All the entity attribute related APIs are encapsulated in the class **.
Constructors of EntityAttribute
public EntityAttributeApi(String baseUrl, String apiKey, String apiSecret);
Constructor parameters description
Name | Type | Description |
baseUrl | String | the base url of REST API |
apiKey | String | the apiKey of marketplace, get this key from PAXSTORE admin console, refer to chapter Apply access rights |
apiSecret | String | apiSecret, get api secret from PAXSTORE admin console, refer to chapter Apply access rights |
Get entity attribute by attributeId .
public Result<EntityAttributeDTO> getEntityAttribute(Long attributeId)
Input parameter(s) description
Parameter Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
attributeId | Long | false | the id of entity attribute |
Sample codes
EntityAttributeApi entityAttributeApi = new EntityAttributeApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
Result<EntityAttributeDTO> result = entityAttributeApi.getEntityAttribute(1000000218L);
Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": -1,
"validationErrors": ["Entity attributeId cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!"]
Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 11000,
"message": "Entity attribute not found"
Successful sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 0,
"data": {
"entityType": "Merchant",
"minLength": 2,
"entityAttributeLabelList": [{
"label": "testCreateApi-label-en-test",
"locale": "en"
}, {
"label": "テストラベル-jp",
"locale": "jp"
}, {
"label": "testCreateApi-label-update",
"locale": "zh_CN"
"index": 0,
"inputType": "TEXT",
"defaultLabel": "testCreateApi-label-update",
"id": 1000000218,
"maxLength": 6,
"required": false,
"key": "123"
The type in dataSet is EntityAttributeDTO. And the structure like below.
Name | Type | Description |
id | Long | the id of entity attribute |
entityType | String | the type of entity attribute type |
inputType | String | the type of entity input type |
minLength | Integer | |
maxLength | Integer | |
required | boolean | |
selector | String | |
key | String | |
index | int | |
defaultLabel | String | |
entityAttributeLabelList | List<EntityAttributeLabelInfo> | the EntityAttributeLabelInfo structure like below. |
The type in data is EntityAttributeLabelInfo. And the structure like below.
Name | Type | Description |
locale | String | the locale of language type |
label | String |
Possible validation errors
Parameter attributeId cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!
Possible business codes
Business Code | Message | Description |
11000 | Entity attribute not found |
The search entity attributes API allows third party system to search entity attribute to the current market by page. API
public Result<EntityAttributeDTO> searchEntityAttributes(int pageNo, int pageSize, SearchOrderBy orderBy, String key , EntityAttributeType entityType)
Input parameter(s) description
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
pageNo | int | false | page number, value must >=1 |
pageSize | int | false | the record number per page, range is 1 to 100 |
orderBy | SearchOrderBy | true | the sort order by field name, if this parameter is null the search result will order by created date descend. The value of this parameter can be one of EntityAttributeApi.SearchOrderBy.EntityType_desc and EntityAttributeApi.SearchOrderBy.EntityType_asc. |
key | String | true | the value of the enity attribute key |
entityType | EntityAttributeType | true | The value of this parameter can be one of EntityAttributeApi.EntityAttributeType.Merchant, EntityAttributeApi.EntityAttributeType.Reseller and EntityAttributeApi.EntityAttributeType.App |
Sample codes
EntityAttributeApi entityAttributeApi = new EntityAttributeApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
Result<EntityAttributeDTO> result = entityAttributeApi.searchEntityAttributes(1,1,EntityAttributeApi.SearchOrderBy.EntityType_asc,null,null);
Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": -1,
"validationErrors": ["pageNo:must be greater than or equal to 1"]
Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 11002,
"message": "Invalid entity type"
Successful sample result
"businessCode": 0,
"pageInfo": {
"pageNo": 1,
"limit": 1,
"totalCount": 14,
"hasNext": true,
"dataSet": [{
"entityType": "Merchant",
"minLength": 2,
"entityAttributeLabelList": [{
"label": "testCreateApi-label-en-test",
"locale": "en"
}, {
"label": "テストラベル-jp",
"locale": "jp"
}, {
"label": "testCreateApi-label-update",
"locale": "zh_CN"
"index": 0,
"inputType": "TEXT",
"defaultLabel": "testCreateApi-label-update",
"id": 1000000218,
"maxLength": 6,
"required": false,
"key": "123"
The type of data is EntityAttributeDTO,EntityAttributeLabelInfo, and Refer to get entity attribute Api for structure .
Possible client validation errors
pageNo:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageSize:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageSize:must be less than or equal to 100
Possible business codes
Business Code | Message | Description |
11002 | Invalid entity type |
This api allows the third party system create entity attribute by EntityAttributeCreateRequest.
public Result<EntityAttributeDTO> createEntityAttribute(EntityAttributeCreateRequest createRequest)
Input parameter(s) description
Parameter Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
createRequest | EntityAttributeCreateRequest | false |
Structure of class EntityAttributeCreateRequest.
Property Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
entityType | EntityAttributeType | false | The value of this parameter can be one of EntityAttributeApi.EntityAttributeType.Merchant, EntityAttributeApi.EntityAttributeType.Reseller and EntityAttributeApi.EntityAttributeType.App |
inputType | EntityInputType | false | The value of this parameter can be one of EntityAttributeApi.EntityInputType.Text and EntityAttributeApi.EntityInputType.Selector. |
minLength | Integer | true | |
maxLength | Integer | true | |
required | boolean | false | |
selector | String | true | the value of json format |
key | String | false | the key of the attribute value |
defaultLabel | String | false |
Sample codes
EntityAttributeApi entityAttributeApi = new EntityAttributeApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
EntityAttributeCreateRequest createRequest = new EntityAttributeCreateRequest(); createRequest.setEntityType(EntityAttributeApi.EntityAttributeType.Reseller);
//createRequest.setSelector("{\n" +
// "\t\"1\": \"1\",\n" +
// "\t\"te1212121st\": \"test\"\n" +
// "}");
Result<EntityAttributeDTO> result = entityAttributeApi.createEntityAttribute(createRequest);
Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": -1,
"validationErrors": ["Entity attributeCreateRequest cannot be null!"]
Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 11001,
"message": "Entity type is mandatory"
Successful sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 0,
"data": {
"entityType": "Reseller",
"minLength": 1,
"entityAttributeLabelList": [{
"label": "testCreateApi-label-1",
"locale": "en"
}, {
"label": "testCreateApi-label-1",
"locale": "zh_CN"
}, {
"label": "testCreateApi-label-1",
"locale": "jp"
"index": 0,
"inputType": "TEXT",
"defaultLabel": "testCreateApi-label-1",
"id": 1000000416,
"maxLength": 5,
"required": false,
"key": "testCreateApi-key-01"
The type of data is EntityAttributeDTO,EntityAttributeLabelInfo, and Refer to get entity attribute Api for structure .
Possible client validation errors
Parameter EntityAttributeCreateRequest cannot be null!
Possible business codes
Business Code | Message | Description |
135 | Request parameter is missing or invalid | |
5000 | Language not supported | |
11001 | Entity type is mandatory | |
11002 | Invalid entity type | |
11003 | Input type is mandatory | |
11004 | Invalid input type | |
11005 | Entity attribute label is mandatory | |
11006 | Entity attribute label is too long | |
11007 | Select options is mandatory | |
11008 | Invalid select options | |
11009 | Invalid min or max length | |
11010 | Entity attribute key is mandatory | |
11011 | Entity attribute key is too long | |
11012 | Entity attribute key is already exist | |
11013 | Invalid regular expression | |
11005 | Entity attribute label is mandatory |
This api allows the third party system update entity attribute by attributeId and EntityAttributeUpdateRequest.
public Result<EntityAttributeDTO> updateEntityAttribute(Long attributeId, EntityAttributeUpdateRequest updateRequest)
Input parameter(s) description
Parameter Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
attributeId | Long | false | the id of the entity attribute |
updateRequest | EntityAttributeUpdateRequest | false |
Structure of class EntityAttributeUpdateRequest.
Property Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
inputType | EntityInputType | false | The value of this parameter can be one of EntityAttributeApi.EntityInputType.Text and EntityAttributeApi.EntityInputType.Selector. |
minLength | Integer | true | |
maxLength | Integer | true | |
required | boolean | false | |
selector | String | true | the value of json format |
defaultLabel | String | false |
Sample codes
EntityAttributeApi entityAttributeApi = new EntityAttributeApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
EntityAttributeUpdateRequest updateRequest = new EntityAttributeUpdateRequest();
Result<EntityAttributeDTO> result = entityAttributeApi.updateEntityAttribute(1000000416L,updateRequest);
Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": -1,
"validationErrors": ["Entity attributeId cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!"]
Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 11003,
"message": "Input type is mandatory"
Successful sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 0
Possible business codes
Business Code | Message | Description |
135 | Request parameter is missing or invalid | |
5000 | Language not supported | |
11000 | Entity attribute not found | |
11001 | Entity type is mandatory | |
11002 | Invalid entity type | |
11003 | Input type is mandatory | |
11004 | Invalid input type | |
11005 | Entity attribute label is mandatory | |
11006 | Entity attribute label is too long | |
11007 | Select options is mandatory | |
11008 | Invalid select options | |
11009 | Invalid min or max length | |
11010 | Entity attribute key is mandatory | |
11011 | Entity attribute key is too long | |
11012 | Entity attribute key is already exist | |
11013 | Invalid regular expression |
This api allows the third party system update entity attribute label.
public Result<String> updateEntityAttributeLabel(Long attributeId, EntityAttributeLabelUpdateRequest updateLabelRequest)
Input parameter(s) description
Parameter Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
attributeId | Long | false | the id of the entity attribute |
updateLabelRequest | EntityAttributeLabelUpdateRequest | false |
Structure of class EntityAttributeLabelUpdateRequest.
Property Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
entityAttributeLabelList | List | false |
Structure of class EntityAttributeLabelInfo.
Property Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
locale | String | false | |
label | String | false |
Sample codes
EntityAttributeApi entityAttributeApi = new EntityAttributeApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
EntityAttributeLabelInfo labelInfoJp = new EntityAttributeLabelInfo();
EntityAttributeLabelInfo labelInfoEn = new EntityAttributeLabelInfo();
EntityAttributeLabelInfo labelInfoZh = new EntityAttributeLabelInfo();
List<EntityAttributeLabelInfo> entityAttributeLabelList = new ArrayList<>();
EntityAttributeLabelUpdateRequest updateRequest = new EntityAttributeLabelUpdateRequest();
Result<String> result = entityAttributeApi.updateEntityAttributeLabel(1000000416L,updateRequest);
Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": -1,
"validationErrors": ["Entity attributeId cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!"]
Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 11000,
"message": "Entity attribute not found"
Successful sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 0
Possible business codes
Business Code | Message | Description |
135 | Request parameter is missing or invalid | |
5000 | Language not supported | |
11000 | Entity attribute not found | |
11005 | Entity attribute label is mandatory | |
11006 | Entity attribute label is too long |
This api allows the third party system delete entity attribute.
public Result<String> deleteEntityAttribute(Long attributeId)
Input parameter(s) description
Parameter Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
attributeId | Long | false | the id of the entity attribute |
Sample codes
EntityAttributeApi entityAttributeApi = new EntityAttributeApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
Result<String> result = entityAttributeApi.deleteEntityAttribute(1000000416L);
Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": -1,
"validationErrors": ["Entity attributeId cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!"]
Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 11000,
"message": "Entity attribute not found"
Successful sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 0