- Sign in to our CSV file Management Website/Server
- upload a excel file into database via browser (website)
- Allow user to edit User Remarks
- Search for a file as a admin
- Allow Admin to edit Admin Remarks and status
- Reflect the changes in database
- update csv file in local storage
Opened the 'UPLOAD_PAGE.php' page which is conneted to 'UPLOAD_PAGE_STYLES.css' & 'UPLOAD_APP.js' file
This file is a webpage with upload option
'UPLOAD_DBCONNECT.php' runs and uploads the file in database table 'upload'
'UPLOAD_DBCONNECT.html' is hyperlinked to 'USER_DISPLAY.php'
This webpage displays the table uploaded having option od edit and save
save option posts to 'UPDATE_CSV_FILE_USER.php'
edit form posts to 'UPDATE_USER_REMARK.php'
Opened the 'SEARCH_PAGE.php' page which is conneted to 'SEARCH_PAGE_STYLES.css' file
This file is a webpage with SEARCH option
'SEARCH_N_UPLOAD.php' search the file and uploads the file in database table 'search'
'SEARCH_N_UPLOAD.php' is hyperlinked to 'ADMIN_DISPLAY.php'
This webpage displays the table uploaded having option od edit and save
save option posts to 'UPDATE_CSV_FILE_ADMIN.php'
edit form posts to 'UPDATE_STATUS_ADMIN_REMARK.php'