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File metadata and controls

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All Attacks for System (Monitor) (frequently asked virus)

Digital Signature (a.k.a Code Sign), 數位簽章

a technique to protect the agent sys (software) from being attacks is to use a digital signature, it confirms the auth of the object, its integrity, its origin.

Normally, the creator of the figital signature == creator of the agent software || user of agent || an entity reviewed the agent.

Beacuse of the agent plays a role as (on behalf of) end user or organization.

Pass the agent's code thru a non-reversible hash function, which provide a fingerprint (系統指紋) or unique msg digest of the code. The agent code + signature + pub key can be forwarded to a recipient, who can easily verify the source & auth of the code.

Codes are differ from Schema and the Party who signs, such as the author of the agent.

  • Pub/Private Keys Pair:

Digital Signature is benefit from the availabilty of a pub key infra, and then cert contains the id of the entity and pub key, which can be verified.

Sandbox, 沙盒

a sandbox is a secluded env on a pc, where a developer can run the untrusted code to study the result without having effects in sys.

it also promise to be protected from Botnet, executing its malicious behavior, receive its unpacked code, generate signature for botnet's cmd & control traffic.

to do dynamic malware analysis systems, there are 2 free snadbox are recommeded:

  • Anubis

  • CWSandbox

VM, 虛擬機

it is an alternative to Sandbox, or an practition example of Sandbox. They got unique MAC address assigned to them selves.

it emulates a PC, calling guest os, on the VM host. This Env can restore image of previous state of the guest Machie, against to the even-worse scenario of a real one. (then no need to reinstall software the is required.)

to determine that it is a VM or Host or Virtual Hardware by using method:

VBoxTray.exe (Virtual Box)

VMouse.sys (VMWare)

Network Interfaces

Checklist for System

  1. Port

  2. Libs (injection)

  3. Drivers (loaded payload)

  4. Key Register (Change)

  5. Target Process (call API)

  6. File Modify (Long File Extensions/Double File Extensions)

  7. Http Traffic

Protection for System

  1. Libs (injection)

  2. Drivers (loaded payload)

  3. Key Register (Change)

  4. File Modify

  5. Target Process (call API)

  6. Http Traffic --- SSL & using Encrpto 加密 (Layer5)

  7. Port --- SNORT/Open Port Scanner/ use nonstandard port to avoid brute-force attacks

  8. virus --- Pestudio

  9. running program --- Process Explorer

Vulnerability Mgmt Process

  • Analysis on Attack Surface

  • Test (identify) the Attack Vectors

  • Report

  • Mitigate

Attack Protection Tool

(1) Recognition/Reconnaissance (attack area and target)

(2) Incursion to Network, and place the Malware to System

(3) Discovery from Fingerprint to reveal the flaws and drawback of sys

(4) Capture Information from flaws of sys

(5) Exfiltration (send back info to Hacker)

Suspicious Packer Detection


Brute-Force Attacks:

Hacker can manifest(show) config values, and make request to Server, then get response, and analysis the response

  • Dictionary Attack

    to guess username & password from a dictionary file using script.

  • Search Attack

    to guess username & password from a set of given conditions, such as a given password length and a character set. (this attack will be slow due to big possible candidates)

  • Rule-based Attack

    to guess username & password from a guessed space coverage, like "John the Ripper" can generate password variation from part of username or modify them thru a preconfig mask words in the input.

Attack in Sys Level:

  • P2P Network

  • Anonymous IP by Proxy tool, 使用代理工具製造偽造IP位址

  • Rootkit, 管理員權限的攻擊

  • Code Detection, 系統指紋辨識->系統漏洞

  • Mobile Malcode, 手機病毒

  • Deobfuscation of Srcipt, 防止腳本混淆技術

  • Backdoor, 後門程式

  • Log File Attack, 偷看紀錄(揭露重要訊息)

  • Malicious File by DiskMount, 虛擬記憶體放置惡意文件

  • Memory Dump, 記憶體溢 (鑑識檢測工具)

  • Buffer overflaw, 緩衝區溢位

  • Pointer overflow, 指標溢位

  • Diretory Traversal (a.k.a Filepath Traversal), 路徑跨域

  • Convert Channel, 秘密通道

  • Passive DNS Query by "fast flux botnets", 反向主機名稱查詢

  • Reverse IP/ WHOIS by Robtex/DomainCrawler/SpamHaus/DNSstuff/DomaimTool

Attacked Apps:

  • Adware

  • Spyware

  • Rogue

Melicious Code, 惡意病毒:

  • Logic Bomb

  • Trojan

  • Dropper

  • Bot

  • File Infector

  • Macro Virus

  • Boot Sector Virus

  • Worm