Collection of Nuke Gizmos made by Visual Magic students
To install, the VisualMagicTools folder should be placed in .nuke
Then add: nuke.pluginAddPath('./VisualMagicTools') to your file (also in .nuke)
Current Gizmos:
AOVEdit - Pelle J Nordentoft
ColorToColor - Pelle J Nordentoft
Despeckle - Pelle J Nordentoft
DotGrid - Pelle J Nordentoft
Noise Begone - Markus Ädel
NormalLight - Pelle J Nordentoft
NukeBake - Pelle J Nordentoft
Toaster - Markus Ädel
Planned Gizmos:
Edge Extend - Pelle J Nordentoft (a simpler way to Edge Extend alphas)
Frequency Inpaint (inpaint with the ability to add high-frequency detail from elsewhere)