issues Search Results · repo:PhantomLel/ChessSchedule language:Python
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inPhantomLel/ChessSchedule (press backspace or delete to remove)The moderator should be able to add or remove a player once the tournament has started, but NOT after the first round
has been played. This would allow the direct addition of a new player who may have ...
moderate priority
- 1
- Opened on Mar 24, 2023
- #30
Currently the moderator can select Won or Lost multiple times in a given round and the result is a multiple incrementing
of the wins/losses for both players involved in the pairing. A mis-click of this ...
moderate priority
- 2
- Opened on Mar 24, 2023
- #29
Won/Lost buttons should be replaced by a sing Winner button under each player name. Selecting a winner should result in
a visual change to the block containing the pairing and then re-sort after results ...
low priority
- Opened on Mar 24, 2023
- #28
After a Game has been started and players have joined, the Moderator needs to be able to remove a player from the Game.
In such cases where a contestant gets sick or may have joined under 2 different names, ...
- 2
- Opened on Mar 23, 2023
- #27
Implement live game results so that everyone can see the current state of games. This is especially useful for the
moderator to know who won/lost. From this point onwards, I think we should make it so ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 12, 2022
- #24
Right now, we allow players to join a game that is already in progress. I think that we should strive to allow players
to join mid-tournament, but make sure that this doesn t break anything. It seems like ...
high priority
- 7
- Opened on Dec 2, 2022
- #23
names wrap over really big gap on join screen update leaderboard and pairings as wins happen end game - bye player stays
on pairing screen pairings are ...
high priority
MVP Necessity
- 1
- Opened on Dec 2, 2022
- #22
The skill level buttons are great but the images overfit on mobile. Should not be too hard just change some stuff in
join.html and main.css. Clay I know you want to do it but maybe save for someone else ...
- Opened on Dec 2, 2022
- #21
Create a well designed README that highlights what exactly this does and how to use it. Make it look at least somewhat
professional. Anyone is free to do this, just assign yourself to it.
- Opened on Dec 2, 2022
- #20
I think that we should have a score variable - 1 for win, 0.5 for draw, and 0 for loss - and have the be the main column
in the leaderboard. Then the extra information could be in an expandable columns ...
- 5
- Opened on Dec 2, 2022
- #19

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