Make sure you perform git pull
before you checkout a new branch to avoid merge conflicts!!
Clone the repository
Install the dependencies
npm install
Checkout to Dev branch
git checkout Dev
Create a new branch
git checkout -b feature-name
Make your changes
Example- creating a new component
Add your updated files to git to stage them for commit
git add .
Check your changes
git status
Commit your changes
git commit -m "commit message"
tip- use conventional commits
Conventional commits are a great way to keep your commit messages organized and readable. You can read more about them here.Here's an example of a conventional commit:
git commit -m "feat: footer component"
Here's another example of a conventional commit:
git commit -m "fix: typo in footer component"
⚠️ Make sure to perfrom a git pull before pushing your changesgit pull
Push your changes to GitHub
git push
Open a pull request on GitHub
Wait for your pull request to be reviewed and merged!
Celebrate! 🎉