This README.md is English version,only use it to improve my English level,update in my free time!
Firefox theme(To be completed)
Fastfetch configuration(To be completed)
Hyprland configuration(English version to be completed)
Neovim configuration(English version to be completed)
In this article,package with "AUR" is in AUR, with "Package" is in Arch Linux official repository,you can install it by pacman,in this article use 'paru' as AUR helper
In .config
have 'fastfetch' and 'neofetch', they are get informations about system and other,there are major changes in neofetch, and fastfetch is currently under research
Add:Display IP(Public IP and Local IP) Add some logos, specific to use look for .zshrc(Display informations small logo) Add logo of Arch Linux,save in .config/fastfetch To display photos,you need install 'fastfetch-git'AUR
paru -S fastfetch-git
Add 'neofetch='neofetch | lolcat'' in alias,like the photo,it's color output,if you don't need it, you can delete it
Display username
Display Locale language
Welcome to Arch Linux!
Windows is shit!
Fuck you NVIDIA!
(though I use NVIDIA card
I won't give examples one by one here. If you want to compare, please compare by yourself
Only need put the pacman.conf,paru.conf,doas,conf into /etc
You must keep the config of doas file grammer and permissions is right!,See here!
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL get.zshell.dev)" --
Restart the terminal,it can install zi
Warning:After install,don't forget to delete the install code,if you don't delete it,it will install it when you start the terminal,like this photo
zi load [repo-url] # load plugins
zi light [repo-url] # load plugins fastly
zi snippet [repo-url] # load code snippets
In this repository,use 'powerlevel10k' to make ZSH beautifully
For other informations,please search from Google