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Lee Liming edited this page Oct 15, 2018 · 3 revisions

Globus is used by colleges and universities, research labs, and major research projects to manage research data. Globus provides an OpenID Connect authentication service that allows faculty, staff, and students to authenticate using campus authentication services at over 1,000 InCommon and eduGAIN institutions worldwide, ORCID, Google (used as GSuite by hundreds of academic institutions), and dozens of national research facilities. Globus allows users to choose the institution to authenticate with and returns the resulting identity data to the web application.

Register your Web app with Globus to obtain a Client ID and Client Secret for your application. Assuming your callback address is, use the following Apache configuration settings to authenticate using Globus.

# Load the mod_auth_openidc module
LoadModule auth_openidc_module modules/

# Configure the module to use Globus Auth
OIDCScope                "openid email profile"

# maps the prefered_username claim to the REMOTE_USER environment variable
OIDCRemoteUserClaim      preferred_username

# Specify the part of your server space that will require the user to login
<Location /protected>
   AuthType openid-connect
   Require valid-user

Globus provides the following OIDC claims. The name, email, and organization values are provided by the user's preferred identity provider.

Claim Value
name The user's full name
email The user's email address
organization The user's organization
preferred_username userid@idp.domain; e.g., ""; see note below
​sub Globus UUID for this user; will never change
identity_provider_display_name Human-readable name of the identity provider; e.g., "University of Michigan"
identity_provider Globus UUID of the identity provider; will never change

Note: Although preferred_username is formatted like an email address, it is actually the userid reported by the identity provider (may or may not be the user's actual username depending on the IdP's policies) followed by the identity provider's internet domain. The actual email address is in the email field.


To allow a logged-in user to logout, use a link of the form below.