A Chrome extension for calculating CGPA for CEG & MIT, Anna University students.
- View CGPA
- View GPA for individual semesters
- Visualize your performance over time with a graph of your CGPA over the semesters
For now, works only for
- Regulation 2019 - IT, ECE
- Regulation 2018 (RUSA) - CSE
Using Firefox or its forks? Checkout the Firefox Extension
Grab the extension from here
- Clone this repo or download as zip (then unzip it somewhere) to your pc
- Visit chrome://extensions (or) the Extensions page from settings.
- Enable Developer mode
- Choose Load unpacked and select the repo directory (default is gpaCalcChromeExt)
- Visit the Attendance & Marks section in your SEMS dashboard.
- Choose the preferred semester for which you want to calculate your GPA.
- Click on the CGPA Calculator extension icon in the browser toolbar
- Voilà you get the individual grade points for each subject, as well as the Grade Point Average for that entire semester.
The extension reads the DOM only on the Attendance & Marks section in your SEMS dashboard, specifically on the url acoe.annauniv.edu/sems/student/mark. This is done to get the semester, the subjects for that specific semester and your grades for those subjects. The extension then performs the necessary calculations locally on your machine. It does not transmit / receive any data over the network. This tool being a FOSS, you have the ability to verify the above for yourself. Only you can see your grades. 🐱
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