":"Inténtalo de nuevo","check_your_email":{"part1":"Acabamos de enviarte un ","magic_link":"enlace mágico","part2":". Revisa tus correos electrónicos y sigue los pasos."},"login":"Iniciar sesión"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/logout.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/logout.json
index a3d2ffc1f67a..588f72be3ddf 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/logout.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/logout.json
@@ -1,8 +1 @@
- "title": "Cerrar sesión",
- "subtitle": "Hasta pronto",
- "areYouSure": "¿Seguro que quieres cerrar la sesión?",
- "cancel": "Cancelar",
- "error": "Error al cerrar sesión {{errorMessage}}",
- "loggedOut": "Sesión finalizada"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Cerrar sesión","subtitle":"Hasta pronto","areYouSure":"¿Seguro que quieres cerrar la sesión?","cancel":"Cancelar","error":"Error al cerrar sesión {{errorMessage}}","loggedOut":"Sesión finalizada"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/monetization.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/monetization.json
index be2c9195cd94..f9c0bab12be3 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/monetization.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/monetization.json
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
- "upgrade": "Actualizar a plus",
- "new": "Nuevo",
- "manage_plan": "Gestionar mi plan"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"upgrade":"Actualizar a plus","new":"Nuevo","manage_plan":"Gestionar mi plan"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/translation.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/translation.json
index 699a95271312..9a51b85cfb61 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/translation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/translation.json
@@ -1,38 +1 @@
- "all": "Todos",
- "and": "y",
- "cancel": "Cancelar",
- "Chat": "Conversar",
- "chatButton": "Conversar",
- "comingSoon": "Próximamente",
- "crawlButton": "Rastrear",
- "createButton": "Crear",
- "deleteButton": "Borrar",
- "deleteForeverButton": "Borrar para siempre",
- "description": "Quivr es tu segundo cerebro en la nube, diseñado para facilitar el almacenamiento y obtención de información inestructurada.",
- "doneButton": "Listo",
- "Editor": "Editor",
- "email": "Correo electrónico",
- "Explore": "Explorar",
- "invalidUrl": "URL inválida",
- "lang": "es-ES",
- "languageSelect": "Idioma preferido",
- "loading": "Cargando...",
- "logoutButton": "Cerrar sesión",
- "newChatButton": "Nueva conversación",
- "next": "Siguiente",
- "or": "o",
- "Owner": "Propietario",
- "previous": "Anterior",
- "resetButton": "Restaurar",
- "saveButton": "Guardar",
- "shareButton": "Compartir",
- "themeSelect": "Tema de interfaz",
- "title": "Quivr - Tu segundo cerebro con IA generativa",
- "toastDismiss": "cerrar",
- "updateButton": "Actualizar",
- "Upload": "Subir",
- "uploadButton": "Subir",
- "uploadingButton": "Subiendo...",
- "Viewer": "Espectador"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"all":"Todos","and":"y","cancel":"Cancelar","Chat":"Conversar","chatButton":"Conversar","comingSoon":"Próximamente","crawlButton":"Rastrear","createButton":"Crear","deleteButton":"Borrar","deleteForeverButton":"Borrar para siempre","description":"Quivr es tu segundo cerebro en la nube, diseñado para facilitar el almacenamiento y obtención de información inestructurada.","doneButton":"Listo","Editor":"Editor","email":"Correo electrónico","Explore":"Explorar","invalidUrl":"URL inválida","lang":"es-ES","languageSelect":"Idioma preferido","loading":"Cargando...","logoutButton":"Cerrar sesión","newChatButton":"Nueva conversación","next":"Siguiente","or":"o","Owner":"Propietario","previous":"Anterior","resetButton":"Restaurar","saveButton":"Guardar","shareButton":"Compartir","themeSelect":"Tema de interfaz","title":"Quivr - Tu segundo cerebro con IA generativa","toastDismiss":"cerrar","updateButton":"Actualizar","Upload":"Subir","uploadButton":"Subir","uploadingButton":"Subiendo...","Viewer":"Espectador"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/upload.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/upload.json
index 99b164a69f60..1048b35e93f3 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/upload.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/upload.json
@@ -1,20 +1 @@
- "title": "Subir conocimiento",
- "subtitle": "Texto, documento, hojas de cálculo, presentación, audio, video y URLs admitidos",
- "drop": "Suelte los archivos aquí...",
- "webSite": "Ingrese la URL del sitio web",
- "success": "Archivo subido correctamente",
- "uploadFailed": "Error al subir archivo: {{message}}",
- "maxSizeError": "Tamaño de archivo excedido",
- "alreadyAdded": "Ya se agregó {{fileName}} pero no se envió a tu cerebro.",
- "addFiles": "Por favor, agregar archivos a subir",
- "selectBrain": "Por favor, seleccione o cree un cerebro antes de subir un archivo",
- "invalidUrl": "URL inválido",
- "crawlFailed": "Error al rastrear sitio web: {{message}}",
- "ohNo": "¡Oh no!",
- "selectBrainFirst": "Primero debes seleccionar un cerebro. 🧠💡🥲",
- "missingNecessaryRole": "No tienes el rol necesario para cargar contenido en el cerebro seleccionado. 🧠💡🥲",
- "invalidFileType": "Tipo de archivo no permitido",
- "feed_form_submit_button": "Enviar a mi cerebro",
- "selected_brain_select_label": "Seleccionar un cerebro"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Subir conocimiento","subtitle":"Texto, documento, hojas de cálculo, presentación, audio, video y URLs admitidos","drop":"Suelte los archivos aquí...","webSite":"Ingrese la URL del sitio web","success":"Archivo subido correctamente","uploadFailed":"Error al subir archivo: {{message}}","maxSizeError":"Tamaño de archivo excedido","alreadyAdded":"Ya se agregó {{fileName}} pero no se envió a tu cerebro.","addFiles":"Por favor, agregar archivos a subir","selectBrain":"Por favor, seleccione o cree un cerebro antes de subir un archivo","invalidUrl":"URL inválido","crawlFailed":"Error al rastrear sitio web: {{message}}","ohNo":"¡Oh no!","selectBrainFirst":"Primero debes seleccionar un cerebro. 🧠💡🥲","missingNecessaryRole":"No tienes el rol necesario para cargar contenido en el cerebro seleccionado. 🧠💡🥲","invalidFileType":"Tipo de archivo no permitido","feed_form_submit_button":"Enviar a mi cerebro","selected_brain_select_label":"Seleccionar un cerebro"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/es/user.json b/frontend/public/locales/es/user.json
index d03d89d0b6e6..1d61b48080da 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/es/user.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/es/user.json
@@ -1,10 +1 @@
- "title": "Uso del cerebro de {{user}}",
- "fetching": "Obteniendo tus datos...",
- "requestsCount": "Peticiones de hoy: {{count}}",
- "brainSize": "Espacio sobrante en cerebro",
- "empty": "Vacío",
- "Used": "Usado",
- "Unused": "Sin usar",
- "brainUsage": "Uso del cerebro"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Uso del cerebro de {{user}}","fetching":"Obteniendo tus datos...","requestsCount":"Peticiones de hoy: {{count}}","brainSize":"Espacio sobrante en cerebro","empty":"Vacío","Used":"Usado","Unused":"Sin usar","brainUsage":"Uso del cerebro"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/brain.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/brain.json
index 947548380a2e..ab5a9f169f12 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/brain.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/brain.json
@@ -1,73 +1 @@
- "api_brain": {
- "addRow": "Ajouter une ligne",
- "description": "Description",
- "name": "Nom",
- "required": "Requis",
- "type": "Type",
- "value": "Valeur"
- },
- "brain_library_button_label": "Explore",
- "brain_management_button_label": "Gestion des cerveaux",
- "brain_params": "Paramètres du cerveau",
- "brain_status_label": "Statut",
- "brain_type": "Type de cerveau",
- "brainCreated": "Cerveau créé avec succès",
- "brainDescription": "Description",
- "brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "Mon nouveau cerveau concerne...",
- "brainName": "Nom du cerveau",
- "brainNamePlaceholder": "Ex. Notes d'histoire",
- "brainUndefined": "Cerveau non défini",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "Non, le laisser public",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "Non, le garder privé",
- "composite_brain_composition_invitation": "Connectez votre nouveau cerveau à d'autres cerveaux existants de votre librairie en les sélectionnant.",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "Oui, définir comme privé",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "Oui, définir comme public",
- "copiedToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papier",
- "defaultBrain": "Cerveau par défaut",
- "empty_brain_description": "Pas de description",
- "errorCreatingBrain": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création d'un cerveau",
- "errorFetchingBrainUsers": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la récupération des utilisateurs du cerveau",
- "errorSendingInvitation": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'envoi des invitations",
- "explore_brains": "Explorer les cerveaux de la communauté Quivr",
- "inviteUsers": "Ajouter de nouveaux utilisateurs",
- "knowledge_source_api": "API",
- "knowledge_source_composite_brain": "Agent",
- "knowledge_source_doc": "Documents",
- "knowledge_source_label": "Source de connaissance",
- "manage_brain": "Gérer le cerveau",
- "myBrains": "Mes cerveaux",
- "newBrain": "Ajouter un nouveau cerveau",
- "newBrainSubtitle": "Créez un nouvel espace pour vos données",
- "newBrainTitle": "Ajouter un nouveau cerveau",
- "noBrainUsers": "Pas de brainUsers",
- "private_brain_description": "Accessible pour vous et les personnes avec qui vous le partagez",
- "private_brain_label": "Privé",
- "public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "Abonné",
- "public_brain_description": "Le cerveau sera partagé avec la communauté Quivr",
- "public_brain_label": "Public",
- "public_brain_last_update_label": "Dernière mise à jour",
- "public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "S'abonner",
- "public_brain_subscription_success_message": "Vous vous êtes abonné avec succès au cerveau",
- "public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "Rechercher des cerveaux publics",
- "resources": "Ressources",
- "searchBrain": "Rechercher un cerveau",
- "secrets_update_error": "Erreur lors de la mise à jour des secrets",
- "secrets_updated": "Secrets mis à jour",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Les utilisateurs de Quivr ne pourront plus utiliser ce cerveau et ne le verront plus dans la bibliothèque des cerveaux.",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir définir ceci comme Privé?
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "Chaque utilisateur de Quivr pourra :
- S'abonner à votre cerveau dans la 'bibliothèque des cerveaux'.
- Utiliser ce cerveau et vérifier les configurations de prompts et de modèles.
Ils n'auront pas accès à vos fichiers téléchargés et à la section des personnes.",
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir définir ceci comme Public?
- "setDefaultBrain": "Définir comme cerveau par défaut",
- "shareBrain": "Partager le cerveau {{name}}",
- "shareBrainLink": "Cliquez pour copier le lien pour partager votre cerveau",
- "shareBrainUsers": "Utilisateurs ayant accès",
- "update_secrets_button": "Mettre à jour les secrets",
- "update_secrets_message": "Entrez votre mot de passe. Ces informations sont nécessaires pour vous identifier lors de l'appel de l'API",
- "userRemoved": "Retiré {{email}} du cerveau",
- "userRemoveFailed": "Échec du retrait de {{email}} du cerveau",
- "userRoleUpdated": "Mis à jour {{email}} en {{newRole}}",
- "userRoleUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour de {{email}} en {{newRole}}",
- "usersInvited": "Utilisateurs invités avec succès",
- "usersWithAccess": "Utilisateurs ayant accès"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"api_brain":{"addRow":"Ajouter une ligne","description":"Description","name":"Nom","required":"Requis","type":"Type","value":"Valeur"},"brain_library_button_label":"Explore","brain_management_button_label":"Gestion des cerveaux","brain_params":"Paramètres du cerveau","brain_status_label":"Statut","brain_type":"Type de cerveau","brainCreated":"Cerveau créé avec succès","brainDescription":"Description","brainDescriptionPlaceholder":"Mon nouveau cerveau concerne...","brainName":"Nom du cerveau","brainNamePlaceholder":"Ex. Notes d'histoire","brainUndefined":"Cerveau non défini","cancel_set_brain_status_to_private":"Non, le laisser public","cancel_set_brain_status_to_public":"Non, le garder privé","composite_brain_composition_invitation":"Connectez votre nouveau cerveau à d'autres cerveaux existants de votre librairie en les sélectionnant.","confirm_set_brain_status_to_private":"Oui, définir comme privé","confirm_set_brain_status_to_public":"Oui, définir comme public","copiedToClipboard":"Copié dans le presse-papier","defaultBrain":"Cerveau par défaut","empty_brain_description":"Pas de description","errorCreatingBrain":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création d'un cerveau","errorFetchingBrainUsers":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la récupération des utilisateurs du cerveau","errorSendingInvitation":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'envoi des invitations","explore_brains":"Explorer les cerveaux de la communauté Quivr","inviteUsers":"Ajouter de nouveaux utilisateurs","knowledge_source_api":"API","knowledge_source_composite_brain":"Agent","knowledge_source_doc":"Documents","knowledge_source_label":"Source de connaissance","manage_brain":"Gérer le cerveau","myBrains":"Mes cerveaux","newBrain":"Ajouter un nouveau cerveau","newBrainSubtitle":"Créez un nouvel espace pour vos données","newBrainTitle":"Ajouter un nouveau cerveau","noBrainUsers":"Pas de brainUsers","private_brain_description":"Accessible pour vous et les personnes avec qui vous le partagez","private_brain_label":"Privé","public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label":"Abonné","public_brain_description":"Le cerveau sera partagé avec la communauté Quivr","public_brain_label":"Public","public_brain_last_update_label":"Dernière mise à jour","public_brain_subscribe_button_label":"S'abonner","public_brain_subscription_success_message":"Vous vous êtes abonné avec succès au cerveau","public_brains_search_bar_placeholder":"Rechercher des cerveaux publics","resources":"Ressources","searchBrain":"Rechercher un cerveau","secrets_update_error":"Erreur lors de la mise à jour des secrets","secrets_updated":"Secrets mis à jour","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description":"Les utilisateurs de Quivr ne pourront plus utiliser ce cerveau et ne le verront plus dans la bibliothèque des cerveaux.","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir définir ceci comme Privé?
","set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description":"Chaque utilisateur de Quivr pourra :
- S'abonner à votre cerveau dans la 'bibliothèque des cerveaux'.
- Utiliser ce cerveau et vérifier les configurations de prompts et de modèles.
Ils n'auront pas accès à vos fichiers téléchargés et à la section des personnes.","set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir définir ceci comme Public?
","setDefaultBrain":"Définir comme cerveau par défaut","shareBrain":"Partager le cerveau {{name}}","shareBrainLink":"Cliquez pour copier le lien pour partager votre cerveau","shareBrainUsers":"Utilisateurs ayant accès","update_secrets_button":"Mettre à jour les secrets","update_secrets_message":"Entrez votre mot de passe. Ces informations sont nécessaires pour vous identifier lors de l'appel de l'API","userRemoved":"Retiré {{email}} du cerveau","userRemoveFailed":"Échec du retrait de {{email}} du cerveau","userRoleUpdated":"Mis à jour {{email}} en {{newRole}}","userRoleUpdateFailed":"Échec de la mise à jour de {{email}} en {{newRole}}","usersInvited":"Utilisateurs invités avec succès","usersWithAccess":"Utilisateurs ayant accès"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/chat.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/chat.json
index bcebd81785a3..454a74957c54 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/chat.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/chat.json
@@ -1,63 +1 @@
- "actions_bar_placeholder": "Posez une question à un @cerveau et sélectionnez un #prompt ",
- "add_document": "Ajouter un document",
- "ask": "Posez une question ou décrivez une tâche.",
- "back_to_chat": "Retour au chat",
- "brain": "cerveau",
- "brains": "cerveaux",
- "change_brain": "Changer de cerveau",
- "chat": "Chat",
- "chatDeleted": "Chat supprimé avec succès. Id : {{id}}",
- "chatNameUpdated": "Nom du chat mis à jour",
- "error_occurred": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'obtention de la réponse",
- "errorCallingAPI": "Erreur lors de l'appel à l'API",
- "errorDeleting": "Erreur lors de la suppression du chat : {{error}}",
- "errorFetching": "Erreur lors de la récupération de vos chats",
- "errorParsingData": "Erreur lors de l'analyse des données",
- "feed_brain_placeholder": "Choisissez le @cerveau que vous souhaitez nourrir avec ces fichiers",
- "feedingBrain": "Vos nouvelles connaissances sont en cours de traitement. Vous pouvez continuer à discuter en attendant !",
- "history": "Histoire",
- "keyboard_shortcuts": "Raccourcis clavier",
- "last30Days": "30 derniers jours",
- "last7Days": "7 derniers jours",
- "limit_reached": "Vous avez atteint la limite de requêtes, veuillez réessayer plus tard",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "missing_brain": "Veuillez selectionner un cerveau pour discuter",
- "new_discussion": "Nouvelle discussion",
- "new_prompt": "Créer un nouveau prompt",
- "noCurrentBrain": "Pas de cerveau actuel",
- "onboarding": {
- "answer": {
- "how_to_use_quivr": "Consultez la documentation sur https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
- "what_is_brain": "Un cerveau est un dossier virtuel permettant d'organiser des informations sur un sujet spécifique. Il peut stocker des documents et se connecter à des applications externes ou des APIs. Par exemple, un cerveau 'Sciences Médicales' pourrait contenir des données liées à la santé, et un cerveau 'Juridique' pourrait contenir des informations juridiques. Les cerveaux peuvent être rendus publics pour que d'autres puissent les utiliser sans révéler le contenu, favorisant ainsi le partage des connaissances.",
- "what_is_quivr": "Quivr est un assistant utile. Vous pouvez facilement glisser-déposer des fichiers dans le chat ou la section des connaissances pour interagir avec eux. Ce n'est pas seulement un outil de chat ; vous pouvez également communiquer avec des applications en utilisant des APIs.\nPour organiser votre travail, vous pouvez créer des cerveaux, essentiellement des dossiers virtuels, et vous abonner aux cerveaux des autres dans la section Explorer pour une collaboration et un partage d'informations transparents."
- },
- "how_to_use_quivr": "Comment utiliser Quivr ?",
- "step_1_1": "1. Glissez-déposez un fichier dans le chat ou dans la 📎.",
- "step_1_2": "Pas de fichier ? Téléchargez 'Documentation Quivr'",
- "step_2": "2. Commencez à discuter avec votre fichier",
- "step_3": "3. Profitez !",
- "title": "Salut 👋🏻 Envie de découvrir Quivr ? 😇",
- "what_is_brain": "Qu'est-ce qu'un cerveau ?",
- "what_is_quivr": "Qu'est-ce que Quivr ?"
- },
- "parameters": "Paramètres",
- "receivedResponse": "Réponse reçue. Commence à gérer le flux...",
- "resposeBodyNull": "Le corps de la réponse est nul",
- "shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: Choisir une directive spécifique",
- "shortcut_create_brain": "@+: Créer un nouveau cerveau",
- "shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: Créer une nouvelle directive personnalisée",
- "shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: Alimenter un cerveau avec des connaissances",
- "shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDK: Accéder aux raccourcis",
- "shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: Accéder à la page utilisateur",
- "shortcut_manage_brains": "CMDB: Gérer vos cerveaux",
- "shortcut_select_brain": "@: Sélectionnez un cerveau",
- "shortcut_select_file": "/: Sélectionner un fichier pour discuter",
- "subtitle": "Parlez à un modèle linguistique de vos données téléchargées",
- "thinking": "Réflexion...",
- "title": "Discuter avec {{brain}}",
- "today": "Aujourd'hui",
- "tooManyRequests": "Vous avez dépassé le nombre de requêtes par jour. Pour continuer à discuter, veuillez entrer une clé d'API OpenAI dans votre profil ou dans le cerveau utilisé.",
- "welcome": "Bienvenue",
- "yesterday": "Hier"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"actions_bar_placeholder":"Posez une question à un @cerveau et sélectionnez un #prompt ","add_document":"Ajouter un document","ask":"Posez une question ou décrivez une tâche.","back_to_chat":"Retour au chat","brain":"cerveau","brains":"cerveaux","change_brain":"Changer de cerveau","chat":"Chat","chatDeleted":"Chat supprimé avec succès. Id : {{id}}","chatNameUpdated":"Nom du chat mis à jour","error_occurred":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'obtention de la réponse","errorCallingAPI":"Erreur lors de l'appel à l'API","errorDeleting":"Erreur lors de la suppression du chat : {{error}}","errorFetching":"Erreur lors de la récupération de vos chats","errorParsingData":"Erreur lors de l'analyse des données","feed_brain_placeholder":"Choisissez le @cerveau que vous souhaitez nourrir avec ces fichiers","feedingBrain":"Vos nouvelles connaissances sont en cours de traitement. Vous pouvez continuer à discuter en attendant !","history":"Histoire","keyboard_shortcuts":"Raccourcis clavier","last30Days":"30 derniers jours","last7Days":"7 derniers jours","limit_reached":"Vous avez atteint la limite de requêtes, veuillez réessayer plus tard","menu":"Menu","missing_brain":"Veuillez selectionner un cerveau pour discuter","new_discussion":"Nouvelle discussion","new_prompt":"Créer un nouveau prompt","noCurrentBrain":"Pas de cerveau actuel","onboarding":{"answer":{"how_to_use_quivr":"Consultez la documentation sur https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html","what_is_brain":"Un cerveau est un dossier virtuel permettant d'organiser des informations sur un sujet spécifique. Il peut stocker des documents et se connecter à des applications externes ou des APIs. Par exemple, un cerveau 'Sciences Médicales' pourrait contenir des données liées à la santé, et un cerveau 'Juridique' pourrait contenir des informations juridiques. Les cerveaux peuvent être rendus publics pour que d'autres puissent les utiliser sans révéler le contenu, favorisant ainsi le partage des connaissances.","what_is_quivr":"Quivr est un assistant utile. Vous pouvez facilement glisser-déposer des fichiers dans le chat ou la section des connaissances pour interagir avec eux. Ce n'est pas seulement un outil de chat ; vous pouvez également communiquer avec des applications en utilisant des APIs.\nPour organiser votre travail, vous pouvez créer des cerveaux, essentiellement des dossiers virtuels, et vous abonner aux cerveaux des autres dans la section Explorer pour une collaboration et un partage d'informations transparents."},"how_to_use_quivr":"Comment utiliser Quivr ?","step_1_1":"1. Glissez-déposez un fichier dans le chat ou dans la 📎.","step_1_2":"Pas de fichier ? Téléchargez 'Documentation Quivr'","step_2":"2. Commencez à discuter avec votre fichier","step_3":"3. Profitez !","title":"Salut 👋🏻 Envie de découvrir Quivr ? 😇","what_is_brain":"Qu'est-ce qu'un cerveau ?","what_is_quivr":"Qu'est-ce que Quivr ?"},"parameters":"Paramètres","receivedResponse":"Réponse reçue. Commence à gérer le flux...","resposeBodyNull":"Le corps de la réponse est nul","shortcut_choose_prompt":"#: Choisir une directive spécifique","shortcut_create_brain":"@+: Créer un nouveau cerveau","shortcut_create_prompt":"#+: Créer une nouvelle directive personnalisée","shortcut_feed_brain":"/+: Alimenter un cerveau avec des connaissances","shortcut_go_to_shortcuts":"CMDK: Accéder aux raccourcis","shortcut_go_to_user_page":"CMDU: Accéder à la page utilisateur","shortcut_manage_brains":"CMDB: Gérer vos cerveaux","shortcut_select_brain":"@: Sélectionnez un cerveau","shortcut_select_file":"/: Sélectionner un fichier pour discuter","subtitle":"Parlez à un modèle linguistique de vos données téléchargées","thinking":"Réflexion...","title":"Discuter avec {{brain}}","today":"Aujourd'hui","tooManyRequests":"Vous avez dépassé le nombre de requêtes par jour. Pour continuer à discuter, veuillez entrer une clé d'API OpenAI dans votre profil ou dans le cerveau utilisé.","welcome":"Bienvenue","yesterday":"Hier"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/config.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/config.json
index a76ec8be6426..89e2a6bd7ab8 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/config.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/config.json
@@ -1,56 +1 @@
- "accountSection": "Votre Compte",
- "anthropicKeyLabel": "Clé API Anthropic",
- "anthropicKeyPlaceholder": "Clé API Anthropic",
- "apiKey": "Clé API",
- "backendSection": "Configuration du backend",
- "backendUrlLabel": "URL du backend",
- "backendUrlPlaceHolder": "URL du backend",
- "brainUpdated": "Cerveau mis à jour avec succès",
- "configReset": "Configuration réinitialisée",
- "configSaved": "Configuration sauvegardée",
- "customPromptSection": "Invite personnalisée",
- "defaultBrainSet": "Cerveau défini par défaut avec succès",
- "descriptionRequired": "La description est requise",
- "error": {
- "copy": "Échec de la copie",
- "createApiKey": "Erreur lors de la création de la clé API"
- },
- "errorRemovingPrompt": "Erreur lors de la suppression de l'invite",
- "incorrectApiKey": "Clé API incorrecte",
- "invalidApiKeyError": "Clé API invalide",
- "invalidOpenAiKey": "Clé OpenAI invalide",
- "keepInLocal": "Garder en local",
- "knowledge": "Connaissances",
- "maxTokens": "Jetons max",
- "modelLabel": "Modèle",
- "modelSection": "Configuration du modèle",
- "nameRequired": "Le nom est requis",
- "newAPIKey": "Créer une nouvelle clé",
- "noUser": "Pas d'utilisateur",
- "ohno": "Oh non !",
- "openAiKeyLabel": "Clé Open AI",
- "openAiKeyPlaceholder": "sk-xxx",
- "people": "Personnes",
- "promptContent": "Contenu de l'invite",
- "promptContentPlaceholder": "En tant qu'IA, vous...",
- "promptFieldsRequired": "Le titre et le contenu de l'invite sont requis",
- "promptName": "Titre de l'invite",
- "promptNamePlaceholder": "Mon super nom d'invite",
- "promptRemoved": "Invite supprimée avec succès",
- "publicPrompts": "Choisir dans les invites publiques",
- "removePrompt": "Supprimer l'invite",
- "requireAccess": "Veuillez demander l'accès au propriétaire.",
- "roleRequired": "Vous n'avez pas le rôle nécessaire pour accéder à cet onglet 🧠💡🥲.",
- "selectQuivrPersonalityBtn": "Sélectionnez une personnalité Quivr",
- "settings": "Paramètres",
- "signedInAs": "Connecté en tant que",
- "subtitle": "Gérez votre cerveau",
- "supabaseKeyLabel": "Clé Supabase",
- "supabaseKeyPlaceHolder": "Clé Supabase",
- "supabaseURLLabel": "URL Supabase",
- "supabaseURLPlaceHolder": "URL Supabase",
- "temperature": "Température",
- "title": "Configuration",
- "updatingBrainSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres du cerveau..."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"accountSection":"Votre Compte","anthropicKeyLabel":"Clé API Anthropic","anthropicKeyPlaceholder":"Clé API Anthropic","apiKey":"Clé API","backendSection":"Configuration du backend","backendUrlLabel":"URL du backend","backendUrlPlaceHolder":"URL du backend","brainUpdated":"Cerveau mis à jour avec succès","configReset":"Configuration réinitialisée","configSaved":"Configuration sauvegardée","customPromptSection":"Invite personnalisée","defaultBrainSet":"Cerveau défini par défaut avec succès","descriptionRequired":"La description est requise","error":{"copy":"Échec de la copie","createApiKey":"Erreur lors de la création de la clé API"},"errorRemovingPrompt":"Erreur lors de la suppression de l'invite","incorrectApiKey":"Clé API incorrecte","invalidApiKeyError":"Clé API invalide","invalidOpenAiKey":"Clé OpenAI invalide","keepInLocal":"Garder en local","knowledge":"Connaissances","maxTokens":"Jetons max","modelLabel":"Modèle","modelSection":"Configuration du modèle","nameRequired":"Le nom est requis","newAPIKey":"Créer une nouvelle clé","noUser":"Pas d'utilisateur","ohno":"Oh non !","openAiKeyLabel":"Clé Open AI","openAiKeyPlaceholder":"sk-xxx","people":"Personnes","promptContent":"Contenu de l'invite","promptContentPlaceholder":"En tant qu'IA, vous...","promptFieldsRequired":"Le titre et le contenu de l'invite sont requis","promptName":"Titre de l'invite","promptNamePlaceholder":"Mon super nom d'invite","promptRemoved":"Invite supprimée avec succès","publicPrompts":"Choisir dans les invites publiques","removePrompt":"Supprimer l'invite","requireAccess":"Veuillez demander l'accès au propriétaire.","roleRequired":"Vous n'avez pas le rôle nécessaire pour accéder à cet onglet 🧠💡🥲.","selectQuivrPersonalityBtn":"Sélectionnez une personnalité Quivr","settings":"Paramètres","signedInAs":"Connecté en tant que","subtitle":"Gérez votre cerveau","supabaseKeyLabel":"Clé Supabase","supabaseKeyPlaceHolder":"Clé Supabase","supabaseURLLabel":"URL Supabase","supabaseURLPlaceHolder":"URL Supabase","temperature":"Température","title":"Configuration","updatingBrainSettings":"Mise à jour des paramètres du cerveau..."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/contact.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/contact.json
index 5388678eaf7b..35fc45109b5e 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/contact.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/contact.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "speak_to": "Parlez à notre",
- "sales_team": "équipe de vente",
- "form": {
- "email": "Courriel professionnel",
- "question": "Question",
- "submit": "Contacter",
- "placeholder_question": "Comment pouvons-nous vous aider ?",
- "thank_you": "Merci !",
- "thank_you_text": "Nous vous répondrons dès que possible.",
- "sending_mail_error": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'envoi de votre message. Veuillez réessayer plus tard."
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+{"speak_to":"Parlez à notre","sales_team":"équipe de vente","form":{"email":"Courriel professionnel","question":"Question","submit":"Contacter","placeholder_question":"Comment pouvons-nous vous aider ?","thank_you":"Merci !","thank_you_text":"Nous vous répondrons dès que possible.","sending_mail_error":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'envoi de votre message. Veuillez réessayer plus tard."}}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/explore.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/explore.json
index ff4ac768259b..be721214a0fe 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/explore.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/explore.json
@@ -1,15 +1 @@
- "title": "Explorez les données téléchargées",
- "subtitle": "Visualisez, téléchargez ou supprimez les connaissances utilisées par votre cerveau",
- "empty": "Oh non, votre cerveau est vide.",
- "noBrain": "ID du cerveau introuvable",
- "sessionNotFound": "Session utilisateur introuvable",
- "deleted": "{{fileName}} supprimé du cerveau {{brain}}",
- "errorDeleting": "Erreur lors de la suppression de {{fileName}}",
- "view": "Voir",
- "chunkNumber": "Nombre de fragments : {{quantity}}",
- "notAvailable": "Non disponible",
- "deleteConfirmTitle": "Confirmer",
- "deleteConfirmText": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ?",
- "feed_brain_instructions": "Pour ajouter des connaissances à un cerveau, allez sur la page de chat, puis cliquez sur le bouton plus à gauche de la zone de chat."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Explorez les données téléchargées","subtitle":"Visualisez, téléchargez ou supprimez les connaissances utilisées par votre cerveau","empty":"Oh non, votre cerveau est vide.","noBrain":"ID du cerveau introuvable","sessionNotFound":"Session utilisateur introuvable","deleted":"{{fileName}} supprimé du cerveau {{brain}}","errorDeleting":"Erreur lors de la suppression de {{fileName}}","view":"Voir","chunkNumber":"Nombre de fragments : {{quantity}}","notAvailable":"Non disponible","deleteConfirmTitle":"Confirmer","deleteConfirmText":"Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ?","feed_brain_instructions":"Pour ajouter des connaissances à un cerveau, allez sur la page de chat, puis cliquez sur le bouton plus à gauche de la zone de chat."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/external_api_definition.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/external_api_definition.json
index 0c70e2338de3..de3010f06bd3 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/external_api_definition.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/external_api_definition.json
@@ -1,14 +1 @@
- "method_label": "Method",
- "url_placeholder": "URL",
- "searchParams": "Search Params",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "params": "Params",
- "key": "Key",
- "type": "Type (string or number)",
- "description": "Description",
- "secrets": "Secrets",
- "paramsTabDescription": "Ces valeurs sont envoyées sous forme de corps de requête.",
- "searchParamsTabDescription": "Ces valeurs sont envoyées sous forme de chaîne de requête.",
- "secretsTabDescription": "Ces valeurs sont envoyées sous forme de clés d'en-tête."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"method_label":"Method","url_placeholder":"URL","searchParams":"Search Params","headers":"Headers","params":"Params","key":"Key","type":"Type (string or number)","description":"Description","secrets":"Secrets","paramsTabDescription":"Ces valeurs sont envoyées sous forme de corps de requête.","searchParamsTabDescription":"Ces valeurs sont envoyées sous forme de chaîne de requête.","secretsTabDescription":"Ces valeurs sont envoyées sous forme de clés d'en-tête."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/home.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/home.json
index 7c5036215679..fba8c8acdc22 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/home.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/home.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"sign_in": "Se connecter",
+ "docs": "Docs",
"sign_up": "S'inscrire",
"star_us": "Étoilez-nous sur Github",
"blog": "Blog",
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/invitation.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/invitation.json
index f9ec8ae492e8..987e4ce18f22 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/invitation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/invitation.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "wellcome": "Bienvenue sur {{brain}} !",
- "invitationMessage": "Vous avez été invité(e) à rejoindre ce cerveau en tant que {{role}} et à commencer à explorer. Acceptez-vous ce voyage passionnant ?",
- "processingRequest": "Traitement de votre demande en cours...",
- "accept": "Oui, je suis partant(e) !",
- "reject": "Non, merci",
- "invitationNotFound": "Cette invitation n'est pas valide",
- "errorCheckingInvitation": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la vérification de l'invitation",
- "accepted": "Invitation acceptée",
- "errorAccepting": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'acceptation de l'invitation",
- "declined": "Invitation refusée",
- "errorDeclining": "Une erreur s'est produite lors du refus de l'invitation"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"wellcome":"Bienvenue sur {{brain}} !","invitationMessage":"Vous avez été invité(e) à rejoindre ce cerveau en tant que {{role}} et à commencer à explorer. Acceptez-vous ce voyage passionnant ?","processingRequest":"Traitement de votre demande en cours...","accept":"Oui, je suis partant(e) !","reject":"Non, merci","invitationNotFound":"Cette invitation n'est pas valide","errorCheckingInvitation":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de la vérification de l'invitation","accepted":"Invitation acceptée","errorAccepting":"Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'acceptation de l'invitation","declined":"Invitation refusée","errorDeclining":"Une erreur s'est produite lors du refus de l'invitation"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/login.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/login.json
index a3cb9bf48532..d967ba509793 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/login.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/login.json
@@ -1,18 +1 @@
- "password": "Mot de passe",
- "googleLogin": "Continuer avec Google",
- "errorPasswordMissed": "Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe",
- "magicLink": "Continuer avec e-mail",
- "errorMailMissed": "Veuillez saisir votre adresse e-mail",
- "talk_to": "Parler à",
- "restriction_message": "Les utilisateurs non payants ont accès à une démonstration gratuite et limitée de Quivr",
- "email": "Adresse e-mail",
- "cant_find": "Vous ne le trouvez pas ?",
- "try_again": "Réessayez",
- "check_your_email": {
- "part1": "Nous venons de vous envoyer un ",
- "magic_link": "lien magique",
- "part2": ". Vérifiez vos e-mails et suivez les étapes."
- },
- "login": "Se connecter"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"password":"Mot de passe","googleLogin":"Continuer avec Google","errorPasswordMissed":"Veuillez entrer votre mot de passe","magicLink":"Continuer avec e-mail","errorMailMissed":"Veuillez saisir votre adresse e-mail","talk_to":"Parler à","restriction_message":"Les utilisateurs non payants ont accès à une démonstration gratuite et limitée de Quivr","email":"Adresse e-mail","cant_find":"Vous ne le trouvez pas ?","try_again":"Réessayez","check_your_email":{"part1":"Nous venons de vous envoyer un ","magic_link":"lien magique","part2":". Vérifiez vos e-mails et suivez les étapes."},"login":"Se connecter"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/logout.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/logout.json
index 02711edef3c7..0c4998ffd6fb 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/logout.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/logout.json
@@ -1,8 +1 @@
- "title": "Déconnexion",
- "subtitle": "À la prochaine",
- "areYouSure": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter ?",
- "cancel": "Annuler",
- "error": "Erreur lors de la déconnexion {{errorMessage}}",
- "loggedOut": "Déconnexion réussie"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Déconnexion","subtitle":"À la prochaine","areYouSure":"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir vous déconnecter ?","cancel":"Annuler","error":"Erreur lors de la déconnexion {{errorMessage}}","loggedOut":"Déconnexion réussie"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/monetization.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/monetization.json
index 5adc772742d1..26ce8ce8da69 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/monetization.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/monetization.json
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
- "upgrade": "Passer à la version plus",
- "new": "Nouveau",
- "manage_plan": "Gérer mon plan"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"upgrade":"Passer à la version plus","new":"Nouveau","manage_plan":"Gérer mon plan"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/translation.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/translation.json
index 1d96d11e3b33..1c3e72946e3a 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/translation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/translation.json
@@ -1,38 +1 @@
- "all": "Tout",
- "and": "et",
- "cancel": "Annuler",
- "Chat": "Chat",
- "chatButton": "Chat",
- "comingSoon": "Bientôt disponible",
- "crawlButton": "Crawler",
- "createButton": "Créer",
- "deleteButton": "Supprimer",
- "deleteForeverButton": "Supprimer définitivement",
- "description": "Quivr est votre deuxième cerveau dans le nuage, conçu pour stocker et récupérer facilement des informations non structurées.",
- "doneButton": "Fait",
- "Editor": "Éditeur",
- "email": "Email",
- "Explore": "Explorer",
- "invalidUrl": "URL invalide",
- "lang": "fr-FR",
- "languageSelect": "Langue préférée",
- "loading": "Chargement...",
- "logoutButton": "Déconnexion",
- "newChatButton": "Nouveau chat",
- "next": "Suivant",
- "or": "ou",
- "Owner": "Propriétaire",
- "previous": "Précédent",
- "resetButton": "Réinitialiser",
- "saveButton": "Sauvegarder",
- "shareButton": "Partager",
- "themeSelect": "Thème de l'interface",
- "title": "Quivr - Obtenez un deuxième cerveau avec l'IA générative",
- "toastDismiss": "ignorer",
- "updateButton": "Mettre à jour",
- "Upload": "Télécharger",
- "uploadButton": "Télécharger",
- "uploadingButton": "Téléchargement...",
- "Viewer": "Visualiseur"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"all":"Tout","and":"et","cancel":"Annuler","Chat":"Chat","chatButton":"Chat","comingSoon":"Bientôt disponible","crawlButton":"Crawler","createButton":"Créer","deleteButton":"Supprimer","deleteForeverButton":"Supprimer définitivement","description":"Quivr est votre deuxième cerveau dans le nuage, conçu pour stocker et récupérer facilement des informations non structurées.","doneButton":"Fait","Editor":"Éditeur","email":"Email","Explore":"Explorer","invalidUrl":"URL invalide","lang":"fr-FR","languageSelect":"Langue préférée","loading":"Chargement...","logoutButton":"Déconnexion","newChatButton":"Nouveau chat","next":"Suivant","or":"ou","Owner":"Propriétaire","previous":"Précédent","resetButton":"Réinitialiser","saveButton":"Sauvegarder","shareButton":"Partager","themeSelect":"Thème de l'interface","title":"Quivr - Obtenez un deuxième cerveau avec l'IA générative","toastDismiss":"ignorer","updateButton":"Mettre à jour","Upload":"Télécharger","uploadButton":"Télécharger","uploadingButton":"Téléchargement...","Viewer":"Visualiseur"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/upload.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/upload.json
index a700e4245865..97e7264c1807 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/upload.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/upload.json
@@ -1,20 +1 @@
- "title": "Télécharger des connaissances",
- "subtitle": "Texte, document, feuille de calcul, présentation, audio, vidéo et URL pris en charge",
- "drop": "Déposez les fichiers ici...",
- "webSite": "Insérer l'URL du site web",
- "success": "Fichier téléchargé avec succès",
- "uploadFailed": "Échec du téléchargement du fichier : {{message}}",
- "maxSizeError": "Fichier trop volumineux",
- "alreadyAdded": "{{fileName}} a déjà été ajouté mais n'a pas été envoyé à votre cerveau.",
- "addFiles": "Veuillez ajouter des fichiers à télécharger",
- "selectBrain": "Veuillez sélectionner ou créer un cerveau pour télécharger un fichier",
- "invalidUrl": "URL invalide",
- "crawlFailed": "Échec de l'exploration du site web : {{message}}",
- "ohNo": "Oh non !",
- "selectBrainFirst": "Vous devez d'abord sélectionner un cerveau. 🧠💡🥲",
- "missingNecessaryRole": "Vous n'avez pas le rôle nécessaire pour télécharger du contenu dans le cerveau sélectionné. 🧠💡🥲",
- "invalidFileType": "Type de fichier invalide",
- "feed_form_submit_button": "Envoyer à mon cerveau",
- "selected_brain_select_label": "Sélectionnez un cerveau"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Télécharger des connaissances","subtitle":"Texte, document, feuille de calcul, présentation, audio, vidéo et URL pris en charge","drop":"Déposez les fichiers ici...","webSite":"Insérer l'URL du site web","success":"Fichier téléchargé avec succès","uploadFailed":"Échec du téléchargement du fichier : {{message}}","maxSizeError":"Fichier trop volumineux","alreadyAdded":"{{fileName}} a déjà été ajouté mais n'a pas été envoyé à votre cerveau.","addFiles":"Veuillez ajouter des fichiers à télécharger","selectBrain":"Veuillez sélectionner ou créer un cerveau pour télécharger un fichier","invalidUrl":"URL invalide","crawlFailed":"Échec de l'exploration du site web : {{message}}","ohNo":"Oh non !","selectBrainFirst":"Vous devez d'abord sélectionner un cerveau. 🧠💡🥲","missingNecessaryRole":"Vous n'avez pas le rôle nécessaire pour télécharger du contenu dans le cerveau sélectionné. 🧠💡🥲","invalidFileType":"Type de fichier invalide","feed_form_submit_button":"Envoyer à mon cerveau","selected_brain_select_label":"Sélectionnez un cerveau"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/fr/user.json b/frontend/public/locales/fr/user.json
index 16478df37ecf..8a24c349ff52 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/fr/user.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/fr/user.json
@@ -1,10 +1 @@
- "title": "Utilisation du cerveau de {{user}}",
- "fetching": "Récupération de vos données...",
- "requestsCount": "Requêtes d'aujourd'hui : {{count}}",
- "brainSize": "Taille du cerveau restante",
- "empty": "Vide",
- "Used": "Utilisé",
- "Unused": "Inutilisé",
- "brainUsage": "Utilisation du cerveau"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Utilisation du cerveau de {{user}}","fetching":"Récupération de vos données...","requestsCount":"Requêtes d'aujourd'hui : {{count}}","brainSize":"Taille du cerveau restante","empty":"Vide","Used":"Utilisé","Unused":"Inutilisé","brainUsage":"Utilisation du cerveau"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/brain.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/brain.json
index 9b110ba1f499..fe880ac548fe 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/brain.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/brain.json
@@ -1,73 +1 @@
- "api_brain": {
- "addRow": "Add row",
- "description": "Description",
- "name": "Name",
- "required": "Required",
- "type": "Type",
- "value": "Value"
- },
- "brain_library_button_label": "Biblioteca de cérebros",
- "brain_management_button_label": "Gerenciamento de cérebros",
- "brain_params": "Parâmetros do cérebro",
- "brain_status_label": "Status",
- "brain_type": "Tipo de cérebro",
- "brainCreated": "Cérebro criado com sucesso!",
- "brainDescription": "Descrição",
- "brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "Meu novo cérebro é sobre:",
- "brainName": "Nome do cérebro",
- "brainNamePlaceholder": "Ex: Albert Einstein",
- "brainUndefined": "Cérebro não está definido",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "Não, mantê-lo público",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "Não, mantê-lo privado",
- "composite_brain_composition_invitation": "Conecte seu novo cérebro a outros cérebros existentes em sua biblioteca selecionando-os.",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "Sim, definir como privado",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "Sim, definir como público",
- "copiedToClipboard": "Copiado para a área de transferência",
- "defaultBrain": "Cérebro padrão",
- "empty_brain_description": "Sem descrição",
- "errorCreatingBrain": "Um erro aconteceu ao criar o cérebro",
- "errorFetchingBrainUsers": "Um erro ocorreu ao buscar os cérebros",
- "errorSendingInvitation": "Um erro ocorreu ao enviar o(s) convite(s)",
- "explore_brains": "Explorar cérebros da comunidade Quivr",
- "inviteUsers": "Adicionar novos usuários",
- "knowledge_source_api": "API",
- "knowledge_source_composite_brain": "Agente",
- "knowledge_source_doc": "Documentos",
- "knowledge_source_label": "Fonte de conhecimento",
- "manage_brain": "Gerenciar cérebro",
- "myBrains": "Meus cérebros",
- "newBrain": "Adicione um novo cérebro",
- "newBrainSubtitle": "Subtítulo do cérebro",
- "newBrainTitle": "Como você vai chamar esse cérebro?",
- "noBrainUsers": "Sem cérebros",
- "private_brain_description": "Acessível para você e as pessoas com quem você compartilha",
- "private_brain_label": "Privado",
- "public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "Inscrito",
- "public_brain_description": "O cérebro será compartilhado com a comunidade Quivr",
- "public_brain_label": "Público",
- "public_brain_last_update_label": "Última atualização",
- "public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "Inscrever-se",
- "public_brain_subscription_success_message": "Você se inscreveu com sucesso no cérebro",
- "public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "Pesquisar cérebros públicos",
- "resources": "Recursos",
- "searchBrain": "Pesquisar cérebros",
- "secrets_update_error": "Erro ao atualizar segredos",
- "secrets_updated": "Segredos atualizados",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Os utilizadores do Quivr não poderão mais utilizar este cérebro e não o verão na biblioteca de cérebros.",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "Tem a certeza de que deseja definir isto como Privado?
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "Cada usuário do Quivr poderá:
- Se inscrever em seu cérebro na 'biblioteca de cérebros'.
- Usar este cérebro e verificar as configurações de prompts e modelos.
Eles não terão acesso aos seus arquivos enviados e à seção de pessoas.",
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "Tem certeza de que deseja definir isso como Público?
- "setDefaultBrain": "Defina como o cérebro padrão",
- "shareBrain": "Compartilhar cérebro {{name}}",
- "shareBrainLink": "Clique para copiar o link de compartilhamento",
- "shareBrainUsers": "Usuários com acesso",
- "update_secrets_button": "Atualizar segredos",
- "update_secrets_message": "Digite seu segredo. Essa informação é necessária para identificá-lo ao chamar a API",
- "userRemoved": "O e-mail {{email}} foi removido do cérebro",
- "userRemoveFailed": "Remoção do e-mail {{email}} do cérebro falhou",
- "userRoleUpdated": "Atualização de {{email}} para {{newRole}} concluída",
- "userRoleUpdateFailed": "Atualização de {{email}} para {{newRole}} falhou",
- "usersInvited": "Usuários convidados com sucesso",
- "usersWithAccess": "Usuários com acesso"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"api_brain":{"addRow":"Add row","description":"Description","name":"Name","required":"Required","type":"Type","value":"Value"},"brain_library_button_label":"Biblioteca de cérebros","brain_management_button_label":"Gerenciamento de cérebros","brain_params":"Parâmetros do cérebro","brain_status_label":"Status","brain_type":"Tipo de cérebro","brainCreated":"Cérebro criado com sucesso!","brainDescription":"Descrição","brainDescriptionPlaceholder":"Meu novo cérebro é sobre:","brainName":"Nome do cérebro","brainNamePlaceholder":"Ex: Albert Einstein","brainUndefined":"Cérebro não está definido","cancel_set_brain_status_to_private":"Não, mantê-lo público","cancel_set_brain_status_to_public":"Não, mantê-lo privado","composite_brain_composition_invitation":"Conecte seu novo cérebro a outros cérebros existentes em sua biblioteca selecionando-os.","confirm_set_brain_status_to_private":"Sim, definir como privado","confirm_set_brain_status_to_public":"Sim, definir como público","copiedToClipboard":"Copiado para a área de transferência","defaultBrain":"Cérebro padrão","empty_brain_description":"Sem descrição","errorCreatingBrain":"Um erro aconteceu ao criar o cérebro","errorFetchingBrainUsers":"Um erro ocorreu ao buscar os cérebros","errorSendingInvitation":"Um erro ocorreu ao enviar o(s) convite(s)","explore_brains":"Explorar cérebros da comunidade Quivr","inviteUsers":"Adicionar novos usuários","knowledge_source_api":"API","knowledge_source_composite_brain":"Agente","knowledge_source_doc":"Documentos","knowledge_source_label":"Fonte de conhecimento","manage_brain":"Gerenciar cérebro","myBrains":"Meus cérebros","newBrain":"Adicione um novo cérebro","newBrainSubtitle":"Subtítulo do cérebro","newBrainTitle":"Como você vai chamar esse cérebro?","noBrainUsers":"Sem cérebros","private_brain_description":"Acessível para você e as pessoas com quem você compartilha","private_brain_label":"Privado","public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label":"Inscrito","public_brain_description":"O cérebro será compartilhado com a comunidade Quivr","public_brain_label":"Público","public_brain_last_update_label":"Última atualização","public_brain_subscribe_button_label":"Inscrever-se","public_brain_subscription_success_message":"Você se inscreveu com sucesso no cérebro","public_brains_search_bar_placeholder":"Pesquisar cérebros públicos","resources":"Recursos","searchBrain":"Pesquisar cérebros","secrets_update_error":"Erro ao atualizar segredos","secrets_updated":"Segredos atualizados","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description":"Os utilizadores do Quivr não poderão mais utilizar este cérebro e não o verão na biblioteca de cérebros.","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title":"Tem a certeza de que deseja definir isto como Privado?
","set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description":"Cada usuário do Quivr poderá:
- Se inscrever em seu cérebro na 'biblioteca de cérebros'.
- Usar este cérebro e verificar as configurações de prompts e modelos.
Eles não terão acesso aos seus arquivos enviados e à seção de pessoas.","set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title":"Tem certeza de que deseja definir isso como Público?
","setDefaultBrain":"Defina como o cérebro padrão","shareBrain":"Compartilhar cérebro {{name}}","shareBrainLink":"Clique para copiar o link de compartilhamento","shareBrainUsers":"Usuários com acesso","update_secrets_button":"Atualizar segredos","update_secrets_message":"Digite seu segredo. Essa informação é necessária para identificá-lo ao chamar a API","userRemoved":"O e-mail {{email}} foi removido do cérebro","userRemoveFailed":"Remoção do e-mail {{email}} do cérebro falhou","userRoleUpdated":"Atualização de {{email}} para {{newRole}} concluída","userRoleUpdateFailed":"Atualização de {{email}} para {{newRole}} falhou","usersInvited":"Usuários convidados com sucesso","usersWithAccess":"Usuários com acesso"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/chat.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/chat.json
index 84cefc55ecd7..2efb4cbb6159 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/chat.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/chat.json
@@ -1,63 +1 @@
- "actions_bar_placeholder": "Faça uma pergunta a um @cérebro e escolha sua #prompt",
- "add_document": "Adicionar documento",
- "ask": "Faça uma pergunta ou descreva uma tarefa.",
- "back_to_chat": "Voltar para o chat",
- "brain": "cérebro",
- "brains": "cérebros",
- "change_brain": "Mudar cérebro",
- "chat": "Conversa",
- "chatDeleted": "Conversa excluída com sucesso. Id: {{id}}",
- "chatNameUpdated": "Nome da conversa atualizado",
- "error_occurred": "Ocorreu um erro ao obter a resposta",
- "errorCallingAPI": "Erro ao chamar a API",
- "errorDeleting": "Erro ao excluir a conversa: {{error}}",
- "errorFetching": "Ocorreu um erro ao buscar suas conversas",
- "errorParsingData": "Erro ao analisar os dados",
- "feed_brain_placeholder": "Escolha qual @cérebro você deseja alimentar com esses arquivos",
- "feedingBrain": "Seu conhecimento recém-adicionado está sendo processado, você pode continuar conversando enquanto isso!",
- "history": "História",
- "keyboard_shortcuts": "Atalhos do teclado",
- "last30Days": "Últimos 30 dias",
- "last7Days": "Últimos 7 dias",
- "limit_reached": "Você atingiu o limite de solicitações, por favor, tente novamente mais tarde",
- "menu": "Menu",
- "missing_brain": "Cérebro não encontrado",
- "new_discussion": "Nova discussão",
- "new_prompt": "Criar novo prompt",
- "noCurrentBrain": "Nenhum cérebro selecionado",
- "onboarding": {
- "answer": {
- "how_to_use_quivr": "Verifique a documentação em https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
- "what_is_brain": "Um cérebro é uma pasta virtual para organizar informações sobre um tópico específico. Ele pode armazenar documentos e se conectar a aplicativos ou APIs externas. Por exemplo, um cérebro 'Ciência Médica' poderia conter dados relacionados à saúde, e um cérebro 'Jurídico' poderia ter informações legais. Os cérebros podem ser tornados públicos para que outros os usem sem revelar o conteúdo, promovendo o compartilhamento de conhecimento.",
- "what_is_quivr": "Quivr é um assistente útil. Você pode facilmente arrastar e soltar arquivos no chat ou na seção de conhecimento para interagir com eles. Não é apenas uma ferramenta de chat; você também pode se comunicar com aplicativos usando APIs.\nPara manter seu trabalho organizado, você pode criar cérebros, essencialmente pastas virtuais, e se inscrever nos cérebros de outras pessoas na seção de exploração para colaboração e compartilhamento de informações perfeitos."
- },
- "how_to_use_quivr": "Como usar o Quivr?",
- "step_1_1": "1. Arraste e solte o arquivo no chat ou no 📎.",
- "step_1_2": "Não tem um arquivo? Baixe 'Documentação do Quivr'",
- "step_2": "2. Comece a conversar com seu arquivo",
- "step_3": "3. Divirta-se!",
- "title": "Oi 👋🏻 Quer descobrir o Quivr ? 😇",
- "what_is_brain": "O que é um cérebro?",
- "what_is_quivr": "O que é o Quivr?"
- },
- "parameters": "Parâmetros",
- "receivedResponse": "Resposta recebida. Iniciando o processamento do fluxo...",
- "resposeBodyNull": "O corpo da resposta está vazio",
- "shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: Escolha um prompt específico",
- "shortcut_create_brain": "@+: Crie um novo cérebro",
- "shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: Crie um novo prompt personalizado",
- "shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: Alimente um cérebro com conhecimento",
- "shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDA: Acesse os atalhos",
- "shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: Acesse a página do usuário",
- "shortcut_manage_brains": "CMGC: Gerencie seus cérebros",
- "shortcut_select_brain": "@: Selecione um cérebro",
- "shortcut_select_file": "/: Selecione um arquivo para conversar",
- "subtitle": "Converse com um modelo de linguagem sobre seus dados enviados",
- "thinking": "Pensando...",
- "title": "Converse com {{brain}}",
- "today": "Hoje",
- "tooManyRequests": "Você excedeu o número de solicitações por dia. Para continuar conversando, insira uma chave de API da OpenAI em seu perfil ou no cérebro utilizado.",
- "welcome": "Bem-vindo",
- "yesterday": "Ontem"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"actions_bar_placeholder":"Faça uma pergunta a um @cérebro e escolha sua #prompt","add_document":"Adicionar documento","ask":"Faça uma pergunta ou descreva uma tarefa.","back_to_chat":"Voltar para o chat","brain":"cérebro","brains":"cérebros","change_brain":"Mudar cérebro","chat":"Conversa","chatDeleted":"Conversa excluída com sucesso. Id: {{id}}","chatNameUpdated":"Nome da conversa atualizado","error_occurred":"Ocorreu um erro ao obter a resposta","errorCallingAPI":"Erro ao chamar a API","errorDeleting":"Erro ao excluir a conversa: {{error}}","errorFetching":"Ocorreu um erro ao buscar suas conversas","errorParsingData":"Erro ao analisar os dados","feed_brain_placeholder":"Escolha qual @cérebro você deseja alimentar com esses arquivos","feedingBrain":"Seu conhecimento recém-adicionado está sendo processado, você pode continuar conversando enquanto isso!","history":"História","keyboard_shortcuts":"Atalhos do teclado","last30Days":"Últimos 30 dias","last7Days":"Últimos 7 dias","limit_reached":"Você atingiu o limite de solicitações, por favor, tente novamente mais tarde","menu":"Menu","missing_brain":"Cérebro não encontrado","new_discussion":"Nova discussão","new_prompt":"Criar novo prompt","noCurrentBrain":"Nenhum cérebro selecionado","onboarding":{"answer":{"how_to_use_quivr":"Verifique a documentação em https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html","what_is_brain":"Um cérebro é uma pasta virtual para organizar informações sobre um tópico específico. Ele pode armazenar documentos e se conectar a aplicativos ou APIs externas. Por exemplo, um cérebro 'Ciência Médica' poderia conter dados relacionados à saúde, e um cérebro 'Jurídico' poderia ter informações legais. Os cérebros podem ser tornados públicos para que outros os usem sem revelar o conteúdo, promovendo o compartilhamento de conhecimento.","what_is_quivr":"Quivr é um assistente útil. Você pode facilmente arrastar e soltar arquivos no chat ou na seção de conhecimento para interagir com eles. Não é apenas uma ferramenta de chat; você também pode se comunicar com aplicativos usando APIs.\nPara manter seu trabalho organizado, você pode criar cérebros, essencialmente pastas virtuais, e se inscrever nos cérebros de outras pessoas na seção de exploração para colaboração e compartilhamento de informações perfeitos."},"how_to_use_quivr":"Como usar o Quivr?","step_1_1":"1. Arraste e solte o arquivo no chat ou no 📎.","step_1_2":"Não tem um arquivo? Baixe 'Documentação do Quivr'","step_2":"2. Comece a conversar com seu arquivo","step_3":"3. Divirta-se!","title":"Oi 👋🏻 Quer descobrir o Quivr ? 😇","what_is_brain":"O que é um cérebro?","what_is_quivr":"O que é o Quivr?"},"parameters":"Parâmetros","receivedResponse":"Resposta recebida. Iniciando o processamento do fluxo...","resposeBodyNull":"O corpo da resposta está vazio","shortcut_choose_prompt":"#: Escolha um prompt específico","shortcut_create_brain":"@+: Crie um novo cérebro","shortcut_create_prompt":"#+: Crie um novo prompt personalizado","shortcut_feed_brain":"/+: Alimente um cérebro com conhecimento","shortcut_go_to_shortcuts":"CMDA: Acesse os atalhos","shortcut_go_to_user_page":"CMDU: Acesse a página do usuário","shortcut_manage_brains":"CMGC: Gerencie seus cérebros","shortcut_select_brain":"@: Selecione um cérebro","shortcut_select_file":"/: Selecione um arquivo para conversar","subtitle":"Converse com um modelo de linguagem sobre seus dados enviados","thinking":"Pensando...","title":"Converse com {{brain}}","today":"Hoje","tooManyRequests":"Você excedeu o número de solicitações por dia. Para continuar conversando, insira uma chave de API da OpenAI em seu perfil ou no cérebro utilizado.","welcome":"Bem-vindo","yesterday":"Ontem"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/config.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/config.json
index 6d21769416b7..146a6265cd4a 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/config.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/config.json
@@ -1,56 +1 @@
- "accountSection": "Sua Conta",
- "anthropicKeyLabel": "Chave da API Anthropic",
- "anthropicKeyPlaceholder": "Chave da API Anthropic",
- "apiKey": "Chave de API",
- "backendSection": "Configuração do backend",
- "backendUrlLabel": "URL do Backend",
- "backendUrlPlaceHolder": "URL do Backend",
- "brainUpdated": "Cérebro atualizado com sucesso",
- "configReset": "Configuração redefinida",
- "configSaved": "Configuração salva",
- "customPromptSection": "Prompt personalizado",
- "defaultBrainSet": "Cérebro definido como padrão com sucesso",
- "descriptionRequired": "A descrição é obrigatória",
- "error": {
- "copy": "Falha ao copiar",
- "createApiKey": "Erro ao criar a chave de API"
- },
- "errorRemovingPrompt": "Erro ao remover o prompt",
- "incorrectApiKey": "Chave de API incorreta",
- "invalidApiKeyError": "Chave de API inválida",
- "invalidOpenAiKey": "Chave OpenAI inválida",
- "keepInLocal": "Manter localmente",
- "knowledge": "Conhecimento",
- "maxTokens": "Máximo de tokens",
- "modelLabel": "Modelo",
- "modelSection": "Configuração do modelo",
- "nameRequired": "O nome é obrigatório",
- "newAPIKey": "Criar Nova Chave",
- "noUser": "Nenhum usuário",
- "ohno": "Oh, não!",
- "openAiKeyLabel": "Chave Open AI",
- "openAiKeyPlaceholder": "sk-xxx",
- "people": "Pessoas",
- "promptContent": "Conteúdo do Prompt",
- "promptContentPlaceholder": "Como uma IA, você...",
- "promptFieldsRequired": "Título e conteúdo do prompt são obrigatórios",
- "promptName": "Título do Prompt",
- "promptNamePlaceholder": "Nome incrível para meu prompt",
- "promptRemoved": "Prompt removido com sucesso",
- "publicPrompts": "Escolher em prompts públicos",
- "removePrompt": "Remover prompt",
- "requireAccess": "Por favor, solicite acesso ao proprietário.",
- "roleRequired": "Você não possui a função necessária para acessar esta aba 🧠💡🥲.",
- "selectQuivrPersonalityBtn": "Selecione uma personalidade Quivr",
- "settings": "Configurações",
- "signedInAs": "Logado como",
- "subtitle": "Gerencie o seu cérebro",
- "supabaseKeyLabel": "Chave do Supabase",
- "supabaseKeyPlaceHolder": "Chave do Supabase",
- "supabaseURLLabel": "URL do Supabase",
- "supabaseURLPlaceHolder": "URL do Supabase",
- "temperature": "Temperatura",
- "title": "Configuração",
- "updatingBrainSettings": "Atualizando configurações do cérebro..."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"accountSection":"Sua Conta","anthropicKeyLabel":"Chave da API Anthropic","anthropicKeyPlaceholder":"Chave da API Anthropic","apiKey":"Chave de API","backendSection":"Configuração do backend","backendUrlLabel":"URL do Backend","backendUrlPlaceHolder":"URL do Backend","brainUpdated":"Cérebro atualizado com sucesso","configReset":"Configuração redefinida","configSaved":"Configuração salva","customPromptSection":"Prompt personalizado","defaultBrainSet":"Cérebro definido como padrão com sucesso","descriptionRequired":"A descrição é obrigatória","error":{"copy":"Falha ao copiar","createApiKey":"Erro ao criar a chave de API"},"errorRemovingPrompt":"Erro ao remover o prompt","incorrectApiKey":"Chave de API incorreta","invalidApiKeyError":"Chave de API inválida","invalidOpenAiKey":"Chave OpenAI inválida","keepInLocal":"Manter localmente","knowledge":"Conhecimento","maxTokens":"Máximo de tokens","modelLabel":"Modelo","modelSection":"Configuração do modelo","nameRequired":"O nome é obrigatório","newAPIKey":"Criar Nova Chave","noUser":"Nenhum usuário","ohno":"Oh, não!","openAiKeyLabel":"Chave Open AI","openAiKeyPlaceholder":"sk-xxx","people":"Pessoas","promptContent":"Conteúdo do Prompt","promptContentPlaceholder":"Como uma IA, você...","promptFieldsRequired":"Título e conteúdo do prompt são obrigatórios","promptName":"Título do Prompt","promptNamePlaceholder":"Nome incrível para meu prompt","promptRemoved":"Prompt removido com sucesso","publicPrompts":"Escolher em prompts públicos","removePrompt":"Remover prompt","requireAccess":"Por favor, solicite acesso ao proprietário.","roleRequired":"Você não possui a função necessária para acessar esta aba 🧠💡🥲.","selectQuivrPersonalityBtn":"Selecione uma personalidade Quivr","settings":"Configurações","signedInAs":"Logado como","subtitle":"Gerencie o seu cérebro","supabaseKeyLabel":"Chave do Supabase","supabaseKeyPlaceHolder":"Chave do Supabase","supabaseURLLabel":"URL do Supabase","supabaseURLPlaceHolder":"URL do Supabase","temperature":"Temperatura","title":"Configuração","updatingBrainSettings":"Atualizando configurações do cérebro..."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/contact.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/contact.json
index 237bd80d0ca3..8297ab1dd258 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/contact.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/contact.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "speak_to": "Fale com o nosso",
- "sales_team": "time de vendas",
- "form": {
- "email": "E-mail de trabalho",
- "question": "Pergunta",
- "submit": "Contato",
- "placeholder_question": "Como podemos ajudar?",
- "thank_you": "Obrigado!",
- "thank_you_text": "Entraremos em contato o mais rápido possível.",
- "sending_mail_error": "Ocorreu um erro ao enviar sua mensagem. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+{"speak_to":"Fale com o nosso","sales_team":"time de vendas","form":{"email":"E-mail de trabalho","question":"Pergunta","submit":"Contato","placeholder_question":"Como podemos ajudar?","thank_you":"Obrigado!","thank_you_text":"Entraremos em contato o mais rápido possível.","sending_mail_error":"Ocorreu um erro ao enviar sua mensagem. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."}}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/explore.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/explore.json
index 600d460b6668..66760eb0cd74 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/explore.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/explore.json
@@ -1,15 +1 @@
- "title": "Explorar dados enviados",
- "subtitle": "Visualize, baixe ou exclua o conhecimento usado pelo seu cérebro",
- "empty": "Oh, não! Seu Cérebro está vazio.",
- "noBrain": "Cérebro não encontrado",
- "sessionNotFound": "Sessão do usuário não encontrada",
- "deleted": "{{fileName}} excluído do cérebro {{brain}}",
- "errorDeleting": "Erro ao excluir {{fileName}}",
- "view": "Visualizar",
- "chunkNumber": "Número de partes: {{quantity}}",
- "notAvailable": "Indisponível",
- "deleteConfirmTitle": "Confirmar",
- "deleteConfirmText": "Você realmente deseja excluir?",
- "feed_brain_instructions": "Para adicionar conhecimento a um cérebro, vá para a página de chat e clique no botão de adição à esquerda da entrada de chat."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Explorar dados enviados","subtitle":"Visualize, baixe ou exclua o conhecimento usado pelo seu cérebro","empty":"Oh, não! Seu Cérebro está vazio.","noBrain":"Cérebro não encontrado","sessionNotFound":"Sessão do usuário não encontrada","deleted":"{{fileName}} excluído do cérebro {{brain}}","errorDeleting":"Erro ao excluir {{fileName}}","view":"Visualizar","chunkNumber":"Número de partes: {{quantity}}","notAvailable":"Indisponível","deleteConfirmTitle":"Confirmar","deleteConfirmText":"Você realmente deseja excluir?","feed_brain_instructions":"Para adicionar conhecimento a um cérebro, vá para a página de chat e clique no botão de adição à esquerda da entrada de chat."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/external_api_definition.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/external_api_definition.json
index 34b72fa6ad9c..d73b402639a1 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/external_api_definition.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/external_api_definition.json
@@ -1,14 +1 @@
- "method_label": "Method",
- "url_placeholder": "URL",
- "searchParams": "Search Params",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "params": "Params",
- "key": "Key",
- "type": "Type (string or number)",
- "description": "Description",
- "secrets": "Secrets",
- "paramsTabDescription": "Estes valores são enviados como corpo da solicitação.",
- "searchParamsTabDescription": "Estes valores são enviados como string de consulta.",
- "secretsTabDescription": "Estes valores são enviados como chaves de cabeçalho"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"method_label":"Method","url_placeholder":"URL","searchParams":"Search Params","headers":"Headers","params":"Params","key":"Key","type":"Type (string or number)","description":"Description","secrets":"Secrets","paramsTabDescription":"Estes valores são enviados como corpo da solicitação.","searchParamsTabDescription":"Estes valores são enviados como string de consulta.","secretsTabDescription":"Estes valores são enviados como chaves de cabeçalho"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/home.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/home.json
index c737c96151f8..38f0f6f499f3 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/home.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/home.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"sign_in": "Entrar",
+ "docs": "Documentação",
"sign_up": "Cadastrar",
"star_us": "Nos avalie no Github",
"blog": "Blog",
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/invitation.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/invitation.json
index cb5d6c41b3bf..2c666aee63d4 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/invitation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/invitation.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "wellcome": "Bem-vindo(a) ao {{brain}}!",
- "invitationMessage": "Você foi convidado(a) a se juntar a este cérebro como {{role}} e começar a explorar. Você aceita esta jornada emocionante?",
- "processingRequest": "Processando o seu pedido...",
- "accept": "Sim, estou dentro!",
- "reject": "Não, obrigado(a).",
- "invitationNotFound": "Este convite não é válido.",
- "errorCheckingInvitation": "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao verificar o convite",
- "accepted": "Convite aceito",
- "errorAccepting": "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao aceitar o convite",
- "declined": "Convite recusado",
- "errorDeclining": "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao recusar o convite"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"wellcome":"Bem-vindo(a) ao {{brain}}!","invitationMessage":"Você foi convidado(a) a se juntar a este cérebro como {{role}} e começar a explorar. Você aceita esta jornada emocionante?","processingRequest":"Processando o seu pedido...","accept":"Sim, estou dentro!","reject":"Não, obrigado(a).","invitationNotFound":"Este convite não é válido.","errorCheckingInvitation":"Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao verificar o convite","accepted":"Convite aceito","errorAccepting":"Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao aceitar o convite","declined":"Convite recusado","errorDeclining":"Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao recusar o convite"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/login.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/login.json
index c35460554af9..9cd19c1fc4a8 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/login.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/login.json
@@ -1,18 +1 @@
- "password": "Senha",
- "googleLogin": "Continuar com o Google",
- "errorPasswordMissed": "Por favor, digite sua senha",
- "magicLink": "Continuar com e-mail",
- "errorMailMissed": "Por favor, digite seu endereço de e-mail",
- "talk_to": "Conversar com",
- "restriction_message": "Usuários não pagos têm acesso a uma demonstração gratuita e limitada do Quivr",
- "email": "Endereço de e-mail",
- "cant_find": "Não consegue encontrar?",
- "try_again": "Tente novamente",
- "check_your_email": {
- "part1": "Acabamos de enviar um ",
- "magic_link": "link mágico",
- "part2": ", verifique seus e-mails e siga as etapas."
- },
- "login": "Entrar"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"password":"Senha","googleLogin":"Continuar com o Google","errorPasswordMissed":"Por favor, digite sua senha","magicLink":"Continuar com e-mail","errorMailMissed":"Por favor, digite seu endereço de e-mail","talk_to":"Conversar com","restriction_message":"Usuários não pagos têm acesso a uma demonstração gratuita e limitada do Quivr","email":"Endereço de e-mail","cant_find":"Não consegue encontrar?","try_again":"Tente novamente","check_your_email":{"part1":"Acabamos de enviar um ","magic_link":"link mágico","part2":", verifique seus e-mails e siga as etapas."},"login":"Entrar"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/logout.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/logout.json
index 323c2ab9d69d..705a90b358f0 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/logout.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/logout.json
@@ -1,8 +1 @@
- "title": "Sair",
- "subtitle": "Até a próxima vez",
- "areYouSure": "Você tem certeza de que deseja sair?",
- "cancel": "Cancelar",
- "error": "Erro ao fazer logout {{errorMessage}}",
- "loggedOut": "Saiu com sucesso"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Sair","subtitle":"Até a próxima vez","areYouSure":"Você tem certeza de que deseja sair?","cancel":"Cancelar","error":"Erro ao fazer logout {{errorMessage}}","loggedOut":"Saiu com sucesso"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/monetization.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/monetization.json
index 41d7e52325ba..f47cd752fc6d 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/monetization.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/monetization.json
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
- "upgrade": "Atualizar para o plus",
- "new": "Novo",
- "manage_plan": "Gerenciar meu plano"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"upgrade":"Atualizar para o plus","new":"Novo","manage_plan":"Gerenciar meu plano"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/translation.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/translation.json
index 43b65d2dc5db..a88506929b76 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/translation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/translation.json
@@ -1,38 +1 @@
- "all": "Todos",
- "and": "e",
- "cancel": "Cancelar",
- "Chat": "Chat",
- "chatButton": "Chat",
- "comingSoon": "Em breve",
- "crawlButton": "Rastrear",
- "createButton": "Criar",
- "deleteButton": "Excluir",
- "deleteForeverButton": "Excluir permanentemente",
- "description": "Quivr é o seu segundo cérebro na nuvem, projetado para armazenar e recuperar facilmente informações não estruturadas.",
- "doneButton": "Concluído",
- "Editor": "Editor",
- "email": "Email",
- "Explore": "Explorar",
- "invalidUrl": "URL inválida",
- "lang": "pt-BR",
- "languageSelect": "Língua preferida",
- "loading": "Carregando...",
- "logoutButton": "Sair",
- "newChatButton": "Novo Chat",
- "next": "Próximo",
- "or": "ou",
- "Owner": "Proprietário",
- "previous": "Anterior",
- "resetButton": "Redefinir",
- "saveButton": "Salvar",
- "shareButton": "Compartilhar",
- "themeSelect": "Tema de interface",
- "title": "Quivr - Tenha um Segundo Cérebro com IA Generativa",
- "toastDismiss": "fechar",
- "updateButton": "Atualizar",
- "Upload": "Enviar",
- "uploadButton": "Enviar",
- "uploadingButton": "Enviando...",
- "Viewer": "Visualizador"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"all":"Todos","and":"e","cancel":"Cancelar","Chat":"Chat","chatButton":"Chat","comingSoon":"Em breve","crawlButton":"Rastrear","createButton":"Criar","deleteButton":"Excluir","deleteForeverButton":"Excluir permanentemente","description":"Quivr é o seu segundo cérebro na nuvem, projetado para armazenar e recuperar facilmente informações não estruturadas.","doneButton":"Concluído","Editor":"Editor","email":"Email","Explore":"Explorar","invalidUrl":"URL inválida","lang":"pt-BR","languageSelect":"Língua preferida","loading":"Carregando...","logoutButton":"Sair","newChatButton":"Novo Chat","next":"Próximo","or":"ou","Owner":"Proprietário","previous":"Anterior","resetButton":"Redefinir","saveButton":"Salvar","shareButton":"Compartilhar","themeSelect":"Tema de interface","title":"Quivr - Tenha um Segundo Cérebro com IA Generativa","toastDismiss":"fechar","updateButton":"Atualizar","Upload":"Enviar","uploadButton":"Enviar","uploadingButton":"Enviando...","Viewer":"Visualizador"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/upload.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/upload.json
index 9004ffa9a090..beb1759328f5 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/upload.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/upload.json
@@ -1,20 +1 @@
- "title": "Upload Conhecimento",
- "subtitle": "Texto, documento, planilha, apresentação, áudio, vídeo e URLs suportados",
- "drop": "Solte os arquivos aqui...",
- "webSite": "Insira o URL do site",
- "success": "Arquivo enviado com sucesso",
- "uploadFailed": "Falha ao enviar arquivo: {{message}}",
- "maxSizeError": "Arquivo muito grande",
- "alreadyAdded": "{{fileName}} já foi adicionado, mas não foi enviado para o seu cérebro.",
- "addFiles": "Por favor, adicione arquivos para enviar",
- "selectBrain": "Por favor, selecione ou crie um cérebro para enviar um arquivo",
- "invalidUrl": "URL inválido",
- "crawlFailed": "Falha ao rastrear o site: {{message}}",
- "ohNo": "Oh, não!",
- "selectBrainFirst": "Você precisa selecionar um cérebro primeiro. 🧠💡🥲",
- "missingNecessaryRole": "Você não possui a função necessária para enviar conteúdo para o cérebro selecionado. 🧠💡🥲",
- "invalidFileType": "Tipo de arquivo inválido",
- "feed_form_submit_button": "Enviar para o meu cérebro",
- "selected_brain_select_label": "Selecione um cérebro"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Upload Conhecimento","subtitle":"Texto, documento, planilha, apresentação, áudio, vídeo e URLs suportados","drop":"Solte os arquivos aqui...","webSite":"Insira o URL do site","success":"Arquivo enviado com sucesso","uploadFailed":"Falha ao enviar arquivo: {{message}}","maxSizeError":"Arquivo muito grande","alreadyAdded":"{{fileName}} já foi adicionado, mas não foi enviado para o seu cérebro.","addFiles":"Por favor, adicione arquivos para enviar","selectBrain":"Por favor, selecione ou crie um cérebro para enviar um arquivo","invalidUrl":"URL inválido","crawlFailed":"Falha ao rastrear o site: {{message}}","ohNo":"Oh, não!","selectBrainFirst":"Você precisa selecionar um cérebro primeiro. 🧠💡🥲","missingNecessaryRole":"Você não possui a função necessária para enviar conteúdo para o cérebro selecionado. 🧠💡🥲","invalidFileType":"Tipo de arquivo inválido","feed_form_submit_button":"Enviar para o meu cérebro","selected_brain_select_label":"Selecione um cérebro"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/user.json b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/user.json
index 92248a9ce582..8f6ff6a9f012 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/user.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/pt-br/user.json
@@ -1,10 +1 @@
- "title": "Uso do Cérebro de {{user}}",
- "fetching": "Buscando seus dados...",
- "requestsCount": "Requisições de Hoje: {{count}}",
- "brainSize": "Tamanho Restante do Cérebro",
- "empty": "Vazio",
- "Used": "Usado",
- "Unused": "Não Usado",
- "brainUsage": "Uso do Cérebro"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Uso do Cérebro de {{user}}","fetching":"Buscando seus dados...","requestsCount":"Requisições de Hoje: {{count}}","brainSize":"Tamanho Restante do Cérebro","empty":"Vazio","Used":"Usado","Unused":"Não Usado","brainUsage":"Uso do Cérebro"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/brain.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/brain.json
index cf70c72d68c2..125684e680ea 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/brain.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/brain.json
@@ -1,73 +1 @@
- "api_brain": {
- "addRow": "Добавить строку",
- "description": "Описание",
- "name": "Название",
- "required": "Обязательно",
- "type": "Тип",
- "value": "Значение"
- },
- "brain_library_button_label": "Библиотека мозгов",
- "brain_management_button_label": "Управление мозгом",
- "brain_params": "Параметры мозга",
- "brain_status_label": "Статус",
- "brain_type": "Тип мозга",
- "brainCreated": "Мозг успешно создан",
- "brainDescription": "Описание",
- "brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "Мой новый мозг - это...",
- "brainName": "Название мозга",
- "brainNamePlaceholder": "Например, Заметки по истории",
- "brainUndefined": "Мозг не определен",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "Нет, оставить общедоступным",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "Нет, оставить приватным",
- "composite_brain_composition_invitation": "Подключите свой новый мозг к другим существующим мозгам из вашей библиотеки, выбрав их.",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "Да, установить как частное",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "Да, установить как публичный",
- "copiedToClipboard": "Скопировано в буфер обмена",
- "defaultBrain": "Мозг по умолчанию",
- "empty_brain_description": "Нет описания",
- "errorCreatingBrain": "Произошла ошибка при создании мозга",
- "errorFetchingBrainUsers": "Ошибка при получении пользователей мозга",
- "errorSendingInvitation": "Ошибка при отправке приглашений",
- "explore_brains": "Исследуйте мозги сообщества Quivr",
- "inviteUsers": "Добавить новых пользователей",
- "knowledge_source_api": "API",
- "knowledge_source_composite_brain": "Агент",
- "knowledge_source_doc": "Документы",
- "knowledge_source_label": "Источник знаний",
- "manage_brain": "Управление мозгом",
- "myBrains": "Мои мозги",
- "newBrain": "Добавить новый мозг",
- "newBrainSubtitle": "Создайте новое пространство для ваших данных",
- "newBrainTitle": "Добавить новый мозг",
- "noBrainUsers": "Нет пользователей мозга",
- "private_brain_description": "Доступно для вас и людей, с которыми вы его делитесь",
- "private_brain_label": "Приватный",
- "public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "Вы уже подписаны",
- "public_brain_description": "Мозг будет разделен с сообществом Quivr",
- "public_brain_label": "Публичный",
- "public_brain_last_update_label": "Последнее обновление",
- "public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "Подписаться",
- "public_brain_subscription_success_message": "Вы успешно подписались на мозг",
- "public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "Поиск общественных мозгов",
- "resources": "Ресурсы",
- "searchBrain": "Поиск мозга",
- "secrets_update_error": "Ошибка при обновлении секретов",
- "secrets_updated": "Секреты обновлены",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Пользователи Quivr больше не смогут использовать этот мозг, и они не увидят его в библиотеке мозгов.",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "Вы уверены, что хотите установить это как Частное?
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "Каждый пользователь Quivr сможет:
- Подписаться на ваш мозг в 'библиотеке мозгов'.
- Использовать этот мозг и проверить настройки подсказок и модели.
У них не будет доступа к вашим загруженным файлам и разделу 'люди'.",
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "Вы уверены, что хотите установить это как Публичный?
- "setDefaultBrain": "Установить как мозг по умолчанию",
- "shareBrain": "Поделиться мозгом {{name}}",
- "shareBrainLink": "Нажмите, чтобы скопировать ссылку для совместного использования мозга",
- "shareBrainUsers": "Пользователи с доступом",
- "update_secrets_button": "Обновить секреты",
- "update_secrets_message": "Введите свой пароль. Эта информация необходима для идентификации вас при вызове API",
- "userRemoved": "{{email}} удален из мозга",
- "userRemoveFailed": "Не удалось удалить {{email}} из мозга",
- "userRoleUpdated": "{{email}} обновлен до {{newRole}}",
- "userRoleUpdateFailed": "Не удалось обновить {{email}} до {{newRole}}",
- "usersInvited": "Пользователи успешно приглашены",
- "usersWithAccess": "Пользователи с доступом"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"api_brain":{"addRow":"Добавить строку","description":"Описание","name":"Название","required":"Обязательно","type":"Тип","value":"Значение"},"brain_library_button_label":"Библиотека мозгов","brain_management_button_label":"Управление мозгом","brain_params":"Параметры мозга","brain_status_label":"Статус","brain_type":"Тип мозга","brainCreated":"Мозг успешно создан","brainDescription":"Описание","brainDescriptionPlaceholder":"Мой новый мозг - это...","brainName":"Название мозга","brainNamePlaceholder":"Например, Заметки по истории","brainUndefined":"Мозг не определен","cancel_set_brain_status_to_private":"Нет, оставить общедоступным","cancel_set_brain_status_to_public":"Нет, оставить приватным","composite_brain_composition_invitation":"Подключите свой новый мозг к другим существующим мозгам из вашей библиотеки, выбрав их.","confirm_set_brain_status_to_private":"Да, установить как частное","confirm_set_brain_status_to_public":"Да, установить как публичный","copiedToClipboard":"Скопировано в буфер обмена","defaultBrain":"Мозг по умолчанию","empty_brain_description":"Нет описания","errorCreatingBrain":"Произошла ошибка при создании мозга","errorFetchingBrainUsers":"Ошибка при получении пользователей мозга","errorSendingInvitation":"Ошибка при отправке приглашений","explore_brains":"Исследуйте мозги сообщества Quivr","inviteUsers":"Добавить новых пользователей","knowledge_source_api":"API","knowledge_source_composite_brain":"Агент","knowledge_source_doc":"Документы","knowledge_source_label":"Источник знаний","manage_brain":"Управление мозгом","myBrains":"Мои мозги","newBrain":"Добавить новый мозг","newBrainSubtitle":"Создайте новое пространство для ваших данных","newBrainTitle":"Добавить новый мозг","noBrainUsers":"Нет пользователей мозга","private_brain_description":"Доступно для вас и людей, с которыми вы его делитесь","private_brain_label":"Приватный","public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label":"Вы уже подписаны","public_brain_description":"Мозг будет разделен с сообществом Quivr","public_brain_label":"Публичный","public_brain_last_update_label":"Последнее обновление","public_brain_subscribe_button_label":"Подписаться","public_brain_subscription_success_message":"Вы успешно подписались на мозг","public_brains_search_bar_placeholder":"Поиск общественных мозгов","resources":"Ресурсы","searchBrain":"Поиск мозга","secrets_update_error":"Ошибка при обновлении секретов","secrets_updated":"Секреты обновлены","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description":"Пользователи Quivr больше не смогут использовать этот мозг, и они не увидят его в библиотеке мозгов.","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title":"Вы уверены, что хотите установить это как Частное?
","set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description":"Каждый пользователь Quivr сможет:
- Подписаться на ваш мозг в 'библиотеке мозгов'.
- Использовать этот мозг и проверить настройки подсказок и модели.
У них не будет доступа к вашим загруженным файлам и разделу 'люди'.","set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title":"Вы уверены, что хотите установить это как Публичный?
","setDefaultBrain":"Установить как мозг по умолчанию","shareBrain":"Поделиться мозгом {{name}}","shareBrainLink":"Нажмите, чтобы скопировать ссылку для совместного использования мозга","shareBrainUsers":"Пользователи с доступом","update_secrets_button":"Обновить секреты","update_secrets_message":"Введите свой пароль. Эта информация необходима для идентификации вас при вызове API","userRemoved":"{{email}} удален из мозга","userRemoveFailed":"Не удалось удалить {{email}} из мозга","userRoleUpdated":"{{email}} обновлен до {{newRole}}","userRoleUpdateFailed":"Не удалось обновить {{email}} до {{newRole}}","usersInvited":"Пользователи успешно приглашены","usersWithAccess":"Пользователи с доступом"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/chat.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/chat.json
index 080f17468dea..baba613a383c 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/chat.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/chat.json
@@ -1,63 +1 @@
- "actions_bar_placeholder": "Задайте вопрос @мозгу и выберите свой #подсказка",
- "add_document": "Добавить документ",
- "ask": "Задайте вопрос или опишите задачу.",
- "back_to_chat": "Вернуться к чату",
- "brain": "мозг",
- "brains": "мозги",
- "change_brain": "Изменить мозг",
- "chat": "Чат",
- "chatDeleted": "Чат успешно удален. Id: {{id}}",
- "chatNameUpdated": "Имя чата обновлено",
- "error_occurred": "Произошла ошибка при получении ответа",
- "errorCallingAPI": "Ошибка вызова API",
- "errorDeleting": "Ошибка при удалении чата: {{error}}",
- "errorFetching": "Произошла ошибка при получении ваших чатов",
- "errorParsingData": "Ошибка при разборе данных",
- "feed_brain_placeholder": "Выберите, какой @мозг вы хотите питать этими файлами",
- "feedingBrain": "Ваш недавно добавленный знаний обрабатывается, вы можете продолжить общение в это время!",
- "history": "История",
- "keyboard_shortcuts": "Сочетания клавиш",
- "last30Days": "Последние 30 дней",
- "last7Days": "Последние 7 дней",
- "limit_reached": "Вы достигли лимита запросов, пожалуйста, попробуйте позже",
- "menu": "Меню",
- "missing_brain": "Мозг не найден",
- "new_discussion": "Новое обсуждение",
- "new_prompt": "Создать новый запрос",
- "noCurrentBrain": "Нет текущего мозга",
- "onboarding": {
- "answer": {
- "how_to_use_quivr": "Проверьте документацию по адресу https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
- "what_is_brain": "Мозг - это виртуальная папка для организации информации по конкретной теме. Он может хранить документы и подключаться к внешним приложениям или API. Например, в мозге 'Медицинская наука' можно хранить данные, связанные с здоровьем, а в мозге 'Юридический' - юридическую информацию. Мозги могут быть сделаны общедоступными для использования другими пользователями без раскрытия содержимого, что способствует обмену знаниями.",
- "what_is_quivr": "Quivr - полезный помощник. Вы можете легко перетаскивать файлы в чат или раздел знаний, чтобы взаимодействовать с ними. Это не только инструмент для общения, вы также можете взаимодействовать с приложениями, используя API.\nЧтобы организовать свою работу, вы можете создавать мозги, виртуальные папки, и подписываться на мозги других пользователей в разделе 'Поиск' для совместной работы и обмена информацией."
- },
- "how_to_use_quivr": "Как использовать Quivr?",
- "step_1_1": "1. Перетащите файл в чат или в 📎.",
- "step_1_2": "Нет файла? Загрузите 'Документацию Quivr'",
- "step_2": "2. Начните общаться с вашим файлом",
- "step_3": "3. Наслаждайтесь!",
- "title": "Привет 👋🏻 Хотите узнать о Quivr? 😇",
- "what_is_brain": "Что такое мозг?",
- "what_is_quivr": "Что такое Quivr?"
- },
- "parameters": "Параметры",
- "receivedResponse": "Получен ответ. Начинается обработка потока...",
- "resposeBodyNull": "Пустой ответ",
- "shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: Выберите конкретный запрос",
- "shortcut_create_brain": "@+: Создайте новый мозг",
- "shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: Создайте новый пользовательский запрос",
- "shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: Подайте мозгу знаний",
- "shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDK: Перейти к ярлыкам",
- "shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: Перейти на страницу пользователя",
- "shortcut_manage_brains": "CMDB: Управление вашими мозгами",
- "shortcut_select_brain": "@: Выберите мозг",
- "shortcut_select_file": "/: Выберите файл для общения",
- "subtitle": "Общайтесь с языковой моделью о ваших загруженных данных",
- "thinking": "Думаю...",
- "title": "Чат с {{brain}}",
- "today": "Сегодня",
- "tooManyRequests": "Вы превысили количество запросов в день. Чтобы продолжить чат, введите ключ OpenAI API в вашем профиле или в использованном мозге.",
- "welcome": "Добро пожаловать",
- "yesterday": "Вчера"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"actions_bar_placeholder":"Задайте вопрос @мозгу и выберите свой #подсказка","add_document":"Добавить документ","ask":"Задайте вопрос или опишите задачу.","back_to_chat":"Вернуться к чату","brain":"мозг","brains":"мозги","change_brain":"Изменить мозг","chat":"Чат","chatDeleted":"Чат успешно удален. Id: {{id}}","chatNameUpdated":"Имя чата обновлено","error_occurred":"Произошла ошибка при получении ответа","errorCallingAPI":"Ошибка вызова API","errorDeleting":"Ошибка при удалении чата: {{error}}","errorFetching":"Произошла ошибка при получении ваших чатов","errorParsingData":"Ошибка при разборе данных","feed_brain_placeholder":"Выберите, какой @мозг вы хотите питать этими файлами","feedingBrain":"Ваш недавно добавленный знаний обрабатывается, вы можете продолжить общение в это время!","history":"История","keyboard_shortcuts":"Сочетания клавиш","last30Days":"Последние 30 дней","last7Days":"Последние 7 дней","limit_reached":"Вы достигли лимита запросов, пожалуйста, попробуйте позже","menu":"Меню","missing_brain":"Мозг не найден","new_discussion":"Новое обсуждение","new_prompt":"Создать новый запрос","noCurrentBrain":"Нет текущего мозга","onboarding":{"answer":{"how_to_use_quivr":"Проверьте документацию по адресу https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html","what_is_brain":"Мозг - это виртуальная папка для организации информации по конкретной теме. Он может хранить документы и подключаться к внешним приложениям или API. Например, в мозге 'Медицинская наука' можно хранить данные, связанные с здоровьем, а в мозге 'Юридический' - юридическую информацию. Мозги могут быть сделаны общедоступными для использования другими пользователями без раскрытия содержимого, что способствует обмену знаниями.","what_is_quivr":"Quivr - полезный помощник. Вы можете легко перетаскивать файлы в чат или раздел знаний, чтобы взаимодействовать с ними. Это не только инструмент для общения, вы также можете взаимодействовать с приложениями, используя API.\nЧтобы организовать свою работу, вы можете создавать мозги, виртуальные папки, и подписываться на мозги других пользователей в разделе 'Поиск' для совместной работы и обмена информацией."},"how_to_use_quivr":"Как использовать Quivr?","step_1_1":"1. Перетащите файл в чат или в 📎.","step_1_2":"Нет файла? Загрузите 'Документацию Quivr'","step_2":"2. Начните общаться с вашим файлом","step_3":"3. Наслаждайтесь!","title":"Привет 👋🏻 Хотите узнать о Quivr? 😇","what_is_brain":"Что такое мозг?","what_is_quivr":"Что такое Quivr?"},"parameters":"Параметры","receivedResponse":"Получен ответ. Начинается обработка потока...","resposeBodyNull":"Пустой ответ","shortcut_choose_prompt":"#: Выберите конкретный запрос","shortcut_create_brain":"@+: Создайте новый мозг","shortcut_create_prompt":"#+: Создайте новый пользовательский запрос","shortcut_feed_brain":"/+: Подайте мозгу знаний","shortcut_go_to_shortcuts":"CMDK: Перейти к ярлыкам","shortcut_go_to_user_page":"CMDU: Перейти на страницу пользователя","shortcut_manage_brains":"CMDB: Управление вашими мозгами","shortcut_select_brain":"@: Выберите мозг","shortcut_select_file":"/: Выберите файл для общения","subtitle":"Общайтесь с языковой моделью о ваших загруженных данных","thinking":"Думаю...","title":"Чат с {{brain}}","today":"Сегодня","tooManyRequests":"Вы превысили количество запросов в день. Чтобы продолжить чат, введите ключ OpenAI API в вашем профиле или в использованном мозге.","welcome":"Добро пожаловать","yesterday":"Вчера"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/config.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/config.json
index 48edde65e48b..1f2f3e8db56a 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/config.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/config.json
@@ -1,56 +1 @@
- "accountSection": "Ваш аккаунт",
- "anthropicKeyLabel": "Ключ Anthropic API",
- "anthropicKeyPlaceholder": "Ключ Anthropic API",
- "apiKey": "ключ API",
- "backendSection": "Настройки бэкенда",
- "backendUrlLabel": "URL бэкенда",
- "backendUrlPlaceHolder": "URL бэкенда",
- "brainUpdated": "Мозг успешно обновлен",
- "configReset": "Настройки сброшены",
- "configSaved": "Настройки сохранены",
- "customPromptSection": "Пользовательский запрос",
- "defaultBrainSet": "Мозг успешно установлен по умолчанию",
- "descriptionRequired": "Описание обязательно",
- "error": {
- "copy": "Не удалось скопировать",
- "createApiKey": "Ошибка при создании API ключа"
- },
- "errorRemovingPrompt": "Ошибка при удалении запроса",
- "incorrectApiKey": "Неверный ключ API",
- "invalidApiKeyError": "Недействительный ключ API",
- "invalidOpenAiKey": "Недействительный ключ OpenAI",
- "keepInLocal": "Сохранить локально",
- "knowledge": "Знания",
- "maxTokens": "Максимальное количество токенов",
- "modelLabel": "Модель",
- "modelSection": "Настройки модели",
- "nameRequired": "Имя обязательно",
- "newAPIKey": "Создать новый ключ",
- "noUser": "Пользователь не найден",
- "ohno": "О нет!",
- "openAiKeyLabel": "Ключ Open AI",
- "openAiKeyPlaceholder": "sk-xxx",
- "people": "Люди",
- "promptContent": "Содержание запроса",
- "promptContentPlaceholder": "Как искусственный интеллект, ваше...",
- "promptFieldsRequired": "Название и содержание запроса обязательны",
- "promptName": "Название запроса",
- "promptNamePlaceholder": "Название моего потрясающего запроса",
- "promptRemoved": "Запрос успешно удален",
- "publicPrompts": "Выбрать из публичных запросов",
- "removePrompt": "Удалить запрос",
- "requireAccess": "Пожалуйста, запросите доступ у владельца.",
- "roleRequired": "У вас нет необходимой роли для доступа к этой вкладке 🧠💡🥲.",
- "selectQuivrPersonalityBtn": "Выберите личность Quivr",
- "settings": "Настройки",
- "signedInAs": "Вы вошли как",
- "subtitle": "Управление вашим мозгом",
- "supabaseKeyLabel": "Ключ Supabase",
- "supabaseKeyPlaceHolder": "Ключ Supabase",
- "supabaseURLLabel": "URL Supabase",
- "supabaseURLPlaceHolder": "URL Supabase",
- "temperature": "Температура",
- "title": "Настройки",
- "updatingBrainSettings": "Обновление настроек мозга..."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"accountSection":"Ваш аккаунт","anthropicKeyLabel":"Ключ Anthropic API","anthropicKeyPlaceholder":"Ключ Anthropic API","apiKey":"ключ API","backendSection":"Настройки бэкенда","backendUrlLabel":"URL бэкенда","backendUrlPlaceHolder":"URL бэкенда","brainUpdated":"Мозг успешно обновлен","configReset":"Настройки сброшены","configSaved":"Настройки сохранены","customPromptSection":"Пользовательский запрос","defaultBrainSet":"Мозг успешно установлен по умолчанию","descriptionRequired":"Описание обязательно","error":{"copy":"Не удалось скопировать","createApiKey":"Ошибка при создании API ключа"},"errorRemovingPrompt":"Ошибка при удалении запроса","incorrectApiKey":"Неверный ключ API","invalidApiKeyError":"Недействительный ключ API","invalidOpenAiKey":"Недействительный ключ OpenAI","keepInLocal":"Сохранить локально","knowledge":"Знания","maxTokens":"Максимальное количество токенов","modelLabel":"Модель","modelSection":"Настройки модели","nameRequired":"Имя обязательно","newAPIKey":"Создать новый ключ","noUser":"Пользователь не найден","ohno":"О нет!","openAiKeyLabel":"Ключ Open AI","openAiKeyPlaceholder":"sk-xxx","people":"Люди","promptContent":"Содержание запроса","promptContentPlaceholder":"Как искусственный интеллект, ваше...","promptFieldsRequired":"Название и содержание запроса обязательны","promptName":"Название запроса","promptNamePlaceholder":"Название моего потрясающего запроса","promptRemoved":"Запрос успешно удален","publicPrompts":"Выбрать из публичных запросов","removePrompt":"Удалить запрос","requireAccess":"Пожалуйста, запросите доступ у владельца.","roleRequired":"У вас нет необходимой роли для доступа к этой вкладке 🧠💡🥲.","selectQuivrPersonalityBtn":"Выберите личность Quivr","settings":"Настройки","signedInAs":"Вы вошли как","subtitle":"Управление вашим мозгом","supabaseKeyLabel":"Ключ Supabase","supabaseKeyPlaceHolder":"Ключ Supabase","supabaseURLLabel":"URL Supabase","supabaseURLPlaceHolder":"URL Supabase","temperature":"Температура","title":"Настройки","updatingBrainSettings":"Обновление настроек мозга..."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/contact.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/contact.json
index e7d693e53136..639cd2994a50 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/contact.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/contact.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "speak_to": "Говорите с нашим",
- "sales_team": "коммерческим отделом",
- "form": {
- "email": "Рабочий электронный адрес",
- "question": "Вопрос",
- "submit": "Контакт",
- "placeholder_question": "Как мы можем вам помочь?",
- "thank_you": "Спасибо!",
- "thank_you_text": "Мы свяжемся с вами как можно скорее.",
- "sending_mail_error": "При отправке вашего сообщения произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз позже."
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+{"speak_to":"Говорите с нашим","sales_team":"коммерческим отделом","form":{"email":"Рабочий электронный адрес","question":"Вопрос","submit":"Контакт","placeholder_question":"Как мы можем вам помочь?","thank_you":"Спасибо!","thank_you_text":"Мы свяжемся с вами как можно скорее.","sending_mail_error":"При отправке вашего сообщения произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз позже."}}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/explore.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/explore.json
index b485aba6c18f..9db780970b42 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/explore.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/explore.json
@@ -1,15 +1 @@
- "title": "Исследовать загруженные данные",
- "subtitle": "Просмотрите, загрузите или удалите знания, используемые вашим мозгом",
- "empty": "О нет, ваш мозг пуст.",
- "noBrain": "Мозг не найден",
- "sessionNotFound": "Сессия пользователя не найдена",
- "deleted": "{{fileName}} удален из мозга {{brain}}",
- "errorDeleting": "Ошибка при удалении {{fileName}}",
- "view": "Просмотреть",
- "chunkNumber": "Количество частей: {{quantity}}",
- "notAvailable": "Не доступно",
- "deleteConfirmTitle": "Подтвердите",
- "deleteConfirmText": "Вы действительно хотите удалить?",
- "feed_brain_instructions": "Чтобы добавить знания в мозг, перейдите на страницу чата, затем нажмите на кнопку плюс слева от поля ввода чата."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Исследовать загруженные данные","subtitle":"Просмотрите, загрузите или удалите знания, используемые вашим мозгом","empty":"О нет, ваш мозг пуст.","noBrain":"Мозг не найден","sessionNotFound":"Сессия пользователя не найдена","deleted":"{{fileName}} удален из мозга {{brain}}","errorDeleting":"Ошибка при удалении {{fileName}}","view":"Просмотреть","chunkNumber":"Количество частей: {{quantity}}","notAvailable":"Не доступно","deleteConfirmTitle":"Подтвердите","deleteConfirmText":"Вы действительно хотите удалить?","feed_brain_instructions":"Чтобы добавить знания в мозг, перейдите на страницу чата, затем нажмите на кнопку плюс слева от поля ввода чата."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/external_api_definition.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/external_api_definition.json
index d93198753913..09674405982d 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/external_api_definition.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/external_api_definition.json
@@ -1,14 +1 @@
- "method_label": "Method",
- "url_placeholder": "URL",
- "searchParams": "Search Params",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "params": "Params",
- "key": "Key",
- "type": "Type (string or number)",
- "description": "Description",
- "secrets": "секреты",
- "paramsTabDescription": "Эти значения отправляются в теле запроса.",
- "searchParamsTabDescription": "Эти значения отправляются в виде строки запроса.",
- "secretsTabDescription": "Эти значения отправляются в виде ключей заголовка."
\ No newline at end of file
+{"method_label":"Method","url_placeholder":"URL","searchParams":"Search Params","headers":"Headers","params":"Params","key":"Key","type":"Type (string or number)","description":"Description","secrets":"секреты","paramsTabDescription":"Эти значения отправляются в теле запроса.","searchParamsTabDescription":"Эти значения отправляются в виде строки запроса.","secretsTabDescription":"Эти значения отправляются в виде ключей заголовка."}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/home.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/home.json
index 1f1f439b8fa1..2104d581723d 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/home.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/home.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"sign_in": "Войти",
"sign_up": "Зарегистрироваться",
+ "docs": "Документация",
"star_us": "Поставьте звезду на Github",
"blog": "Блог",
"sponsored_by": "Спонсируется",
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/invitation.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/invitation.json
index fd32e03af8ee..c4f43f44359b 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/invitation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/invitation.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "wellcome": "Добро пожаловать в {{brain}}!",
- "invitationMessage": "Bac пригласили присоединиться к этому мозгу как {{role}} и начать исследование. Принимаете ли вы это захватывающее путешествие?",
- "processingRequest": "Обработка вашего запроса...",
- "accept": "Да, я согласен/согласна!",
- "reject": "Нет, спасибо",
- "invitationNotFound": "Это приглашение недействительно",
- "errorCheckingInvitation": "Произошла ошибка при проверке приглашения",
- "accepted": "Приглашение принято",
- "errorAccepting": "Произошла ошибка при принятии приглашения",
- "declined": "Приглашение отклонено",
- "errorDeclining": "Произошла ошибка при отклонении приглашения"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"wellcome":"Добро пожаловать в {{brain}}!","invitationMessage":"Bac пригласили присоединиться к этому мозгу как {{role}} и начать исследование. Принимаете ли вы это захватывающее путешествие?","processingRequest":"Обработка вашего запроса...","accept":"Да, я согласен/согласна!","reject":"Нет, спасибо","invitationNotFound":"Это приглашение недействительно","errorCheckingInvitation":"Произошла ошибка при проверке приглашения","accepted":"Приглашение принято","errorAccepting":"Произошла ошибка при принятии приглашения","declined":"Приглашение отклонено","errorDeclining":"Произошла ошибка при отклонении приглашения"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/login.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/login.json
index 45285e8ca6c4..9ea3bdf1b90b 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/login.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/login.json
@@ -1,18 +1 @@
- "password": "Пароль",
- "googleLogin": "Продолжить с Google",
- "errorPasswordMissed": "Пожалуйста, введите свой пароль",
- "magicLink": "Продолжить с электронной почтой",
- "errorMailMissed": "Пожалуйста, введите ваш адрес электронной почты",
- "talk_to": "Общение с",
- "restriction_message": "Неоплаченным пользователям доступен бесплатный и ограниченный демонстрационный доступ к Quivr",
- "email": "Адрес электронной почты",
- "cant_find": "Не можете найти?",
- "try_again": "Попробуйте еще раз",
- "check_your_email": {
- "part1": "Мы только что отправили вам ",
- "magic_link": "волшебную ссылку",
- "part2": ". Проверьте свою электронную почту и следуйте инструкциям."
- },
- "login": "Войти"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"password":"Пароль","googleLogin":"Продолжить с Google","errorPasswordMissed":"Пожалуйста, введите свой пароль","magicLink":"Продолжить с электронной почтой","errorMailMissed":"Пожалуйста, введите ваш адрес электронной почты","talk_to":"Общение с","restriction_message":"Неоплаченным пользователям доступен бесплатный и ограниченный демонстрационный доступ к Quivr","email":"Адрес электронной почты","cant_find":"Не можете найти?","try_again":"Попробуйте еще раз","check_your_email":{"part1":"Мы только что отправили вам ","magic_link":"волшебную ссылку","part2":". Проверьте свою электронную почту и следуйте инструкциям."},"login":"Войти"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/logout.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/logout.json
index b9e92568a9bd..4054903b8871 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/logout.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/logout.json
@@ -1,8 +1 @@
- "title": "Выход",
- "subtitle": "Увидимся в следующий раз",
- "areYouSure": "Вы уверены, что хотите выйти?",
- "cancel": "Отмена",
- "error": "Ошибка при выходе: {{errorMessage}}",
- "loggedOut": "Успешный выход"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Выход","subtitle":"Увидимся в следующий раз","areYouSure":"Вы уверены, что хотите выйти?","cancel":"Отмена","error":"Ошибка при выходе: {{errorMessage}}","loggedOut":"Успешный выход"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/monetization.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/monetization.json
index 2ee7665f7dcf..3dd7f79310bf 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/monetization.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/monetization.json
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
- "upgrade": "Обновить до плюса",
- "new": "Новый",
- "manage_plan": "Управлять моим планом"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"upgrade":"Обновить до плюса","new":"Новый","manage_plan":"Управлять моим планом"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/translation.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/translation.json
index 701ca0bd7a26..e9d2b71288af 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/translation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/translation.json
@@ -1,38 +1 @@
- "all": "Все",
- "and": "и",
- "cancel": "Отмена",
- "Chat": "Чат",
- "chatButton": "Чат",
- "comingSoon": "Скоро",
- "crawlButton": "Поиск",
- "createButton": "Создать",
- "deleteButton": "Удалить",
- "deleteForeverButton": "Удалить навсегда",
- "description": "Quivr - это ваш второй мозг в облаке, предназначенный для легкого хранения и извлечения неструктурированной информации.",
- "doneButton": "Готово",
- "Editor": "Редактор",
- "email": "Email",
- "Explore": "Исследовать",
- "invalidUrl": "Неверный URL",
- "lang": "ru-RU",
- "languageSelect": "предпочтительный язык",
- "loading": "Загрузка...",
- "logoutButton": "Выйти",
- "newChatButton": "Новый чат",
- "next": "Далее",
- "or": "или",
- "Owner": "Владелец",
- "previous": "Назад",
- "resetButton": "Сбросить",
- "saveButton": "Сохранить",
- "shareButton": "Поделиться",
- "themeSelect": "Тема интерфейса",
- "title": "Quivr - Второй мозг с генеративным ИИ",
- "toastDismiss": "закрыть",
- "updateButton": "Обновить",
- "Upload": "Загрузка",
- "uploadButton": "Загрузить",
- "uploadingButton": "Загрузка...",
- "Viewer": "Просмотр"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"all":"Все","and":"и","cancel":"Отмена","Chat":"Чат","chatButton":"Чат","comingSoon":"Скоро","crawlButton":"Поиск","createButton":"Создать","deleteButton":"Удалить","deleteForeverButton":"Удалить навсегда","description":"Quivr - это ваш второй мозг в облаке, предназначенный для легкого хранения и извлечения неструктурированной информации.","doneButton":"Готово","Editor":"Редактор","email":"Email","Explore":"Исследовать","invalidUrl":"Неверный URL","lang":"ru-RU","languageSelect":"предпочтительный язык","loading":"Загрузка...","logoutButton":"Выйти","newChatButton":"Новый чат","next":"Далее","or":"или","Owner":"Владелец","previous":"Назад","resetButton":"Сбросить","saveButton":"Сохранить","shareButton":"Поделиться","themeSelect":"Тема интерфейса","title":"Quivr - Второй мозг с генеративным ИИ","toastDismiss":"закрыть","updateButton":"Обновить","Upload":"Загрузка","uploadButton":"Загрузить","uploadingButton":"Загрузка...","Viewer":"Просмотр"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/upload.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/upload.json
index 3b450ed93421..821ef5383ae4 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/upload.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/upload.json
@@ -1,20 +1 @@
- "title": "Загрузка Знаний",
- "subtitle": "Поддерживаются текст, документы, таблицы, презентации, аудио, видео и URL-адреса",
- "drop": "Перетащите файлы сюда...",
- "webSite": "Вставьте URL веб-сайта",
- "success": "Файл успешно загружен",
- "uploadFailed": "Не удалось загрузить файл: {{message}}",
- "maxSizeError": "Файл слишком большой",
- "alreadyAdded": "{{fileName}} уже добавлен, но не отправлен в ваш мозг.",
- "addFiles": "Пожалуйста, добавьте файлы для загрузки",
- "selectBrain": "Пожалуйста, выберите или создайте мозг для загрузки файла",
- "invalidUrl": "Неверный URL",
- "crawlFailed": "Не удалось извлечь информацию из сайта: {{message}}",
- "ohNo": "О нет!",
- "selectBrainFirst": "Сначала вам нужно выбрать мозг. 🧠💡🥲",
- "missingNecessaryRole": "У вас нет необходимой роли для загрузки контента в выбранный мозг. 🧠💡🥲",
- "invalidFileType": "Неверный тип файла",
- "feed_form_submit_button": "Отправить в мой мозг",
- "selected_brain_select_label": "Выберите мозг"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Загрузка Знаний","subtitle":"Поддерживаются текст, документы, таблицы, презентации, аудио, видео и URL-адреса","drop":"Перетащите файлы сюда...","webSite":"Вставьте URL веб-сайта","success":"Файл успешно загружен","uploadFailed":"Не удалось загрузить файл: {{message}}","maxSizeError":"Файл слишком большой","alreadyAdded":"{{fileName}} уже добавлен, но не отправлен в ваш мозг.","addFiles":"Пожалуйста, добавьте файлы для загрузки","selectBrain":"Пожалуйста, выберите или создайте мозг для загрузки файла","invalidUrl":"Неверный URL","crawlFailed":"Не удалось извлечь информацию из сайта: {{message}}","ohNo":"О нет!","selectBrainFirst":"Сначала вам нужно выбрать мозг. 🧠💡🥲","missingNecessaryRole":"У вас нет необходимой роли для загрузки контента в выбранный мозг. 🧠💡🥲","invalidFileType":"Неверный тип файла","feed_form_submit_button":"Отправить в мой мозг","selected_brain_select_label":"Выберите мозг"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/ru/user.json b/frontend/public/locales/ru/user.json
index 9d7b7a9ddf3f..6b6e037f6cab 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/ru/user.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/ru/user.json
@@ -1,10 +1 @@
- "title": "Использование Мозга, который принадлежит {{user}}",
- "fetching": "Получение ваших данных...",
- "requestsCount": "Запросы сегодня: {{count}}",
- "brainSize": "Оставшийся размер Мозга",
- "empty": "Пусто",
- "Used": "Использовано",
- "Unused": "Не использовано",
- "brainUsage": "Использование Мозга"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"Использование Мозга, который принадлежит {{user}}","fetching":"Получение ваших данных...","requestsCount":"Запросы сегодня: {{count}}","brainSize":"Оставшийся размер Мозга","empty":"Пусто","Used":"Использовано","Unused":"Не использовано","brainUsage":"Использование Мозга"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/brain.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/brain.json
index 887faa9edbdc..15c9252df779 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/brain.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/brain.json
@@ -1,73 +1 @@
- "api_brain": {
- "addRow": "添加行",
- "description": "描述",
- "name": "名称",
- "required": "必填",
- "type": "类型",
- "value": "值"
- },
- "brain_library_button_label": "大脑库",
- "brain_management_button_label": "管理",
- "brain_params": "脑参数",
- "brain_status_label": "访问模式",
- "brain_type": "脑类型",
- "brainCreated": "大脑创建成功",
- "brainDescription": "描述",
- "brainDescriptionPlaceholder": "我的新大脑是关于…",
- "brainName": "大脑名称",
- "brainNamePlaceholder": "例如:历史笔记",
- "brainUndefined": "大脑未定义",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_private": "不,保持公开",
- "cancel_set_brain_status_to_public": "不,保持私有",
- "composite_brain_composition_invitation": "通过选择将您的新大脑连接到现有的其他大脑来进行组合。",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_private": "是的,设为私有",
- "confirm_set_brain_status_to_public": "是的,设为公共",
- "copiedToClipboard": "已复制到剪贴板",
- "defaultBrain": "默认大脑",
- "empty_brain_description": "无描述",
- "errorCreatingBrain": "创建大脑时发生错误",
- "errorFetchingBrainUsers": "获取大脑用户时发生错误",
- "errorSendingInvitation": "发送邀请时发生错误",
- "explore_brains": "探索 Quivr 社区的大脑",
- "inviteUsers": "添加新用户",
- "knowledge_source_api": "API",
- "knowledge_source_composite_brain": "代理",
- "knowledge_source_doc": "文档",
- "knowledge_source_label": "知识来源",
- "manage_brain": "管理大脑",
- "myBrains": "我的大脑",
- "newBrain": "添加新大脑",
- "newBrainSubtitle": "为您的数据创建一个新空间",
- "newBrainTitle": "添加新大脑",
- "noBrainUsers": "没有大脑用户",
- "private_brain_description": "对您和您分享的人可访问",
- "private_brain_label": "私有",
- "public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label": "已订阅",
- "public_brain_description": "该大脑将与Quivr社区共享",
- "public_brain_label": "公共",
- "public_brain_last_update_label": "最后更新",
- "public_brain_subscribe_button_label": "订阅",
- "public_brain_subscription_success_message": "您成功订阅了该大脑",
- "public_brains_search_bar_placeholder": "搜索公共大脑",
- "resources": "资源",
- "searchBrain": "搜索大脑",
- "secrets_update_error": "更新秘密时出错",
- "secrets_updated": "秘密已更新",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description": "Quivr 用户将无法再使用此大脑,并且不会在大脑库中看到它。",
- "set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title": "您确定要将此大脑设置为私有模式吗?
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description": "每个 Quivr 用户都可以:
- 在 “大脑库” 中订阅此大脑。
- 使用此大脑并检查提示和模型配置。
- "set_brain_status_to_public_modal_title": "您确定要将大脑设置为可公共访问吗?
- "setDefaultBrain": "设置为默认大脑",
- "shareBrain": "分享大脑 {{name}}",
- "shareBrainLink": "点击复制链接来分享大脑",
- "shareBrainUsers": "具有访问权限的用户",
- "update_secrets_button": "更新秘密",
- "update_secrets_message": "输入您的秘密。在调用API时,此信息是必需的以识别您",
- "userRemoved": "从大脑中删除了 {{email}}",
- "userRemoveFailed": "无法从大脑中删除 {{email}}",
- "userRoleUpdated": "成功将 {{email}} 更新为 {{newRole}}",
- "userRoleUpdateFailed": "无法将 {{email}} 更新为 {{newRole}}",
- "usersInvited": "已成功邀请用户",
- "usersWithAccess": "具有访问权限的用户"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"api_brain":{"addRow":"添加行","description":"描述","name":"名称","required":"必填","type":"类型","value":"值"},"brain_library_button_label":"大脑库","brain_management_button_label":"管理","brain_params":"脑参数","brain_status_label":"访问模式","brain_type":"脑类型","brainCreated":"大脑创建成功","brainDescription":"描述","brainDescriptionPlaceholder":"我的新大脑是关于…","brainName":"大脑名称","brainNamePlaceholder":"例如:历史笔记","brainUndefined":"大脑未定义","cancel_set_brain_status_to_private":"不,保持公开","cancel_set_brain_status_to_public":"不,保持私有","composite_brain_composition_invitation":"通过选择将您的新大脑连接到现有的其他大脑来进行组合。","confirm_set_brain_status_to_private":"是的,设为私有","confirm_set_brain_status_to_public":"是的,设为公共","copiedToClipboard":"已复制到剪贴板","defaultBrain":"默认大脑","empty_brain_description":"无描述","errorCreatingBrain":"创建大脑时发生错误","errorFetchingBrainUsers":"获取大脑用户时发生错误","errorSendingInvitation":"发送邀请时发生错误","explore_brains":"探索 Quivr 社区的大脑","inviteUsers":"添加新用户","knowledge_source_api":"API","knowledge_source_composite_brain":"代理","knowledge_source_doc":"文档","knowledge_source_label":"知识来源","manage_brain":"管理大脑","myBrains":"我的大脑","newBrain":"添加新大脑","newBrainSubtitle":"为您的数据创建一个新空间","newBrainTitle":"添加新大脑","noBrainUsers":"没有大脑用户","private_brain_description":"对您和您分享的人可访问","private_brain_label":"私有","public_brain_already_subscribed_button_label":"已订阅","public_brain_description":"该大脑将与Quivr社区共享","public_brain_label":"公共","public_brain_last_update_label":"最后更新","public_brain_subscribe_button_label":"订阅","public_brain_subscription_success_message":"您成功订阅了该大脑","public_brains_search_bar_placeholder":"搜索公共大脑","resources":"资源","searchBrain":"搜索大脑","secrets_update_error":"更新秘密时出错","secrets_updated":"秘密已更新","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_description":"Quivr 用户将无法再使用此大脑,并且不会在大脑库中看到它。","set_brain_status_to_private_modal_title":"您确定要将此大脑设置为私有模式吗?
","set_brain_status_to_public_modal_description":"每个 Quivr 用户都可以:
- 在 “大脑库” 中订阅此大脑。
- 使用此大脑并检查提示和模型配置。
","setDefaultBrain":"设置为默认大脑","shareBrain":"分享大脑 {{name}}","shareBrainLink":"点击复制链接来分享大脑","shareBrainUsers":"具有访问权限的用户","update_secrets_button":"更新秘密","update_secrets_message":"输入您的秘密。在调用API时,此信息是必需的以识别您","userRemoved":"从大脑中删除了 {{email}}","userRemoveFailed":"无法从大脑中删除 {{email}}","userRoleUpdated":"成功将 {{email}} 更新为 {{newRole}}","userRoleUpdateFailed":"无法将 {{email}} 更新为 {{newRole}}","usersInvited":"已成功邀请用户","usersWithAccess":"具有访问权限的用户"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/chat.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/chat.json
index ccd766ede045..7ffdfbe1b004 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/chat.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/chat.json
@@ -1,64 +1 @@
- "actions_bar_placeholder": "向 @大脑 提问,选择您的 #提示",
- "add_document": "添加文件",
- "ask": "提一个问题,或描述一个任务。",
- "back_to_chat": "返回聊天",
- "brain": "大脑",
- "brains": "大脑",
- "change_brain": "更改大脑",
- "chat": "聊天",
- "chatDeleted": "聊天删除成功. Id: {{id}}",
- "chatNameUpdated": "聊天名称已更新",
- "error_occurred": "获取答案时发生错误",
- "errorCallingAPI": "调用 API 时出错",
- "errorDeleting": "删除聊天时出错: {{error}}",
- "errorFetching": "获取您的聊天记录时发生错误",
- "errorParsingData": "解析数据时发生错误",
- "feed_brain_placeholder": "选择要用这些文件充实的 @大脑",
- "feedingBrain": "您新添加的知识正在处理中,不影响您继续聊天!",
- "history": "历史",
- "keyboard_shortcuts": "键盘快捷键",
- "last30Days": "过去30天",
- "last7Days": "过去7天",
- "limit_reached": "您已达到请求限制,请稍后再试",
- "menu": "菜单",
- "missing_brain": "请选择一个大脑进行聊天",
- "new_discussion": "新讨论",
- "new_prompt": "新提示",
- "noCurrentBrain": "没有当前的大脑",
- "onboarding": {
- "answer": {
- "how_to_use_quivr": "查看文档 https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html",
- "what_is_brain": "大脑是用于组织特定主题信息的虚拟文件夹。它可以存储文档并连接到外部应用程序或 API。例如,'医学科学' 大脑可以包含与健康相关的数据,而 '法律' 大脑可以包含法律信息。大脑可以公开使用,而不会透露内容,促进知识共享。",
- "what_is_quivr": "Quivr 是一个有用的助手。您可以轻松将文件拖放到聊天或知识部分中与其进行交互。它不仅是一个聊天工具,还可以使用 API 与应用程序进行通信。\n为了使您的工作有条理,您可以创建大脑,即虚拟文件夹,并在探索部分订阅其他人的大脑,以实现无缝协作和信息共享。"
- },
- "how_to_use_quivr": "如何使用 Quivr?",
- "step_1_1": "1. 在聊天框或 📎 上拖放文件。",
- "step_1_2": "没有文件?下载 “Quivr 文档”",
- "step_2": "2. 开始与您的文件聊天。",
- "step_3": "3. 尽情享受!",
- "title": "嗨 👋🏻 想要探索 Quivr?😇",
- "what_is_brain": "什么是大脑?",
- "what_is_quivr": "什么是 Quivr?"
- },
- "parameters": "参数",
- "receivedResponse": "收到响应。开始处理流…",
- "resposeBodyNull": "响应内容为空",
- "shortcut_choose_prompt": "#: 选择一个特定的提示",
- "shortcut_create_brain": "@+: 创建一个新的大脑",
- "shortcut_create_prompt": "#+: 创建一个新的自定义提示",
- "shortcut_feed_brain": "/+: 用知识充实大脑",
- "shortcut_go_to_shortcuts": "CMDK: 前往快捷方式",
- "shortcut_go_to_user_page": "CMDU: 进入用户页面",
- "shortcut_manage_brains": "CMDB: 管理大脑",
- "shortcut_select_brain": "@: 选择一个大脑",
- "shortcut_select_file": "/: 选择一个文件进行对话",
- "subtitle": "与语言模型讨论您上传的数据",
- "thinking": "思考中…",
- "title": "与 {{brain}} 聊天",
- "today": "今天",
- "tooManyRequests": "您已超过每天的请求次数。想要继续聊天,请在您的个人资料中或为当前大脑配置 OpenAI API 密钥。",
- "welcome": "欢迎",
- "yesterday": "昨天",
- "begin_conversation_placeholder": "在这里开始对话…"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"actions_bar_placeholder":"向 @大脑 提问,选择您的 #提示","add_document":"添加文件","ask":"提一个问题,或描述一个任务。","back_to_chat":"返回聊天","brain":"大脑","brains":"大脑","change_brain":"更改大脑","chat":"聊天","chatDeleted":"聊天删除成功. Id: {{id}}","chatNameUpdated":"聊天名称已更新","error_occurred":"获取答案时发生错误","errorCallingAPI":"调用 API 时出错","errorDeleting":"删除聊天时出错: {{error}}","errorFetching":"获取您的聊天记录时发生错误","errorParsingData":"解析数据时发生错误","feed_brain_placeholder":"选择要用这些文件充实的 @大脑","feedingBrain":"您新添加的知识正在处理中,不影响您继续聊天!","history":"历史","keyboard_shortcuts":"键盘快捷键","last30Days":"过去30天","last7Days":"过去7天","limit_reached":"您已达到请求限制,请稍后再试","menu":"菜单","missing_brain":"请选择一个大脑进行聊天","new_discussion":"新讨论","new_prompt":"新提示","noCurrentBrain":"没有当前的大脑","onboarding":{"answer":{"how_to_use_quivr":"查看文档 https://brain.quivr.app/docs/intro.html","what_is_brain":"大脑是用于组织特定主题信息的虚拟文件夹。它可以存储文档并连接到外部应用程序或 API。例如,'医学科学' 大脑可以包含与健康相关的数据,而 '法律' 大脑可以包含法律信息。大脑可以公开使用,而不会透露内容,促进知识共享。","what_is_quivr":"Quivr 是一个有用的助手。您可以轻松将文件拖放到聊天或知识部分中与其进行交互。它不仅是一个聊天工具,还可以使用 API 与应用程序进行通信。\n为了使您的工作有条理,您可以创建大脑,即虚拟文件夹,并在探索部分订阅其他人的大脑,以实现无缝协作和信息共享。"},"how_to_use_quivr":"如何使用 Quivr?","step_1_1":"1. 在聊天框或 📎 上拖放文件。","step_1_2":"没有文件?下载 “Quivr 文档”","step_2":"2. 开始与您的文件聊天。","step_3":"3. 尽情享受!","title":"嗨 👋🏻 想要探索 Quivr?😇","what_is_brain":"什么是大脑?","what_is_quivr":"什么是 Quivr?"},"parameters":"参数","receivedResponse":"收到响应。开始处理流…","resposeBodyNull":"响应内容为空","shortcut_choose_prompt":"#: 选择一个特定的提示","shortcut_create_brain":"@+: 创建一个新的大脑","shortcut_create_prompt":"#+: 创建一个新的自定义提示","shortcut_feed_brain":"/+: 用知识充实大脑","shortcut_go_to_shortcuts":"CMDK: 前往快捷方式","shortcut_go_to_user_page":"CMDU: 进入用户页面","shortcut_manage_brains":"CMDB: 管理大脑","shortcut_select_brain":"@: 选择一个大脑","shortcut_select_file":"/: 选择一个文件进行对话","subtitle":"与语言模型讨论您上传的数据","thinking":"思考中…","title":"与 {{brain}} 聊天","today":"今天","tooManyRequests":"您已超过每天的请求次数。想要继续聊天,请在您的个人资料中或为当前大脑配置 OpenAI API 密钥。","welcome":"欢迎","yesterday":"昨天","begin_conversation_placeholder":"在这里开始对话…"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/config.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/config.json
index d82f879118aa..6e62e117c15f 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/config.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/config.json
@@ -1,56 +1 @@
- "accountSection": "您的账户",
- "anthropicKeyLabel": "Anthropic API 密钥",
- "anthropicKeyPlaceholder": "Anthropic API 密钥",
- "apiKey": "API 密钥",
- "backendSection": "后台配置",
- "backendUrlLabel": "后台 URL",
- "backendUrlPlaceHolder": "后台 URL",
- "brainUpdated": "大脑更新成功",
- "configReset": "配置已重置",
- "configSaved": "配置已保存",
- "customPromptSection": "自定义提示",
- "defaultBrainSet": "大脑已成功设置为默认值。",
- "descriptionRequired": "描述为必填项",
- "error": {
- "copy": "复制失败",
- "createApiKey": "创建 API 密钥时出错"
- },
- "errorRemovingPrompt": "删除提示时出错",
- "incorrectApiKey": "错误的 API 密钥",
- "invalidApiKeyError": "无效的 API 密钥",
- "invalidOpenAiKey": "无效的 OpenAI 密钥",
- "keepInLocal": "保留在本地",
- "knowledge": "知识",
- "maxTokens": "最大 Token 数",
- "modelLabel": "模型",
- "modelSection": "模型配置",
- "nameRequired": "名称为必填项",
- "newAPIKey": "创建新 API 密钥",
- "noUser": "没有用户",
- "ohno": "哎呀!",
- "openAiKeyLabel": "Open AI 密钥",
- "openAiKeyPlaceholder": "sk-xxx",
- "people": "成员",
- "promptContent": "提示内容",
- "promptContentPlaceholder": "作为一个人工智能,你…",
- "promptFieldsRequired": "提示标题和内容为必填项",
- "promptName": "提示标题",
- "promptNamePlaceholder": "特别棒的提示名称",
- "promptRemoved": "成功删除提示",
- "publicPrompts": "在公共提示中选择",
- "removePrompt": "删除提示",
- "requireAccess": "请向所有者申请访问权限.",
- "roleRequired": "您没有访问此选项卡所需的权限 🧠💡🥲.",
- "selectQuivrPersonalityBtn": "选择 Quivr 的性格",
- "settings": "设置",
- "signedInAs": "已登录为",
- "subtitle": "管理大脑",
- "supabaseKeyLabel": "Supabase 密钥",
- "supabaseKeyPlaceHolder": "Supabase 密钥",
- "supabaseURLLabel": "Supabase URL",
- "supabaseURLPlaceHolder": "Supabase URL",
- "temperature": "温度",
- "title": "配置",
- "updatingBrainSettings": "更新大脑设置中…"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"accountSection":"您的账户","anthropicKeyLabel":"Anthropic API 密钥","anthropicKeyPlaceholder":"Anthropic API 密钥","apiKey":"API 密钥","backendSection":"后台配置","backendUrlLabel":"后台 URL","backendUrlPlaceHolder":"后台 URL","brainUpdated":"大脑更新成功","configReset":"配置已重置","configSaved":"配置已保存","customPromptSection":"自定义提示","defaultBrainSet":"大脑已成功设置为默认值。","descriptionRequired":"描述为必填项","error":{"copy":"复制失败","createApiKey":"创建 API 密钥时出错"},"errorRemovingPrompt":"删除提示时出错","incorrectApiKey":"错误的 API 密钥","invalidApiKeyError":"无效的 API 密钥","invalidOpenAiKey":"无效的 OpenAI 密钥","keepInLocal":"保留在本地","knowledge":"知识","maxTokens":"最大 Token 数","modelLabel":"模型","modelSection":"模型配置","nameRequired":"名称为必填项","newAPIKey":"创建新 API 密钥","noUser":"没有用户","ohno":"哎呀!","openAiKeyLabel":"Open AI 密钥","openAiKeyPlaceholder":"sk-xxx","people":"成员","promptContent":"提示内容","promptContentPlaceholder":"作为一个人工智能,你…","promptFieldsRequired":"提示标题和内容为必填项","promptName":"提示标题","promptNamePlaceholder":"特别棒的提示名称","promptRemoved":"成功删除提示","publicPrompts":"在公共提示中选择","removePrompt":"删除提示","requireAccess":"请向所有者申请访问权限.","roleRequired":"您没有访问此选项卡所需的权限 🧠💡🥲.","selectQuivrPersonalityBtn":"选择 Quivr 的性格","settings":"设置","signedInAs":"已登录为","subtitle":"管理大脑","supabaseKeyLabel":"Supabase 密钥","supabaseKeyPlaceHolder":"Supabase 密钥","supabaseURLLabel":"Supabase URL","supabaseURLPlaceHolder":"Supabase URL","temperature":"温度","title":"配置","updatingBrainSettings":"更新大脑设置中…"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/contact.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/contact.json
index d683d8a23698..c4b2cde89882 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/contact.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/contact.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "speak_to": "联系我们的",
- "sales_team": "销售团队",
- "form": {
- "email": "工作电子邮件",
- "question": "问题",
- "submit": "联系我们",
- "placeholder_question": "我们如何帮助您?",
- "thank_you": "谢谢!",
- "thank_you_text": "我们会尽快回复您。",
- "sending_mail_error": "发送消息时出错。请稍后再试。"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/explore.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/explore.json
index f57ef536eba2..58ec884ba808 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/explore.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/explore.json
@@ -1,15 +1 @@
- "title": "探索上传的数据",
- "subtitle": "查看、下载或删除大脑使用的知识",
- "empty": "哎呀,大脑空空如也。",
- "noBrain": "没有找到相应 ID 的大脑",
- "sessionNotFound": "未找到用户会话",
- "deleted": "{{fileName}} 已从大脑 {{brain}} 中删除。",
- "errorDeleting": "删除 {{fileName}} 时发生错误",
- "view": "查看",
- "chunkNumber": "数据块数量: {{quantity}}",
- "notAvailable": "不可用",
- "deleteConfirmTitle": "提交",
- "deleteConfirmText": "您真的要删除吗?",
- "feed_brain_instructions": "要向大脑添加知识,请转到聊天页面,然后单击聊天输入框左侧的加号按钮。"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"探索上传的数据","subtitle":"查看、下载或删除大脑使用的知识","empty":"哎呀,大脑空空如也。","noBrain":"没有找到相应 ID 的大脑","sessionNotFound":"未找到用户会话","deleted":"{{fileName}} 已从大脑 {{brain}} 中删除。","errorDeleting":"删除 {{fileName}} 时发生错误","view":"查看","chunkNumber":"数据块数量: {{quantity}}","notAvailable":"不可用","deleteConfirmTitle":"提交","deleteConfirmText":"您真的要删除吗?","feed_brain_instructions":"要向大脑添加知识,请转到聊天页面,然后单击聊天输入框左侧的加号按钮。"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/external_api_definition.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/external_api_definition.json
index 8439f4ebe978..bf7fe64cf68e 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/external_api_definition.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/external_api_definition.json
@@ -1,14 +1 @@
- "method_label": "Method",
- "url_placeholder": "URL",
- "searchParams": "Search Params",
- "headers": "Headers",
- "params": "Params",
- "key": "Key",
- "type": "Type (string or number)",
- "description": "Description",
- "secrets": "秘密",
- "paramsTabDescription": "这些值作为请求体发送。",
- "searchParamsTabDescription": "这些值作为查询字符串发送。",
- "secretsTabDescription": "这些值作为头部键发送。"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"method_label":"Method","url_placeholder":"URL","searchParams":"Search Params","headers":"Headers","params":"Params","key":"Key","type":"Type (string or number)","description":"Description","secrets":"秘密","paramsTabDescription":"这些值作为请求体发送。","searchParamsTabDescription":"这些值作为查询字符串发送。","secretsTabDescription":"这些值作为头部键发送。"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/home.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/home.json
index 8980d9720eb0..6501d51b09f3 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/home.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/home.json
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"sign_in": "登录",
+ "docs": "文档",
"sign_up": "注册",
"star_us": "Github 星标我们",
"blog": "博客",
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/invitation.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/invitation.json
index 34cd211b4a62..25da8548cabc 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/invitation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/invitation.json
@@ -1,13 +1 @@
- "wellcome": "欢迎来到 {{brain}}!",
- "invitationMessage": "您被邀请以 {{role}} 的身份加入和探索这个大脑,是否接受邀请?",
- "processingRequest": "正在处理您的请求…",
- "accept": "是的,我加入!",
- "reject": "不,谢谢。",
- "invitationNotFound": "此邀请无效。",
- "errorCheckingInvitation": "检查邀请时出现未知错误",
- "accepted": "已接受邀请",
- "errorAccepting": "接受邀请时发生未知错误",
- "declined": "邀请已拒绝",
- "errorDeclining": "拒绝邀请时发生未知错误"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"wellcome":"欢迎来到 {{brain}}!","invitationMessage":"您被邀请以 {{role}} 的身份加入和探索这个大脑,是否接受邀请?","processingRequest":"正在处理您的请求…","accept":"是的,我加入!","reject":"不,谢谢。","invitationNotFound":"此邀请无效。","errorCheckingInvitation":"检查邀请时出现未知错误","accepted":"已接受邀请","errorAccepting":"接受邀请时发生未知错误","declined":"邀请已拒绝","errorDeclining":"拒绝邀请时发生未知错误"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/login.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/login.json
index 59a951747118..c96c3f2dc2c4 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/login.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/login.json
@@ -1,18 +1 @@
- "password": "密码",
- "googleLogin": "使用Google登录",
- "errorPasswordMissed": "请输入密码",
- "magicLink": "使用电子邮件继续",
- "errorMailMissed": "请输入您的电子邮件地址",
- "talk_to": "与之交谈",
- "restriction_message": "未付费用户可以访问Quivr的免费和有限演示",
- "email": "电子邮件地址",
- "cant_find": "找不到?",
- "try_again": "重试",
- "check_your_email": {
- "part1": "我们刚刚发送了一个",
- "magic_link": "魔法链接",
- "part2": ",请检查您的电子邮件并按照步骤操作。"
- },
- "login": "登录"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/logout.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/logout.json
index 8eeb206f7a5e..f86011bd3c64 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/logout.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/logout.json
@@ -1,8 +1 @@
- "title": "登出",
- "subtitle": "下次见",
- "areYouSure": "是否确实要登出?",
- "cancel": "取消",
- "error": "登出时出错 {{errorMessage}}",
- "loggedOut": "登出成功"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"登出","subtitle":"下次见","areYouSure":"是否确实要登出?","cancel":"取消","error":"登出时出错 {{errorMessage}}","loggedOut":"登出成功"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/monetization.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/monetization.json
index 065f1f001393..c1913833edd3 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/monetization.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/monetization.json
@@ -1,5 +1 @@
- "upgrade": "升级至高级版",
- "new": "新",
- "manage_plan": "管理我的计划"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/translation.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/translation.json
index 082ab5200cc5..341a29f4beea 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/translation.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/translation.json
@@ -1,38 +1 @@
- "all": "全部",
- "and": "和",
- "cancel": "取消",
- "Chat": "聊天",
- "chatButton": "聊天",
- "comingSoon": "即将推出",
- "crawlButton": "爬取",
- "createButton": "创建",
- "deleteButton": "删除",
- "deleteForeverButton": "永久删除",
- "description": "Quivr 是您在云中的第二个大脑,让您轻松存储和检索非结构化信息。",
- "doneButton": "完成",
- "Editor": "编辑",
- "email": "电子邮件",
- "Explore": "探索",
- "invalidUrl": "无效的 URL",
- "lang": "zh-CN",
- "languageSelect": "首选语言",
- "loading": "加载中…",
- "logoutButton": "登出",
- "newChatButton": "新聊天",
- "next": "下一个",
- "or": "或",
- "Owner": "作者",
- "previous": "上一个",
- "resetButton": "重置",
- "saveButton": "保存",
- "shareButton": "分享",
- "themeSelect": "主题",
- "title": "Quivr - 通过生成式人工智能获得第二个大脑",
- "toastDismiss": "好的",
- "updateButton": "更新",
- "Upload": "上传",
- "uploadButton": "上传",
- "uploadingButton": "上传中…",
- "Viewer": "查看"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"all":"全部","and":"和","cancel":"取消","Chat":"聊天","chatButton":"聊天","comingSoon":"即将推出","crawlButton":"爬取","createButton":"创建","deleteButton":"删除","deleteForeverButton":"永久删除","description":"Quivr 是您在云中的第二个大脑,让您轻松存储和检索非结构化信息。","doneButton":"完成","Editor":"编辑","email":"电子邮件","Explore":"探索","invalidUrl":"无效的 URL","lang":"zh-CN","languageSelect":"首选语言","loading":"加载中…","logoutButton":"登出","newChatButton":"新聊天","next":"下一个","or":"或","Owner":"作者","previous":"上一个","resetButton":"重置","saveButton":"保存","shareButton":"分享","themeSelect":"主题","title":"Quivr - 通过生成式人工智能获得第二个大脑","toastDismiss":"好的","updateButton":"更新","Upload":"上传","uploadButton":"上传","uploadingButton":"上传中…","Viewer":"查看"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/upload.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/upload.json
index 4e7e376e7345..f7a50a8a5511 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/upload.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/upload.json
@@ -1,20 +1 @@
- "title": "上传知识",
- "subtitle": "支持文本、文档、电子表格、演示文稿、音频、视频和网页链接",
- "drop": "将文件拖放到这里...",
- "webSite": "插入网站链接",
- "success": "文件上传成功",
- "uploadFailed": "上传文件失败:{{message}}",
- "maxSizeError": "文件太大",
- "alreadyAdded": "{{fileName}} 已经添加,但尚未发送到您的大脑。",
- "addFiles": "请添加要上传的文件",
- "selectBrain": "请选择或创建一个大脑来上传文件。",
- "invalidUrl": "无效的链接",
- "crawlFailed": "抓取网站失败:{{message}}",
- "ohNo": "不好了!",
- "selectBrainFirst": "您需要先选择一个大脑。 🧠💡🥲",
- "missingNecessaryRole": "您没有所选大脑的上传权限。 🧠💡🥲",
- "invalidFileType": "不支持的文件类型",
- "feed_form_submit_button": "发送到我的大脑",
- "selected_brain_select_label": "选择一个大脑"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"上传知识","subtitle":"支持文本、文档、电子表格、演示文稿、音频、视频和网页链接","drop":"将文件拖放到这里...","webSite":"插入网站链接","success":"文件上传成功","uploadFailed":"上传文件失败:{{message}}","maxSizeError":"文件太大","alreadyAdded":"{{fileName}} 已经添加,但尚未发送到您的大脑。","addFiles":"请添加要上传的文件","selectBrain":"请选择或创建一个大脑来上传文件。","invalidUrl":"无效的链接","crawlFailed":"抓取网站失败:{{message}}","ohNo":"不好了!","selectBrainFirst":"您需要先选择一个大脑。 🧠💡🥲","missingNecessaryRole":"您没有所选大脑的上传权限。 🧠💡🥲","invalidFileType":"不支持的文件类型","feed_form_submit_button":"发送到我的大脑","selected_brain_select_label":"选择一个大脑"}
diff --git a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/user.json b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/user.json
index 413e67c41a81..84b3d691d48a 100644
--- a/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/user.json
+++ b/frontend/public/locales/zh-cn/user.json
@@ -1,10 +1 @@
- "title": "{{user}} 的大脑使用情况",
- "fetching": "获取数据中…",
- "requestsCount": "今日请求数:{{count}}",
- "brainSize": "剩余大脑容量",
- "empty": "空",
- "Used": "已使用",
- "Unused": "未使用",
- "brainUsage": "大脑使用情况"
\ No newline at end of file
+{"title":"{{user}} 的大脑使用情况","fetching":"获取数据中…","requestsCount":"今日请求数:{{count}}","brainSize":"剩余大脑容量","empty":"空","Used":"已使用","Unused":"未使用","brainUsage":"大脑使用情况"}