diff --git a/src/NBomber.Contracts/Contracts.fs b/src/NBomber.Contracts/Contracts.fs
index dd49003..266f735 100644
--- a/src/NBomber.Contracts/Contracts.fs
+++ b/src/NBomber.Contracts/Contracts.fs
@@ -131,13 +131,15 @@ type IScenarioInitContext =
/// NBomber's logger
abstract Logger: ILogger
-/// LoadSimulation allows configuring parallelism and workload profiles.
+/// LoadSimulation allows configuring parallelism and workload profiles.
+/// Link for info: https://nbomber.com/docs/nbomber/load-simulation
type LoadSimulation =
/// Adds or removes a given number of Scenario copies(instances) with a linear ramp over a given duration.
/// Each Scenario copy behaves like a long-running thread that runs continually(by specified duration) and will be destroyed when the current load simulation stops.
/// Use it for a smooth ramp up and ramp down.
- /// Usually, this simulation type is used to test databases, message brokers, or any other system that works with a static client's pool of connections and reuses them.
+ /// Usually, this simulation type is used to test databases, message brokers, or any other system that works with a static client's pool of connections and reuses them.
+ /// Link for info: https://nbomber.com/docs/nbomber/load-simulation
/// The number of concurrent Scenario copies that will be running in parallel.
/// The duration of load simulation.
@@ -147,18 +149,44 @@ type LoadSimulation =
/// Keeps activated(constantly running) a fixed number of Scenario copies(instances) which executes as many iterations as possible for a specified duration.
/// Each Scenario copy behaves like a long-running thread that runs continually(by specified duration) and will be destroyed when the current load simulation stops.
/// Use it when you need to run and keep a constant amount of Scenario copies for a specific period.
- /// Usually, this simulation type is used to test databases, message brokers, or any other system that works with a static client's pool of connections and reuses them.
+ /// Usually, this simulation type is used to test databases, message brokers, or any other system that works with a static client's pool of connections and reuses them.
+ /// Link for info: https://nbomber.com/docs/nbomber/load-simulation
/// The number of concurrent Scenario copies that will be running in parallel.
/// The duration of load simulation.
| KeepConstant of copies:int * during:TimeSpan
+ ///
+ /// Keeps activated(constantly running) a fixed number of Scenario copies(instances), which executes as many iterations as possible until a specified iteration count.
+ /// Each Scenario copy behaves like a long-running thread that runs continually(by specified duration) and will be destroyed when the current load simulation stops.
+ /// Use it when you need to run and keep a constant amount of Scenario copies for a specific period.
+ /// Usually, this simulation type is used to test databases, message brokers, or any other system that works with a static client's pool of connections and reuses them.
+ /// Link for info: https://nbomber.com/docs/nbomber/load-simulation
+ ///
+ /// The number of concurrent Scenario copies that will be running in parallel.
+ /// Total number of Scenario iterations to execute across all Scenario copies.
+ | TotalConstant of copies:int * iterations:int
+ ///
+ /// Injects a given number of Scenario copies(instances) until a specified iteration count.
+ /// Each Scenario copy behaves like a short-running thread that runs only once and then is destroyed.
+ /// With this simulation, you control the Scenario injection rate and injection interval.
+ /// Use it when you want to maintain a constant rate of requests without being affected by the performance of the system you load test.
+ /// Usually, this simulation type is used to test HTTP API.
+ /// Link for info: https://nbomber.com/docs/nbomber/load-simulation
+ ///
+ /// The injection rate of Scenario copies. It configures how many concurrent copies will be injected at a time.
+ /// The injection interval. It configures the interval between injections.
+ /// Total number of Scenario iterations to execute across all Scenario copies.
+ | TotalInject of rate:int * interval:TimeSpan * iterations:int
/// Injects a given number of Scenario copies(instances) with a linear ramp over a given duration.
/// Each Scenario copy behaves like a short-running thread that runs only once and then is destroyed.
/// With this simulation, you control the Scenario injection rate and injection interval.
/// Use it for a smooth ramp up and ramp down.
/// Usually, this simulation type is used to test HTTP API.
+ /// Link for info: https://nbomber.com/docs/nbomber/load-simulation
/// The injection rate of Scenario copies. It configures how many concurrent copies will be injected at a time.
/// The injection interval. It configures the interval between injections.
@@ -171,6 +199,7 @@ type LoadSimulation =
/// With this simulation, you control the Scenario injection rate and injection interval.
/// Use it when you want to maintain a constant rate of requests without being affected by the performance of the system you load test.
/// Usually, this simulation type is used to test HTTP API.
+ /// Link for info: https://nbomber.com/docs/nbomber/load-simulation
/// The injection rate of Scenario copies. It configures how many concurrent copies will be injected at a time.
/// The injection interval. It configures the interval between injections.
@@ -183,6 +212,7 @@ type LoadSimulation =
/// With this simulation, you control the Scenario injection rate and injection interval.
/// Use it when you want to maintain a random rate of requests without being affected by the performance of the system you load test.
/// Usually, this simulation type is used to test HTTP API.
+ /// Link for info: https://nbomber.com/docs/nbomber/load-simulation
/// The min injection rate of Scenario copies.
/// The max injection rate of Scenario copies.
@@ -193,6 +223,7 @@ type LoadSimulation =
/// Introduces Scenario pause simulation for a given duration.
/// It's useful for cases when some Scenario start should be delayed or paused in the middle of execution.
+ /// Link for info: https://nbomber.com/docs/nbomber/load-simulation
/// The duration of load simulation.
| Pause of during:TimeSpan