Day 19 of #100DaysOfCode
- Intro to Machine Learning Course
- Intermediate Machine Learning Course (not done)
Kaggle's Intro to Machine Learning course
- Lesson 1: How Models Work
- Lesson 2: Basic Data Exploration - My Notebok
- Lesson 3: Your First Machine Learning Model - My Notebok
- Lesson 4: Model Validation - My Notebok
- Lesson 5: Underfitting and Overfitting - My Notebok
- Lesson 6: Random Forests - My Notebok
- Lesson 7: Machine Learning Competition - My Notebok
- Intro to Machine Learning Course
- How Models Work
- Exploring data
- Decision Trees (DecisionTreeRegressor)
- Random Forest (RandomForestRegressor)
- Overfitting and Underfitting data
- Model Validation using MAE (mean absolute error)
- Also did house price prediction
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python 3.10.2
- Numpy 1.22.4
- pandas 1.4.2
- scikit-learn 1.1.1
- L2 - Explore_your_data.ipynb
- L3 - Your_first_machine_learning_model.ipynb
- L4 - Model_validation.ipynb
- L5 - Underfitting_and_Overfitting.ipynb
- L6 - Random_forests.ipynb
- L7 - Machine_learning_competitions.ipynb
- House_price_prediction_v1.ipynb
Today I learned how models work - DecisionTreeRegressor, RandomForestRegressor, overfitting & underfitting data and model validation using MAE. Also did house price prediction. Actually I have done both Intro to ML and Intermediate ML course a year ago, but I forgot almost everything, so doing it again, now doing it seriously. Not did Intermediate ML course today, rather did some house price prediction on things which I have learnt.