\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/prism-apex.html b/examples/prism-apex.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f942f29da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/prism-apex.html
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+Full example
+// source: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_shopping_cart_example_code.htm
+trigger calculate on Item__c (after insert, after update, after delete) {
+// Use a map because it doesn't allow duplicate values
+Map<ID, Shipping_Invoice__C> updateMap = new Map<ID, Shipping_Invoice__C>();
+// Set this integer to -1 if we are deleting
+Integer subtract ;
+// Populate the list of items based on trigger type
+List<Item__c> itemList;
+ if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate){
+ itemList = Trigger.new;
+ subtract = 1;
+ }
+ else if(trigger.isDelete)
+ {
+ // Note -- there is no trigger.new in delete
+ itemList = trigger.old;
+ subtract = -1;
+ }
+// Access all the information we need in a single query
+// rather than querying when we need it.
+// This is a best practice for bulkifying requests
+set<Id> AllItems = new set<id>();
+for(item__c i :itemList){
+// Assert numbers are not negative.
+// None of the fields would make sense with a negative value
+System.assert(i.quantity__c > 0, 'Quantity must be positive');
+System.assert(i.weight__c >= 0, 'Weight must be non-negative');
+System.assert(i.price__c >= 0, 'Price must be non-negative');
+// If there is a duplicate Id, it won't get added to a set
+// Accessing all shipping invoices associated with the items in the trigger
+List<Shipping_Invoice__C> AllShippingInvoices = [SELECT Id, ShippingDiscount__c,
+ SubTotal__c, TotalWeight__c, Tax__c, GrandTotal__c
+ FROM Shipping_Invoice__C WHERE Id IN :AllItems];
+// Take the list we just populated and put it into a Map.
+// This will make it easier to look up a shipping invoice
+// because you must iterate a list, but you can use lookup for a map,
+Map<ID, Shipping_Invoice__C> SIMap = new Map<ID, Shipping_Invoice__C>();
+for(Shipping_Invoice__C sc : AllShippingInvoices)
+ SIMap.put(sc.id, sc);
+// Process the list of items
+ if(Trigger.isUpdate)
+ {
+ // Treat updates like a removal of the old item and addition of the
+ // revised item rather than figuring out the differences of each field
+ // and acting accordingly.
+ // Note updates have both trigger.new and trigger.old
+ for(Integer x = 0; x < Trigger.old.size(); x++)
+ {
+ Shipping_Invoice__C myOrder;
+ myOrder = SIMap.get(trigger.old[x].Shipping_Invoice__C);
+ // Decrement the previous value from the subtotal and weight.
+ myOrder.SubTotal__c -= (trigger.old[x].price__c *
+ trigger.old[x].quantity__c);
+ myOrder.TotalWeight__c -= (trigger.old[x].weight__c *
+ trigger.old[x].quantity__c);
+ // Increment the new subtotal and weight.
+ myOrder.SubTotal__c += (trigger.new[x].price__c *
+ trigger.new[x].quantity__c);
+ myOrder.TotalWeight__c += (trigger.new[x].weight__c *
+ trigger.new[x].quantity__c);
+ }
+ for(Shipping_Invoice__C myOrder : AllShippingInvoices)
+ {
+ // Set tax rate to 9.25% Please note, this is a simple example.
+ // Generally, you would never hard code values.
+ // Leveraging Custom Settings for tax rates is a best practice.
+ // See Custom Settings in the Apex Developer Guide
+ // for more information.
+ myOrder.Tax__c = myOrder.Subtotal__c * .0925;
+ // Reset the shipping discount
+ myOrder.ShippingDiscount__c = 0;
+ // Set shipping rate to 75 cents per pound.
+ // Generally, you would never hard code values.
+ // Leveraging Custom Settings for the shipping rate is a best practice.
+ // See Custom Settings in the Apex Developer Guide
+ // for more information.
+ myOrder.Shipping__c = (myOrder.totalWeight__c * .75);
+ myOrder.GrandTotal__c = myOrder.SubTotal__c + myOrder.tax__c +
+ myOrder.Shipping__c;
+ updateMap.put(myOrder.id, myOrder);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(Item__c itemToProcess : itemList)
+ {
+ Shipping_Invoice__C myOrder;
+ // Look up the correct shipping invoice from the ones we got earlier
+ myOrder = SIMap.get(itemToProcess.Shipping_Invoice__C);
+ myOrder.SubTotal__c += (itemToProcess.price__c *
+ itemToProcess.quantity__c * subtract);
+ myOrder.TotalWeight__c += (itemToProcess.weight__c *
+ itemToProcess.quantity__c * subtract);
+ }
+ for(Shipping_Invoice__C myOrder : AllShippingInvoices)
+ {
+ // Set tax rate to 9.25% Please note, this is a simple example.
+ // Generally, you would never hard code values.
+ // Leveraging Custom Settings for tax rates is a best practice.
+ // See Custom Settings in the Apex Developer Guide
+ // for more information.
+ myOrder.Tax__c = myOrder.Subtotal__c * .0925;
+ // Reset shipping discount
+ myOrder.ShippingDiscount__c = 0;
+ // Set shipping rate to 75 cents per pound.
+ // Generally, you would never hard code values.
+ // Leveraging Custom Settings for the shipping rate is a best practice.
+ // See Custom Settings in the Apex Developer Guide
+ // for more information.
+ myOrder.Shipping__c = (myOrder.totalWeight__c * .75);
+ myOrder.GrandTotal__c = myOrder.SubTotal__c + myOrder.tax__c +
+ myOrder.Shipping__c;
+ updateMap.put(myOrder.id, myOrder);
+ }
+ }
+ // Only use one DML update at the end.
+ // This minimizes the number of DML requests generated from this trigger.
+ update updateMap.values();
diff --git a/plugins/autoloader/prism-autoloader.js b/plugins/autoloader/prism-autoloader.js
index 498e3cffe0..48b90c390f 100644
--- a/plugins/autoloader/prism-autoloader.js
+++ b/plugins/autoloader/prism-autoloader.js
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+List>> my_list_2 = new List>>();
+Map updateMap = new Map();
+set AllItems = new set();
+public Season getSouthernHemisphereSeason(season northernHemisphereSeason) {}
+for(Shipping_Invoice__C sc : AllShippingInvoices){}
+public static Integer calculate() {}
+if (sobject instanceof Account) {
+ Account a = (Account) sobject;
+public class myOuterClass {}
+public enum MyEnumClass { X, Y }
+public class YellowMarker extends Marker {}
+interface MySecondInterface extends MyInterface {}
+public virtual class InnerClass implements MySecondInterface {}
+class Foo {
+ List accs {get; set;}
+ Integer i {get; set;}
+public with sharing class sharingClass {}
+public without sharing class noSharing {}
+public inherited sharing class InheritedSharingClass{}
+ ["keyword", "Integer"],
+ " i",
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["keyword", "Integer"],
+ " i ",
+ ["operator", "="],
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["keyword", "Integer"],
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ "obj",
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ ["keyword", "Integer"],
+ ["punctuation", "["],
+ ["punctuation", "]"]
+ ]],
+ " myInts ",
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+ ["class-name", [
+ ["keyword", "Integer"],
+ ["punctuation", "["],
+ ["punctuation", "]"]
+ ]],
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+ ["punctuation", ","],
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+ " obj ",
+ ["operator", "="],
+ ["keyword", "new"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "MyApexClass"
+ ]],
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+ ["keyword", "list"],
+ ["punctuation", "<"],
+ "Item__c",
+ ["punctuation", ">"]
+ ]],
+ " itemList",
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+ ["punctuation", "<"],
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+ ["punctuation", "<"],
+ ["keyword", "Integer"],
+ ["punctuation", ">"],
+ ["punctuation", ">"],
+ ["punctuation", ">"]
+ ]],
+ " my_list_2 ",
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+ ["keyword", "List"],
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+ ["keyword", "List"],
+ ["punctuation", "<"],
+ ["keyword", "Set"],
+ ["punctuation", "<"],
+ ["keyword", "Integer"],
+ ["punctuation", ">"],
+ ["punctuation", ">"],
+ ["punctuation", ">"]
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ ["keyword", "Map"],
+ ["punctuation", "<"],
+ "ID",
+ ["punctuation", ","],
+ " Shipping_Invoice__C",
+ ["punctuation", ">"]
+ ]],
+ " updateMap ",
+ ["operator", "="],
+ ["keyword", "new"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ ["keyword", "Map"],
+ ["punctuation", "<"],
+ "ID",
+ ["punctuation", ","],
+ " Shipping_Invoice__C",
+ ["punctuation", ">"]
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ ["keyword", "set"],
+ ["punctuation", "<"],
+ "Id",
+ ["punctuation", ">"]
+ ]],
+ " AllItems ",
+ ["operator", "="],
+ ["keyword", "new"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ ["keyword", "set"],
+ ["punctuation", "<"],
+ "id",
+ ["punctuation", ">"]
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["keyword", "public"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "Season"
+ ]],
+ ["function", "getSouthernHemisphereSeason"],
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "season"
+ ]],
+ " northernHemisphereSeason",
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "for"],
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "Shipping_Invoice__C"
+ ]],
+ " sc ",
+ ["operator", ":"],
+ " AllShippingInvoices",
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "public"],
+ ["keyword", "static"],
+ ["keyword", "Integer"],
+ ["function", "calculate"],
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "if"],
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["keyword", "sobject"],
+ ["keyword", "instanceof"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "Account"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "Account"
+ ]],
+ " a ",
+ ["operator", "="],
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "Account"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ ["keyword", "sobject"],
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "public"],
+ ["keyword", "class"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "myOuterClass"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "public"],
+ ["keyword", "enum"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "MyEnumClass"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ " X",
+ ["punctuation", ","],
+ " Y ",
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "public"],
+ ["keyword", "class"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "YellowMarker"
+ ]],
+ ["keyword", "extends"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "Marker"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "interface"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "MySecondInterface"
+ ]],
+ ["keyword", "extends"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "MyInterface"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "public"],
+ ["keyword", "virtual"],
+ ["keyword", "class"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "InnerClass"
+ ]],
+ ["keyword", "implements"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "MySecondInterface"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "class"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "Foo"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ ["keyword", "List"],
+ ["punctuation", "<"],
+ "Account",
+ ["punctuation", ">"]
+ ]],
+ " accs ",
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["keyword", "get"],
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["keyword", "set"],
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "Integer"],
+ " i ",
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["keyword", "get"],
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["keyword", "set"],
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "public"],
+ ["keyword", "with sharing"],
+ ["keyword", "class"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "sharingClass"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "public"],
+ ["keyword", "without sharing"],
+ ["keyword", "class"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "noSharing"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "public"],
+ ["keyword", "inherited sharing"],
+ ["keyword", "class"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "InheritedSharingClass"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/languages/apex/comment_feature.test b/tests/languages/apex/comment_feature.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37590c35d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/apex/comment_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// comment
+ ["comment", "// comment"],
+ ["comment", "/*\r\ncomment\r\n*/"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/languages/apex/number_feature.test b/tests/languages/apex/number_feature.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2be1e3fd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/apex/number_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ ["number", "0"],
+ ["number", "123"],
+ ["number", ".123"],
+ ["number", "21.3"],
+ ["number", "123L"]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7e8464c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/apex/operator_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
++= *= -= /=
+|= &= <<= >>= >>>=
+? :
+&& ||
+== === < > <= >= != !==
++ - * / !
+++ --
+& |
+^ ^=
+<< >> >>>
+ ["operator", "="],
+ ["operator", "+="],
+ ["operator", "*="],
+ ["operator", "-="],
+ ["operator", "/="],
+ ["operator", "|="],
+ ["operator", "&="],
+ ["operator", "<<="],
+ ["operator", ">>="],
+ ["operator", ">>>="],
+ ["operator", "?"],
+ ["operator", ":"],
+ ["operator", "&&"],
+ ["operator", "||"],
+ ["operator", "=="],
+ ["operator", "==="],
+ ["operator", "<"],
+ ["operator", ">"],
+ ["operator", "<="],
+ ["operator", ">="],
+ ["operator", "!="],
+ ["operator", "!=="],
+ ["operator", "+"],
+ ["operator", "-"],
+ ["operator", "*"],
+ ["operator", "/"],
+ ["operator", "!"],
+ ["operator", "++"],
+ ["operator", "--"],
+ ["operator", "&"],
+ ["operator", "|"],
+ ["operator", "^"],
+ ["operator", "^="],
+ ["operator", "<<"],
+ ["operator", ">>"],
+ ["operator", ">>>"],
+ ["operator", "?."]
diff --git a/tests/languages/apex/punctuation_feature.test b/tests/languages/apex/punctuation_feature.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7be7561bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/apex/punctuation_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+( ) [ ] { }
+. , ;
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ ["punctuation", "["],
+ ["punctuation", "]"],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["punctuation", "."],
+ ["punctuation", ","],
+ ["punctuation", ";"]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ade8e615d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/apex/sql_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+b = [SELECT Price__c FROM Book__c WHERE Id =:b.Id];
+return [SELECT Name FROM Contact];
+// don't capture array indexing
+a[0].Name = 'Acme';
+ "b ",
+ ["operator", "="],
+ ["sql", [
+ ["punctuation", "["],
+ ["keyword", "SELECT"],
+ " Price__c ",
+ ["keyword", "FROM"],
+ " Book__c ",
+ ["keyword", "WHERE"],
+ " Id ",
+ ["operator", "="],
+ ":b",
+ ["punctuation", "."],
+ "Id",
+ ["punctuation", "]"]
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["keyword", "return"],
+ ["sql", [
+ ["punctuation", "["],
+ ["keyword", "SELECT"],
+ " Name ",
+ ["keyword", "FROM"],
+ " Contact",
+ ["punctuation", "]"]
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", ";"],
+ ["comment", "// don't capture array indexing"],
+ "\r\na",
+ ["punctuation", "["],
+ ["number", "0"],
+ ["punctuation", "]"],
+ ["punctuation", "."],
+ "Name ",
+ ["operator", "="],
+ ["string", "'Acme'"],
+ ["punctuation", ";"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/languages/apex/string_feature.test b/tests/languages/apex/string_feature.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d6f204ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/apex/string_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+' '
+ ["string", "''"],
+ ["string", "' '"],
+ ["string", "'\\''"],
+ ["string", "'foo\\nbar'"]
diff --git a/tests/languages/apex/trigger_feature.test b/tests/languages/apex/trigger_feature.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c59d1f0162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/languages/apex/trigger_feature.test
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+trigger HelloWorldTrigger on Book__c (before insert) {}
+trigger T1 on Account (before delete, after delete, after undelete) {}
+ ["keyword", "trigger"],
+ ["trigger", "HelloWorldTrigger"],
+ ["keyword", "on"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "Book__c"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["keyword", "before"],
+ ["keyword", "insert"],
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"],
+ ["keyword", "trigger"],
+ ["trigger", "T1"],
+ ["keyword", "on"],
+ ["class-name", [
+ "Account"
+ ]],
+ ["punctuation", "("],
+ ["keyword", "before"],
+ ["keyword", "delete"],
+ ["punctuation", ","],
+ ["keyword", "after"],
+ ["keyword", "delete"],
+ ["punctuation", ","],
+ ["keyword", "after"],
+ ["keyword", "undelete"],
+ ["punctuation", ")"],
+ ["punctuation", "{"],
+ ["punctuation", "}"]