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ssh.exe examples

Manoj Ampalam edited this page May 10, 2017 · 38 revisions
Login With Password:
  1. Work Group Users:
    • ssh user@host
  2. Domain Users: Domain needs to be explicitly specified. Any of the following formats would work:
    • ssh -l user@domain host
    • ssh domain\user@host
    • ssh user@domain@host
Login With SSH Keys

Setup Server machine

  1. Copy (client's public key) to corresponding user's directory on ssh server machine
    • as %systemdrive%\users\<user>\.ssh\authorized_keys (path on the ssh server machine)
  2. Adjust permissions on authorized_keys file
   $authorizedKeyPath = "%systemdrive%\users\user\.ssh\authorized_keys"
   $acl = get-acl $authorizedKeyPath
   $ar = New-Object  System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("NT Service\sshd", "Read", "Allow")
   Set-Acl  $authorizedKeyPath $acl

Usage from Client machine

  1. Generate a key pair on the client:
    • ssh-keygen -t rsa -f id_rsa
  2. Register private key with ssh-agent (for single sign-on experience)
    • net start ssh-agent
    • ssh-add id_rsa
  3. Login using private key
    • ssh -i .\id_rsa user@host (work group user)
    • ssh -i .\id_rsa -l user@domain host (domain user)
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