The Features of this application are mentioned in the Chronological order, so that you can know what are the changes and improvements are made. The Feature of latest release will be at the last.
Features of Whiz-chat - 1.0: 1. Basic sending and receiving messages between users by gmail account.
Known Bugs: 1. If more than one user chats, then all the chats will be displayed messing up (Debugged in version 2.0) 2. Do not Works, if you are using proxy for your internet. 3. Throws some Interrupt exceptions.
Features of Whiz-chat - 2.0: 1. Basic sending and receiving messages between users by gmail account. 2. Added colors to display, differentiating messages between users. 3. Sound Alert on each received chat.
Bugs Fixed: 1. User differentiation. 2. No mixing of chats. 3. Does not throw Interrupt exceptions.
Known Bugs: 1. Do not works, if you are using proxy for your internet.
Features of Whiz-chat - 2.01: 1. Basic sending and receiving messages between users by gmail account. 2. Color differentiation between sender and receiver chat. 3. Welcome message, Sound Alert on each received chat, Terminating alert. ** 4. Setting the status message for your account.
No Bugs were fixed since version 2.0
Features of Whiz-chat - 2.2: 1. Basic sending and receiving messages between users by gmail account. 2. Color differentiation between sender and receiver chat. 3. Welcome message. Sound Alert on each received chat, Terminatting alert. 4. Setting the status message for your account. **5. You can check the status of your mail of your same account. **6. A menu drive start-up, where you can check status of mail and quit or you can Chat and quit.
Bugs: 1. The known bug of not working under proxy still remains, and we are working on it. 2. Dependencies being installed again and again.
Features of Whiz-chat - 2.3: 1. Basic sending and receiving messages between users by gmail account. 2. Color differentiation between sender and receiver chat. 3. Welcome message. Sound Alert on each received chat, Terminatting alert. 4. Setting the status message for your account. 5. You can check the status of your mail of your same account. 6. A menu drive start-up, where you can check status of mail and quit or you can Chat and quit. **7. Displays a list of Instant Contacts (they may be online or may not be online, but they are displayed in the order like what it will be displayed in Gmail Chat plugin, so online contacts will be at top priority in the list).
Bugs Fixed: 1. Dependencies being installed again and again. (Hope it is fixed, please report if it happens again).
Bugs: 1. The known bug of not working under proxy still remains, and we are working on it.
Features of Whiz-chat - 2.31: 1. Basic sending and receiving messages between users by gmail account. 2. Color differentiation between sender and receiver chat. 3. Welcome message. Sound Alert on each received chat, Terminatting alert. 4. Setting the status message for your account. 5. You can check the status of your mail of your same account. 6. A menu drive start-up, where you can check status of mail and quit or you can Chat and quit. 7. Displays a list of Instant Contacts (they may be online or may not be online, but they are displayed in the order like what it will be displayed in Gmail Chat plugin, so online contacts will be at top priority in the list). **8. Works both on Fedora and Ubuntu. Tested on Ubuntu 10.04 / 10.10 / 11.04 / 11.10, LinuxMint 11 and Fedora 16.
Bugs: 1. The known bug of not working under proxy still remains, and we are working on it.
Features of Whiz-chat - 2.50 (Current): New features added **9. Two E-mail features have been added. Don’t forget to check it.
Bugs Not working under proxy.