At this stage you should have Enigma installed but it won't be running yet.
Enigma is composed of 4 major parts
We have configured Enigma with some sensible default values for you, so all you should have to do is run it.
First, log onto the VM using vagrant.
vagrant ssh
You should see a number of directories
The enigma directory contains the full installation.
The enigma_installers contains the install media that was used by Vagrant to install Enigma
The ingress directory is used by the File Reader component to get files efficiently from your file system into HDFS
Now we can start Enigma
cd enigma
#setup your environment
. ./env-enigma
cd bin
#start Hadoop, Zookeeper and Kafka
The first time you run you will be presented with the Enigma EULA. If you accept the terms, type 'accept' and press Enter. Engima will then start. If you don't want to accept the terms, just press enter and the startup will terminate.
You will only be presented with the EULA the first time you run
Enigma is now running.
Replace the ip address below with the ip address of your vm, you can get this by running the following in the vm:
Hadoop HDFS has a web based management app that allows you to see what's going on with HDFS. You can access this at:
YARN has a web based management app that allows you to see what jobs are running and their current status. You can also see the status of your Spark jobs in this app. You can access this at:
cd $HOME/enigma
# setup your env if you haven't already done so
. ./env-enigma