Open the Metamask extension in your web browser, Switch to Goerli Test Network
Select the Assets tab, Scroll down and click Import tokens
Insert the contract address of the State token to the field Token Contract Address. which is 0xe1aF811cDE633a1655c84D728124458587B730B9, The token symbol and token decimal will get filled automatically
Click Add custom token, You will see the token information and the balance (if you have these tokens at your address).
Click Import Tokens. Congratulations, you added the State token to MetaMask and it will become visible in the Assets tab in MetaMask.
discord channel url is
Once joined, Then type in the text field(write a message) the following command line:
Add a space and add your Metamask address there to receive the State tokens:
Press the ENTER key, You will receive message of the sending State tokens
You can still go to your Metamask wallet and verify your account. You will notice that your balance has increased by 120 STATE token.