Partner Center access
Setting up the following items requires access to the Microsoft Partner Center.
Integration Sandbox account
An account in the Integration Sandbox is recommended for developing applications
that consume CREST APIs.
API access enabled
Enabling API access includes registering an application. The application
will be assigned an App ID. In addition, a key is created to use for identifying the application at runtime. This App ID and Key will be added to the configuration file of the sample application.
Microsoft Azure subscription
Managing the Azure Active Directory (the reseller directory) that supports the Partner Center requires a Microsoft Azure subscription. An existing subscription can be linked to the reseller directory by performing the following steps:
- Sign in to the Management Portal using you Microsoft account.
- Click New > App services > Active Directory > Directory > Custom Create.
- Click Use existing directory and check I am ready to be signed out now and click the check mark to complete the action.
- Sign in to the Management Portal by using and account that is global admin the work or school directory.
- When prompted to Use the Contoso directory with Azure?, and click continue.
- Click Sign out now.
- Sign back in to the Management Portal using your Microsoft account. Both directories will appear in the Active Directory extension.
If you do not have an Azure subscription, go to http://aka.ms/accessaad to sign up for a $0 Azure subscription. The subscription cannot generate usage and therefore won't cost you anything, but it allows you to login to Azure Management Portal.
Registered Azure AD application
The application registered in the Partner Center is actually registed in the reseller's Azure AD. In order to adminster customer tenants, an application must be registered in each of those tenants, or a multi-tenant app can be registered in the reseller tenant. Register a multi-tenant app by performing the following steps in the Management Portal:
- Select partner tenant directory.
- Click APPLICATIONS (top navigation bar).
- Click ADD (bottom).
- Select Add an application my organization is developing.
- Enter a name for your application.
- Click Next.
- Provide a Redirect URI.
- Click Confirm to create the Application object.
- While your application is selected, Click CONFIGURE (top navigation bar).
- Note down your CLIENT ID.
- Scroll down to section permissions to other applications and click Add application.
- In the pop up window, select Windows Azure Service Management API and click Complete.
- Back to the section permissions to other applications, you will see a new entry Windows Azure Service Management API. Click on Delegated Permissions:0. In the dropdown box, select Access Azure Service Management (preview).
- Click SAVE (bottom).
Granting consent for this application to update resources in customer tenants will be required when the application first runs in each tenant. To ease the administrative burden, the application object can be configured for "pre-consent." Navigate here to view the Pre-Consent instructions.