Alexandria 4.0.0
It's Alive!
LTC Progression test
ELO | 183.77 +- 7.71 (95%)
CONF | 60.0+0.60s Threads=1 Hash=16MB
GAMES | N: 4016 W: 2038 L: 92 D: 1886
Progression test was run on the 8moves-noob.epd
What's Changed
- TM is now more sophisticated and couples hard/soft bounds with a scaling based on nodes
- Greatly improved search
- Improved NNUE arch and data
NNUE changes
- Alexandria's net arch changed from 768->512->1 to a relative 768->512x2->1, many thanks to cosmo for Pr #148, providing the current inference code for a relative net and the net that has been used to test alex patches up to #209.
- The 200M fens of koivisto data that were previously used to train alex nets have been swapped out for 370M fens of leela data. Thanks to the koi boys for letting me use koi data for so long and to the leela team for making their data publicly available (and thank you linrock for the very cool binpack on kaggle).
- An heartfelt thank you to anyone new in the Contributors file (except Viren), having people trying to help is always nice and i really appreciate it.
- Last but not least a big thank you to Swehosting and everyone on the instance, the hardware support, the sharing of ideas and the friendly banter are the only reason Alex 4.0 exists and i'm not in a mexican prison.
Obligatory section where i announce my retirement
Yes i will retire for the 8th time starting from the moment this release goes out, see you all when i inevitably release Alex 5 or any other accursed piece of chess playing software.
Full Changelog: v3.5.0...v4.0.0