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Releases: OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts


26 Aug 21:03
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⚠️ This is a security patch. For more information visit the security advisory.

  • TimelockController: Add additional isOperationReady check.


26 Aug 21:15
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  • TimelockController: Add additional isOperationReady check.


26 Aug 21:15
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  • TimelockController: Add additional isOperationReady check.


17 Aug 18:52
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Visit our blog for the full 4.3 announcement as well as Governor announcement!

  • ERC2771Context: use private variable from storage to store the forwarder address. Fixes issues where _msgSender() was not callable from constructors. (#2754)
  • EnumerableSet: add values() functions that returns an array containing all values in a single call. (#2768)
  • Governor: added a modular system of Governor contracts based on GovernorAlpha and GovernorBravo. (#2672)
  • Add an interfaces folder containing solidity interfaces to final ERCs. (#2517)
  • ECDSA: add tryRecover functions that will not throw if the signature is invalid, and will return an error flag instead. (#2661)
  • SignatureChecker: Reduce gas usage of the isValidSignatureNow function for the "signature by EOA" case. (#2661)


30 Jun 18:59
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Read the full announcement in the blog!

  • ERC20Votes: add a new extension of the ERC20 token with support for voting snapshots and delegation. (#2632)
  • ERC20VotesComp: Variant of ERC20Votes that is compatible with Compound's Comp token interface but restricts supply to uint96. (#2706)
  • ERC20Wrapper: add a new extension of the ERC20 token which wraps an underlying token. Deposit and withdraw guarantee that the total supply is backed by a corresponding amount of underlying token. (#2633)
  • Enumerables: Improve gas cost of removal in EnumerableSet and EnumerableMap.
  • Enumerables: Improve gas cost of lookup in EnumerableSet and EnumerableMap.
  • Counter: add a reset method. (#2678)
  • Tokens: Wrap definitely safe subtractions in unchecked blocks.
  • Math: Add a ceilDiv method for performing ceiling division.
  • ERC1155Supply: add a new ERC1155 extension that keeps track of the totalSupply of each tokenId. (#2593)
  • BitMaps: add a new BitMaps library that provides a storage efficient datastructure for uint256 to bool mapping with contiguous keys. (#2710)

Breaking Changes

  • ERC20FlashMint is no longer a Draft ERC. (#2673))

How to update: Change your import paths by removing the draft- prefix from @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/draft-ERC20FlashMint.sol.

See Releases and Stability: Drafts.


30 Apr 02:21
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Read the full announcement in the blog or check out the changelog.

  • IERC20Metadata: add a new extended interface that includes the optional name(), symbol() and decimals() functions. (#2561)
  • ERC777: make reception acquirement optional in _mint. (#2552)
  • ERC20Permit: add a _useNonce to enable further usage of ERC712 signatures. (#2565)
  • ERC20FlashMint: add an implementation of the ERC3156 extension for flash-minting ERC20 tokens. (#2543)
  • SignatureChecker: add a signature verification library that supports both EOA and ERC1271 compliant contracts as signers. (#2532)
  • Multicall: add abstract contract with multicall(bytes[] calldata data) function to bundle multiple calls together (#2608)
  • ECDSA: add support for ERC2098 short-signatures. (#2582)
  • AccessControl: add a onlyRole modifier to restrict specific function to callers bearing a specific role. (#2609)
  • StorageSlot: add a library for reading and writing primitive types to specific storage slots. (#2542)
  • UUPS Proxies: add UUPSUpgradeable to implement the UUPS proxy pattern together with EIP1967Proxy. (#2542)


24 Mar 23:07
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Read the full announcement in the blog or check out the changelog.


  • Now targeting the 0.8.x line of Solidity compilers. For 0.6.x (resp 0.7.x) support, use version 3.4.0 (resp 3.4.0-solc-0.7) of OpenZeppelin.
  • Context: making _msgData return bytes calldata instead of bytes memory (#2492)
  • ERC20: removed the _setDecimals function and the storage slot associated to decimals. (#2502)
  • Strings: addition of a toHexString function. (#2504)
  • EnumerableMap: change implementation to optimize for key → value lookups instead of enumeration. (#2518)
  • GSN: deprecate GSNv1 support in favor of upcoming support for GSNv2. (#2521)
  • ERC165: remove uses of storage in the base ERC165 implementation. ERC165 based contracts now use storage-less virtual functions. Old behavior remains available in the ERC165Storage extension. (#2505)
  • Initializable: make initializer check stricter during construction. (#2531)
  • ERC721: remove enumerability of tokens from the base implementation. This feature is now provided separately through the ERC721Enumerable extension. (#2511)
  • AccessControl: removed enumerability by default for a more lightweight contract. It is now opt-in through AccessControlEnumerable. (#2512)
  • Meta Transactions: add ERC2771Context and a MinimalForwarder for meta-transactions. (#2508)
  • Overall reorganization of the contract folder to improve clarity and discoverability. (#2503)
  • ERC20Capped: optimize gas usage by enforcing the check directly in _mint. (#2524)
  • Rename UpgradeableProxy to ERC1967Proxy. (#2547)
  • ERC777: optimize the gas costs of the constructor. (#2551)
  • ERC721URIStorage: add a new extension that implements the _setTokenURI behavior as it was available in 3.4.0. (#2555)
  • AccessControl: added ERC165 interface detection. (#2562)
  • ERC1155: make uri public so overloading function can call it using super. (#2576)

How to upgrade from 3.x

Since this version has moved a few contracts to different directories, users upgrading from a previous version will need to adjust their import statements. To make this easier, the package includes a script that will migrate import statements automatically. After upgrading to the latest version of the package, run:

npx openzeppelin-contracts-migrate-imports

Make sure you're using git or another version control system to be able to recover from any potential error in our script.


22 Feb 22:21
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v4.0.0-beta.0 Pre-release

A beta release for Solidity 0.8. Read the announcement in the forum.


03 Feb 20:01
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Read the full announcement in the blog or check out the changelog.

Security Fixes

  • ERC777: fix potential reentrancy issues for custom extensions to ERC777. (#2483)

If you're using our implementation of ERC777 from version 3.3.0 or earlier, and you define a custom _beforeTokenTransfer function that writes to a storage variable, you may be vulnerable to a reentrancy attack. If you're affected and would like assistance please write to Read more in the pull request.


27 Nov 19:23
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Read the full announcement in the forum or check out the changelog.

  • Now supports both Solidity 0.6 and 0.7. Compiling with solc 0.7 will result in warnings. Install the solc-0.7 tag to compile without warnings.
  • TimelockController: added a contract to augment access control schemes with a delay. (#2354)
  • Address: added functionStaticCall, similar to the existing functionCall. (#2333)
  • EnumerableSet: added Bytes32Set, for sets of bytes32. (#2395)