Gives you an interface to navigate reports by year, quarter, month, week, or day. This is just the navigation alone that I append to the top of different reports.
Submitted On | |
By | Lewis E. Moten III |
Level | Intermediate |
User Rating | 5.0 (15 globes from 3 users) |
Compatibility | ASP (Active Server Pages) |
Category | Controls/ Forms/ Dialogs/ Menus |
World | ASP / VbScript |
Archive File |
Sub WriteReportNav(ByRef pstrView, ByRef pdtmDate)
Dim lstrOptions
Dim ldtmBegin
Dim ldtmEnd
If dtmDate = "" Then dtmDate = Request.Cookies("Date")
If strView = "" Then strView = Request.Cookies("View")
If pdtmDate = "" Or Not IsDate(pdtmDate) Then pdtmDate = Date()
Select Case pstrView
Case "y", "ww", "m", "q", "yyyy"
Case Else
pstrView = "m"
End Select
Response.Cookies("View") = strView
Response.Cookies("Date") = dtmDate
lstrOptions = "y,Day;ww,Week;m,Month;q,Quarter;yyyy,Year"
lstrOptions = Replace(lstrOptions, ",", """>")
lstrOptions = Replace(lstrOptions, ";", "</OPTION><OPTION value=""")
lstrOptions = "<OPTION value=""" & lstrOptions & "</OPTION>"
lstrOptions = Replace(lstrOptions, "value=""" & pstrView & """", "value=""" & pstrView & """ selected")
Response.Write "<TABLE width=""100%"">"
Response.Write "<TR>"
Response.Write "<TD align=""center"">"
Response.Write "<A href=""Default.asp?View=" & pstrView & "&Date=" & Server.URLEncode(DateAdd(pstrView, -1, pdtmDate)) & """>"
Response.Write "<< Back</A>"
Response.Write "</TD>"
Response.Write "<TD align=""center""><B>"
Select Case strView
Case "y"
Response.Write "Day " & DatePart("y", pdtmDate) & ": " & FormatDateTime(pdtmDate, vbLongDate)
Case "ww"
Response.Write "Week " & DatePart("ww", pdtmDate) & " of " & Year(pdtmDate) & "<BR>"
ldtmBegin = DateAdd("w", - (DatePart("w", pdtmDate) - 1), pdtmDate)
ldtmEnd = DateAdd("w", 7 - (DatePart("w", pdtmDate)), pdtmDate)
Response.Write MonthName(Month(ldtmBegin)) & " " & Day(ldtmBegin) & " through " & _
MonthName(Month(ldtmEnd)) & " " & Day(ldtmEnd)
Case "m"
Response.Write MonthName(DatePart("m", pdtmDate)) & " of " & DatePart("yyyy", pdtmDate)
Case "q"
Select Case DatePart("q", pdtmDate)
Case 1
Response.Write "1st Quarter of " & DatePart("yyyy", pdtmDate) & "<BR>January through March"
Case 2
Response.Write "2nd Quarter of " & DatePart("yyyy", pdtmDate) & "<BR>April through June"
Case 3
Response.Write "3rd Quarter of " & DatePart("yyyy", pdtmDate) & "<BR>July through September"
Case 4
Response.Write "4th Quarter of " & DatePart("yyyy", pdtmDate) & "<BR>October through December"
End Select
Case "yyyy"
Response.Write "Year of " & DatePart("yyyy", pdtmDate)
End Select
Response.Write "</B></TD>"
Response.Write "<TD align=""center"">"
Response.Write "<A href=""Default.asp?View=" & pstrView & "&Date=" & Server.URLEncode(DateAdd(pstrView, 1, pdtmDate)) & """>Next >></A>"
Response.Write "</TD>"
Response.Write "<TD align=""right"">"
Response.Write "View: "
Response.Write "<SELECT name=""View"" onChange=""'View=' + this[this.selectedIndex].value + '&Date=" & Server.URLEncode(pdtmDate) & "'"">"
Response.Write lstrOptions
Response.Write "</SELECT>"
Response.Write "</TD>"
Response.Write "</TR>"
Response.Write "</TABLE>"
End Sub