Clinical pipeline for detecting gene fusions in RNAseq data utilising JAFFA. The pipeline optionally calls a classifier for B-Cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia (based on AllSorts). As well as variant calling pipeline using Picard,GATK and VEP.
- AllSorts
- bbmap
- blat
- bowtie2
- bpipe
- fastqc
- java
- perl
- Picard
- python
- samtools v1.1
- trimmomatic
- RNA-Seqc
On meerkat:
module load java
module load bpipe
mkdir -p ./batches/{BATCH}/data
cp /path/to/data/files/*.fastq.gz ./batches/{BATCH}/data/ ## or symlink (ln -s)
./pipeline/scripts/ {BATCH} B_ALL designs/B_ALL/B_ALL.bed
cd ./batches/{BATCH}/analysis
bpipe run ../../../pipeline/pipeline.groovy ../samples.txt
Clone repository. Install tools into tools directory, or follow for setup on meerkat.
- Rebecca Louise Evans - Initial work - beccyl
This project is licensed under GNU General Public License - see the file for details.
- ssadedin - provided the framework for bpipe and cpipe
- nadiadavidson - provided the underlying JAFFA "Just another fusion finding algorithm" on which this project is based.
- Quarkins - provided the algorithm for random forest classifier
- JovMaksimovic - generic bpipe pipeline for rna-seq
- aliciaoshlack - Team Leader