Day 31 of #100DaysOfCode
- Titanic dataset prediction challenge
- Titanic dataset prediction
- One with
- One with
- One with same as above but removed Outliers from data.
- Also participated in MLH Global Hack Week INIT 2023 🔗
- Did 1 challenge
- And tried to make discord bot but failed
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python 3.10.2
- Numpy 1.22.4
- pandas 1.4.2
- Matplotlib 3.5.2
- Seaborn 0.11.2
- scikit-learn 1.1.1
- XGBoost 1.6.1
- Titanic_survival_competition_2.ipynb
- Titanic_survival_competition_3.ipynb
- Titanic_survival_competition_4.ipynb
Today I did titanic survival compeition prediction 3 times, one time I scored better. I have used XGBClassifier
, RandomForestClassifier