diff --git a/plant-ontology.txt b/plant-ontology.txt index e45d589..9e5eaa6 100644 --- a/plant-ontology.txt +++ b/plant-ontology.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -02-03-2017 git Version: cb72b2f +12-13-2017 git Version: 98d2c33 id name defn synonyms is_a id is_a name PO:0000001 plant embryo proper An embryonic plant structure (PO:0025099) that is the body of a developing plant embryo (PO:0009009) attached to the maternal tissue in an plant ovule (PO:0020003) by a suspensor (PO:0020108). embrióforo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚本体 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025099 embryo plant structure PO:0000002 anther wall A microsporangium wall (PO:0025307) that is part of an anther (PO:0009066). pared de la antera (Spanish, exact) EXACT; Poaceae anther wall (narrow) NARROW; pollen sac wall (exact) EXACT; Zea anther wall (narrow) NARROW; 葯壁 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025307 microsporangium wall @@ -33,25 +33,25 @@ PO:0000030 septum A collective organ part structure composed of two or more laye PO:0000031 lenticel A portion of periderm tissue (PO:0005046) characterized by the presence of intercellular spaces between the cells of the phellem (PO:0004003) and phelloderm (PO:0005050) lenticela (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 皮目 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005046 periderm PO:0000032 tetrad of microspores A portion of plant tissue consisting of four microspores that remained joined together shortly after meiosis. Each cell will give rise to a male gametophyte. tétrada de las microsporas (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 小胞子の四分子 小胞子四分子 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009007 portion of plant tissue PO:0000033 fruit valve A valve that is a part of a fruit that splits apart when the fruit dehisces. valva de fruto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果実の弁 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025228 valve -PO:0000034 vascular system A maximal portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) in a whole plant (PO:0000003), collective plant structure (PO:0025497), multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496), or cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025498). sistema vascular (Spanish, exact) EXACT; vasculature (exact) EXACT; 維管束系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009007 portion of plant tissue -PO:0000035 cotyledon vascular system A vascular system that is part of a cotyledon. sistema vascular del cotiledón (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 子葉維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system -PO:0000036 leaf vascular system A phyllome vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a leaf. leaf venation (related) RELATED; sistema vascular de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system +PO:0000034 vascular system A maximal portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) in a whole plant (PO:0000003), collective plant structure (PO:0025497), multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496), or cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025498). sistema vascular (Spanish, exact) EXACT; vasculature (exact) EXACT; 維管束系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009015 portion of vascular tissue +PO:0000035 cotyledon vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that is part of a cotyledon (PO:0020030). sistema vascular del cotiledón (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 子葉維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system +PO:0000036 leaf vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a vascular leaf (PO:0009025). leaf venation (related) RELATED; sistema vascular de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system PO:0000037 shoot apex A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is the most distal part of a shoot system (PO:0009006) and has as parts a shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and the youngest primordia (PO:0025127). ápice del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; シュート頂、茎頂 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025029 shoot axis PO:0000038 primary endosperm cell Cell produced by the fusion of sperm cell nucleus and two polar nuclei of the central cell (or diploid secondary endosperm nucleus, in cases where two polar nuclei fuse together before double fertilization). The first cell of the endosperm, often triploid. célula primaria del endosperma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 一次胚乳細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025026 embryo sac cell -PO:0000039 shoot axis vascular system A vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a shoot axis. branch vascular system (narrow) NARROW; sistema vascular del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; stem vascular system (narrow) NARROW; シュート軸維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system +PO:0000039 shoot axis vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a shoot axis (PO:0025029). branch vascular system (narrow) NARROW; sistema vascular del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; stem vascular system (narrow) NARROW; シュート軸維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system PO:0000040 adventitious root nodule Enlargement or swelling at position of dormant adventitious root primordium (on the stem), inhabited by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. nódulo de la raíz adventicia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; stem primordium (related) RELATED; 不定根根粒 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0003023 root nodule PO:0000041 epidermal cork cell One of the two types of short cells in the epidermis of grasses and bamboos. It is usually paired with silica cell. célula de corcho epidérmica (Spanish, exact) EXACT; célula suberí epidérmica (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 表皮コルク細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0004718 short cell PO:0000042 shoot-borne root A root (PO:0009005) that develops from shoot axis (PO:0025029) tissue. adventitious root (broad) BROAD; aerial root (narrow) NARROW; climbing root (broad) BROAD; epiblasto (epiblastema) que se origina en la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; stilt root (narrow) NARROW; シュート細胞由来の根 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009005 root -PO:0000043 crown root A shoot-borne nodal root (PO:0003005) formed at a stem base (PO:0008039). adventitious root (broad) BROAD; raíz en corona (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 冠根 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0003005 shoot-borne nodal root +PO:0000043 crown root A shoot-borne nodal root (PO:0003005) formed at a stem base (PO:0008039). adventitious root (broad) BROAD; raíz en corona (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 冠根 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0003005 shoot-borne nodal root PO:0000044 prop root A shoot-borne nodal root (PO:0003005) formed at a stem node (PO:0020141) above the ground and growing directly into the soil. brace root (related) RELATED; breathing root (broad) BROAD; raíz de sostén (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 支柱根、支持根、支柱気根 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0003005 shoot-borne nodal root PO:0000045 embryo root A root (PO:0009005) that is initiated in a developing plant embryo (PO:0009009). embryonic root (exact) EXACT; raíz embriónica (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 初期の根、胚根 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009005 root PO:0000046 seminal root An embryo root (PO:0000045) formed within the scutellar node (PO:0004708) of the plant embryo (PO:0009009) in some monocotyledonous plants. lateral seminal root (related) RELATED; raíz seminal (Spanish, exact) EXACT; scutellar nodal root (related) RELATED; secondary root (related) RELATED; 種子根 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000045; PO:0003005 embryo root; shoot-borne nodal root PO:0000047 leaf lamina epidermis A portion of leaf epidermis that is part of a leaf lamina. epidermis de la lámina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉身表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006016 leaf epidermis -PO:0000048 leaf lamina vascular system A vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a leaf lamina. sistema vascular de la lámina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉身維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system +PO:0000048 leaf lamina vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a leaf lamina (PO:0020039). sistema vascular de la lámina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉身維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system PO:0000049 leaf lamina abaxial epidermis A portion of leaf lamina epidermis that covers the abaxial/lower surface of a leaf lamina. epidermis abaxial de la lámina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉身背軸側表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000047; PO:0006019 leaf lamina epidermis; leaf abaxial epidermis PO:0000050 leaf lamina adaxial epidermis A portion of leaf lamina epidermis that covers the adaxial/upper surface of a leaf lamina. epidermis adaxial de la lámina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉身向軸側表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000047; PO:0006018 leaf lamina epidermis; leaf adaxial epidermis PO:0000051 petiole epidermis A portion of leaf epidermis that is part of a petiole. epidermis del pecíolo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉柄表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006016 leaf epidermis -PO:0000052 petiole vascular system A vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a leaf petiole. sistema vascular del pecíolo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉柄維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system +PO:0000052 petiole vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a petiole (PO:0020038). sistema vascular del pecíolo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉柄維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system PO:0000053 petiole cortex A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a petiole (PO:0020038). cortex (corteza) del pecíolo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; portion of petiole corex tissue (exact) EXACT; 葉柄皮層 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005708 cortex PO:0000054 petal vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a petal (PO:0025218). sistema vascular de pétalo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花弁維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system PO:0000055 bud An undeveloped shoot system (PO:0009006). adventitious bud (narrow) NARROW; yema (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 芽 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009006 shoot system @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ PO:0001027 meristamtic zone formation OBSOLETE. The meristematic zone is formed PO:0001028 elongation zone formation OBSOLETE. The cells of root primordium undergo elonagtion PO:0001029 E tetrad stage Stage immediately following meiosis, during which the tetrads of microspores are still hold together, enclosed by the callose wall. stamen stage ST5-8 (related) RELATED PO:0001007 pollen development stage PO:0001030 specialization zone formation OBSOLETE. The cells develop their characteristic morphology. -PO:0001031 4 root elongation stage The stage at which root is elongating. Benfey's stage 2 of root development (related) RELATED PO:0007520 root development stage +PO:0001031 4 root elongation stage The stage at which a root is elongating. Benfey's stage 2 of root development (related) RELATED PO:0007520 root development stage PO:0001032 E anther wall tapetum degeneration initiated stage An anther development stage (PO:0001004) during which degeneration of the anther wall tapetum (PO:0009071) is initiated, as the deposition on the surface of the microspore (PO:0020048) primexine proceeds. PO:0001004 anther development stage PO:0001034 F bilocular anther stage Stage during which anther becomes bilocular, after degeneration and breakage of septum below stomium. PO:0001004 anther development stage PO:0001035 G anther dehiscence stage Stage during which the dehiscence of anthers occurs. Anther breaks along stomium and pollen is released. PO:0001004 anther development stage @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ PO:0003000 transition zone A region of the root between the meristem and the reg PO:0003003 obsolete primary root elongation zone OBSOLETE. A zone of small, densely cytoplasmic cells that are dividing and expanding in size located behind the zone of cell division in the primary root. zona de elongación obsoleta de la raíz primary (Spanish, exact) EXACT PO:0003004 haustorial root OBSOLETE. The root of particular parasitic plants that becomes cemented to the host axis and intrudes into the tissues of the host. raíz haustorial (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 吸器根(寄生植物の根) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0003005 shoot-borne nodal root A shoot-borne root (PO:0000042) that forms at a shoot axis node (PO:0005004). adventitious nodal root (broad) BROAD; nodal root (related) RELATED; raíz nodosa (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 節根 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000042 shoot-borne root -PO:0003011 root vascular system A vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a root. root vein (related) RELATED; sistema vascular de la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 根維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system +PO:0003011 root vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a root (PO:0009005). root vein (related) RELATED; sistema vascular de la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 根維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system PO:0003014 obsolete lateral root elongation zone OBSOLETE. The portion of the lateral root located behind the zone of cell division that includes small, densely cytoplasmic cells that are dividing and expanding in size. zona de elongación obsoleta de la raíz lateral (Spanish, exact) EXACT PO:0003015 primary root differentiation zone A root differentiation zone that is part of a primary root. zona de diferenciación de la raíz primary (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 一次根分化帯(層) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020135 root differentiation zone PO:0003016 lateral root differentiation zone A root differentiation zone that is part of a lateral root. zona de diferenciación de la raíz lateral (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 側根分裂帯(層) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020135 root differentiation zone @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ PO:0004509 glandular trichome A trichome (PO:0000282) that secretes or sequester PO:0004511 seed trichome A trichome that develops from seed coat epidermis. pubescence (related) RELATED; seed hair (exact) EXACT; tricoma de la semilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 種子毛(毛茸、糸状体、毛状突起体) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000282 trichome PO:0004512 heartwood A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that lacks living secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004525). duramen (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 心材 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005848 secondary xylem PO:0004513 sapwood A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that has as parts living secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004525). albura (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 液材、辺材 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005848 secondary xylem -PO:0004514 growth ring A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that has as parts a single layer of early wood (PO:0004515) and a single layer of late wood (PO:0004516) from the same growth season and is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) or root (PO:0009005). anillo de crecimiento (Spanish, exact) EXACT; annual ring (narrow) NARROW; false annual ring (narrow) NARROW; growth layer (exact) EXACT; 年輪(=annual ring) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005848 secondary xylem +PO:0004514 growth ring A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that has as parts a single layer of early wood (PO:0004515) and a single layer of late wood (PO:0004516) from the same growth season and is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029) or root (PO:0009005). anillo de crecimiento (Spanish, exact) EXACT; annual ring (narrow) NARROW; false annual ring (narrow) NARROW; growth layer (exact) EXACT; tree ring (narrow) NARROW; 年輪(=annual ring) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005848 secondary xylem PO:0004515 early wood A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that is a part of a growth ring (PO:0004514) formed during the early part of a growing season, has lower density than late wood (PO:0004516) of the same growth ring, and has as parts early wood tracheary elements (PO:0025461) with generally larger lumens than the late wood tracheary elements (PO:0025462) of the same growth ring. earlywood (exact) EXACT; madera temprana (Spanish, exact) EXACT; spring wood (related) RELATED; 早材 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005848 secondary xylem PO:0004516 late wood A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that is a part of a growth ring (PO:0004514) formed during the later part of a growing season, has higher density than early wood (PO:0004515) of the same growth ring, and has as parts late wood tracheary elements (PO:0025462) with generally smaller lumens than the early wood tracheary elements (PO:0025461) of the same growth ring. latewood (exact) EXACT; madera tardía (Spanish, exact) EXACT; summer wood (related) RELATED; 晩材 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005848 secondary xylem PO:0004517 growth ring boundary A portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) that includes the last-formed late wood (PO:0004516) of one growth ring (PO:0004514) and the earliest-formed early wood (PO:0004515) of the next growth ring. límite del anillo de crecimiento (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 年輪境界線 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005848 secondary xylem @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ PO:0004532 secondary xylem parenchyma A portion of parenchyma (PO:0005421) tissu PO:0004533 axial secondary xylem parenchyma A portion of secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004532) that is part of an axial system (PO:0025410) and has as parts axial secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004526). axial wood parenchyma (exact) EXACT; parénquima axial de la madera (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 軸方向二次木部柔組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0004532 secondary xylem parenchyma PO:0004534 ray secondary xylem parenchyma A portion of secondary xylem parenchyma (PO:0004532) that is part of a ray system (PO:0025411) and has as parts ray secondary xylem parenchyma cells (PO:0004527). parénquima de rayo de la madera (Spanish, exact) EXACT; ray (broad) BROAD; ray wood parenchyma (exact) EXACT; 放射状二次木質部柔組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0004532 secondary xylem parenchyma PO:0004535 fruit placenta A portion of placenta tissue (PO:0025078) that is part of a fruit (PO:0009001) and to which seeds (PO:0009010) are attached. placenta del fruto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果実の胎座 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020001 plant ovary placenta -PO:0004536 fruit pedicel An infructescence branch (PO:0025243) that supports an individual fruit (PO:0009001). pedicelo del fruto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果柄 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025243 infructescence branch +PO:0004536 infructescence fruit pedicel A fruit pedicel (PO:0030114) that bears a fruit (PO:0009001) in an infructescence (PO:0006342). pedicelo del fruto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果柄 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0030114 fruit pedicel PO:0004537 nucellar plant embryo A somatic plant embryo derived directly from nucellus cells. adventitious embryo (broad) BROAD; embrión adventicio (Spanish, exact) EXACT; nucellar embryo (exact) EXACT; 珠心由来の不定胚 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025302 somatic plant embryo PO:0004538 indeterminate nodule A root nodule characterized by a persistent meristem, presence of vascular transfer cells, and cell division in the inner cortex with non-dividing infected cells and bacteria. nódulo indeterminable (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 無限型根粒 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0003023 root nodule PO:0004539 determinate nodule A root nodule characterized by a dividing infected cells and bacteria, vascular transfer cells absent and cell division is in the outer cortex. nódulo determinado (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 有限型根粒 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0003023 root nodule @@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ PO:0004717 long cell A more or less rectangular leaf pavement cell in which the PO:0004718 short cell An isodiametric leaf pavement cell. célula corta (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 短細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025212 leaf pavement cell PO:0004719 hilum groove A canal (PO:0025132) that is a longitudinal groove in the testa through a prominent hilum (PO:0020063) of a seed (PO:0009010). faboid split (related) RELATED; surco del hilium (Spanish, exact) EXACT; へそ(種子)溝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025132 canal PO:0004721 paraclade cortex A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of an inflorescence branch (PO:0009081), also called a paraclade. cortex (corteza) del paraclado (Spanish, exact) EXACT; inflorescence branch cortex (exact) EXACT; portion of paraclade cortex tissue (exact) EXACT; 側生分枝皮層 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005708 cortex -PO:0004722 pedicel cortex A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a pedicel (PO:0009052). cortex (corteza) del pedicelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; portion of pedicel cortex tissue (exact) EXACT; 小花柄皮層 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005708 cortex -PO:0004723 sepal vascular system A phyllome vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a sepal. sistema vascular del sépalo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; がく片維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system +PO:0004722 pedicel cortex A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a pedicel (PO:0030112). cortex (corteza) del pedicelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; portion of pedicel cortex tissue (exact) EXACT; 小花柄皮層 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005708 cortex +PO:0004723 sepal vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a sepal (PO:0009031). sistema vascular del sépalo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; がく片維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system PO:0004724 hypocotyl-root junction A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) that is the part of a plant axis (PO:0025004) where a radicle (PO:0020031) joins a hypocotyl (PO:0020100). embryo axis transition zone (exact) EXACT; Poaceae crown (narrow) NARROW; union del hipocótile con la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚軸-根合流点 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025001 cardinal organ part PO:0004725 vascular leaf primordium abaxial side A portion of vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) that is distal to the axis of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and develops into the abaxial side of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039). lado abaxial del primordio de hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉原基の裏側、背軸側 (Japanese, exact) (exact) EXACT PO:0025128 phyllome primordium PO:0004726 vascular leaf primordium adaxial side A portion of vascular leaf primordium (PO:0000017) that is proximal to the axis of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and develops into the adaxial side of the leaf lamina (PO:0020039). lado adaxial del primordio de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉原基(可視的)の表側、向軸側 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025128 phyllome primordium @@ -313,14 +313,14 @@ PO:0005008 obsolete fruit septum OBSOLETE. A thin partition or membrane that div PO:0005009 carpel septum OBSOLETE. A thin partition or membrane that divides multilocular ovary. Often found in species with syncarpous (multiple carpels fused) pistil. septo del carpelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 心皮隔壁 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005010 anther septum A septum (PO:0000030) that is part of an anther dehiscence zone (PO:0005011). anther dissepiment (broad) BROAD; septo de la antera (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葯隔壁 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000030 septum PO:0005011 anther dehiscence zone A dehiscence zone (PO:0025092) that is part of an anther (PO:0009066). zona de dehiscencia de la antera (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 開葯帯 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025092 dehiscence zone -PO:0005012 pedicel vascular system A shoot axis vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a pedicel. sistema vascular del pedicelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 小花柄維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000039 shoot axis vascular system +PO:0005012 pedicel vascular system A shoot axis vascular system (PO:0000039) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a pedicel (PO:0030112). sistema vascular del pedicelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 小花柄維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000039 shoot axis vascular system PO:0005013 hypocotyl epidermis The outermost primary cell layer of the hypocotyl. epidermis del hipocótile (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚軸 表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025178 stem epidermis PO:0005014 embryo cortex A portion of cortex (PO:0005708) that is part of a plant embryo (PO:0009009). cortex (corteza) del emrbion (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚皮層 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005708; PO:0025233 cortex; portion of embryo plant tissue PO:0005015 embryo endodermis A portion of endodermis (PO:0000252) that is part of an plant embryo (PO:0009009). endodermis del embrión (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚内胚葉 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000252; PO:0025233 endodermis; portion of embryo plant tissue PO:0005016 replum OBSOLETE. A false septum formed by the ingrowth from the placenta of an ovary rather than from the carpel walls. This is formed post fertilization. repla (exact, plural) EXACT; replum (replo) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 隔膜 (Japanese, exact) EXACT -PO:0005017 flower vascular system A shoot system vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a flower. sistema vascular de la flor (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花維管 系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025205 shoot system vascular system -PO:0005018 stamen vascular system A phyllome vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a stamen. sistema vascular del estambre (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄蕊維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system -PO:0005019 carpel vascular system A phyllome vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a carpel. sistema vascular del carpelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 心皮維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system +PO:0005017 flower vascular system A shoot system vascular system (PO:0025205) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a flower (PO:0009046). sistema vascular de la flor (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花維管 系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025205 shoot system vascular system +PO:0005018 stamen vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a stamen (PO:0009029). sistema vascular del estambre (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄蕊維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system +PO:0005019 carpel vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a carpel (PO:0009030). sistema vascular del carpelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 心皮維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system PO:0005020 vascular bundle A portion of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) that is a unit strand of the vascular system (PO:0000034) and has as part xylem (PO:0005352) or phloem (PO:0005417). haz vascular (Spanish, exact) EXACT; vein (exact) EXACT; 維管束 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009015 portion of vascular tissue PO:0005021 sepal margin A phyllome margin (PO:0025018) which is part of a sepal (PO:0009031). margen del sépalo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; がく片縁 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025018 phyllome margin PO:0005022 plant ovary wall A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is composed of plant ovary abaxial (outer) epidermis (PO:0005023), plant ovary adaxial (inner) epidermis (PO:0005024), and a plant ovary wall middle layer (PO:0005025) pared del ovario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 子房壁 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009007 portion of plant tissue @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ PO:0005024 plant ovary adaxial epidermis A portion of ovary epidermis (PO:000606 PO:0005025 plant ovary wall middle layer A portion of chlorenchyma tissue (PO:0005426) that is part of the plant ovary wall (PO:0005022) and is composed of mesophyll cells (PO:0004006). capa media de la pared del ovario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; middle layer of plant ovary wall (exact) EXACT; 子房壁の中間層 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005426 chlorenchyma PO:0005026 root giant cell Multinucleate cell developed by a series of events involving kayokinesis but not cytokinesis of the initial feeding cell. The events are induced by root knot nematodes (e.g., Meloidogyne sp. ) entering the feeding cells (any cells) of the root vascular system. célula gigante de la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 根巨大細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025030 ground tissue cell PO:0005027 root syncytium cell Multinucleate cell developed by a series of events involving fusion with the neighboring dividing cells. The events are induced by cyst nematodes (e.g. Heterodera schachtii) entering the feeding cells (any cells) of the root vascular system. célula ??? de la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 根融合細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025030 ground tissue cell -PO:0005028 inflorescence vascular system A shoot system vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in an inflorescence. sistema vascular de inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花序維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025205 shoot system vascular system +PO:0005028 inflorescence vascular system A shoot system vascular system (PO:0025205) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in an inflorescence (PO:0009049). sistema vascular de inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花序維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025205 shoot system vascular system PO:0005029 root primordium A primordium (PO:0025127) that develops from a root anlagen (PO:0025433) and is committed to the development of a root (PO:0009005). portion of root primordium tissue (exact) EXACT; primordio de raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; root primordia (exact, plural) EXACT; 根原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025127 primordium PO:0005030 lupulin gland A glandular trichome (PO:0004509) that synthesizes terpenophenolic resins and prenylflavonoids. PO:0004509 glandular trichome PO:0005031 microsporangiate strobilus A strobilus (PO:0025083) that bears only pollen (PO:0025281). male cone (related) RELATED; microstrobili (related) RELATED Plural; microstrobilus (related) RELATED; pollen cone (related) RELATED PO:0025083 strobilus @@ -447,9 +447,9 @@ PO:0006074 obsolete procambium OBSOLETE. A portion of primary cambium that under PO:0006075 primary phloem A portion of phloem (PO:0005417) tissue that develops from the procambium (PO:0025275). floema primario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; portion of primary phloem tissue (exact) EXACT; 一次師部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005417 phloem PO:0006076 metaphloem A portion of primary phloem (PO:0006075) tissue that has as parts companion cells (PO:0000071, in angiosperms) or albuminous cells (PO:0025412, in gymnosperms) associated with the sieve elements (PO:0025406) and that develops after the protophloem (PO:0006077). metafloema (Spanish, exact) EXACT; portion of metaphloem tissue (exact) EXACT; 後生師部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006075 primary phloem PO:0006077 protophloem A portion of primary phloem (PO:0006075) tissue has as parts the first-formed sieve elements (PO:0025406) at a particular location and does not have companion cells (PO:0000071, in angiosperms) or albuminous cells (PO:0025412, in gymnosperms) associated with the sieve elements. portion of protophloem tissue (exact) EXACT; protofloema (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 原生師部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006075 primary phloem -PO:0006078 primary vascular tissue OBSOLETE. The vascular tissue of the primary plant body at the embryonic stage. tejido vascular primario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 一次維管束組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT +PO:0006078 obsolete primary vascular tissue OBSOLETE. The vascular tissue of the primary plant body at the embryonic stage. tejido vascular primario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 一次維管束組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006079 shoot system meristem A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is part of a shoot system (PO:0009006). meristema del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; シュート分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009013 portion of meristem tissue -PO:0006080 secondary vascular tissue OBSOLETE. The vascular tissue derived from the vascular cambium because of the secondary growth. tejido vascular secundario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 二次維管束組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT +PO:0006080 obsolete secondary vascular tissue OBSOLETE. The vascular tissue derived from the vascular cambium because of the secondary growth. tejido vascular secundario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 二次維管束組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006081 primary root apical meristem A root apical meristem (PO:0020147) that gives rise to a primary root (PO:0020127). apical meristem of primary root (related) RELATED; embryonic root meristem (related) RELATED; meristema apical de la raíz primaria (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 一次根頂端分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020147 root apical meristem PO:0006082 abaxial protoderm A portion of protoderm (PO:0006210) tissue that is the outermost layer of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148), and gives rise to the leaf abaxial epidermis (PO:0006019). portion of abaxial protoderm tissue (exact) EXACT; protodermis abaxial (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 背軸側前表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006210 protoderm PO:0006083 adaxial protoderm A portion of protoderm (PO:0006210) tissue that is the outermost layer of the shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148), and gives rise to the leaf adaxial epidermis (PO:0006018). portion of adaxial protoderm tissue (exact) EXACT; protodermis adaxial (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 向軸側前表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006210 protoderm @@ -494,18 +494,18 @@ PO:0006306 obsolete shoot procambium OBSOLETE. A derivative of the apical merist PO:0006307 root procambium A portion of procambium (PO:0025275) tissue that undergoes differentiation to form the primary vascular tissue (PO:0025408) of a root (PO:0009005). procambium de la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 根前形成層 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025275 procambium PO:0006308 root lateral meristem A lateral meristem (PO:0020145) that is part of a root (PO:0009005). meristema lateral de la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; root lateral growth meristem (exact) EXACT; 根側部分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020145 lateral meristem PO:0006309 tassel spikelet A spikelet (PO:0009051) that is part of the tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126) and bears tassel florets (PO:0006310) at maturity. penacho (borla) de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂(花)の小穂 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009051 spikelet -PO:0006310 tassel floret A small staminate flower (PO:0025600) that is part of a tassel spikelet (PO:0006309). florete del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂小花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009082; PO:0025600 spikelet floret; staminate flower +PO:0006310 tassel floret A small staminate flower (PO:0025600) that is part of a tassel spikelet (PO:0006309). florete del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂小花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009082; PO:0025600 spikelet floret; staminate flower PO:0006311 tassel sessile spikelet Ultimate inflorescence branch of the maize tassel without a pedicel, developing from the spikelet pair meristem. penacho (borla) sésil del florete (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂(花)の無柄小穂 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006309 tassel spikelet PO:0006312 tassel pedicellate spikelet Ultimate inflorescence branch of the maize tassel with a pedicel, developing from the spikelet pair meristem. penacho (borla) pedicelada del florete (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂(花)の有柄小穂 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006309 tassel spikelet PO:0006313 lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of tassel A tassel floret that is the lower of the two florets of a pedicellate spikelet of a tassel inflorescence. florete inferior de la espiguilla pedicelada (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂(花)の有柄小穂の下位小花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006310 tassel floret PO:0006314 upper floret of pedicellate spikelet of tassel A tassel floret that is one of the two florets placed above the lower floret on a pedicellate spikelet rachilla of a tassel inflorescence. florete superior de la espiguilla pedicelada (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂(花)の有柄小穂の上位小花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006310 tassel floret PO:0006315 lower floret of sessile spikelet of tassel A tassel floret that is the lower of the two florets of a sessile spikelet of a tassel inflorescence. florete inferior de la espiguilla sésil (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂(花)の無柄小穂の下位小花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006310 tassel floret PO:0006316 upper floret of sessile spikelet of tassel A tassel floret that is one of the two florets placed above the lower floret on a sessile spikelet rachilla of a tassel inflorescence. florete superior de la espiguilla sésil (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂(花)の無柄小穂の上位小花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006310 tassel floret -PO:0006319 spikelet pedicel Inflorescence branch that terminates in a spikelet. pedicelo de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 小穂小花柄 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009052 flower pedicel +PO:0006319 spikelet pedicel Inflorescence branch that terminates in a spikelet. pedicelo de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 小穂小花柄 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis PO:0006320 ear spikelet A spikelet (PO:0009051) that is part of the ear inflorescence (PO:0020136) and bears a single ear floret (PO:0006354) at maturity. oreja de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雌穂(花)小穂 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009051 spikelet -PO:0006321 primary inflorescence branch An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) arising from a first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104). first order inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; first order paraclade (exact) EXACT; rama de la inflorescencia principal (Spanish, exact) EXACT; second order inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; 第一(主)花序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch -PO:0006322 second order inflorescence branch An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) arising from a primary inflorescence branch (PO:0006321). rama de segundo orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; second order paraclade (exact) EXACT; secondary inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; third order inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; 第二花序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch -PO:0006323 tassel inflorescence branch An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) arising on a first order tassel inflorescence axis (PO:0006324) or from a higher order inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) that is part of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). rama del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch +PO:0006321 second order inflorescence axis A higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081) that develops from an inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) of a first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104). eje de segundo orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; first order inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; first order paraclade (exact) EXACT; primary inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第一(主)花序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis +PO:0006322 third order inflorescence axis A higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081) that develops from an inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) of a second order inflorescence axis (PO:0006322). {comment=NYBG:Dario_Cavaliere, comment=NYBG:Brandon_Sinn} eje de tercero orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; second order inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; second order paraclade (exact) EXACT; secondary inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第二花序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis +PO:0006323 tassel inflorescence branch An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) arising on a first order tassel inflorescence axis (PO:0006324) or from a higher order inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) that is part of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). rama del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis PO:0006324 first order tassel inflorescence axis A first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) that is the primary axis of a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). {comment=POC:Laurel_Cooper} central axis of tassel inflorescence (exact) EXACT; espiga central del penacho (borla) de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; tassel rachis (exact) EXACT; 雄穂(花)中央の穂 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025104 first order inflorescence axis PO:0006325 inflorescence axis node A shoot axis node (PO:0005004) that is part of an inflorescence axis (PO:0020122). nodo de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花序節 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005004 shoot axis node PO:0006326 inflorescence axis internode A shoot axis internode (PO:0005005) that is part of an inflorescence axis (PO:0020122). internodo de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花序節間 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005005 shoot axis internode @@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ PO:0006338 embryo leaf A vascular leaf that is part of a plant embryo and is one PO:0006339 juvenile vascular leaf A vascular leaf that is distinct from adult leaves, being characterized by particular anatomical traits namely, wax and trichome distribution, presence or absence of epidermal cell types, cell wall shape and biochemistry. hoja juvenil (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 維管束系幼葉 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009025 vascular leaf PO:0006340 adult vascular leaf A vascular leaf characterized by particular anatomical traits namely, wax and trichome distribution, presence or absence of epidermal cell types, cell wall shape and biochemistry. hoja adulta (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 維管束系の成葉 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009025 vascular leaf PO:0006341 primary shoot system A shoot system (PO:0009006) that develops from an embryo shoot apical meristem (PO:0006362). main stalk (related) RELATED; sistema axilar primario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 一次分げつ系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009006 shoot system -PO:0006342 infructescence A reproductive shoot system (PO:0025082) that develops from an inflorescence (PO:0009049) and has as parts all of the shoot axes (PO:0025029) distal to the most distal foliage leaf (PO:0009025) of a shoot axis and all of the fruits (PO:0009001) borne by those axes. banana bunch (narrow) NARROW; fruit bunch (related) RELATED; infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果序 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025082 reproductive shoot system +PO:0006342 infructescence A reproductive shoot system (PO:0025082) that develops from an inflorescence (PO:0009049) and has as parts each infructescence axis (PO:0025242) and all of the fruits (PO:0009001) borne by those axes. banana bunch (narrow) NARROW; fruit bunch (related) RELATED; infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果序 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025082 reproductive shoot system PO:0006343 axillary shoot system A shoot-borne shoot system (PO:0004545) that develops from an axillary bud (PO:0004709). axillary branch (related) RELATED; Musa sucker (narrow) NARROW; sistema axilar del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 腋苗条系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0004545 shoot-borne shoot system PO:0006344 shoot lateral meristem A lateral meristem (PO:0020145) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). meristema lateral del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; shoot lateral growth meristem (exact) EXACT; 茎側分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020145 lateral meristem PO:0006345 pollen tube OBSOLETE. A tubular cell extension formed by the germinating pollen grain; carries the male gametes into the ovule. tubo polínico (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花粉管 (Japanese, exact) EXACT @@ -534,8 +534,8 @@ PO:0006351 lower floret of sessile spikelet of ear An ear floret that is the low PO:0006352 upper floret of sessile spikelet of ear An ear floret that is one of the two florets placed above the lower floret on a sessile spikelet rachilla of an ear inflorescence. florete superior de la espiguilla sésil de la espiga (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雌穂(花)の無柄小穂の上位小花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006354 ear floret PO:0006353 lower floret of pedicellate spikelet of ear An ear floret that is the lower of the two florets of a pedicellate spikelet rachilla of an ear inflorescence. florete inferior de la espiguilla sésil de la espiga (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雌穂(花)の有柄小穂の下位小花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006354 ear floret PO:0006354 ear floret A small, pistillate flower (PO:0025599) that is part of a ear spikelet (PO:0006320). florete de la espiga (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雌穂小花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009082; PO:0025599 spikelet floret; pistillate flower -PO:0006358 tassel spikelet pair meristem The meristem present on short tassel branch that produces two spikelet meristems, each of which produces two floral meristems in a maize tassel. par de meristemas del penacho (borla) de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂(花)の小穂対分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006328; PO:0009107 spikelet pair meristem; tassel inflorescence branch meristem -PO:0006360 ear spikelet pair meristem An ear inflorescence branch meristem (PO:0009110) that produces two ear spikelet meristems (PO:0006378), each of which produces two flower meristems (PO:0000229) in an ear inflorescence (PO:0020136). par de meristemas de la espiga de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雌穂(花)小穂対分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006328; PO:0009110 spikelet pair meristem; ear inflorescence branch meristem +PO:0006358 tassel spikelet pair meristem The meristem present on short tassel branch that produces two spikelet meristems, each of which produces two floral meristems in a maize tassel. par de meristemas del penacho (borla) de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂(花)の小穂対分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006328; PO:0009107 spikelet pair meristem; tassel inflorescence axillary meristem +PO:0006360 ear spikelet pair meristem An ear inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009110) that produces two ear spikelet meristems (PO:0006378), each of which produces two flower meristems (PO:0000229) in an ear inflorescence (PO:0020136). {comment=NYBG:Brandon_Sinn} par de meristemas de la espiga de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雌穂(花)小穂対分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006328; PO:0009110 spikelet pair meristem; ear inflorescence axillary meristem PO:0006362 embryo shoot apical meristem A vegetative shoot apical meristem at the apex of the embryonic axis. embryonic shoot apical meristem (exact) EXACT; meristema embriónico apical del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚性シュート頂端分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0008016; PO:0025233 vegetative shoot apical meristem; portion of embryo plant tissue PO:0006367 glume of ear spikelet A glume that is part of an ear spikelet. gluma de la espiga de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雌穂小穂の苞頴 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009039 glume PO:0006368 glume of tassel spikelet A glume that is part of a tassel spikelet. gluma del penacho (borla) de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂小穂の苞頴 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009039 glume @@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ PO:0006440 upper glume of sessile spikelet of ear An upper glume of ear spikelet PO:0006488 silk A collective organ part structure (PO:0025269) that has as parts an elongated stigma (PO:0009073) with stigma papilla (GO:0090397), and an elongated style (PO:0009074). Zea style (narrow) NARROW {scope=narrow} PO:0025269 collective organ part structure PO:0006501 leaf abscission zone An abscission zone (PO:0000146) at the base of a vascular leaf (PO:0009025) where it separates during leaf abscission (GO:0060866). zona de absición de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉離層帯 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000146 abscission zone PO:0006502 floral organ abscission zone An abscission zone (PO:0000146) at the base of a flower (PO:0009001) where a floral organ (PO:0025395) separates during floral organ abscission (GO:0010227). zona de absición de la flor (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 落花帯(層) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000146 abscission zone -PO:0006503 fruit abscission zone An abscission zone (PO:0000146) at the base of a fruit (PO:0009001) where the fruit separates from the fruit pedicel (PO:0004536) during fruit abscission (GO:0060867). zona de absición del fruto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 落果実 (fruit shedding zone) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000146 abscission zone +PO:0006503 fruit abscission zone An abscission zone (PO:0000146) at the base of a fruit (PO:0009001) where the fruit separates from a fruit pedicel (PO:0030114) during fruit abscission (GO:0060867). zona de absición del fruto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 落果実 (fruit shedding zone) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000146 abscission zone PO:0006504 leaf trichome A phyllome trichome that is part of a leaf epidermis. phyllid trichome (narrow) NARROW; tricoma de hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉毛(毛茸、糸状体) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025186 phyllome trichome PO:0006505 first order ear inflorescence axis A first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) that is the primary axis of an ear inflorescence (PO:0020136). {comment=POC:Laurel_Cooper} central axis of ear inflorescence (exact) EXACT; ear inflorescence rachis (exact) EXACT; espiga central de la espiga de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雌穂(花)中央の穂 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025104 first order inflorescence axis PO:0007001 early whole plant fruit ripening stage The early stage in fruit ripening. 09-dough development (related) RELATED; 7 linear grain-filling in maize (related) RELATED; 7.03-early dough in maize (related) RELATED; 7.3 early dough stage/embryo 3 in maize (related) RELATED; 8.03 Early ripening in soybean (related) RELATED; 8.1-early dough stage in rice (related) RELATED; 9.01-early dough (related) RELATED; 9.01-early dough in barley (related) RELATED; 9.01-early dough in oat (related) RELATED; 9.01-early dough in wheat (related) RELATED; BBCH principal growth stage 83 (related) RELATED; dough stage in maize (related) RELATED; early dough stage in maize (related) RELATED; early dough, kernel content soft, about 45% dry matter (related) RELATED; embryo stage 3 in maize (related) RELATED; FR.01 early stage of fruit ripening in Solanaceae (related) RELATED; R4 in maize (related) RELATED; rice growth stage-8.1 (related) RELATED; tomato turning stage (related) RELATED PO:0007010 whole plant fruit ripening stage @@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ PO:0007029 whole plant fruit formation stage 30 to 50% A whole plant fruit forma PO:0007030 seedling shoot emergence stage Shoot or leaf breaks through soil surface. 07 shoot emergence in soybean (related) RELATED; BBCH growth stage 09 (related) RELATED; shoot emergence in Solanaceae (related) RELATED PO:0007131 seedling development stage PO:0007031 mid whole plant fruit ripening stage The stage when fruit ripening is midway. 10.01-soft dough in sorghum (related) RELATED; 7.4 late dough stage/embryo 4 in maize (related) RELATED; 8.05 Mid ripening in soybean (related) RELATED; 9.02-soft dough in barley (related) RELATED; 9.02-soft dough in oat (related) RELATED; 9.02-soft dough in wheat (related) RELATED; BBCH principal growth stage 85 (related) RELATED; DNA degradation (endosperm) in maize (related) RELATED; dough stage in maize (related) RELATED; embryo stage 4 in maize (related) RELATED; FR.02 mid stage of fruit ripening in Solanaceae (related) RELATED; R3 in maize (related) RELATED; soft dough (related) RELATED; Stage R6 Full seed in soybean (related) RELATED; tomato orange fruit (related) RELATED; Zadok scale-85, Feekes scale-11.2 (related) RELATED PO:0007010 whole plant fruit ripening stage PO:0007032 whole plant fruit formation stage up to 10% A whole plant fruit formation stage (PO:0007042) that begins when the first fruit (PO:0009001) on a whole plant (PO:0000003) that has no other fruits as part enters a fruit initiation stage (PO:0025503) and ends when the average size of fruits (PO:0009001) on a whole plant (PO:0000003) has reached 10% of final size. 7 linear grain-filling (related) RELATED; 7.01 Pod 10% of final length in soybean (related) RELATED; 7.1 blister stage (related) RELATED; E-L 27 (related) RELATED; FF.00 fruit size 10% in Solanaceae (related) RELATED; fruit setting (narrow) NARROW; stage R3 in soybean (related) RELATED; tomato immature green (related) RELATED PO:0007042 whole plant fruit formation stage -PO:0007033 whole plant development stage A plant structure development stage (PO:0009012) that has as primary participant a whole plant (PO:0000003). cereal plant ontology (related) RELATED; maize growth stage (related) RELATED; plant growth stage ontology (related) RELATED; plant growth stages in Arabidopsis (related) RELATED; rice growth stage (related) RELATED; Solanaceae whole plant growth stages (related) RELATED; sorghum growth stage (related) RELATED; wheat, barley and oat growth stage (related) RELATED PO:0009012 plant structure development stage +PO:0007033 whole plant development stage A plant structure development stage (PO:0009012) that has as primary participant a whole plant (PO:0000003). cereal plant growth stage ontology (GRO:0007199) (related) RELATED; maize growth stage (GRO:0007002) (related) RELATED; plant growth stages in Arabidopsis (TAIR:0000021) (related) RELATED; rice growth stage (GRO:0007040) (related) RELATED; Solanaceae whole plant growth stages (SGN:0000001) (related) RELATED; sorghum growth stage (GRO:0007124) (related) RELATED; wheat, barley and oat growth stage (GRO:0007156) (related) RELATED PO:0009012 plant structure development stage PO:0007034 FL.01 1/4 of flowers open stage The stage at which 1/4 of flowers open. 6.02 1/4 of flowers on the main stem open in soybean (related) RELATED; FL.01 1/4 of flowers open in Solanaceae (related) RELATED PO:0007016 whole plant flowering stage PO:0007035 7-8 fruit formation and maturation OBSOLETE. This stage refers to the developmental and physiological changes that occur in the whole plant after fertilization and during fruit development, maturation, and provisioning. 06-post-flowering in maize (related) RELATED; 5.3 pollination in maize (related) RELATED; 5.4 fertilization in maize (related) RELATED; 6 post-flowering/lag phase in maize (related) RELATED; 7 linear grain-filling in maize (related) RELATED; 7 Pod Formation in soybean (related) RELATED; 7-8 Fruit Formation and Maturation in soybean (related) RELATED; 7.01-blister stage in maize (related) RELATED; BBCH principal growth stage 7 (related) RELATED; C-embryo stage in rice (related) RELATED; double fertilization in maize (related) RELATED; effective filling period in maize (related) RELATED; first silique shattered (related) RELATED; grain-filling in maize (related) RELATED; kernel watery ripe (related) RELATED; lag phase in maize (related) RELATED; post-flowering in maize (related) RELATED; proembryo in maize (related) RELATED; R1in maize (related) RELATED PO:0007036 beginning of whole plant fruit ripening stage The stage at which fruit maturation begins. 8.01 Beginning of bean ripening in soybean (related) RELATED; beginning of fruit coloration (related) RELATED; first silique shattered (related) RELATED; FR.00 beginning of fruit ripening in Solanaceae (related) RELATED PO:0007010 whole plant fruit ripening stage @@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ PO:0007525 3 establishment of tissue systems stage The stage at which distinct t PO:0007526 F2 root hair elongation OBSOLETE. The stage at which the root hairs are fully elongated. PO:0007527 2 root meristem formation stage The stage at which the root meristem becomes evident. PO:0007520 root development stage PO:0007528 A2.2 root initials differentiation of lateral roots OBSOLETE. Radial expansion followed by subsequent periclinal divisions forms the pericycle-derived tissues. -PO:0007529 E emerged root elongation OBSOLETE. The stage at which the emerged root starts to elongate. emerged crown root elongation (related) RELATED; emerged lateral root elongation (related) RELATED; emrged primary root elongation (related) RELATED +PO:0007529 E emerged root elongation OBSOLETE. The stage at which the emerged root starts to elongate. emerged crown root elongation (related) RELATED; emerged lateral root elongation (related) RELATED; emrged primary root elongation (related) RELATED PO:0007530 A2.3 founder cell derivatives of lateral root OBSOLETE. Radial expansion followed by subsequent periclinal divisions forms the isodiametric founder cell tissues. PO:0007531 F1 root hair initiation OBSOLETE. The stage at which the roots hairs are initiated. PO:0007532 obsolete plant growth and development terms OBSOLETE. @@ -765,18 +765,18 @@ PO:0007632 seed maturation stage Stage during which the seed storage products (s PO:0007633 endosperm development stage Stages of development of the endosperm. PO:0001170 seed development stage PO:0008001 fruit distal end A cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025498) that is the end of a fruit (PO:0009001) distal from a fruit pedicel (PO:0004536). blossom end (related) RELATED; porción distal del fruto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果実 遠位端 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025498 cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure PO:0008002 fruit proximal end A cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025498) that is the end of a fruit (PO:0009001) proximal to a fruit pedicel (PO:0004536). fruit shoulders (related) RELATED; porción proximal del fruto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果実 近位端 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025498 cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure -PO:0008003 fruit vascular system A vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a fruit. sistema vascular del fruto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果実維管 系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system +PO:0008003 fruit vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) in their specific arrangement in a fruit (PO:0009001). sistema vascular del fruto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果実維管 系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system PO:0008005 fruit nucellus A nucellus that is part of a fruit. nucelo del fruto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果実珠心 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020020 nucellus PO:0008006 nucellar epidermis A portion of plant tissue that is the morphologically distinct outer layer of the nucellus. epidermis nucelar (Spanish, exact) EXACT; portion of nucellar epidermis (exact) EXACT; 珠心 表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025312 megasporangium exothecium PO:0008007 nucellar projection A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is the morphologically distinct portion of the nucellus overlying the vascular strands in the grass caryopsis. (related) RELATED; proyección nucelar (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 珠心突起 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009007 portion of plant tissue PO:0008008 modified aleurone A portion of aleurone layer (PO:0005360) which is morphologically distinct and is located adjacent to the nucellar projection (PO:0008007). aleurona modificada (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 特殊化した糊粉、修飾アリューロン (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005360 aleurone layer PO:0008009 abaxial nucellar projection A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is the abaxial/lower portion of the nucellus (PO:0020020) overlying vascular strands in a caryopsis fruit (PO:0030104). proyección nucelar abaxial (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 背軸側珠心突起 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009007 portion of plant tissue PO:0008010 adaxial nucellar projection A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is the adaxial/upper portion of the nucellus (PO:0020020) overlying vascular strands in a caryopsis fruit (PO:0030104). proyección nucelar adaxial (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 向軸側珠心突起 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009007 portion of plant tissue -PO:0008011 embryo vascular system Vascular system of embryo. sistema vascular del embrión (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034; PO:0025233 vascular system; portion of embryo plant tissue -PO:0008012 stigma vascular system A vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a stigma. sistema vascular del estigma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; stigma vein (related) RELATED; 柱頭維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system -PO:0008013 anther vascular system A phyllome vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a anther. sistema vascular de la antera (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葯維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system -PO:0008014 filament vascular system A vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a filament. filament vein (related) RELATED; sistema vascular del filamento (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花糸維管 系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system -PO:0008015 hypocotyl vascular system Vascular system of the hypocotyl. sistema vascular del hipocótile (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚軸維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034; PO:0025233 vascular system; portion of embryo plant tissue +PO:0008011 plant embryo vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that is part of a plant embryo (PO:0009009) . sistema vascular del embrión (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034; PO:0025233 vascular system; portion of embryo plant tissue +PO:0008012 stigma vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a stigma (PO:0009073). sistema vascular del estigma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; stigma vein (related) RELATED; 柱頭維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system +PO:0008013 anther vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in an anther (PO:0009066). sistema vascular de la antera (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葯維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system +PO:0008014 filament vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue (PO:0009015) in their specific arrangement in a filament (PO:0009067). filament vein (related) RELATED; sistema vascular del filamento (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花糸維管 系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system +PO:0008015 hypocotyl vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that is part of a hypocotyl (PO:0020100). sistema vascular del hipocótile (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚軸維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034; PO:0025233 vascular system; portion of embryo plant tissue PO:0008016 vegetative shoot apical meristem A shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) that gives rise to the apical growth of vegetative tissues and organs. meristema vegetativo apical del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; vegetative meristem (related) RELATED; 栄養シュート頂端分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020148 shoot apical meristem PO:0008017 leaf sheath pulvinus A more or less abrupt swelling, especially at the apex or base of a leaf sheath. vaina del pulvínulo de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉鞘葉枕 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009000 pulvinus PO:0008018 transition vascular leaf A vascular leaf that is part of an heteroblastic series, and is characterized by anatomical features that are intermediate between juvenile and adult leaves. hoja de transición (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 維管束植物の幼葉と成熟葉の移行期の葉 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009025 vascular leaf @@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ PO:0008043 floral epidermis OBSOLETE. A portion of shoot epidermis that is part PO:0008044 floral stomatal complex OBSOLETE. An opening pore on the epidermis of floral organs bordered by two guard cells and serving in gas exchange. complejo estomático floral (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花気孔装置 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0008045 floral guard cell OBSOLETE. One of a pair of cells flanking the stomatal pore of floral organs. célula guardiana floral (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花孔辺細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0008046 floral stomatal pore OBSOLETE. A stomatal pore that is part of a floral stomatal complex. poro estomático floral (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花気孔開口部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT -PO:0008047 scutellar vascular system A vascular system in a scutellum. scutellum vascular system (related) RELATED; sistema vascular de escutelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚盤維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034; PO:0025233 vascular system; portion of embryo plant tissue +PO:0008047 scutellum vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that is part of a scutellum (PO:0020110). scutellum vascular system (related) RELATED; sistema vascular de escutelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚盤維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034; PO:0025233 vascular system; portion of embryo plant tissue PO:0008048 scutellar epithelium A continuous layer of cylindrical cells covering the endosperm side of the scutellum. Thought to act as a secretory and absorptive organ. epitelio escutelar (Spanish, exact) EXACT; portion of scutellar epithelium (exact) EXACT; scutellum epithelium (exact) EXACT; 胚盤上皮細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025233 portion of embryo plant tissue PO:0009000 pulvinus A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) at the apex or base of a petiole, petiolule, leaf sheath, or branch that is differentiated from the remaining organ parts by its enlarged cross section. pulvínulo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; pulvini (exact, plural) EXACT; 葉枕 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025001 cardinal organ part PO:0009001 fruit A multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496) that develops from a gynoecium (PO:0009062), or a single carpel (PO:0009030), and at maturity may have as parts one or more seeds (PO:0009010). aggregate fruit (broad) BROAD; coenocarp (narrow) NARROW; compound fruit (broad) BROAD; dehiscent fruit (broad) BROAD; diaspore (broad) BROAD; frucht (exact, German) EXACT German; fruto (exact, Spanish) EXACT; indehiscent fruit (broad) BROAD; multiple fruit (broad) BROAD; propagule (broad) BROAD; syncarp (narrow) NARROW; 果実 (exact, Japanese) EXACT PO:0025496 multi-tissue plant structure @@ -851,14 +851,14 @@ PO:0009039 glume One of a pair of inflorescence bracts that is part of a spikele PO:0009040 sterile lemma A flower bract in the position of a lemma, but not enclosing floral organs. empty glume (related) RELATED; lemma estéril (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 不稔外頴 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009037 lemma PO:0009041 fertile lemma A lemma that encloses a functional flower, with androecium, gynoecium or both. lemma fértil (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 稔性外頴 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009037 lemma PO:0009042 prophyll A phyllome that is the first organ or one of the first two organs formed at the base of an axillary shoot, often smaller and/or in a distinctively different position from leaves formed subsequently. profilo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; prophylla (exact, plural) EXACT; prophylls (exact, plural) EXACT; prophyllum (exact) EXACT; 前葉、前出葉 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006001 phyllome -PO:0009043 bracteole A small leaf or leaves borne singly or in pairs on the pedicel, the prophyll(s) of the flower-shoot (pedicel plus flower). bracteola (Spanish, exact) EXACT; bractlet (exact) EXACT; 小苞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009042 prophyll +PO:0009043 bracteole A prophyll (PO:0009042) which is borne singly or in pairs on a pedicel (PO:0030112). bracteola (Spanish, exact) EXACT; bractlet (exact) EXACT; 小苞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009042 prophyll PO:0009044 perigynium Sac-like bract subtending the pistillate flower, as in Carex. perigeneo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; perigynia (exact, plural) EXACT; ペリギニウム、果胞、造卵器群やそれから発生した胞子体の周辺の組織が発達し肉厚で筒状となった構造 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009042 prophyll -PO:0009045 involucral bract Equals inflorescence bract of an involucre, as in Asteraceae or Compositeae. bráctea involucral (Spanish, exact) EXACT; perigynia (narrow) NARROW Plural; perigynium (narrow) NARROW; phyllary (related) RELATED; 総苞片 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009054 inflorescence bract -PO:0009046 flower A determinate reproductive shoot system (PO:0025082) that has as part at least one carpel (PO:0009030) or at least one stamen (PO:0009029) and does not contain any other determinate shoot system (PO:0009006) as a part. basal flower (narrow) NARROW; double flower (narrow) NARROW; flor (Spanish, exact) EXACT; floret (related) RELATED; hermaphrodite flower (narrow) NARROW; monoclinous flower (narrow) NARROW; perfect flower (narrow) NARROW; 花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025082 reproductive shoot system +PO:0009045 involucral bract An inflorescence bract (PO:0009054) of an involucre (PO:0009100). {comment=POC:Laurel_Cooper} bráctea involucral (Spanish, exact) EXACT; perigynia (narrow) NARROW Plural; perigynium (narrow) NARROW; phyllary (related) RELATED; 総苞片 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009054 inflorescence bract +PO:0009046 flower A determinate reproductive shoot system (PO:0025082) that has as part at least one carpel (PO:0009030) or at least one stamen (PO:0009029) and does not contain any other determinate shoot system (PO:0009006) as a part. Asteraceae floret (narrow) NARROW; basal flower (narrow) NARROW; double flower (narrow) NARROW; flor (Spanish, exact) EXACT; floret (related) RELATED; hermaphrodite flower (narrow) NARROW; monoclinous flower (narrow) NARROW; perfect flower (narrow) NARROW; 花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025082 reproductive shoot system PO:0009047 stem A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is the primary axis of a plant. bole (narrow) NARROW; caña (Spanish, exact) EXACT; cane (narrow) NARROW; caudex (narrow) NARROW; caudices (narrow) NARROW Plural; core (narrow) NARROW; culm (exact) EXACT; eje primario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; primary axis (exact) EXACT; primary stem (exact) EXACT; primocane (narrow) NARROW; scape (narrow) NARROW; stalk (narrow) NARROW; tallo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; tronco (Spanish, exact) EXACT; trunk (narrow) NARROW; 茎 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025029 shoot axis -PO:0009049 inflorescence A reproductive shoot system (PO:0025082) that has as parts all of the shoot axes (PO:0025029) distal to the most distal foliage leaf (PO:0009025) of a shoot axis and all of the flowers (PO:0009046) borne by those axes. Must have two or more flowers as parts. ament (narrow) NARROW; anthela (narrow) NARROW; anthelae (narrow) NARROW Plural; Asteraceae floret (narrow) NARROW; bostryches (narrow) NARROW Plural; bostryx (narrow) NARROW; capitula (narrow) NARROW Plural; capitulum (narrow) NARROW; catkin (narrow) NARROW; cincinni (narrow) NARROW Plural; cincinnus (narrow) NARROW; corymb (narrow) NARROW; cyathia (narrow) NARROW Plural; cyathium (narrow) NARROW; cyme (narrow) NARROW; cymule (narrow) NARROW; dichasium (narrow) NARROW Plural; drepanium (narrow) NARROW; glome (narrow) NARROW; glomerule (narrow) NARROW; head (narrow) NARROW; helicoid cyme (narrow) NARROW; inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; monochasium (narrow) NARROW Plural; panicle (narrow) NARROW; raceme (narrow) NARROW; rhipidia (narrow) NARROW Plural; rhipidium (narrow) NARROW; scorpioid cyme (narrow) NARROW; spadices (narrow) NARROW Plural; spadix (narrow) NARROW; spike (narrow) NARROW; thyrse (narrow) NARROW; Triticeae spike (narrow) NARROW; umbel (narrow) NARROW; verticillaster (narrow) NARROW; 花序 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025082 reproductive shoot system +PO:0009049 inflorescence A reproductive shoot system (PO:0025082) that has as parts all of the shoot axes (PO:0025029) and flowers (PO:0009046; must have two or more) distal to the most distal leaf (PO:0009025). {comment=NYBG:Dario_Cavaliere, comment=NYBG:Brandon_Sinn} inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; Triticeae spike (narrow) NARROW; 花序 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025082 reproductive shoot system PO:0009051 spikelet A reproductive shoot system (PO:0025082) that is the ultimate and congested inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) of the grasses. espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 小穂 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025082 reproductive shoot system -PO:0009052 flower pedicel An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) that supports an individual flower (PO:0009046) in an inflorescence (PO:0009049). pedicelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 小花柄 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch +PO:0009052 inflorescence flower pedicel A flower pedicel (PO:0030113) that bears a flower (PO:0009046) in an inflorescence (PO:0009049). pedicelo (Spanish, broad) BROAD; 小花柄 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0030113 flower pedicel PO:0009053 peduncle A shoot axis that extends from the last foliage leaf on a stem or branch until the next distal node. inflorescence stem (related) RELATED; pedúnculo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花梗(総梗) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025029 shoot axis PO:0009054 inflorescence bract A bract (PO:0009055) subtending a branch of the inflorescence (PO:0009049) or borne on the inflorescence axis (PO:0020122) below any branch (PO:0025073) or flower (PO:0009046). bráctea de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; corn husk (related) RELATED; husk (related) RELATED; husk leaf (related) RELATED; inflorescence bract of ear (narrow) NARROW; pale (broad) BROAD; palea (broad) BROAD; paleae (broad) BROAD Plural; paleas (broad) BROAD Plural; palet (broad) BROAD; spathe (narrow) NARROW; squamella (narrow) NARROW; squamellae (narrow) NARROW Plural; squamule (narrow) NARROW; 花序苞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009055 bract PO:0009055 bract A phyllome that subtends a reproductive structure. bráctea (Spanish, exact) EXACT; bracteole (related) RELATED; bractlet (related) RELATED; hypsophyll (related) RELATED; scale (narrow) NARROW; 苞葉 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006001 phyllome @@ -884,8 +884,8 @@ PO:0009074 style A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) which is an elongated part o PO:0009075 plant ontology OBSOLETE. A controlled vocabulary to describe the various plant parts and the growth and developmental stages. ontología vegetal (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 植物オントロジー (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009077 staminode Sterile stamen. estaminodio (Spanish, exact) EXACT; staminodia (exact, plural) EXACT; staminodium (exact) EXACT; 仮雄蕊 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009028; PO:0025395 microsporophyll; floral organ PO:0009078 pistillode A sterile pistil, often rudimentary. pistillodia (exact, plural) EXACT; pistillodium (exact) EXACT; pistilodio (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 不稔の雌蕊、退化雌蕊 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009062 gynoecium -PO:0009080 spikelet rachilla The axis of the spikelet, above the glumes. raquilla de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; spikelet rhachilla (exact) EXACT; 小穂小軸 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch -PO:0009081 inflorescence branch An inflorescence axis (PO:0020122) that is a branch (PO:0009081) arising from a first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) or from a higher order inflorescence branch. coflorescence (related) RELATED; conflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; paraclade (exact) EXACT; paraclado (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花序枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020122; PO:0025073 inflorescence axis; branch +PO:0009080 spikelet rachilla The axis of the spikelet, above the glumes. raquilla de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; spikelet rhachilla (exact) EXACT; 小穂小軸 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis +PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis An inflorescence axis (PO:0020122) that develops from an inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) of an inflorescence axis (PO:0020122). coflorescence (related) RELATED; conflorescencia (Spanish, broad) BROAD; inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; paraclade (broad) BROAD; paraclado (Spanish, broad) BROAD; 花序枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0020122; PO:0025073 inflorescence axis; branch PO:0009082 spikelet floret A small flower (PO:0009046) that is part of a spikelet (PO:0009051). florete de la espiguilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; grass floret (narrow) NARROW; Poaceae floret (narrow) NARROW; spikelet flower (related) RELATED; 小穂小花 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009046 flower PO:0009083 reproductive structures OBSOLETE. Aggregation of gamete producing structures. estructuras reproductivas (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 生殖構造 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009084 pericarp A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is the outer layer (wall) of a fruit (PO:0009001), and develops from a plant ovary (PO:0009072) or a carpel (PO:0009030) wall. fruit peel (related) RELATED; fruit rind (related) RELATED; pericarpo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; portion of pericarp tissue (exact) EXACT; 果皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009007 portion of plant tissue @@ -899,14 +899,14 @@ PO:0009091 mature dispersal unit OBSOLETE. provisional term ? (Japanese, exact) PO:0009100 involucre A collective phyllome structure composed of two or more involucral bracts at the base of a cluster of flowers, as found in Asteraceae or Compositae. involucro (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 総苞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025023 collective phyllome structure PO:0009101 long lateral tassel branch The long branch that arise from the central spike of tassel in maize. ramificación lateral larga del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; second order tassel branch (related) RELATED; 雄穂の長側枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006323 tassel inflorescence branch PO:0009102 short tassel branch The very short branch that may arise from either or both the long lateral branch and the central spike of tassel in maize. ramificación corta del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; third order tassel branch (related) RELATED; 雄穂短枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006323 tassel inflorescence branch -PO:0009103 short tassel branch meristem The meristem present on either or both the long lateral branch and central spike of a maize tassel that gives rise to short tassel branch. meristema de la ramificación corta del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; short branch meristem (related) RELATED; third order tassel branch meristem (related) RELATED; 雄穂短枝分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009107 tassel inflorescence branch meristem -PO:0009104 long lateral tassel branch meristem The meristem that gives rise to the long lateral branch in the maize tassel. long lateral branch meristem (related) RELATED; meristema de la ramificación larga del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; second order tassel branch meristem (related) RELATED; 雄穂の長側枝の分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009107 tassel inflorescence branch meristem -PO:0009105 inflorescence branch meristem An inflorescence meristem (PO:0009108) that gives rise to an inflorescence branch (PO:0009081). meristema lateral de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花序側部(側方)分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000230 inflorescence meristem +PO:0009103 short tassel branch meristem The meristem present on either or both the long lateral branch and central spike of a maize tassel that gives rise to short tassel branch. meristema de la ramificación corta del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; short branch meristem (related) RELATED; third order tassel branch meristem (related) RELATED; 雄穂短枝分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009107 tassel inflorescence axillary meristem +PO:0009104 long lateral tassel branch meristem The meristem that gives rise to the long lateral branch in the maize tassel. long lateral branch meristem (related) RELATED; meristema de la ramificación larga del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; second order tassel branch meristem (related) RELATED; 雄穂の長側枝の分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009107 tassel inflorescence axillary meristem +PO:0009105 inflorescence axillary meristem An inflorescence meristem (PO:0009108) that gives rise to a higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081). meristema lateral de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花序側部(側方)分裂組織 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0000230 inflorescence meristem PO:0009106 tassel meristem Meristem that gives rise to the apical and lateral structures of the tassel inflorescence in maize. meristema del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000230 inflorescence meristem -PO:0009107 tassel inflorescence branch meristem An inflorescence branch meristem (PO:0009105) that gives rise to the long lateral tassel branch (PO:0009101), short tassel branch (PO:0009102), and tassel spikelets (PO:0006309) in a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). meristema lateral del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂側分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009105; PO:0009106 inflorescence branch meristem; tassel meristem +PO:0009107 tassel inflorescence axillary meristem An inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) that gives rise to the long lateral tassel branch (PO:0009101), short tassel branch (PO:0009102), and tassel spikelets (PO:0006309) in a tassel inflorescence (PO:0020126). meristema lateral del penacho (borla) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄穂側分裂組織 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0009105; PO:0009106 inflorescence axillary meristem; tassel meristem PO:0009108 inflorescence apical meristem A reproductive shoot apical meristem that gives rise to the apical growth of the inflorescence. It develops from the shoot apical meristem (SAM) after it undergoes transition from vegetative to reproductive phase. meristema apical de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花序頂端分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000230; PO:0008028 inflorescence meristem; reproductive shoot apical meristem PO:0009109 ear meristem The meristem which gives rise to the female inflorescence or ear in maize. meristema de la espiga (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雌穂分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000230 inflorescence meristem -PO:0009110 ear inflorescence branch meristem An inflorescence branch meristem (PO:0009105) that gives rise to a branch of an ear inflorescence (PO:0020136). meristema de la espiga lateral (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雌穂側分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009105; PO:0009109 inflorescence branch meristem; ear meristem +PO:0009110 ear inflorescence axillary meristem An inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) that gives rise to a higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081) of an ear inflorescence (PO:0020136). meristema de la espiga lateral (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雌穂側分裂組織 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0009105; PO:0009109 inflorescence axillary meristem; ear meristem PO:0009111 petiole pulvinus Pulvinus of the petiole. pulvínulo del pecíolo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉柄葉枕 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009000 pulvinus PO:0019018 plant embryo axis A plant axis (PO:0025004) that is the axial part of a plant embryo (PO:0009009). eje del embrión (Spanish, exact) EXACT; embryo axis (broad) BROAD; hypocotyl-root axis (exact) EXACT; zygotic plant embryo axis (narrow) NARROW; 植物胚軸 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025004; PO:0025099 plant axis; embryo plant structure PO:0019022 arilloid A cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025498) that is a fleshy outgrowth of a seed (PO:0009010). arilli (exact) EXACT; arillode (narrow) NARROW; arillus (exact) EXACT; arilodio (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 種皮附属物, アリロイド (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025498 cardinal part of multi-tissue plant structure @@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ PO:0020108 suspensor An embryonic plant structure at the base of a plant embryo PO:0020109 embryo hypophysis A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is the uppermost cell of a suspensor (PO:0020108) and from which part of the root (PO:0009005) and root cap (PO:0020123) in a plant embryo (PO:0009009) of angiosperms are derived. embryonic hypophysis (exact) EXACT; hipófisis (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 胚原根層 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025028 embryo plant cell PO:0020110 scutellum An embryonic plant structure that is a more or less shield-shaped and absorptive portion of a plant embryo of Poaceae. escutelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; haustorial cotyledon (related) RELATED; 胚盤 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025099 embryo plant structure PO:0020121 lateral root A root (PO:0009005) that develops from a lateral root primordium (PO:0000016) that is part of another root on the same plant. raíz lateral (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 側根 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009005 root -PO:0020122 inflorescence axis A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is part of an inflorescence (PO:0009049). eje de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; first order inflorescence branch (related) RELATED; inflorescence rachis (related) RELATED; 花序軸 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025029 shoot axis +PO:0020122 inflorescence axis A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is part of an inflorescence (PO:0009049). eje de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; first order inflorescence branch (related) RELATED; inflorescence rachis (related) RELATED; 花序軸 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0025029 shoot axis PO:0020123 root cap A portion of root parenchyma (PO:0025095) tissue that is part of the root tip (PO:0000025) and covers the root apical meristem (PO:0020147). caliptra de la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; rootcap (exact) EXACT; 根冠(=kalyptra) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025095 root parenchyma PO:0020124 root stele A stele (PO:0025197) that is part of a root (PO:0009005). estela de la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; root vascular cylinder (related) RELATED; 根中心柱 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025197 stele PO:0020125 elongation zone OBSOLETE. The portion of the root that includes small, densely cytoplasmic cells that are dividing and expanding in size. zona de elongación (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 伸長帯 (Japanese, exact) EXACT @@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ PO:0025022 collective leaf structure A collective phyllome structure (PO:0025023 PO:0025023 collective phyllome structure A collective plant organ structure (PO:0025007) that consists of two or more phyllomes (PO:0006001) originating from the same node or from one or more adjacent nodes with compressed shoot internodes (PO:0005005). cycle (broad) BROAD; estructura colectiva del filoma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; floral whorl (narrow) NARROW; phyllome whorl (related) RELATED; verticil (broad) BROAD; whorl (narrow) NARROW; 葉的器官が集まった構造 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025007 collective plant organ structure PO:0025024 branch node A shoot axis node (PO:0005004) that is part of a branch (PO:0025073). nodo ramificado (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 枝節 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005004 shoot axis node PO:0025025 root system A collective plant organ structure (PO:0025007) that produces root meristems (PO:0006085), the plant structures (PO:0009011) that arise from them and the parts thereof. root (broad) BROAD; sistema de raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 根系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025007 collective plant organ structure -PO:0025026 embryo sac cell A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is part of an embryo sac (PO:0025074). 胚嚢細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT; célula megagametofítica (Spanish, exact) EXACT; embryo sac cell (related) RELATED; megagametophytic cell (exact) EXACT PO:0025606 native plant cell +PO:0025026 embryo sac cell A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is part of an embryo sac (PO:0025074). célula megagametofítica (Spanish, exact) EXACT; embryo sac cell (related) RELATED; megagametophytic cell (exact) EXACT; 胚嚢細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025606 native plant cell PO:0025027 microgametophytic cell OBSOLETE. A plant cell that is part of a male gametophyte. célula microgametofítica (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 小配偶体細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025028 embryo plant cell A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is part of a plant embryo (PO:0009009). célula embriónica vegetal (Spanish, exact) EXACT; embryo cell (broad) BROAD; embryonic cell (broad) BROAD; embryonic plant cell (exact) EXACT; 胚性植物細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025099; PO:0025606 embryo plant structure; native plant cell PO:0025029 shoot axis A plant axis (PO:0025004) that is part of a shoot system (PO:0009006). caullome (exact) EXACT; eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; shoot (related) RELATED; シュート軸 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025004 plant axis @@ -1129,19 +1129,19 @@ PO:0025100 shoot axis internode elongation zone A plant axis elongation zone (PO PO:0025101 branch internode elongation zone A shoot axis internode elongation zone (PO:0025100) that is part of a branch internode (PO:0025080). zona de elongación de la ramificación del internodo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 枝節間伸長帯(層) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025100 shoot axis internode elongation zone PO:0025102 shoot internode differentiation zone A plant axis differentiation zone that is part of a shoot axis. zona de diferenciación del internodo del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; シュート節間分化帯(層) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025119 plant axis differentiation zone PO:0025103 branch internode differentiation zone A shoot internode differentiation zone that is part of a branch internode. zona de diferenciación de la ramificación del internodo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 枝節間分化帯(層) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025102 shoot internode differentiation zone -PO:0025104 first order inflorescence axis An inflorescence axis (PO:0020122) that is the primary or main axis of an inflorescence (PO:0009049). inflorescence rachis (exact) EXACT; inflorescence rhachis (exact) EXACT; primary inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; primer orden del eje de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; ray (broad) BROAD; 第一花序軸 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020122 inflorescence axis -PO:0025105 third order inflorescence branch An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) arising from a second order inflorescence branch (PO:0006322). fourth order inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; rama de tercer orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; tertiary inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; third order paraclade (exact) EXACT; 第三花序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch -PO:0025106 fourth order inflorescence branch An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) arising from a third order inflorescence branch (PO:0025105). fifth order inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; rama de cuarto orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第四花序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch -PO:0025107 fifth order inflorescence branch An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) arising from a fourth order inflorescence branch (PO:0025106). rama de quinto orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; sixth order inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; 第五花序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch -PO:0025108 sixth order inflorescence branch An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) arising from a fifth order inflorescence branch (PO:0025107). rama de sexto orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; seventh order inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; 第六花序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch -PO:0025109 seventh order inflorescence branch An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) arising from a sixth order inflorescence branch (PO:0025108). eighth order inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; rama de séptimo orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第七花序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch -PO:0025110 eighth order inflorescence branch An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) arising from an seventh order inflorescence branch (PO:0025109). ninth order inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; rama de octavo orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第八花序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch -PO:0025111 ninth or higher order inflorescence branch An inflorescence branch (PO:0009081) arising from a eighth order inflorescence branch (PO:0025110) or higher. noveno orden o superior rama de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; tenth or higher order inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; 第九花序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009081 inflorescence branch -PO:0025112 primary infructescence branch An infructescence branch (PO:0025243) arising from a first order infructescence axis (PO:0025244). ramificacion primaria de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; second order infructescence axis (exact) EXACT; 第一果序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025243 infructescence branch -PO:0025113 second order infructescence branch An infructescence branch (PO:0025243) arising from a primary infructescence branch (PO:0025112). ramificacion de segundo orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; secondary infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第二果序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025243 infructescence branch -PO:0025114 third order infructescence branch An infructescence branch (PO:0025243) arising from a second order infructescence branch (PO:0025113). ramificacion de tercer orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第三果序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025243 infructescence branch -PO:0025115 fourth order infructescence branch An infructescence branch (PO:0025243) arising from a third order infructescence branch (PO:0025114). ramificacion de cuarto orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第四果序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025243 infructescence branch -PO:0025116 fifth order infructescence branch An infructescence branch (PO:0025243) arising from a fourth order infructescence branch (PO:0025115). ramificacion de quinto orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第五果序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025243 infructescence branch +PO:0025104 first order inflorescence axis An inflorescence axis (PO:0020122) that is the primary or main axis of an inflorescence (PO:0009049). inflorescence rachis (exact) EXACT; inflorescence rhachis (exact) EXACT; primary inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; primer orden del eje de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第一花序軸 (Japanese, exact) EXACT {http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/po#Japanese=} PO:0020122 inflorescence axis +PO:0025105 fourth order inflorescence axis A higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081) that develops from an inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) of a third order inflorescence axis (PO:0025105). {comment=NYBG:Dario_Cavaliere, comment=NYBG:Brandon_Sinn} eje de cuarto orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; tertiary inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; third order inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; third order paraclade (exact) EXACT; 第三花序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis +PO:0025106 fifth order inflorescence axis A higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081) that develops from an inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) of a fourth order inflorescence axis (PO:0025106). {comment=NYBG:Dario_Cavaliere, comment=NYBG:Brandon_Sinn} eje de quinto orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; fourth order inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第四花序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis +PO:0025107 sixth order inflorescence axis A higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081) that develops from an inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) of a fifth order inflorescence axis (PO:0025107). eje de sexto orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; fifth order inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第五花序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis +PO:0025108 seventh order inflorescence axis A higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081) that develops from an inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) of a sixth order inflorescence axis (PO:0025108). eje de séptimo orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; sixth order inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第六花序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis +PO:0025109 eighth order inflorescence axis A higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081) that develops from an inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) of a seventh order inflorescence axis (PO:0025109). eje de octavo orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; seventh order inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第七花序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis +PO:0025110 ninth order inflorescence axis A higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081) that develops from an inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) of a eighth order inflorescence axis (PO:0025110). eighth order inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; eje de noveno orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第八花序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis +PO:0025111 tenth order inflorescence axis A higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081) that develops from an inflorescence axillary meristem (PO:0009105) of a ninth order inflorescence axis (PO:0025110). eje de décimo orden de la inflorescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; ninth order inflorescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第九花序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0009081 higher order inflorescence axis +PO:0025112 second order infructescence axis A higher order infructescence axis (PO:0025243) which arises from a first order infructescence axis (PO:0025244) and develops from a second order inflorescence axis (PO:0006321). eje de segundo de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; primary infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第一果序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0025243 higher order infructescence axis +PO:0025113 third order infructescence axis A higher order infructescence axis (PO:0025243) which arises from a second order infructescence axis (PO:0025112) and develops from a third order inflorescence axis (PO:0006322). eje de tres orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; second order infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; secondary infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第二果序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0025243 higher order infructescence axis +PO:0025114 fourth order infructescence axis A higher order infructescence axis (PO:0025243) which arises from a third order infructescence axis (PO:0025113) and develops from a fourth order inflorescence axis (PO:0025105). eje de cuarto orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; third order infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第三果序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0025243 higher order infructescence axis +PO:0025115 fifth order infructescence axis A higher order infructescence axis (PO:0025243) which arises from a fourth order infructescence axis (PO:0025114) and develops from a fifth order inflorescence axis (PO:0025106). eje de quinto orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; fourth order infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第四果序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0025243 higher order infructescence axis +PO:0025116 sixth order infructescence axis A higher order infructescence axis (PO:0025243) which arises from a fifth order infructescence axis (PO:0025115) and develops from a sixth order inflorescence axis (PO:0025107). eje de sexto orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; fifth order infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第五果序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0025243 higher order infructescence axis PO:0025117 plant anatomical space An anatomical space that is part of a plant. espacio anatómico vegetal (Spanish, exact) EXACT; lacuna (narrow) NARROW; lacunae (narrow) NARROW Plural; lumen (narrow) NARROW; lumina (narrow) NARROW Plural; 植物 解剖学(形態)的空間 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025131 plant anatomical entity PO:0025118 anther pore A plant anatomical space that is a pore at the apex of an anther. poro de la antera (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葯頂の孔 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025117 plant anatomical space PO:0025119 plant axis differentiation zone A cardinal organ part that is part of a plant axis and is located behind the elongation zone and contains cells that are differentiating into their final form and function. zona de diferenciación de eje vegetal (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 植物軸分化帯 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025001 cardinal organ part @@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@ PO:0025134 inflorescence branch crown A shoot system that forms the basal part o PO:0025135 cigar leaf lamina abaxial epidermis A portion of leaf lamina abaxial epidermis that covers the abaxial surface of a cigar leaf. cigar leaf dorsal surface (exact) EXACT; epidermis abaxial de la lámina de la hoja en cigarro (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉巻状葉の葉身背軸側表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000049 leaf lamina abaxial epidermis PO:0025136 free tepal A tepal (PO:0009033) that is part of a collective tepal structure (PO:0025021), along with a fused collective tepal structure (PO:0025138), but is separate from (PATO:0001505) the other tepals. tépalo libre (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 遊離花被片 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009033 tepal PO:0025137 fused tepal A tepal (PO:0009033) that is part of a fused collective tepal structure (PO:0025138) in which it is fused to at least one other tepal. tépalo fusionado (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 融合花被片 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009033 tepal -PO:0025138 fused collective tepal structure A collective tepal structure (PO:0025021) in which there are at least two fused tepals (PO:0025137). connate tepal structure (exact) EXACT; compound tepal (related) RELATED; estrutura colectiva de tépalo fusionado (Spanish, exact) EXACT; syntepalous perianth (exact) EXACT; 複数の融合花被片構造 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025021 collective tepal structure +PO:0025138 fused collective tepal structure A collective tepal structure (PO:0025021) in which there are at least two fused tepals (PO:0025137). compound tepal (related) RELATED; connate tepal structure (exact) EXACT; estrutura colectiva de tépalo fusionado (Spanish, exact) EXACT; syntepalous perianth (exact) EXACT; 複数の融合花被片構造 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025021 collective tepal structure PO:0025139 phyllome apex The apical portion of a phyllome. ápice del filoma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; フィロム頂端 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025001 cardinal organ part PO:0025140 phyllome base The basal part of a phyllome (PO:0006001), where it attaches to a shoot axis (PO:0025029). base del filoma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; フィロム基部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025001 cardinal organ part PO:0025141 phyllome tip The apical most portion of a phyllome apex. punta del filoma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; フィロム 先端 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025001 cardinal organ part @@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ PO:0025166 papilla cell An epidermal pavement cell with a short protuberance. c& PO:0025167 leaf papilla cell A papilla cell that is part of a leaf epidermis. célula papilosa de la epidermis (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉乳頭毛細胞(パピラ) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025166 papilla cell PO:0025168 stigma papilla cell A papilla cell that is part of a stigma epidermis. célula papilosa del estigma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 柱頭乳頭細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025166 papilla cell PO:0025169 prickle A portion of epidermis (PO:0005679) that is a sclerified outgrowth. barb (broad) BROAD; barbel (broad) BROAD; barbella (broad) BROAD; barbellae (broad) BROAD Plural; barbellula (broad) BROAD; barbellulae (broad) BROAD Plural; barbellule (broad) BROAD; espinilla (Spanish, exact) EXACT; いが、刺状突起 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005679 epidermis -PO:0025170 root prickle A prickle (PO:0025169) that is part of a root (PO:0009005) espinilla de la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 根刺状突起 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025169 prickle +PO:0025170 root prickle A prickle (PO:0025169) that is part of a root (PO:0009005) espinilla de la raíz (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 根刺状突起 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006036; PO:0025169 root epidermis; prickle PO:0025171 shoot axis prickle A prickle (PO:0025169) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). espinilla del eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; シュート軸表皮のとげ (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000112; PO:0025169 shoot axis epidermis; prickle PO:0025172 thorn A branch that is a sclerified, pointed outgrowth. barb (broad) BROAD; barbel (broad) BROAD; barbella (broad) BROAD; barbellae (broad) BROAD Plural; barbellula (broad) BROAD; barbellulae (broad) BROAD Plural; barbellule (broad) BROAD; espina (Spanish, exact) EXACT; とげ(spine, prickle) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025073 branch PO:0025173 spine leaf A leaf that is a sclerified and pointed and lacks a lamina. barb (broad) BROAD; barbel (broad) BROAD; barbella (broad) BROAD; barbellae (broad) BROAD Plural; barbellula (broad) BROAD; barbellulae (broad) BROAD Plural; barbellule (broad) BROAD; espina de hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; leaf spine (exact) EXACT; 葉針(spine leaf?) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009025 vascular leaf @@ -1230,8 +1230,8 @@ PO:0025201 megasporangium A sporangium in which megaspores are produced. megaspo PO:0025202 microsporangium A sporangium (PO:0025094) in which microspores (PO:0020048) are produced. macrosporangia (related) RELATED Plural; macrosporangium (related) RELATED; megasporangia (exact, plural) EXACT; microsporangia (exact, plural) EXACT; microsporangio (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 小胞子嚢 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025094 sporangium PO:0025203 pericarp vascular bundle A vascular bundle (PO:0005020) that is part of a pericarp (PO:0009084). haz vascular del pericarpo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果皮維管束 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005020 vascular bundle PO:0025204 rhizome internode A shoot axis internode (PO:0005005) that is part of a rhizome (PO:0004542). internodo del rizoma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 根茎節間 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0005005 shoot axis internode -PO:0025205 shoot system vascular system A vascular system that is part of a shoot system. sistema vascular del sistema del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; シュート系維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system -PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system A vascular system that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a phyllome. sistema vascular del filoma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; フィロム維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system +PO:0025205 shoot system vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that is part of a shoot system (PO:0009006). sistema vascular del sistema del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) EXACT; シュート系維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system +PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system A vascular system (PO:0000034) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a phyllome (PO:0006001). sistema vascular del filoma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; フィロム維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000034 vascular system PO:0025207 tepal vascular system A phyllome vascular system (PO:0025206) that includes the totality of the portions of vascular tissue in their specific arrangement in a tepal (PO:0009033). sistema vascular del tépalo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花被片維管系 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025206 phyllome vascular system PO:0025208 carpel trichome A phyllome trichome that is part of a bract epidermis. tricoma del carpelo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 心皮毛(毛茸、糸状体) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025186 phyllome trichome PO:0025209 stamen trichome A phyllome trichome that is part of a stamen epidermis. tricoma vascular del estambre (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 雄蕊毛(毛茸、糸状体) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025186 phyllome trichome @@ -1267,8 +1267,8 @@ PO:0025239 adaxial petiole canal A petiole canal on the adaxial surface of a pet PO:0025240 second order inflorescence A reproductive shoot system (PO:0025082) that is part of an inflorescence (PO:0009049) and has as parts a second order inflorescence axis (PO:0006321) and any shoot axes (PO:0025029) and flowers (PO:0009046) that arise from it. inflorescencia de segundo orden (Spanish, exact) EXACT; secondary inflorescence (exact) EXACT; 第二花序 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025082 reproductive shoot system PO:0025241 second order infructescence A reproductive shoot system that is part of an infructescence and has as parts a second order infructescence axis and any infructescence axes and fruits that arise from it. hand of bananas (narrow) NARROW; hand of fruit (exact) EXACT; infructescencia de segundo orden (Spanish, exact) EXACT; secondary infructescence (exact) EXACT; 第二果序 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025082 reproductive shoot system PO:0025242 infructescence axis A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is part of an infructescence (PO:0006342). eje de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果序軸 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025029 shoot axis -PO:0025243 infructescence branch An infructescence axis (PO:0025242) that is a branch (PO:0025073) from a primary or higher order infructescence axis. ramificación de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 果序枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025242 infructescence axis -PO:0025244 first order infructescence axis An infructescence axis (PO:0025242) that is the primary or main axis of an infructescence (PO:0006342). eje de la infructescencia de primer orden (Spanish, exact) EXACT; infructescence rachis (exact) EXACT; 第一果序軸 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025242 infructescence axis +PO:0025243 higher order infructescence axis An infructescence axis (PO:0025242), which is a branch (PO:0025073) in an infructescence (PO:0006342), that develops from a higher order inflorescence axis (PO:0009081). ejen de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT {comment=NYBG:Brandon_Sinn}; infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; 果序枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0025242 infructescence axis +PO:0025244 first order infructescence axis An infructescence axis (PO:0025242), which is the primary or main axis of an infructescence (PO:0006342), that develops from a first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104). eje de la infructescencia de primer orden (Spanish, exact) EXACT; infructescence rachis (exact) EXACT; 第一果序軸 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025242 infructescence axis PO:0025245 persistent sepal A phyllome that develops from a sepal and remains attached to a fruit at maturity. flower relict (broad) BROAD; sépalo persistente (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 宿存がく片 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006001 phyllome PO:0025246 persistent tepal A phyllome (PO:0006001) that develops from a tepal (PO:0009033) and remains attached to a fruit (PO:0009001) at maturity. flower relict (broad) BROAD; tépalo persistente (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 宿存花被片 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006001 phyllome PO:0025247 persistent stamen A phyllome that develops from a stamen and remains attached to a fruit at maturity. estambre persistente (Spanish, exact) EXACT; flower relict (broad) BROAD; 宿存雄蕊 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006001 phyllome @@ -1276,10 +1276,10 @@ PO:0025248 pseudostem A collective organ part structure that forms a cylindrical PO:0025249 leaf sheath epidermis A portion of leaf epidermis that is part of a leaf sheath. epidermis de la vaina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉鞘表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006016 leaf epidermis PO:0025250 leaf sheath abaxial epidermis A portion of leaf sheath epidermis that covers the abaxial/lower surface of a leaf sheath. epidermis abaxial de la vaina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; pseudostem underlayers (narrow) NARROW; 葉鞘背軸側表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025249 leaf sheath epidermis PO:0025251 leaf sheath adaxial epidermis A portion of leaf sheath epidermis that covers the adaxial/upper surface of a leaf sheath. epidermis adaxial de la vaina de la hoja (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葉鞘向軸側表皮 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025249 leaf sheath epidermis -PO:0025252 sixth order infructescence branch An infructescence branch (PO:0025243) arising from a fifth order infructescence branch (PO:0025116). ramificacion de sexto orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第六果序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025243 infructescence branch -PO:0025253 seventh order infructescence branch An infructescence branch (PO:0025243) arising from a sixth order infructescence branch (PO:0025252). ramificacion de séptimo orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第七果序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025243 infructescence branch -PO:0025254 eighth order infructescence branch An infructescence branch (PO:0025243) arising from a seventh order infructescence branch (PO:0025253). ramificacion de octava orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第八果序分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025243 infructescence branch -PO:0025255 ninth or higher order infructescence branch An infructescence branch (PO:0025243) arising from an eighth order infructescence branch (PO:0025254) or higher. ramificacion de noveno o superior orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第十以上の果序軸 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025243 infructescence branch +PO:0025252 seventh order infructescence axis A higher order infructescence axis (PO:0025243) which arises from a sixth order infructescence axis (PO:0025116) and develops from a seventh order inflorescence axis (PO:0025108). eje de séptimo orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; sixth order infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第六果序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0025243 higher order infructescence axis +PO:0025253 eighth order infructescence axis A higher order infructescence axis (PO:0025243) which arises from a seventh order infructescence axis (PO:0025252) and develops from an eighth order inflorescence axis (PO:0025109). {comment=NYBG:Brandon_Sinn} eje de octavo orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; seventh order infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第七果序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0025243 higher order infructescence axis +PO:0025254 ninth order infructescence axis A higher order infructescence axis (PO:0025243) which arises from an eighth order infructescence axis (PO:0025253) and develops from a ninth order inflorescence axis (PO:0025110). eighth order infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; eje de noveno orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 第八果序分枝 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0025243 higher order infructescence axis +PO:0025255 tenth order infructescence axis A higher order infructescence axis (PO:0025243) which arises from a ninth order infructescence axis (PO:0025254) and develops from a tenth order inflorescence axis (PO:0025111). eje de decimo orden de la infructescencia (Spanish, exact) EXACT; ninth or higher order infructescence branch (exact) EXACT; 第十以上の果序軸 (Japanese, related) RELATED PO:0025243 higher order infructescence axis PO:0025256 lateral root elongation zone A root elongation zone that is part of a lateral root tip. zona de elongación de la raíz lateral (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 側根伸長帯(層) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025181 root elongation zone PO:0025257 primary root elongation zone A root elongation zone (PO:0025181) that is part of a primary root tip (PO:0000026). zona de elongación de la raíz primaria (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 一次根伸長帯(層) (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025181 root elongation zone PO:0025258 procambial cell A meristematic cell (PO:0004010) that is part of a portion of procambium (PO:0025275). célula del procambio (Spanish, exact) EXACT; procambium cell (exact) EXACT; 前形成層細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0004010 meristematic cell @@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@ PO:0025352 tubercle An enlarged leaf base (PO:0020040) that is fused with adjace PO:0025353 areole bud An axillary vegetative bud (PO:0004712) that is not elongated, in which the vascular leaves (PO:0009025) develop as spine leaves (PO:0025173). areola de la yema (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 刺座、アレオール (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0004712 axillary vegetative bud PO:0025354 cladode A shoot axis that is flattened and expanded. cladodio (Spanish, exact) EXACT; cladophyll (exact) EXACT; phylloclade (exact) EXACT; 扁茎、仮葉枝、葉状茎 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025029 shoot axis PO:0025355 corm A shoot system (PO:0009006) that has as parts a short, enlarged stem (PO:0009047) in which the shoot internodes (PO:0005005) do not elongate, and one or more buds (PO:0000055). cormel (narrow) NARROW; cormlet (narrow) NARROW; cormo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; diaspore (broad) BROAD; pseudobulb (narrow) NARROW; 球茎 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009006 shoot system -PO:0025356 bulb A short, enlarged shoot system (PO:0009006) that has as parts a short stem (PO:0009047) in which the shoot internodes (PO:0005005) do not elongate, and one or more buds (PO:0000055) enclosed by fleshy leaves (PO:0009025) or leaf bases (PO:0020040). bulbet (narrow) NARROW; bulbo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; diaspore (broad) BROAD; 球根、鱗茎 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009006 shoot system +PO:0025356 bulb A short, enlarged shoot system (PO:0009006) that has as parts a short stem (PO:0009047) in which the shoot internodes (PO:0005005) do not elongate, and one or more buds (PO:0000055) enclosed by fleshy leaves (PO:0009025) or leaf bases (PO:0020040). bulblet (narrow) NARROW; bulbo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; diaspore (broad) BROAD; 球根、鱗茎 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009006 shoot system PO:0025357 pneumatophore A lateral root (PO:0020121) that is erect and protrudes above the surface of the soil or water. breathing root (broad) BROAD; knee root (narrow) NARROW; 通気根、呼吸根 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020121 lateral root PO:0025358 pneumatorhiza A small lateral root that grows from a prop root and has a mealy surface texture. pneumatorhizae (exact, plural) EXACT; 支持根から出る側根 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0020121 lateral root PO:0025359 sorus A collective plant organ structure (PO:0025007) on the surface of a vascular leaf (PO:0009025) that has as part a cluster of two or more adjacent sporangia PO:0025094). sori (exact, plural) EXACT; 生殖器群、造精器群、胞子嚢群 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025007 collective plant organ structure @@ -1471,7 +1471,7 @@ PO:0025444 primary xylem tracheary element A tracheary element (PO:0000290) that PO:0025445 secondary xylem tracheary element A tracheary element (PO:0000290) that is part of a portion of secondary xylem tissue (PO:0005848). elemento de tráquea del xilema secundario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 二次木質部仮導管要素 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000290 tracheary element PO:0025446 primary xylem tracheid A tracheid (PO:0000301) that is part of a xylem tissue (PO:0005849). traqueida del xilema primario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 一次木質部仮導管 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000301 tracheid PO:0025447 secondary xylem tracheid A tracheid PO:0000301 that is part of a portion of secondary xylem tissue (PO:0005848). traqueida del xilema secundario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 二次木質部仮導管 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000301; PO:0025445 tracheid; secondary xylem tracheary element -PO:0025448 primary xylem vessel member A xylem vessel member (PO:0002003) that is part of a primary xylem tissue (PO:0005849). elemento vaso del xilema primario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 一次木質部導管状要素 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0002003 xylem vessel member +PO:0025448 primary xylem vessel member A xylem vessel member (PO:0002003) that is part of a primary xylem tissue (PO:0005849). elemento vaso del xilema primario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; primary xylem vessel element (exact) EXACT; 一次木質部導管状要素 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0002003 xylem vessel member PO:0025449 secondary xylem vessel member A xylem vessel member (PO:0002003) that is part of a portion of secondary xylem tissue (PO:0005848). elemento vaso del xilema secundario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 二次木質部導管要素 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0002003; PO:0025445 xylem vessel member; secondary xylem tracheary element PO:0025450 primary xylem vessel A xylem vessel (PO:0025417) that is part of a primary xylem tissue (PO:0005849). vaso del xilema primario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 一次木質部導管 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025417 xylem vessel PO:0025451 secondary xylem vessel A xylem vessel (PO:0025417) that is part of a portion of secondary xylem tissue (PO:0005848). vaso del xilema secundario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 二次木質部導管 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025417 xylem vessel @@ -1484,8 +1484,8 @@ PO:0025457 secondary phloem sieve tube element A sieve tube element (PO:0000289) PO:0025458 transfer companion cell A companion cell (PO:0000400) that is a transfer cell (PO:0000078) with many cell wall invaginations. célula de trasnferencia acompañante (Spanish, exact) EXACT; transfer cell (broad) BROAD; 転送伴細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000071; PO:0000078 companion cell; transfer cell PO:0025459 ordinary companion cell A companion cell (PO:0000400) that lacks cell wall invaginations and has few or no plasmodesmata connecting it to adjacent mesophyll cells. célula ordinaria acompañante (Spanish, exact) EXACT; regular companion cell (exact) EXACT; standard companion cell (exact) EXACT; 通常の?伴細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000071 companion cell PO:0025460 intermediary companion cell A companion cell (PO:0000400) that has dense cytoplasm, a small vacuole, proplastids rather than chloroplasts, and abundant and highly branched plasmodesmata linking it to adjacent mesophyll cells. célula intermediaria acompañante (Spanish, exact) EXACT; intermediary cell (exact) EXACT; 中間伴細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000071 companion cell -PO:0025461 early wood tracheary element A tracheary element that is part of a portion of early wood (PO:0004515). earlywood tracheary element (exact) EXACT; 早材管状要素 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025445 secondary xylem tracheary element -PO:0025462 late wood tracheary element A tracheary element that is part of a portion of late wood (PO:0004516). elemento de tráquea de madera temprana (Spanish, exact) EXACT; latewood tracheary element (exact) EXACT; 晩材管状要素 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025445 secondary xylem tracheary element +PO:0025461 early wood tracheary element A secondary xylem tracheary element (PO:0025445) that is part of a portion of early wood (PO:0004515). earlywood tracheary element (exact) EXACT; 早材管状要素 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025445 secondary xylem tracheary element +PO:0025462 late wood tracheary element A secondary xylem tracheary element (PO:0025445) that is part of a portion of late wood (PO:0004516). elemento de tráquea de madera temprana (Spanish, exact) EXACT; latewood tracheary element (exact) EXACT; 晩材管状要素 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025445 secondary xylem tracheary element PO:0025463 cell division stage of secondary xylem A secondary xylem development stage (PO:0025427) that occurs during the interval between the first and last cell division in a portion of secondary xylem tissue (PO:0005848), during which cells are produced by divisions of cambial initials (PO:0000295) or xylem mother cells. elemento de tráquea de madera tardía (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 二次木部の細胞分裂期 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025427 secondary xylem development stage PO:0025464 cell expansion stage of secondary xylem A cell differentiation stage of secondary xylem (PO:0025469) that occurs during the interval between the end of a cell division stage of secondary xylem (PO:0025463) and the onset of a secondary cell wall formation stage of secondary xylem (PO:0025465), during which the cells undergo cell growth (GO:0016049). etapa de expansión celular del xilema secundario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 二次木部の細胞伸長期 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025469 cell differentiation stage of secondary xylem PO:0025465 secondary cell wall formation stage of secondary xylem A cell differentiation stage of secondary xylem (PO:0025469) that occurs during the interval between the onset of secondary wall biogenesis (GO:0009834) of the cells in a portion of secondary xylem (PO:0005848) and the beginning of a cell death stage of secondary xylem (PO:0025466). estapa de formación de la pared secundaria celular del xilema secundario (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 二次木部の細胞壁二次壁形成段階 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025469 cell differentiation stage of secondary xylem @@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ PO:0025505 fruit size 10 to 30% stage A fruit formation stage (PO:0025501) that PO:0025506 fruit size 30 to 50% stage A fruit formation stage (PO:0025501) that spans the interval when a fruit (PO:0009001) has reached 30 to 50% of its final size. PO:0025501 fruit formation stage PO:0025507 fruit size 50 to 70% stage A fruit formation stage (PO:0025501) that spans the interval when a fruit (PO:0009001) has reached 50 to 70% of its final size. PO:0025501 fruit formation stage PO:0025508 fruit size 70% to final size stage A fruit formation stage (PO:0025501) that spans begins when a fruit (PO:0009001) has reached 70% of its final size and ends when a fruit has reached its final size and a fruit ripening stage (PO:0025502) begins. PO:0025501 fruit formation stage -PO:0025509 archegonium central cell A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is the larger, distal cell arising from the first division of an archegonium initial cell (PO:0025510). 造卵器中央細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025606 native plant cell +PO:0025509 archegonium central cell A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is the larger, distal cell arising from the first division of an archegonium initial cell (PO:0025510). 造卵器中央細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025606 native plant cell PO:0025510 archegonium initial cell An initial cell (PO:0004011) that divides asymmetrically to form an archegonium central cell (PO:0025509) and a smaller archegonium neck canal cell (PO:0030035). archegonium initial (exact) EXACT; 造卵器始原細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0004011 initial cell PO:0025511 petal spur A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) that is a slender, hollow extension of a petal (PO:0009032). estribo del pétalo (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 花弁距 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025001 cardinal organ part PO:0025512 corolla spur A collective organ part structure (PO:0025269) that is a slender, hollow extension of a corolla and has as parts segments of two more fused petals. 花冠距 (exact) EXACT PO:0025269 collective organ part structure @@ -1569,20 +1569,20 @@ PO:0025542 bundle sheath chlorenchyma cell A chlorenchyma cell (PO:0000076) that PO:0025543 tapetum cell A native plant cell (PO:0025606) that is part of the tapetum (PO:0025313). célula del tapete (Spanish, exact) EXACT; tapetal cell (exact) EXACT; タペート細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025606 native plant cell PO:0025544 microsporangium tapetum cell A tapetum cell (PO:0025543) that is part of a microsporangium tapetum (PO:0025314). célula del tapete del microsporangio (Spanish, exact) EXACT; microsporangium tapetal cell (exact) EXACT; 小胞子嚢タペート細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025543 tapetum cell PO:0025545 anther wall tapetum cell A microsporangium tapetum cell (PO:0025544) that is part of the anther wall tapetum (PO:0009071). anther wall tapetal cell (exact) EXACT; célula de la pared del tapete de la antera (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 葯壁絨毯細胞 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025544 microsporangium tapetum cell -PO:0025546 accessory paraclade A primary inflorescence branch (PO:0006321) borne in the same axil (PO:0025224) as an existing primary inflorescence branch (PO:0006321). accessory second order inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; paraclado accesorio (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 副(補助)側生分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006321 primary inflorescence branch -PO:0025547 cauline paraclade A primary inflorescence branch (PO:0006321) borne on the elongated first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104). paraclado caulinar (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 茎側生分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006321 primary inflorescence branch -PO:0025548 rosette paraclade A primary inflorescence branch (PO:0006321) borne on the compacted first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104), forming the rosette. paraclado en roseta (Spanish, exact) (related) RELATED; ロゼット側生分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006321 primary inflorescence branch +PO:0025546 accessory paraclade A primary inflorescence branch (PO:0006321) borne in the same axil (PO:0025224) as an existing primary inflorescence branch (PO:0006321). accessory second order inflorescence axis (exact) EXACT; paraclado accesorio (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 副(補助)側生分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006321 second order inflorescence axis +PO:0025547 cauline paraclade A primary inflorescence branch (PO:0006321) borne on the elongated first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104). paraclado caulinar (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 茎側生分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006321 second order inflorescence axis +PO:0025548 rosette paraclade A primary inflorescence branch (PO:0006321) borne on the compacted first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104), forming the rosette. paraclado en roseta (Spanish, exact) (related) RELATED; ロゼット側生分枝 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0006321 second order inflorescence axis PO:0025549 trichome tip A plant structure (PO:0009011) that is the apical most portion of a trichome apex (PO:0025550). punta del tricoma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; トリコーム(毛茸、糸状体)先端 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009011 plant structure PO:0025550 trichome apex A plant structure (PO:0009011) that is the apical most portion of a trichome (PO:0000282). apice del tricoma (Spanish, exact) EXACT; トリコーム(毛茸、糸状体)頂端 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0009011 plant structure PO:0025551 multicellular trichome apex A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that is the apical most portion of a multicellular trichome (PO:0025162). apex of a multicellular trichome (exact) EXACT PO:0025550 trichome apex PO:0025552 centarch protoxylem A portion of protoxylem (PO:0000272) tissue in which the maturation of primary xylem of the shoot system progresses centrifugally with the oldest elements (protoxylem) in the center of the axis. protoxilema centrarco (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 心原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000272 protoxylem -PO:0025553 mesarch protoxylem A portion of protoxylem (PO:0000272) tissue in which the maturation of primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the shoot system (PO:0009006) progresses both centripetally and centrifugally from the center. protoxilema mesarco (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 中原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000272 protoxylem -PO:0025554 exarch protoxylem A portion of protoxylem (PO:0000272) tissue in which the maturation of primary xylem (PO:0005849) progresses centripetally, the oldest elements (protoxylem) are farthest from the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). 外原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT; protoxilema exarco (Spanish, exact) EXACT PO:0000272 protoxylem +PO:0025553 mesarch protoxylem A portion of protoxylem (PO:0000272) tissue in which the maturation of primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the shoot system (PO:0009006) progresses both centripetally and centrifugally from the center. protoxilema mesarco (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 中原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000272 protoxylem +PO:0025554 exarch protoxylem A portion of protoxylem (PO:0000272) tissue in which the maturation of primary xylem (PO:0005849) progresses centripetally, the oldest elements (protoxylem) are farthest from the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). protoxilema exarco (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 外原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000272 protoxylem PO:0025555 root system exarch protoxylem A portion of exarch protoxylem (PO:002554) tissue in which the maturation of primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the root system (PO:0025025) progresses centripedally, with the oldest elements (protoxylem) farthest from the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). protoxilema exarco de la raiz (Spanish, exact) (exact) EXACT; 根外原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025554 exarch protoxylem -PO:0025556 shoot system exarch protoxylem A portion of exarch protoxylem (PO:002554) tissue in which the maturation of primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the shoot system (PO:0009006) progresses centripetally, with the oldest elements (protoxylem) farthest from the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). シュート組織外原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT; protoxilema exarco del sistema del epiblasto (Spanish, exact) EXACT PO:0025554 exarch protoxylem +PO:0025556 shoot system exarch protoxylem A portion of exarch protoxylem (PO:002554) tissue in which the maturation of primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the shoot system (PO:0009006) progresses centripetally, with the oldest elements (protoxylem) farthest from the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). protoxilema exarco del sistema del epiblasto (Spanish, exact) EXACT; シュート組織外原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025554 exarch protoxylem PO:0025557 endarch protoxylem A portion of protoxylem (PO:0000272) tissue in which the maturation of primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the shoot system (PO:0009006) progresses centrifugally, with the oldest elements (protoxylem) towards the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). protoxilema endarch (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 内原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0000272 protoxylem PO:0025558 monarch protoxylem A portion of root exarch protoxylem (PO:0025555) tissue in which the primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the root system (PO:0025025) has only one protoxylem strand or pole, and differentiation progresses centripetally, with the oldest element (protoxylem) farthest from the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). protoxilema monarco (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 単原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025555 root system exarch protoxylem -PO:0025559 diarch protoxylem A portion of root exarch protoxylem (PO:0025555) tissue in which the primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the root system (PO:0025025) has two protoxylem strands or poles, and differentiation progresses centripetally, with the oldest elements (protoxylem) farthest from the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). 二原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT; protoxilema diarco (Spanish, exact) EXACT PO:0025555 root system exarch protoxylem +PO:0025559 diarch protoxylem A portion of root exarch protoxylem (PO:0025555) tissue in which the primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the root system (PO:0025025) has two protoxylem strands or poles, and differentiation progresses centripetally, with the oldest elements (protoxylem) farthest from the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). protoxilema diarco (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 二原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025555 root system exarch protoxylem PO:0025560 triarch protoxylem A portion of root exarch protoxylem (PO:0025555) tissue in which the primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the root system (PO:0025025) has three protoxylem strands or poles, and differentiation progresses centripetally, with the oldest elements (protoxylem) farthest from the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). protoxilema triarco (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 三原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025555 root system exarch protoxylem PO:0025561 tetrarch protoxylem A portion of root exarch protoxylem (PO:0025555) tissue in which the primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the root system (PO:0025025) has four protoxylem strands or poles, and differentiation progresses centripetally, with the oldest elements (protoxylem) farthest from the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). protoxilema tetrarco (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 四原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025555 root system exarch protoxylem PO:0025562 pentarch protoxylem A portion of root exarch protoxylem (PO:0025555) tissue in which the primary xylem (PO:0005849) of the root system (PO:0025025) has five protoxylem strands or poles, and differentiation progresses centripetally, with the oldest elements (protoxylem) farthest from the center of the plant axis (PO:0025004). protoxilema pentarco (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 五原型原生木部 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0025555 root system exarch protoxylem @@ -1628,10 +1628,10 @@ PO:0025601 staminate inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049) that includes a PO:0025602 microgametophyte development stage A gametophyte development stage (PO:0028003) during which a microgametophyte (PO:0025280) develops. PO:0028003 gametophyte development stage PO:0025603 plant resin A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) that consists of a complex mixture of organic aromatic compounds such as mono-, sesqui-, and diterpenoids. oleoresin (related) RELATED; pitch (exact) EXACT PO:0025161 portion of plant substance PO:0025604 resin cell An epidermal cell (PO:0004013) that secretes plant resin (PO:0025603), and may line resin canals (PO:0005665) and/or be associated with resin blisters (or cysts). PO:0004013 epidermal cell -PO:0025605 fruit pedicel abscission zone An abscission zone (PO:0000146) that forms as a swelling or joint on the fruit pedicel (PO:0004536). fruit pedicel joint (exact) EXACT; pedicel joint (related) RELATED PO:0000146 abscission zone +PO:0025605 fruit pedicel abscission zone An abscission zone (PO:0000146) that forms as a swelling or joint on a fruit pedicel (PO:0030114). fruit pedicel joint (exact) EXACT; pedicel joint (related) RELATED PO:0000146 abscission zone PO:0025606 native plant cell A plant cell (PO:0009002) that is either part of a multicellular whole plant (PO:0000003) 'in vivo' or a unicellular organism 'in natura' (i.e. part of a natural environment). PO:0009002 plant cell PO:0025607 vegetative shoot system A shoot system (PO:0009006) that has as parts only vegetative tissues and organs. PO:0009006 shoot system -PO:0025608 flower pedicel abscission zone An abscission zone (PO:0000146) that forms as a swelling or joint on the flower pedicel (PO:009052). PO:0000146 abscission zone +PO:0025608 flower pedicel abscission zone An abscission zone (PO:0000146) that forms as a swelling or joint on a flower pedicel (PO:0030113). PO:0000146 abscission zone PO:0025609 shoot axis tegument layer A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) that forms a tough, protective outer layer on a shoot axis and includes as parts a shoot axis hypodermis (PO:0005057) and a shoot axis epidermis (PO:0000112). shoot axis rind (exact) EXACT PO:0009007 portion of plant tissue PO:0025610 stem hypodermis A portion of hypodermis (PO:0005051) that is part of a stem cortex (PO:0025612). PO:0005057 shoot axis hypodermis PO:0025611 stem tegument layer A portion of shoot axis tegument layer (PO:0025609) that a tough, protective outer layer on a stem (PO:0009047) and includes as parts a stem hypodermis (PO:0025610) and a stem epidermis (PO:0025178). stem rind (exact) EXACT PO:0025609 shoot axis tegument layer @@ -1643,6 +1643,9 @@ PO:0025616 lemma apiculus A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) which is a short, a PO:0025617 carpel abaxial epidermis A portion of carpel epidermis (PO:0025096) that covers the abaxial surface of a carpel (PO:0009030). PO:0025096 carpel epidermis PO:0025618 carpel adaxial epidermis A portion of carpel epidermis (PO:0025096) that covers the adaxial surface of a carpel (PO:0009030). PO:0025096 carpel epidermis PO:0025619 leaf sheath margin A cardinal organ part (PO:0025001) that is the edge of a laminar portion of a leaf sheath (PO:0020104) and the area immediately internally adjacent to it. PO:0025001 cardinal organ part +PO:0025620 metaxylem vessel A primary xylem vessel (PO:0025450) which is part of the metaxylem (PO:0000372). PO:0025450 primary xylem vessel +PO:0025621 metaxylem tracheid A primary xylem tracheid (PO:0025446) that is part of the metaxylem (PO:0000372). PO:0025446 primary xylem tracheid +PO:0025622 metaxylem vessel member A primary xylem vessel member (PO:0025448) that is part of the metaxylem (PO:0000372). metaxylem vessel element (exact) EXACT PO:0025448 primary xylem vessel member PO:0025623 ear infructescence axis A first order infructescence axis (PO:0025244) in an ear infructescence (PO:0025597) that bears kernels (i.e. caryopsis fruit; PO:0030104). cob (exact) EXACT PO:0025244 first order infructescence axis PO:0028001 plant life cycle phase OBSOLETE. A plant growth and development phase that begins with either meiosis or fertilization. fase del ciclo de vida de la plant (Spanish, exact) EXACT; 植物生活環段階 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0028002 sporophyte development stage A whole plant development stage (PO:0007033) that has as primary participant a whole plant (PO:0000003) during the interval between fertilization (or apogamy) and death. fase esporofítica (Spanish, exact) EXACT; sporophytic development stage (exact) EXACT; sporophytic phase (exact) EXACT; sporphyte phase (exact) EXACT; 胞子体発生過程 (Japanese, exact) EXACT PO:0007033 whole plant development stage @@ -1758,6 +1761,31 @@ PO:0030108 berry fruit A fruit (PO:0009001) which at maturity comprises a fleshy PO:0030109 hesperidium fruit A berry fruit (PO:0030108) which develops from a superior gynoecium (PO:0009062) and at maturity comprises a thickened exocarp (PO:0009085), thickened mesocarp (PO:0009087), and endocarp (PO:0009086), and has as parts juice sacs (PO:0006013) on a carpel adaxial epidermis (PO:0025618). citrus fruit (exact) EXACT; hesperide (exact, German) EXACT German; hesperidio (exact, Spanish) EXACT; hesperidium (exact) EXACT; indehiscent fruit (broad) BROAD; panzerbeere (broad, German) BROAD PO:0030108 berry fruit PO:0030110 pome fruit A berry fruit (PO:0030108) which develops from an inferior gynoecium (PO:0009062) and at maturity comprises a fleshy exocarp (PO:0009085), fleshy mesocarp (PO:0009087), and hardened endocarp (PO:0009086) and has as a part a fleshy hypanthium (PO:0009065) which is indistinct from the exocarp (PO:0009085). apfelfrucht (exact, German) EXACT German; indehiscent fruit (broad) BROAD; kernfrucht (exact, German) EXACT German; kernobst (exact, German) EXACT German; pome (exact) EXACT; pomo (exact, Spanish) EXACT PO:0030108 berry fruit PO:0030111 pepo fruit A berry fruit (PO:0030108) which develops from an inferior carpel (PO:0009030) and at maturity comprises a fleshy exocarp (PO:0009085), fleshy mesocarp (PO:0009087), and fleshy endocarp (PO:0009086), and has as a part a hard receptacle (PO:0009064) which surrounds, and is indistinct from, the exocarp (PO:0009085). indehiscent fruit (broad) BROAD; kürbisfrucht (exact, German) EXACT German; panzerbeere (broad, German) (broad) BROAD; pepo (exact) EXACT; pepónide (exact, Spanish) EXACT PO:0030108 berry fruit +PO:0030112 pedicel A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that bears only a flower (PO:0009046) or a fruit (PO:0009001). pedicelo (Spanish, broad) BROAD PO:0025029 shoot axis +PO:0030113 flower pedicel A pedicel (PO:0030112) that bears a flower (PO:0009046). pedicelo (Spanish, broad) BROAD PO:0030112 pedicel +PO:0030114 fruit pedicel A pedicel (PO:0030112) that bears a fruit (PO:0009001). pedicelo del fruto (Spanish, broad) BROAD PO:0030112 pedicel +PO:0030115 raceme inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) on an indeterminate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104). raceme (exact) EXACT PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030116 compound raceme inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of an indeterminate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) and pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) on indeterminate higher order inflorescence axes (PO:0009081). compound raceme (exact) EXACT; double raceme (exact) EXACT; heterothetic compound raceme (narrow) NARROW; heterothetic double raceme (narrow) NARROW; homothetic compound raceme (narrow) NARROW; homothetic double raceme (narrow) NARROW PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030117 spike inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of sessile (PATO:0001436) flowers (PO:0009046) on an indeterminate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104). spike (exact) EXACT; stachyoid (narrow) NARROW PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030118 compound spike inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of an indeterminate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) and sessile (PATO:0001436) flowers (PO:0009046), or spikelets (PO:0009051), on indeterminate higher order inflorescence axes (PO:0009081). compound spike (exact) EXACT; double spike (exact) EXACT; heterothetic compound spike (exact) EXACT; heterothetic double spike (narrow) NARROW; homothetic compound spike (narrow) NARROW; homothetic double spike (narrow) NARROW PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030119 catkin inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of indeterminate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) and sessile (PATO:0001436), unisexual flowers (PO:0009046) that are each subtended by conspicuous (PATO:0000463) inflorescence bracts (PO:0009054). ament (exact) EXACT; catkin (exact) EXACT PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030120 spadix inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of sessile (PATO:0001436) flowers (PO:0009046) on a radially-enlarged, indeterminate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104), and a basal, enveloping inflorescence bract (PO:0009054). spadices (exact) EXACT {synonymtypedef=Plural}; spadix (exact) EXACT PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030121 capitulum inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of sessile (PATO:0001436) flowers (PO:0009046) on a radially-enlarged, determinate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104). calathidium (exact) EXACT; capitula (exact) EXACT {synonymtypedef=Plural}; capitulum (exact) EXACT; head (broad) BROAD; hypanthodium (narrow) NARROW PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030122 compound capitulum inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of a radially enlarged inflorescence axis (PO:0020122) and sessile (PATO:0001436) flowers (PO:0009046) on determinate higher order inflorescence axes (PO:0009081) with basal involucral bracts (PO:0009045). compound capitulum (exact) EXACT; double capitulum (exact) EXACT; glome (narrow) NARROW; glomerule (narrow) NARROW; heterothetic compound capitulum (narrow) NARROW; heterothetic double capitulum (narrow) NARROW; homothetic compound capitulum (narrow) NARROW; homothetic double capitulum (narrow) NARROW PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030123 panicle inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis (PO:ID) is composed of pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046), or spikelets (PO:0009051), on determinate inflorescence axes (PO:0020122). panicle (exact) EXACT PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030124 corymb inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with both monopodial and sympodial growth habits, which at anthesis is composed of a determinate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) and determinate higher order inflorescence axes (PO:0020122) with pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) that collectively form a convex plane of flowers (PO:0009046). compound corymb (exact) EXACT; corymb (exact) EXACT; double corymb (exact) EXACT; monochasium (broad) BROAD PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030125 anthela inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with both monopodial and sympodial growth habits, which at anthesis is composed of a determinate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) and determinate higher order inflorescence axes (PO:0020122) with pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) that collectively form a concave plane of flowers (PO:0009046). anthela (exact) EXACT; anthelae (exact) NARROW {synonymtypedef=Plural}; monochasium (broad) BROAD PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030126 cyme inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of a determinate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) and pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) on paired, determinate higher order inflorescence axes (PO:0009081). cyathia (narrow) NARROW {synonymtypedef=Plural}; cyathium (narrow) NARROW; cyme (exact) EXACT; cymule (narrow) NARROW; dichasium (narrow) NARROW; pleiochasium (narrow) NARROW; polychasium (narrow) NARROW; verticillaster (narrow) NARROW PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030127 indeterminate thyrse inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049) which at anthesis is composed of an indeterminate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) and dichasial second order inflorescences (PO:0025240) with pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) and determinate higher order inflorescence axes (PO:0009081). conjunct-hetercladic thyrse (exact) EXACT; dichasium (broad) BROAD; diplothyrsoid (exact) EXACT; disjunct-heterocladic thyrse (exact) EXACT; double thyrsoid (exact) EXACT; heterocladic thyrse (exact) EXACT; indeterminate thyrse (exact) EXACT; monothyrsic inflorescence (exact) EXACT; pleiothyrsoid (exact) EXACT; thyrse (broad) BROAD PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030128 determinate thyrse inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), which at anthesis is composed of an determinate first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) and dichasial second order inflorescences with pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) and determinate higher order inflorescence axes (PO:0009081). determinate thyrse (exact) EXACT; dichasium (broad) BROAD; thyrse (broad) BROAD; thyrsoid (exact) EXACT PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030129 umbel inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) on a first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) with compressed inflorescence axis internodes (PO:0006326). umbel (exact) EXACT PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030130 compound umbel inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a monopodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of a first order inflorescence axis (PO:0025104) with compressed inflorescence axis internodes (PO:0006326) and pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) on higher order inflorescence axes with compressed inflorescence axis internodes (PO:0006326). compound umbel (exact) EXACT; double umbel (exact) EXACT; heterothetic compound umbel (narrow) NARROW; heterothetic double umbel (narrow) NARROW; homothetic compound umbel (narrow) NARROW; homothetic double umbel (narrow) NARROW PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030131 rhipidium inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a sympodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of determinate inflorescence axes (PO:0020122) that bear pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) in a single plane, with the latest-developing flowers on the highest order inflorescence axis which is found at the center of the inflorescence. monochasium (broad) BROAD; rhipidia (exact) EXACT {synonymtypedef=Plural}; rhipidium (exact) EXACT PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030132 cincinnus inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a sympodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of determinate inflorescence axes (PO:0020122) with pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046), with the latest-developing flowers on the highest order inflorescence axis. boragoid (exact) EXACT; cincinni (exact) EXACT {synonymtypedef=Plural}; cincinnus (exact) EXACT; congenital cincinnus (exact) EXACT; homaxone (exact) EXACT; monochasium (broad) BROAD; scorpioid (broad) BROAD PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030133 compound cincinnus inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with sympodial and monopodial growth habits, which at anthesis is composed of determinate inflorescence axes (PO:0020122) with pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046), with the latest-developing flowers on the highest order inflorescence axes of the second order inflorescences (PO:0025240). compound cincinnus (exact) EXACT; dichasium (broad) BROAD; double cincinnus (exact) EXACT PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030134 bostryx inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a sympodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) on determinate inflorescence axes (PO:0020122), each of which develop at a branch angle (PATO:1000009) of approximately 90 degree angles from each higher inflorescence axis (PO:0009081). bostryches (exact) EXACT {synonymtypedef=Plural}; bostryx (exact) EXACT; helicoid cyme (broad) BROAD; monochasium (broad) BROAD PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030135 drepanium inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with a sympodial growth habit, which at anthesis is composed of pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) on determinate inflorescence axes (PO:0020122), each of which develops at progressively more acute (PATO:0000389) angles from each higher inflorescence axis (PO:0009081). drepanium (exact) EXACT; monochasium (broad) BROAD; scorpioid (broad) BROAD PO:0009049 inflorescence +PO:0030136 compound drepanium inflorescence An inflorescence (PO:0009049), with both sympodial and monopodial growth habits, which at anthesis is composed of pedicellate (PATO:0001438) flowers (PO:0009046) on determinate inflorescence axes (PO:0020122), each of which develops at progressively more acute (PATO:0000389) angles from each higher inflorescence axis (PO:0009081). dichasium (broad) BROAD; drepanium (exact) EXACT; helicoid (broad) BROAD; scorpioid (broad) BROAD PO:0009049 inflorescence adjacent_to adjacent_to derives_by_manipulation_from derives_by_manipulation_from A derives_by_manipulation_from B means: A is a type of in vitro plant structure, and every instance of A exists at a point in time later than some instance of B from which it was created through human manipulation, and every instance of A inherited a biologically significant portion of its matter from the instance of B from which it was derived. developmentally_preceded_by developmentally_preceded_by X developmentally related to y if and only if there exists some developmental process (GO:0032502) p such that x and y both participates in p, and x is the output of p and y is the input of p.