Subject This project is intended to introduce you to the basics of system and network administration. It will allow you to install a complete web server, using a deployment technology named Docker. This server will run multiples services: Wordpress, phpMyAdmin, and a SQL database
The web server is deployed in only one docker container which OS is Debian buster. It starts on the wordpress index page and uses SSL protocol. A Dockerfile and the neccesary configuration files are included for creating a Docker image. The Docker image would include:
- Nginx
- PHP 7.3
- MariaDB SQL database
- PHPMyAdmin
- Wordpress (latest version)
Service | Path |
Wordpress site | http://localhost |
PhpMyAdmin | http://localhost/phpmyadmin |
For executing the docker image you must run docker run -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 image_name