Community Map Pack Licenses
This file lists all the maps provided with the Community Map Pack and the associated licenses or terms of use chosen by the original author, which allows PadWorld Entertainment to bundle and release these maps with the World of PADMAN game and make changes if necessary.
File |
Name |
Author |
License |
wop_7colors |
7 Colors |
Hectic |
wop_alongwayCTL |
A Long Way |
Hectic |
wop_cheesedome |
Cheese Dome |
Iltis |
wop_coloor |
Coloor |
3aTmE! |
wop_copyandpaste |
Copy and Paste |
3aTmE! |
wop_cubefight |
Cube Fight |
Hectic |
wop_darkplace / wop_darkplaceCTL |
Dark Place |
Iltis |
wop_flyordie |
Fly or Die |
BuddyFriendGuy |
wop_fragbox |
FragBox |
3aTmE! |
wop_hurryup / wop_hurryupCTL |
Hurry up! |
Hectic |
wop_pacman |
Pac-Man |
Hectic |
wop_tinyCTL |
TinyCTL |
Blu |
wop_workshop |
Workshop |
Hectic |