- UBUNTU 16.04
- Eclipse NEON 3 (64 bits)
- GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain 6-2017-q1-update
- GNU ARM Eclipse Plug-in
- OpenOCD V0.10.0
- GNU ARM Binary
- GNU ARM Eclipse plug-in (Or from source here)
- OpenOCD Binary
Download binary from links above, extract and put them at.
- It is not necessary to put in this location but it will be easy to eclipse to auto detect toolchain and OpenOCD
- Detail for setup and test OpenOCD can be found here
- Telnet use port 4444
- GDB use port 3333
Open other terminal, Start OpenOCD server with this command (Nucleo board must be connected).
openocd -f board/stm32l0discovery.cfg
- Installl Eclipse Neon 3, Use C/C++ for default workspace.
- Install the GNU ARM plug-in for Eclipse
- Setup GNU ARM Plug-in
- Detail 1
- Detail 2
3. Installing STM32CubeMX on Linux
The STM32CubeMX tool is written in portable java, but unfortunately it is distributed as a Windows executable embedded in a Windows installer.
To intall it on Linux:
- sudo java -jar SetupSTM32CubeMX-4.11.0.exe
- install the tool somewhere in your home, eg: /home/you/stm32/cubemx
- sudo chown -R you:you /home/you/stm32/cubemx
To run it:
- java -jar /home/you/stm32/cubemx/STM32CubeMX.exe
- or mark that file as executable, rename it to STM32CubeMX.jar, and double click it
These are original source and tutorial.
- Setting up a GCC/Eclipse toolchain for STM32NucleoPart1 Part2 Part3
- Running FreeRTOS on a STM32Nucleo using a free GCC/Eclipse toolchain
- mbed-os
- mbed_NucleoL053R8
Link between CMISOS <-> FreeRTOS, Use when you want to remove CMSISOS
The following lines are included in FreeRTOSConfig.h:
#define vPortSVCHandler SVC_Handler
#define xPortPendSVHandler PendSV_Handler
#define xPortSysTickHandler SysTick_Handler