- Configuration file stored on server. XML Format Describes layout of entire page, fixed positions of items. No autosizing - not required for how pages will be served; specific pages for specific clients/locations. Buidling blocks as pre-minified JavaScript/HTML.
- Generated code uses JavaScript (JQuery, maybe Bootstrap, Gridster?)
- Client backend uses Paho JavaScript MQTT Client: http://www.eclipse.org/paho/clients/js/
- Configuration change notfications pushlished via MQTT to client, resulting in reload of configuration.
- Commands from clients must be prevented from being sent mutliple times (i.e. unintentional double-clicks); each command must be ACKd before a control can send a new command. Preferably a control should indicate a command is in progress instead of being completely disabled as that will give a more clear viewe of what is going on to the user.
#Server backend
- Apache II Webserver
- Serverside generator written in: * Python 3