# Orion

[![Gitter chat](https://badges.gitter.im/PegaSysEng/orion.png)](https://gitter.im/PegaSysEng/orion)

Orion is a Apache 2.0 licensed, private transaction manager.

## Issues 

Orion issues are tracked in [Jira](https://pegasys1.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10116) not GitHub. 
See our [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more detail on searching and creating issues. 

If you've commented on existing issue and have been waiting for a reply, feel free to ping us on [Gitter].  

## Orion Users 

See our [User Documentation]. 

## Orion Developers

* [Contribution Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md)
* [Coding Conventions](CODING-CONVENTIONS.md)
* [User Documentation]

### Development
Instructions for how to get started with developing on the Orion codebase. Please also read the 
[contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more detail on how to submit a pull request (PR).

* [Machine Setup](docs/development/machine_setup.md)
* [Checking Out and Building](docs/development/building.md)
* [Running Developer Builds](documentation/development/running_developer_builds.md)
* [Code Coverage](docs/development/code-coverage.md)

## Running Orion on Docker

* [Running on Docker](docs/development/docker.md)

[User Documentation]: https://docs.orion.pegasys.tech/en/stable/