spotifyAlarmClock is well... An alarm clock! I really wanted some sort of stationary music player, but since I almost exclusively use Spotify for all of my music needs I had my options limited to only a few (quite expensive) speakers, and since I'm already making something that plays music, why don't I just code it to press "play" at a specific time?
Built using Raspberry Pi Zero W, 16x2 hd44780 compatible screen and a couple of buttons.
executable is my fork of Spotcontrol and it will soon be made public.
- Tutorial on how to set it up
- Fix Python 3 compatibility
- Spotify Connect (via Librespot)
- 16x2 display with song title, artist, date and time
- Playing music at specified, hardcoded time
- Play/Pause/Next buttons
- Auto start on boot
- Previous button
- Photoresistor for auto screen brightness
- Possibility of setting alarms using 16x2 screen
- Possibility of choosing an alarm album (from a list of user albums) using 16x2 screen
- Web interface for login and alarm management