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Pocket UI Components

This module contains reusable UI and UX building blocks for Pocket apps that follow Pocket's design guidelines.

Naming Conventions


In most cases, can just name the class normally, no need for a Pocket or Pkt prefix, since the java namespaces provide that specific info.

XML Resources

Colors begin with pkt_

Colors that are state selectors that require being loaded with NestedColorStateList begin with pkt_nst_.

Drawables that are icons begin with ic_pkt_

Drawables that are color state selectors as drawables begin with cl_pkt_

Other resources that don't have a special prefix defined start with pkt_


All colors should be defined in colors.xml, see notes in that file for details.

Nested State Lists

To help with code reuse, some color and drawable state selectors reference other state selectors. However, for ColorStateLists, Android does not support this out of the box, trying to reference another ColorStateList just extracts the default color from that state list.

To enable ColorStateLists to reference other ColorStateLists in xml, load your ColorStateList with NestedColorStateList:

NestedColorStateList.get(context, R.color.pkt_nst_icon_button_coral)

There are also some xml attributes that support nested color state lists in layouts:

  • app:drawableColor in ThemedImageView
  • app:compatTextColor in ThemedTextView

To aid in making sure it is clear when a color state list requires being loaded in this way, those color files should be prefixed with pkt_nst_, otherwise loading them normally will have the wrong colors (it won't crash, it just won't have the right colors).

Android does support this for state list drawables! So drawables can naturally nest other color state drawables. Just make sure you reference another color state drawable, not color state list.

App Bar

A Themed ViewGroup with:

  • Height of @dimen/pkt_app_bar_height
  • A Thin Divider along the content edge
  • @drawable/pkt_bg_app_bar background as the background
  • Vertically center content
  • Left and right margins should visually be @dimen/pkt_side_grid.

App Bar Icons

Use IconButton for each app bar icons.

When an IconButton is used as the far left or right element in an app bar, add the following to it in the xml layout:


That will make the icon visually align with the side grid lines

App Bar Title

If the title is the far left element you can use:

        android:text="@string/THE_TITLE" />

If the far left element is an IconButton, then use Pkt_Text_AppBarTitle_NextToIcon as the style instead.

Box Buttons

There are six styles of boxy buttons:

Default button:

		android:text="@string/your_label" />    

Button styled for error states:

		android:text="@string/your_label" />    

Button styled for use on a colored area:

		android:text="@string/your_label" />    

A button that can be toggled on or off:

		android:text="@string/your_label" />    

A button styled for a submit button at the bottom of a screen:

		android:text="@string/your_label" />    

TODO login screens have another variant as well

Icon Buttons

Icon buttons follow a pattern like:

		style="@style/ArchiveButton" />    

Reuse or create a style for each new icon type, specific styles look like:

<style name="ArchiveButton" parent="IconButton">
    <item name="android:contentDescription">@string/lb_tooltip_archive</item>
    <item name="srcCompat">@drawable/ic_pkt_archive_checked</item>
    <item name="tooltip">@string/lb_tooltip_archive</item>

See the project-tools vector importer tool to help import vector files and selectors.

Note: IconButtons are checkable, but not by default. Enable checkable states with the following in your style:

<item name="checkable">true</item>


Some horizontal divider variants:

<com.pocket.ui.view.themed.ThemedView style="@style/ThinDivider" />
<com.pocket.ui.view.themed.ThemedView style="@style/ThickDivider" />


Pocket's interface font is Graphix. From xml, it can be used like so:

    app:typeface="graphik_lcg_bold" />

From code, use Fonts.get(Context, Font).

In a WebView, see the implementation notes in the Fonts class docs for details on how to use.

Bottom Sheets

Standard Design Support Library (aka. Material Components Library) implementation of a bottom sheet with some standard styling:

  • Add a CoordinatorLayout laid out over the are where the bottom sheet can expand.
  • Add a themed ViewGroup as CoordinatorLayout's child with app:layout_behavior="".
  • For standard background on that ViewGroup use android:background="@drawable/bg_pkt_bottom_sheet".
  • To add a standard "drag handle" at the top use com.pocket.ui.view.BottomSheetDragHandle (usually with 30dp spacing both above and below the handle). Set width and height to wrap_content to get the standard size.
  • Add your specific content below.

Work in Progress, ignore:


App Bar Title

Titles on the Home screen have a rainbow underneath that goes from the left edge and extends @dimen/pkt_space_md beyond the right edge of the title.

Use PktRainbowTitle.

Top Tabs

A Themed ViewGroup:

  • Stacked below the App Bar
  • No divider between the App Bar and tab bar, they visually appear as one.
  • Height of @dimen/pkt_tab_bar_height
  • A Thin Divider along the content edge
  • @drawable/pkt_bg_app_bar background as the background
  • Top tabs must be swipable between content pages for Google's design and editor's choice guidelines
  • If the screen width is @dimen/pkt_max_tabs_width or less, fill the width of the screen and divide the width equally between tabs
  • If larger, then have tabs equally divided within @dimen/pkt_max_tabs_width and horizontally centered

Use PktTabsView.

Snackbar Dialogs

These are small popup or messaging bubbles that can appear at the bottom or top of a screen, or within a collection.

Use SnackbarMessage's builder to create and show them.

Snackbar (small rounded dialog) Snackbar - Red Error Snackbar - Green Actionable Snackbar - Green Large


To display an Item, use a ItemRowView or a ItemTileView.

Item Image Item Row/Tile attribution label


Items, tags and other elements sometimes use Badges. To display one, use BadgeView. Use a BadgesView to display a row/list of badges.

Small Profile Label Item Actions Item Actions Reveal UX Item Tile Spoc Row Spoc Tile Rec Tile Save Button Social Actions Social Actions - Repost Social Actions - Like Button - Blue / White Text Button - Blue Checkable Button - Red / White Text Button - White / Green Text List Grid Staggered Grid Notification (Activity) Row Thin Divider Thick Divider Fake Empty Item Row Empty / Error State Text Button Small Text Button Large Profile Icon And Text Button Search Field Section Header Text Row Profile Row Circle Checkbox Switch Save Extension Tag Text Box Side by Side Form Field Setting Comment Field Selectable Option Row Submit button Bottom Sheet Large Circle Button Bottom Sheet Row Display Settings Reader Attribution Splash Top Labeled Form Field Small/Disclaimer Text Wide Button Onboarding / Intro Module Carousel dots Highlight Highlight Row