--------- beginning of main 12-31 19:00:14.254 984 984 V OnBotJavaService: onStartCommand() intent=Intent { cmp=com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller/org.firstinspires.ftc.onbotjava.OnBotJavaService } flags=0x0 startId=2 12-31 19:00:14.254 984 984 V OnBotJava: ctor()... 12-31 19:00:14.254 984 984 W FileObserverManager: upgrading mask: path=/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/java/control/buildRequest.txt old=0x00000ffc new=0x00000ffe: might possibly miss event 12-31 19:00:14.255 984 984 V OnBotJava: ...ctor() 12-31 19:00:14.263 984 984 V RCActivity: Permissions validated already 12-31 19:00:14.263 984 984 V RCActivity: onCreate() 12-31 19:00:14.266 984 984 V RCActivity: rootActivity is of class PermissionValidatorWrapper 12-31 19:00:14.266 984 984 V RCActivity: launchActivity is of class class org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcontroller.internal.PermissionValidatorWrapper 12-31 19:00:14.272 984 1080 V CallbackLooper: thread=71 12-31 19:00:14.276 984 984 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent: doStart()... 12-31 19:00:14.279 984 984 V NetDiscover_wifiDirectAgent: ...doStart() 12-31 19:00:14.280 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: ----- all preferences ----- 12-31 19:00:14.280 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_app_version' value=unavailable 12-31 19:00:14.280 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE' value=false 12-31 19:00:14.280 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_autostarted_robot_controller' value=true 12-31 19:00:14.280 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_warn_about_obsolete_software' value=true 12-31 19:00:14.280 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_network_protocol_version' value=unavailable 12-31 19:00:14.280 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_has_independent_phone_battery' value=false 12-31 19:00:14.280 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='android.permission.CAMERA' value=false 12-31 19:00:14.280 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works' value=false 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_hardware_config_filename' value={"isDirty":false,"location":"LOCAL_STORAGE","name":"2022 MecanumCompbot","resourceId":0} 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_dh_os_version_code' value=20 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_build_time' value=unavailable 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_warn_about_mismatched_app_versions' value=true 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_sound_on_off' value=false 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_ftc_season_year_of_current_rc_new' value=2022 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='App Restrictions' value=AAAAAA== 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_warn_about_incorrect_clocks' value=true 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION' value=false 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_has_speaker' value=false 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_ftc_season_year_of_current_rc' value=2021 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE' value=false 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_connection_owner_password' value=GABots2021 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_pairing_kind' value=RCWIRELESSAP 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION' value=false 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_device_name_internal' value=8531-RC 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_app_theme' value=green 12-31 19:00:14.281 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_device_name' value=8531-RC 12-31 19:00:14.282 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_network_connection_info' value=unavailable 12-31 19:00:14.282 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_warn_about_2_4_ghz_band' value=true 12-31 19:00:14.282 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE' value=false 12-31 19:00:14.282 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_device_name_tracking' value=WIFIAP 12-31 19:00:14.282 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_lib_version' value=unavailable 12-31 19:00:14.282 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: name='pref_rc_connected' value=true 12-31 19:00:14.289 984 984 V Robocol : SendOnceRunnable created 12-31 19:00:14.291 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: doStart()... 12-31 19:00:14.292 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: ...doStart() 12-31 19:00:14.326 984 984 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/webview/lib/arm64 12-31 19:00:14.327 984 984 D ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/app/webview/lib/arm64:/system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64 for namespace 0x744db040f0 12-31 19:00:14.330 984 984 I WebViewFactory: Loading com.android.webview version 52.0.2743.100 (code 275610050) 12-31 19:00:14.356 984 1086 E ControlHubApChannelManager: Timeout while getting current channel from AP service 12-31 19:00:14.427 984 984 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 56 ms (timestamps 4371-4427) 12-31 19:00:14.427 984 984 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "52.0.2743.100", actual native library version number "52.0.2743.100" 12-31 19:00:14.487 984 984 V WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider: Binding Chromium to main looper Looper (main, tid 1) {dcd12a0} 12-31 19:00:14.487 984 984 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "52.0.2743.100", actual native library version number "52.0.2743.100" 12-31 19:00:14.585 984 984 I chromium: [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(143)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0 12-31 19:00:14.614 984 984 I cr_BrowserStartup: Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=true 12-31 19:00:14.683 984 984 I mali_so : [File] : hardware/rockchip/driver/./src/base/arch/arch_011_udd/base_arch_main.c; [Line] : 565; [Func] : deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext; 12-31 19:00:14.683 984 984 I mali_so : arm_release_ver of this mali_so is 'r7p0-00rel1', rk_so_ver is '1@2' for 3328h_android_7.1, built at '15:47:51', on 'Jun 28 2017'. 12-31 19:00:14.683 984 984 I mali_so : [File] : hardware/rockchip/driver/./src/base/arch/arch_011_udd/base_arch_main.c; [Line] : 578; [Func] : deal_with_version_affairs_rk_ext; 12-31 19:00:14.683 984 984 I mali_so : mali_ver_property has been set to 'r7p0-00rel1-5-1@2', to return. 12-31 19:00:14.780 984 984 I cr_DRP : No DRP key due to exception:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.android.webview.chromium.Drp 12-31 19:00:14.841 984 984 W cr_AwContents: onDetachedFromWindow called when already detached. Ignoring 12-31 19:00:18.538 984 984 V UpdateUI: Network: inactive, disconnected 12-31 19:00:18.539 984 984 V ServiceStarter: attempting to start service FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService 12-31 19:00:18.542 984 984 V ServiceStarter: started service FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService 12-31 19:00:18.559 984 984 I RobotCore: App info: version=8.1.0 appId=com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller 12-31 19:00:18.560 984 984 I RobotCore: Android Device: maker=REV Robotics model=Control Hub v1.0 sdk=25 serial=99b26cbc3d3355df 12-31 19:00:18.560 984 984 V AndroidBoard: REV Control Hub contains REV3328 12-31 19:00:18.560 984 984 V AndroidBoard: Communicating with embedded REV hub via /dev/ttyS1 12-31 19:00:18.562 984 984 V RCActivity: onStart() 12-31 19:00:18.564 984 984 V RCActivity: onResume() 12-31 19:00:18.581 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: onSharedPreferenceChanged(name=App Restrictions, value=AAAAAA== 12-31 19:00:18.581 984 984 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: ) 12-31 19:00:18.591 984 984 V FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService: onCreate() 12-31 19:00:18.592 984 984 V FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService: onStartCommand() intent=Intent { cmp=com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller/org.firstinspires.ftc.ftccommon.internal.FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService } flags=0x0 startId=1 12-31 19:00:18.592 984 984 V FtcRobotControllerWatchdogService: shouldAutoLauchRobotController() result=true 12-31 19:00:18.595 984 984 V FTCService: onCreate() 12-31 19:00:18.619 984 984 W art : Before Android 4.1, method double java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextDouble(double, double) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random 12-31 19:00:18.619 984 984 W art : Before Android 4.1, method int java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextInt(int, int) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random 12-31 19:00:18.619 984 984 W art : Before Android 4.1, method long java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom.internalNextLong(long, long) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in java.util.Random 12-31 19:00:18.649 984 984 V FTCService: onBind() 12-31 19:00:18.665 984 984 V CoreRobotWebServer: creating NanoHTTPD(8080) 12-31 19:00:18.670 984 984 V WebSocketManager: Registered broadcast-only namespace progress 12-31 19:00:18.674 984 984 V WebSocketManager: Registered handler for namespace ControlHubUpdater 12-31 19:00:18.675 984 984 V RobotCore: Getting network assistant of type: RCWIRELESSAP 12-31 19:00:18.677 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Enabling network services 12-31 19:00:18.679 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Sending SSID and password to AP service 12-31 19:00:18.679 984 984 I RobotCore: GABots2021 12-31 19:00:18.679 984 984 D RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: setNetworkProperties(deviceName=8531-RC, password=GABots2021, ApChannel=null) sendSettingsIndividually=false 12-31 19:00:18.679 984 984 I NetDiscover_ControlHubNameManager: Robot controller name: 8531-RC 12-31 19:00:18.679 984 984 I ControlHubPasswordManager: Robot controller password: GABots2021 12-31 19:00:18.679 984 984 D RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Sending bulk settings broadcast intent 12-31 19:00:18.728 984 1124 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 12-31 19:00:18.729 984 1124 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 12-31 19:00:18.738 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 13 12-31 19:00:18.739 984 984 I FTCService: onNetworkConnectionEvent: CONNECTION_INFO_AVAILABLE 12-31 19:00:18.739 984 984 I RobotCore: GABots2021 12-31 19:00:18.739 984 984 I FTCService: Network Connection Passphrase: GABots2021 12-31 19:00:18.739 984 984 V CoreRobotWebServer: starting port=8080 12-31 19:00:18.751 984 984 V RobotCore: Getting network assistant of type: RCWIRELESSAP 12-31 19:00:18.752 984 984 V CoreRobotWebServer: started port=8080 12-31 19:00:18.752 984 984 V FTCService: RCActivity.controllerService=bound 12-31 19:00:18.752 984 984 V UpdateUI: Network: active, disconnected 12-31 19:00:18.753 984 984 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped 12-31 19:00:18.759 984 1130 V TooTallWebSocketServer: Started WebSocket server on port 8081 12-31 19:00:18.761 984 1133 V RobotCore: thread: 'RobotSetupRunnable.run()' starting... 12-31 19:00:18.761 984 1133 V FTCService: Processing robot setup 12-31 19:00:18.762 984 1133 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, scanning for USB devices 12-31 19:00:18.762 984 1133 I AppAliveNotifier: Telling the OS to set the RC alive notification timeout to 10 seconds 12-31 19:00:18.783 984 984 V WebSocketManager: Registered handler for namespace ONBOTJAVA 12-31 19:00:18.798 984 1124 I [Gralloc]: ion device open success! fd = 90 12-31 19:00:18.871 984 984 I PermissionValidatorActivity: Lifecycle onDestroy : 6834bf3 12-31 19:00:18.872 984 984 V AppUtil : rootActivity=PermissionValidatorWrapper destroyed 12-31 19:00:18.872 984 984 V AppUtil : rootActivity=FtcRobotControllerActivity 12-31 19:00:18.872 984 984 I PermissionValidatorActivity: Lifecycle onDestroy : 6d5214a 12-31 19:00:23.775 984 1133 V RobotCore: EventLoopManager state is NOT_STARTED 12-31 19:00:23.776 984 1133 V FTCService: Waiting for a connection to a Wi-Fi service 12-31 19:00:23.777 984 1133 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, waiting for network to become active 12-31 19:00:23.779 984 1133 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi AP is enabled 12-31 19:00:23.779 984 1133 V CoreRobotWebServer: Asked an already running WebServer to start 12-31 19:00:23.779 984 1133 V RobotCore: Robot Status: stopped, starting robot 12-31 19:00:23.780 984 1133 V Robocol : EventLoopManager.start() 12-31 19:00:23.780 984 1133 V RobotCore: Getting network assistant of type: RCWIRELESSAP 12-31 19:00:23.781 984 1133 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi AP is enabled 12-31 19:00:23.781 984 1133 V Robocol : Spoofing a Network Connection event... 12-31 19:00:23.781 984 1133 I EventLoopManager: onNetworkConnectionEvent: CONNECTION_INFO_AVAILABLE 12-31 19:00:23.782 984 1133 I Robocol : Received network connection event 12-31 19:00:23.783 984 1133 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi AP is enabled 12-31 19:00:23.783 984 1133 I NetworkConnectionHandler: Handling new network connection infomation, connected: true setup needed: true 12-31 19:00:23.784 984 1133 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi AP is enabled 12-31 19:00:26.821 984 1171 V RobotCore: thread: 'SetupRunnable.run()' starting... 12-31 19:00:26.821 984 1133 V RobotCore: EventLoopManager state is STOPPED 12-31 19:00:26.822 984 1133 V Robocol : eventLoop=FtcEventLoop 12-31 19:00:26.824 984 1133 V RobotCore: EventLoopManager state is INIT 12-31 19:00:26.825 984 1133 V RobotCore: Robot Status: initializing, starting robot 12-31 19:00:26.825 984 1133 I FtcEventLoop: ======= INIT START ======= 12-31 19:00:26.827 984 1133 V OpmodeRegistration: registered {DefaultOpMode} as {$Stop$Robot$} 12-31 19:00:26.837 984 1171 D Robocol : RobocolDatagramSocket listening addr=/ cbRec=65520 cbSend=106496 msRecTO=300 12-31 19:00:26.838 984 1171 V Robocol : RecvLoopRunnable created 12-31 19:00:26.840 984 1172 V Robocol : PacketProcessor started 12-31 19:00:26.842 984 1173 V Robocol : CommandProcessor started 12-31 19:00:26.843 984 1174 V RobotCore: thread: 'RecvLoopRunnable.run()' starting... 12-31 19:00:26.845 984 1171 V PeerDiscovery: Starting peer discovery remote: / local: / 12-31 19:00:26.846 984 1171 V PeerDiscovery: No need for initiating peer discovery, we are the Robot Controller 12-31 19:00:26.846 984 1171 V RobotCore: Setup complete 12-31 19:00:26.846 984 1171 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'SetupRunnable.run()' 12-31 19:00:27.148 984 1174 E Robocol : exception SocketTimeoutException(Receive timed out): no packet received [java.net.PlainDatagramSocketImpl.receive0(Native Method)] 12-31 19:00:27.212 984 1133 V OpmodeRegistration: registered instance as {2022Autonomous v3 with Colors} 12-31 19:00:27.213 984 1133 V OpmodeRegistration: registered instance as {2022_Power Play Teleop League} 12-31 19:00:27.213 984 1133 V OpmodeRegistration: registered instance as {2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score} 12-31 19:00:27.214 984 1133 V OpmodeRegistration: registered {QRDetection} as {QRDetection} 12-31 19:00:27.256 984 1133 V FtcEventLoop: Ensuring that the embedded Control Hub module is set up correctly 12-31 19:00:27.261 984 1133 V RobotCore: Creating REV Robotics USB Expansion Hub Portal [(embedded)] 12-31 19:00:27.262 984 1133 V LynxUsb : creating new [(embedded)]: 0x033684a8 12-31 19:00:27.263 984 984 I pRunnable.run(): type=1400 audit(0.0:99): avc: denied { read } for name="ttyS1" dev="tmpfs" ino=1129 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:serial_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1 12-31 19:00:27.265 984 1133 V FtDeviceManager: createDeviceInfoList(): 0 USB devices 12-31 19:00:27.265 984 1133 V RobotUsbManagerCombining: FTDI driver failed to open USB device with serial number (embedded) (returned null device) 12-31 19:00:27.266 984 1133 V SerialPortNative: [SerialPort.cpp:150] opened(/dev/ttyS1): fd=99 12-31 19:00:27.267 984 1133 V RobotUsbDeviceTTY: opening serial=(embedded) file=/dev/ttyS1 12-31 19:00:27.267 984 1133 V LynxUsb : armDevice() serial=(embedded)... 12-31 19:00:27.267 984 1133 V LynxUsb : resetDevice() serial=(embedded) 12-31 19:00:27.268 984 1133 V LynxModule: resetting embedded usb device: isPresent: was=true 12-31 19:00:27.263 984 984 I pRunnable.run(): type=1400 audit(0.0:100): avc: denied { write } for name="ttyS1" dev="tmpfs" ino=1129 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:serial_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1 12-31 19:00:27.263 984 984 I pRunnable.run(): type=1400 audit(0.0:101): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev/ttyS1" dev="tmpfs" ino=1129 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:serial_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1 12-31 19:00:27.263 984 984 I pRunnable.run(): type=1400 audit(0.0:102): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/ttyS1" dev="tmpfs" ino=1129 ioctlcmd=5401 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:serial_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1 12-31 19:00:27.266 984 984 I pRunnable.run(): type=1400 audit(0.0:103): avc: denied { read } for name="value" dev="sysfs" ino=13327 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 12-31 19:00:27.266 984 984 I pRunnable.run(): type=1400 audit(0.0:104): avc: denied { open } for path="/sys/devices/pinctrl.26/gpio/gpio50/value" dev="sysfs" ino=13327 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 12-31 19:00:27.266 984 984 I pRunnable.run(): type=1400 audit(0.0:105): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/sys/devices/pinctrl.26/gpio/gpio50/value" dev="sysfs" ino=13327 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 12-31 19:00:27.266 984 984 I pRunnable.run(): type=1400 audit(0.0:106): avc: denied { write } for name="value" dev="sysfs" ino=16067 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 12-31 19:00:27.622 984 1133 V LynxUsb : ...done armDevice() 12-31 19:00:27.623 984 1176 V RobotCore: thread: 'lynx incoming datagrams' starting... 12-31 19:00:27.623 984 1133 V LynxUsb : 0x0c0352a7 on 0x033684a8: new delegate to [(embedded)] 12-31 19:00:27.629 984 1133 V LynxUsb : addConfiguredModule() module#=173 12-31 19:00:27.630 984 1133 V LynxModule: pingAndQueryKnownInterfaces mod=173 12-31 19:00:27.632 984 1176 V LynxUsb : synchronization gained: serial=(embedded) 12-31 19:00:27.651 984 1133 V LynxModule: mod#=173 queryInterface(DEKA)=54 commands starting at 4096 12-31 19:00:27.662 984 1133 V LynxModule: sending LynxFtdiResetControlCommand(true) wasInterrupted=false 12-31 19:00:27.667 984 1133 V LynxModule: sendLEDPatternSteps(): steps=[Step(color=65280, msDuration=1000)] 12-31 19:00:27.670 984 1133 V LynxModule: setAsControlHubEmbeddedModule(mod=173) 12-31 19:00:27.671 984 1133 V EmbeddedControlHubModule: setting embedded module 12-31 19:00:27.671 984 1133 V LynxModule: sending LynxFtdiResetControlCommand(false) wasInterrupted=false 12-31 19:00:27.673 984 1133 V LynxModule: close(#173) 12-31 19:00:27.674 984 1133 V LynxUsb : Verified that the embedded Control Hub module has the correct address 12-31 19:00:27.676 984 1133 V LynxUsb : addConfiguredModule() module#=173 12-31 19:00:27.676 984 1133 V LynxModule: pingAndQueryKnownInterfaces mod=173 12-31 19:00:27.687 984 1133 V LynxModule: mod#=173 queryInterface(DEKA)=54 commands starting at 4096 12-31 19:00:27.696 984 1133 V LynxModule: sending LynxFtdiResetControlCommand(true) wasInterrupted=false 12-31 19:00:27.699 984 1133 V LynxModule: sendLEDPatternSteps(): steps=[Step(color=65280, msDuration=1000)] 12-31 19:00:27.703 984 1133 V LynxModule: setAsControlHubEmbeddedModule(mod=173) 12-31 19:00:27.703 984 1133 V EmbeddedControlHubModule: setting embedded module 12-31 19:00:27.704 984 1133 I RobotCore: LynxFirmwareVersionManager: LynxI2cDeviceSynchV2 12-31 19:00:27.705 984 1133 V LynxI2cDeviceSynch: initializeHardware() mod#=173 12-31 19:00:27.705 984 1133 V BHI260IMU: Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BHI260AP IMU 12-31 19:00:27.709 984 1133 V BHI260IMU: No BHI260AP IMU found 12-31 19:00:27.710 984 1133 V BNO055 : Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:27.713 984 1133 V BNO055 : Found BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:27.714 984 1133 V LynxModule: sending LynxFtdiResetControlCommand(false) wasInterrupted=false 12-31 19:00:27.715 984 1133 V LynxModule: close(#173) 12-31 19:00:27.718 984 1133 V HardwareFactory: createHardwareMap() 12-31 19:00:27.718 984 1133 V EmbeddedControlHubModule: clearing embedded module 12-31 19:00:27.727 984 1133 V ReadXMLFileHandler: embedded lynx USB device is already present 12-31 19:00:27.727 984 1133 V RobotCore: Creating REV Robotics USB Expansion Hub Portal [(embedded)] 12-31 19:00:27.727 984 1133 V LynxUsb : using existing [(embedded)]: 0x033684a8 12-31 19:00:27.728 984 1133 V LynxUsb : 0x035d7c74 on 0x033684a8: new delegate to [(embedded)] 12-31 19:00:27.728 984 1133 V RobotCore: Creating Lynx Module - mod=173 parent=true 12-31 19:00:27.729 984 1133 V RobotCore: Creating Lynx Module - mod=2 parent=false 12-31 19:00:27.730 984 1133 V LynxUsb : addConfiguredModule() module#=173 12-31 19:00:27.730 984 1133 V LynxModule: pingAndQueryKnownInterfaces mod=173 12-31 19:00:27.740 984 1133 V LynxModule: mod#=173 queryInterface(DEKA)=54 commands starting at 4096 12-31 19:00:27.747 984 1133 V LynxModule: sending LynxFtdiResetControlCommand(true) wasInterrupted=false 12-31 19:00:27.751 984 1133 V LynxModule: sendLEDPatternSteps(): steps=[Step(color=65280, msDuration=1000)] 12-31 19:00:27.753 984 1179 V LynxModule: received status: LynxGetModuleStatusResponse(status=0x02 alerts=0x00: Reset) 12-31 19:00:27.754 984 1179 W HubPowerCycle: Expansion Hub 173 regained power after a complete power loss. No user Op Mode was running. 12-31 19:00:27.754 984 1179 V LynxModule: resendCurrentPattern() 12-31 19:00:27.755 984 1179 V LynxModule: sendLEDPatternSteps(): steps=[Step(color=65280, msDuration=1000)] 12-31 19:00:27.756 984 1133 V LynxModule: setAsControlHubEmbeddedModule(mod=173) 12-31 19:00:27.756 984 1133 V EmbeddedControlHubModule: setting embedded module 12-31 19:00:27.757 984 1133 V LynxUsb : addConfiguredModule() module#=2 12-31 19:00:27.757 984 1133 V LynxModule: pingAndQueryKnownInterfaces mod=2 12-31 19:00:27.770 984 1133 V LynxModule: mod#=2 queryInterface(DEKA)=54 commands starting at 4096 12-31 19:00:27.777 984 1133 V LynxModule: sending LynxFtdiResetControlCommand(true) wasInterrupted=false 12-31 19:00:27.783 984 1133 V LynxModule: sendLEDPatternSteps(): steps=[Step(color=65280, msDuration=4500), Step(color=0, msDuration=500), Step(color=255, msDuration=500), Step(color=0, msDuration=500), Step(color=255, msDuration=500), Step(color=0, msDuration=500)] 12-31 19:00:27.785 984 1180 V LynxModule: received status: LynxGetModuleStatusResponse(status=0x02 alerts=0x00: Reset) 12-31 19:00:27.785 984 1180 W HubPowerCycle: Expansion Hub 2 regained power after a complete power loss. No user Op Mode was running. 12-31 19:00:27.786 984 1180 V LynxModule: resendCurrentPattern() 12-31 19:00:27.786 984 1180 V LynxModule: sendLEDPatternSteps(): steps=[Step(color=65280, msDuration=4500), Step(color=0, msDuration=500), Step(color=255, msDuration=500), Step(color=0, msDuration=500), Step(color=255, msDuration=500), Step(color=0, msDuration=500)] 12-31 19:00:27.793 984 1133 V LynxMotor: initializeHardware() mod#=173 12-31 19:00:27.828 984 1133 V RobotCore: DcMotorImpl(type=RevRoboticsUltraplanetaryHDHexMotor) 12-31 19:00:27.828 984 1133 V RobotCore: DcMotorImpl(type=RevRoboticsUltraplanetaryHDHexMotor) 12-31 19:00:27.828 984 1133 V RobotCore: DcMotorImpl(type=RevRoboticsUltraplanetaryHDHexMotor) 12-31 19:00:27.828 984 1133 V RobotCore: DcMotorImpl(type=RevRoboticsUltraplanetaryHDHexMotor) 12-31 19:00:27.829 984 1133 V LynxServoController: initializeHardware() mod#=173 12-31 19:00:27.849 984 1133 V LynxVoltageSensor: initializeHardware() mod#=173 12-31 19:00:27.850 984 1133 V LynxAnalogInputController: initializeHardware() mod#=173 12-31 19:00:27.850 984 1133 V LynxDigitalChannelController: initializeHardware() mod#=173 12-31 19:00:27.863 984 1133 V RobotCore: Creating user sensor REV internal IMU (BNO055) - on Lynx module=173 bus=0 12-31 19:00:27.863 984 1133 I RobotCore: LynxFirmwareVersionManager: LynxI2cDeviceSynchV2 12-31 19:00:27.864 984 1133 V LynxI2cDeviceSynch: initializeHardware() mod#=173 12-31 19:00:27.866 984 1133 V BNO055 : Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:27.869 984 1133 V BNO055 : Found BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:27.869 984 1133 V BNO055 : Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:27.872 984 1133 V BNO055 : Found BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:27.988 984 1133 I RobotCore: LynxFirmwareVersionManager: LynxI2cDeviceSynchV2 12-31 19:00:27.989 984 1133 V LynxI2cDeviceSynch: initializeHardware() mod#=173 12-31 19:00:27.991 984 1133 V LynxMotor: initializeHardware() mod#=2 12-31 19:00:28.039 984 1133 V RobotCore: DcMotorImpl(type=RevRoboticsCoreHexMotor) 12-31 19:00:28.053 984 1133 V LynxServoController: initializeHardware() mod#=2 12-31 19:00:28.084 984 1133 V LynxVoltageSensor: initializeHardware() mod#=2 12-31 19:00:28.084 984 1133 V LynxAnalogInputController: initializeHardware() mod#=2 12-31 19:00:28.085 984 1133 V LynxDigitalChannelController: initializeHardware() mod#=2 12-31 19:00:28.105 984 1133 V RobotCore: Creating user sensor REV internal IMU (BNO055) - on Lynx module=2 bus=0 12-31 19:00:28.105 984 1133 I RobotCore: LynxFirmwareVersionManager: LynxI2cDeviceSynchV2 12-31 19:00:28.105 984 1133 V LynxI2cDeviceSynch: initializeHardware() mod#=2 12-31 19:00:28.106 984 1133 V BNO055 : Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:28.111 984 1133 V BNO055 : Found BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:28.112 984 1133 V BNO055 : Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:28.117 984 1133 V BNO055 : Found BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:28.254 984 1133 I RobotCore: LynxFirmwareVersionManager: LynxI2cDeviceSynchV2 12-31 19:00:28.255 984 1133 V LynxI2cDeviceSynch: initializeHardware() mod#=2 12-31 19:00:28.257 984 1133 V RobotCore: Creating Webcam [67988BD0] 12-31 19:00:28.258 984 1133 V CameraManager: construct(hash=0x09fc81c3|inst#=0) 12-31 19:00:28.259 984 1133 D libusb : [ 0.000245] [0000046d] libusb: debug [op_init] sysfs(/sys/bus/usb/devices) available 12-31 19:00:28.259 984 1133 D libusb : [ 0.000342] [0000046d] libusb: debug [op_init] sysfs can relate devices 12-31 19:00:28.259 984 1133 D libusb : [ 0.000379] [0000046d] libusb: debug [op_init] sysfs has complete descriptors 12-31 19:00:28.259 984 1133 D libusb : [ 0.000416] [0000046d] libusb: debug [op_init] sysfs has serial numbers 12-31 19:00:28.256 984 984 I pRunnable.run(): type=1400 audit(0.0:107): avc: denied { read } for name="devices" dev="sysfs" ino=7258 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 12-31 19:00:28.261 984 1133 V UvcContext: construct(pointer=0x743f67ba80|inst#=0) 12-31 19:00:28.256 984 984 I pRunnable.run(): type=1400 audit(0.0:108): avc: denied { open } for path="/sys/bus/usb/devices" dev="sysfs" ino=7258 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 12-31 19:00:28.267 984 1133 I RobotCore: ========= Device Information =================================================== 12-31 19:00:28.267 984 1133 I RobotCore: Type Name Connection 12-31 19:00:28.268 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub DC Motor Controller Expansion Hub 2 USB (embedded); module 2 12-31 19:00:28.268 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub Servo Controller Expansion Hub 2 USB (embedded); module 2 12-31 19:00:28.268 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub Voltage Sensor Expansion Hub 2 USB (embedded); module 2 12-31 19:00:28.269 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub Analog Input Controller Expansion Hub 2 USB (embedded); module 2 12-31 19:00:28.269 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub Digital Channel Controller Expansion Hub 2 USB (embedded); module 2 12-31 19:00:28.273 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub (HW: 20, Maj: 1, Min: 8, Eng: 2) Expansion Hub 2 USB (embedded); module 2 12-31 19:00:28.274 984 1133 I RobotCore: Continuous Rotation Servo claw USB (embedded); module 173; port 1 12-31 19:00:28.274 984 1133 I RobotCore: REV internal IMU (BNO055) imu USB (embedded); module 2; bus 0; addr7=0x28 12-31 19:00:28.275 984 1133 I RobotCore: REV internal IMU (BNO055) imu USB (embedded); module 2; bus 0; addr7=0x28 12-31 19:00:28.275 984 1133 I RobotCore: Motor RRMotor USB (embedded); module 173; port 0 12-31 19:00:28.275 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub DC Motor Controller Control Hub USB (embedded); module 173 12-31 19:00:28.276 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub Servo Controller Control Hub USB (embedded); module 173 12-31 19:00:28.276 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub Voltage Sensor Control Hub USB (embedded); module 173 12-31 19:00:28.276 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub Analog Input Controller Control Hub USB (embedded); module 173 12-31 19:00:28.277 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub Digital Channel Controller Control Hub USB (embedded); module 173 12-31 19:00:28.280 984 1133 I RobotCore: Expansion Hub (HW: 20, Maj: 1, Min: 8, Eng: 2) Control Hub USB (embedded); module 173 12-31 19:00:28.280 984 1133 I RobotCore: Motor LRMotor USB (embedded); module 173; port 1 12-31 19:00:28.281 984 1133 I RobotCore: Motor LFMotor USB (embedded); module 173; port 3 12-31 19:00:28.287 984 1133 I RobotCore: Logitech Webcam Camera USB (67988BD0) 12-31 19:00:28.287 984 1133 I RobotCore: Motor RFMotor USB (embedded); module 173; port 2 12-31 19:00:28.287 984 1133 I RobotCore: REV Robotics USB Expansion Hub Portal Control Hub Portal USB (embedded) 12-31 19:00:28.288 984 1133 I RobotCore: Motor elevator USB (embedded); module 2; port 0 12-31 19:00:28.288 984 1133 I RobotCore: REV internal IMU (BNO055) controlhubimu USB (embedded); module 173; bus 0; addr7=0x28 12-31 19:00:28.288 984 1133 I RobotCore: REV internal IMU (BNO055) controlhubimu USB (embedded); module 173; bus 0; addr7=0x28 12-31 19:00:28.289 984 1133 I RobotCore: REV Blinkin LED Driver Lights USB (embedded); module 173; port 3 12-31 19:00:28.292 984 1133 I RobotCore: LynxFirmwareVersionManager: LynxI2cDeviceSynchV2 12-31 19:00:28.292 984 1133 V LynxI2cDeviceSynch: initializeHardware() mod#=173 12-31 19:00:28.292 984 1133 V BHI260IMU: Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BHI260AP IMU 12-31 19:00:28.296 984 1133 V BHI260IMU: No BHI260AP IMU found 12-31 19:00:28.297 984 1133 V BNO055 : Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:28.300 984 1133 V BNO055 : Found BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:28.306 984 1133 I RobotCore: LynxFirmwareVersionManager: LynxI2cDeviceSynchV2 12-31 19:00:28.306 984 1133 V LynxI2cDeviceSynch: initializeHardware() mod#=2 12-31 19:00:28.306 984 1133 V BNO055 : Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:28.312 984 1133 V BNO055 : Found BNO055 IMU 12-31 19:00:28.321 984 1133 V LynxUsb : 0x0c0352a7 on 0x033684a8: releasing delegate to [(embedded)] 12-31 19:00:28.321 984 1133 I FtcEventLoop: ======= INIT FINISH ======= 12-31 19:00:28.321 984 1133 V RobotCore: EventLoopManager state is RUNNING 12-31 19:00:28.339 984 1133 V RobotCore: Robot Status: running, starting robot 12-31 19:00:28.339 984 1133 V RobotCore: Robot Status: running 12-31 19:00:28.342 984 1185 V RobotCore: thread: 'EventLoop' starting... 12-31 19:00:28.343 984 1133 D FTCService: Detecting Wi-Fi reset 12-31 19:00:28.344 984 1133 D RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: detectWifiReset button=false 12-31 19:00:28.345 984 1133 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'RobotSetupRunnable.run()' 12-31 19:00:28.349 984 1185 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$None$ msg="" 12-31 19:00:28.479 984 1184 V SoundInfo: construct(0x017161b3) 12-31 19:00:28.498 984 1183 E WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so: dlopen failed: "/system/vendor/lib64/libwvm.so" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit 12-31 19:00:28.527 984 1183 I MediaCodec: callingProcessName:com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller 12-31 19:00:28.531 984 1191 I ACodec : onAllocateComponent:6752 mSoftCodecPref:0 componentName: 12-31 19:00:28.532 984 1191 I ACodec : onAllocateComponent:6783 mSoftCodecPref:0 componentName:OMX.google.raw.decoder 12-31 19:00:28.592 984 1080 D SoundPlayer: onLoadComplete(samp=1|ms=4506, samp=1)=0 12-31 19:00:28.602 984 1184 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 48000 Hz, output 44100 Hz 12-31 19:00:28.775 984 1184 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=1|ms=4506 12-31 19:00:28.854 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 12-31 19:00:28.855 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 12-31 19:00:28.855 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 12-31 19:00:28.859 984 1195 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 12-31 19:00:38.444 984 1172 V PeerDiscovery: new remote peer discovered: 12-31 19:00:38.444 984 1172 V NetworkConnectionHandler: starting sending loop 12-31 19:00:38.445 984 1172 V SoundPlayer: playing running again 12-31 19:00:38.447 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ROBOT_STATE(9), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.448 984 1172 V UpdateUI: Network: active, connected 12-31 19:00:38.448 984 1172 D FTCService: Sending user device types and preferences to driver station 12-31 19:00:38.450 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ROBOT_STATE(10), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.452 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ROBOT_STATE(11), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.453 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION(25), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.456 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(26), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.458 984 1184 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=1|ms=4506 12-31 19:00:38.460 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_OP_MODE_LIST(27), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.462 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ROBOT_STATE(29), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.463 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_SHOW_TOAST(30), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.464 984 1200 V Robocol : Giving up on command CMD_PLAY_SOUND(32) after 0 attempts 12-31 19:00:38.464 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(39), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.475 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sendAllPreferences() 12-31 19:00:38.475 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works value=false 12-31 19:00:38.480 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_device_name value=8531-RC 12-31 19:00:38.480 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_incorrect_clocks value=true 12-31 19:00:38.481 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_obsolete_software value=true 12-31 19:00:38.481 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_has_speaker value=false 12-31 19:00:38.482 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_2_4_ghz_band value=true 12-31 19:00:38.483 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_has_independent_phone_battery value=false 12-31 19:00:38.484 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_app_theme value=green 12-31 19:00:38.484 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_mismatched_app_versions value=true 12-31 19:00:38.484 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(81), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.485 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_sound_on_off value=false 12-31 19:00:38.485 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(83), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.487 984 1172 V NetworkConnectionHandler: Peer connection established 12-31 19:00:38.487 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(84), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.488 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(85), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.489 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(86), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.489 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(87), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.490 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(88), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.491 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(89), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.492 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(90), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.492 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(91), attempt: 0 12-31 19:00:38.500 984 1174 V EventLoopManager: Setting authoritative wall clock based on connected DS. 12-31 19:00:38.500 984 1174 D Uvc : [time.cpp:64] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_system_AppUtil_nativeSetCurrentTimeMillis()... 11-22 16:14:06.795 984 1174 I JniTime : [time.cpp:83] settimeofday() succeeded 11-22 16:14:06.795 984 1174 D Uvc : [time.cpp:64] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_system_AppUtil_nativeSetCurrentTimeMillis() 11-22 16:14:06.797 984 1174 V AppUtil : attempted to set timezone: before=America/New_York after=America/New_York 11-22 16:14:06.799 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_ACTIVE_CONFIG(10000) 11-22 16:14:06.800 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_USER_DEVICE_TYPES(10001) 11-22 16:14:06.801 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_OP_MODE_LIST(10002) 11-22 16:14:06.802 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_ACTIVE_CONFIG(10005) 11-22 16:14:06.804 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_USER_DEVICE_TYPES(10006) 11-22 16:14:06.806 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_OP_MODE_LIST(10007) 11-22 16:14:06.819 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(92), attempt: 0 11-22 16:14:06.819 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(93), attempt: 0 11-22 16:14:06.822 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION(103), attempt: 0 11-22 16:14:06.833 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(10009) {"booleanValue":true,"prefName":"pref_ds_supports_5_ghz"} 11-22 16:14:06.836 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(10010) {"intValue":21,"prefName":"pref_dh_os_version_code"} 11-22 16:14:06.851 984 1184 V SoundInfo: construct(0x08961da3) 11-22 16:14:06.859 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(106), attempt: 0 11-22 16:14:06.861 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_OP_MODE_LIST(109), attempt: 0 11-22 16:14:06.864 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION(118), attempt: 0 11-22 16:14:06.882 984 1183 I MediaCodec: callingProcessName:com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller 11-22 16:14:06.885 984 1206 I ACodec : onAllocateComponent:6752 mSoftCodecPref:0 componentName: 11-22 16:14:06.887 984 1206 I ACodec : onAllocateComponent:6783 mSoftCodecPref:0 componentName:OMX.google.raw.decoder 11-22 16:14:06.899 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(125), attempt: 0 11-22 16:14:06.901 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_OP_MODE_LIST(131), attempt: 0 11-22 16:14:06.922 984 1080 D SoundPlayer: onLoadComplete(samp=2|ms=757, samp=2)=0 11-22 16:14:06.924 984 1184 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 48000 Hz, output 44100 Hz 11-22 16:14:06.927 984 1184 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=2|ms=757 11-22 16:14:06.939 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(141), attempt: 0 11-22 16:14:06.978 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ROBOT_STATE(9), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:06.979 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ROBOT_STATE(10), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:06.980 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ROBOT_STATE(11), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:06.980 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION(25), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:06.981 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(26), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:06.983 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_OP_MODE_LIST(27), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:06.984 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ROBOT_STATE(29), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:06.984 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_SHOW_TOAST(30), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:06.985 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(39), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:07.019 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(81), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:07.020 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(83), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:07.022 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(84), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:07.023 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(85), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:07.024 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(86), attempt: 1 11-22 16:14:56.796 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(11648) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:14:56.810 984 1195 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:14:56.813 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:14:56.814 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:14:56.814 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:14:56.817 984 1225 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:14:56.819 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1750), attempt: 0 11-22 16:14:58.916 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(11736) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:14:58.935 984 1225 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:14:58.937 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:14:58.937 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:14:58.937 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:14:58.941 984 1227 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:14:58.979 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1844), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:03.876 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(11932) 0 11-22 16:15:03.877 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(11933) 2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score 11-22 16:15:03.900 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score ******************** 11-22 16:15:03.905 984 1227 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:15:03.908 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score 11-22 16:15:04.083 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:15:04.084 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:15:04.087 984 1229 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:15:04.087 984 1229 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:15:04.092 984 1229 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:15:04.093 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:15:04.093 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:15:04.099 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(2053), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:04.136 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:04.137 984 984 I I2C : Automatically initializing I2C device LynxEmbeddedIMU (USB (embedded); module 2; bus 0; addr7=0x28) 11-22 16:15:04.139 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:04.139 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:04.139 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:04.139 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:04.140 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Lights". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:04.140 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:04.140 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:04.140 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:04.140 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:04.140 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:04.167 984 984 I cr_Ime : ImeThread is not enabled. 11-22 16:15:04.172 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:15:04.420 984 1235 E libEGL : validate_display:99 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY) 11-22 16:15:04.511 984 1235 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es 11-22 16:15:04.541 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:15:04.596 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:15:04.671 984 1241 I System.out: OpenCvCameraBase ctor: EasyOpenCV version 1.5.2 11-22 16:15:04.695 984 1242 D CameraManager: doOpenCamera()... 11-22 16:15:04.695 984 1242 D CameraManager: requesting permission for camera: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:15:04.698 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_STREAM_CHANGE(2074), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:04.702 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: surfaceCreated() 11-22 16:15:04.702 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: ...surfaceCreated() 11-22 16:15:04.702 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: surfaceChanged() 11-22 16:15:04.702 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): user requested that we deactivate 11-22 16:15:04.702 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): already deactivated 11-22 16:15:04.702 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: ...surfaceChanged() 11-22 16:15:04.703 984 1242 D WebcamNameImpl: requesting permission for /dev/bus/usb/003/003 11-22 16:15:04.703 984 1242 V WebcamNameImpl: asyncRequestUsbPermission()... 11-22 16:15:04.705 984 1242 D WebcamNameImpl: permission already available for /dev/bus/usb/003/003 11-22 16:15:04.706 984 1242 V WebcamNameImpl: ...asyncRequestUsbPermission() 11-22 16:15:04.707 984 1243 D WebcamNameImpl: permission for /dev/bus/usb/003/003=true 11-22 16:15:04.707 984 1242 D ContinuationSynchronizer: awaiting(camera open)... 11-22 16:15:04.707 984 1243 D CameraManager: permission granted for camera: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:15:04.708 984 1243 D CameraManager: asyncOpenCamera(Webcam(67988BD0))... 11-22 16:15:04.708 984 1243 D CameraManager: asyncOpenWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))... 11-22 16:15:04.709 984 1243 V UsbResiliantWebcam: construct(0x05a79143) 11-22 16:15:04.711 984 1243 D UsbResiliantWebcam: openAssumingPermission()... 11-22 16:15:04.714 984 1243 D UvcContext: usb device is *not* UVC compatible, /dev/bus/usb/003/004 11-22 16:15:04.716 984 1243 D UvcContext: found webcam: usbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 vid=0x46D pid=0x825 serial=67988BD0 product=null 11-22 16:15:04.716 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice()... 11-22 16:15:04.716 984 1243 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: enter... 11-22 16:15:04.718 984 1243 D libusb : [1669151676.459743] [000004db] libusb: debug [op_create] op_create: szUsbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 szSysfsDir=3-1.4 11-22 16:15:04.719 984 1243 D libusb : [1669151676.460045] [000004db] libusb: debug [initialize_device] initialize_device(szUsbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 szSysfsDir=3-1.4) 11-22 16:15:04.719 984 1243 D libusb : [1669151676.460668] [000004db] libusb: debug [initialize_device] initialize_device(szUsbPath=(null) szSysfsDir=3-1) 11-22 16:15:04.720 984 1243 E libusb : [1669151676.461052] [000004db] libusb: error [initialize_device] unable to open serial number sysfs; error ignored 11-22 16:15:04.720 984 1243 D libusb : [1669151676.461354] [000004db] libusb: debug [initialize_device] initialize_device(szUsbPath=(null) szSysfsDir=usb3) 11-22 16:15:04.721 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] uvc_create_uvc_device()... 11-22 16:15:04.721 984 1243 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] uvc_device::uvc_device()... 11-22 16:15:04.721 984 1243 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:375] acquired vid=1133 & pid=2085 11-22 16:15:04.721 984 1243 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] ...uvc_device::uvc_device() 11-22 16:15:04.721 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] ...uvc_create_uvc_device() rc=0 11-22 16:15:04.721 984 1243 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:15:04.721 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice() 11-22 16:15:04.722 984 1243 V UvcDevice: construct(pointer=0x743d1fdb80|null) 11-22 16:15:04.723 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice()... 11-22 16:15:04.723 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice() 11-22 16:15:04.724 984 1243 V LibUsbDevice: construct(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:15:04.728 984 1243 D UvcDevice: open()... 11-22 16:15:04.729 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:50] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeSetUsbDeviceInfo()... 11-22 16:15:04.730 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:50] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeSetUsbDeviceInfo() 11-22 16:15:04.730 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:233] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle()... 11-22 16:15:04.730 984 1243 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle: enter... 11-22 16:15:04.730 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:279] uvc_open()... 11-22 16:15:04.730 984 1243 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:356] uvc_device::open()... 11-22 16:15:04.730 984 1243 D libusb : [1669151676.471125] [000004db] libusb: debug [op_open] op_open: szUsbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 11-22 16:15:04.730 984 1243 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:356] ...uvc_device::open() rc=0 11-22 16:15:04.730 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:295] calling libusb_reset_device()... 11-22 16:15:04.808 984 1241 V BNO055 : Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BNO055 IMU 11-22 16:15:04.813 984 1241 V BNO055 : Found BNO055 IMU 11-22 16:15:05.226 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:303] ...libusb_reset_device() called 11-22 16:15:05.226 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:311] libusb_open() = 0 11-22 16:15:05.226 984 1243 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:732] uvc_device_handle::uvc_device_handle()... 11-22 16:15:05.226 984 1243 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:732] ...uvc_device_handle::uvc_device_handle() 11-22 16:15:05.226 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] uvc_get_device_info()... 11-22 16:15:05.226 984 1243 D libusb : [1669151676.967528] [000004db] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:15:05.226 984 1243 D libusb : [1669151676.967656] [000004db] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:15:05.227 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] uvc_scan_control()... 11-22 16:15:05.227 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] uvc_parse_vc_header()... 11-22 16:15:05.227 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] uvc_scan_streaming()... 11-22 16:15:05.227 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] uvc_parse_vs_input_header()... 11-22 16:15:05.227 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] ...uvc_parse_vs_input_header() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.227 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed()... 11-22 16:15:05.227 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.228 984 1243 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:15:05.228 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg()... 11-22 16:15:05.228 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.228 984 1243 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:15:05.228 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] ...uvc_scan_streaming() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.228 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] ...uvc_parse_vc_header() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.228 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal()... 11-22 16:15:05.228 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] ...uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.229 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit()... 11-22 16:15:05.229 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] ...uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.229 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] ...uvc_scan_control() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.229 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] ...uvc_get_device_info() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.229 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:326] claiming control interface 0 11-22 16:15:05.229 984 1243 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=0)... 11-22 16:15:05.229 984 1243 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(0) 11-22 16:15:05.252 984 1241 V BNO055IMU: Now polling until IMU comes out of reset. It is normal to see I2C failures below 11-22 16:15:05.257 984 1241 V RobotCore: addr=false data=true arb=false clock=false 11-22 16:15:05.258 984 1241 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: readStatusQuery: cbExpected=1 cbRead=0 11-22 16:15:05.258 984 1241 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: placeholder: readStatusQuery 11-22 16:15:05.299 984 1243 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(0) succeeded 11-22 16:15:05.300 984 1243 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(0) succeeded 11-22 16:15:05.300 984 1243 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.300 984 1243 D Uvc : [device.cpp:279] ...uvc_open() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.300 984 1243 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle: ...exit 11-22 16:15:05.300 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:233] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle() 11-22 16:15:05.302 984 1243 V UvcDeviceHandle: construct(pointer=0x743f7dd440) 11-22 16:15:05.303 984 1243 V CameraImpl: construct(0x02eaf24a) 11-22 16:15:05.304 984 1243 D UsbResiliantWebcam.InterveningStateCallback: onOpened() camera=CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))... 11-22 16:15:05.305 984 1243 D UsbResiliantWebcam: changeDelegatedCamera(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:15:05.306 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Auto)... 11-22 16:15:05.307 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Auto): false 11-22 16:15:05.308 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto)... 11-22 16:15:05.308 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto): false 11-22 16:15:05.308 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Macro)... 11-22 16:15:05.309 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Macro): false 11-22 16:15:05.309 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Infinity)... 11-22 16:15:05.309 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Infinity): false 11-22 16:15:05.310 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Fixed)... 11-22 16:15:05.310 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Fixed): true 11-22 16:15:05.310 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: isFocusLengthSupported... 11-22 16:15:05.310 984 1243 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isFocusLengthSupported: false 11-22 16:15:05.315 984 1243 D CachingExposureControl: onCameraChanged(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:15:05.316 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(Auto)... 11-22 16:15:05.318 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(Auto): false 11-22 16:15:05.319 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto)... 11-22 16:15:05.321 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto): false 11-22 16:15:05.322 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(Manual)... 11-22 16:15:05.324 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(Manual): true 11-22 16:15:05.324 984 1241 V RobotCore: addr=false data=true arb=false clock=false 11-22 16:15:05.324 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(ShutterPriority)... 11-22 16:15:05.324 984 1241 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: readStatusQuery: cbExpected=1 cbRead=0 11-22 16:15:05.326 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(ShutterPriority): false 11-22 16:15:05.327 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(AperturePriority)... 11-22 16:15:05.329 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(AperturePriority): true 11-22 16:15:05.329 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: isExposureSupported()... 11-22 16:15:05.329 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isExposureSupported(): true 11-22 16:15:05.330 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: getMinExposure(NANOSECONDS)... 11-22 16:15:05.330 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:645] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinExposure()... 11-22 16:15:05.332 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:645] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinExposure() 11-22 16:15:05.332 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...getMinExposure(NANOSECONDS): 100000 11-22 16:15:05.333 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: getMaxExposure(NANOSECONDS)... 11-22 16:15:05.335 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...getMaxExposure(NANOSECONDS): 1000000000 11-22 16:15:05.335 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: setAePriority()... 11-22 16:15:05.339 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...setAePriority() 11-22 16:15:05.339 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: getMode()... 11-22 16:15:05.340 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:493] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetVuforiaExposureMode()... 11-22 16:15:05.341 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:493] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetVuforiaExposureMode() 11-22 16:15:05.342 984 1243 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...getMode(): AperturePriority 11-22 16:15:05.344 984 1243 D CachingExposureControl: ...onCameraChanged(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:15:05.345 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMinZoom()... 11-22 16:15:05.346 984 1243 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:219] Failed to get min zoom : error -9 11-22 16:15:05.346 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMinZoom(): 0 11-22 16:15:05.347 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMaxZoom()... 11-22 16:15:05.348 984 1243 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:242] Failed to get max zoom : error -9 11-22 16:15:05.348 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMaxZoom(): 0 11-22 16:15:05.348 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMinPanTilt()... 11-22 16:15:05.350 984 1243 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:365] Failed to get min pan/tilt : error -9 11-22 16:15:05.350 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMinPanTilt(): org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.hardware.camera.controls.PtzControl$PanTiltHolder@4731269 11-22 16:15:05.350 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMaxPanTilt()... 11-22 16:15:05.351 984 1243 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:333] Failed to get max pan/tilt : error -9 11-22 16:15:05.352 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMaxPanTilt(): org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.hardware.camera.controls.PtzControl$PanTiltHolder@ad104ee 11-22 16:15:05.352 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: getZoom()... 11-22 16:15:05.353 984 1243 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:196] Failed to get zoom : error -9 11-22 16:15:05.354 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getZoom(): 0 11-22 16:15:05.354 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: getPanTilt()... 11-22 16:15:05.355 984 1243 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:301] Failed to get pan/tilt : error -9 11-22 16:15:05.356 984 1243 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getPanTilt(): org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.hardware.camera.controls.PtzControl$PanTiltHolder@893cd8f 11-22 16:15:05.356 984 1243 D UvcApiGainControl: getMinGain()... 11-22 16:15:05.356 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:894] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinGain()... 11-22 16:15:05.358 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:894] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinGain() 11-22 16:15:05.359 984 1243 D UvcApiGainControl: ...getMinGain(): 0 11-22 16:15:05.359 984 1243 D UvcApiGainControl: getMaxGain()... 11-22 16:15:05.359 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:917] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxGain()... 11-22 16:15:05.361 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:917] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxGain() 11-22 16:15:05.362 984 1243 D UvcApiGainControl: ...getMaxGain(): 255 11-22 16:15:05.362 984 1243 D UvcApiGainControl: getGain()... 11-22 16:15:05.362 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:940] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetGain()... 11-22 16:15:05.364 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:940] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetGain() 11-22 16:15:05.364 984 1243 D UvcApiGainControl: ...getGain(): 64 11-22 16:15:05.365 984 1243 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: getMinWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:05.365 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:726] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:05.367 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:726] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinWhiteBalanceTemperature() 11-22 16:15:05.368 984 1243 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: ...getMinWhiteBalanceTemperature(): 0 11-22 16:15:05.368 984 1243 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: getMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:05.368 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:748] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:05.370 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:748] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature() 11-22 16:15:05.371 984 1243 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: ...getMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature(): 10000 11-22 16:15:05.371 984 1243 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: getWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:05.371 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:793] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:05.373 984 1243 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:793] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetWhiteBalanceTemperature() 11-22 16:15:05.374 984 1243 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: ...getWhiteBalanceTemperature(): 4000 11-22 16:15:05.374 984 1243 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...changeDelegatedCamera(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:15:05.374 984 1243 D UsbResiliantWebcam: openSelfAndReport()... 11-22 16:15:05.375 984 1243 V CameraImpl: construct(0x0b2a481c) 11-22 16:15:05.377 984 1243 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...openSelfAndReport() 11-22 16:15:05.377 984 1243 D UsbResiliantWebcam.InterveningStateCallback: ...onOpened() camera=CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))) 11-22 16:15:05.377 984 1243 D UvcDevice: ...open() 11-22 16:15:05.377 984 1243 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...openAssumingPermission() 11-22 16:15:05.377 984 1243 D CameraManager: ...asyncOpenWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0)) 11-22 16:15:05.378 984 1245 D CameraManager: camera reports opened: CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))) 11-22 16:15:05.378 984 1243 D CameraManager: ...asyncOpenCamera(Webcam(67988BD0)) 11-22 16:15:05.379 984 1245 D ContinuationSynchronizer: finish("camera reports opened: Webcam(67988BD0)": CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))))... 11-22 16:15:05.379 984 1242 D ContinuationSynchronizer: ...awaiting(camera open) 11-22 16:15:05.380 984 1242 D CameraManager: ...doOpenCamera() 11-22 16:15:05.381 984 1245 D ContinuationSynchronizer: ...finish("camera reports opened: Webcam(67988BD0)": CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0)))) 11-22 16:15:05.384 984 1242 D UvcContext: usb device is *not* UVC compatible, /dev/bus/usb/003/004 11-22 16:15:05.384 984 1242 D UvcContext: found webcam: usbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 vid=0x46D pid=0x825 serial=67988BD0 product=null 11-22 16:15:05.384 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice()... 11-22 16:15:05.385 984 1242 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: enter... 11-22 16:15:05.386 984 1242 D libusb : [1669151677.127559] [000004da] libusb: debug [op_create] op_create: szUsbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 szSysfsDir=3-1.4 11-22 16:15:05.387 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] uvc_create_uvc_device()... 11-22 16:15:05.387 984 1242 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] uvc_device::uvc_device()... 11-22 16:15:05.387 984 1242 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:375] acquired vid=1133 & pid=2085 11-22 16:15:05.387 984 1242 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] ...uvc_device::uvc_device() 11-22 16:15:05.387 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] ...uvc_create_uvc_device() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.387 984 1242 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:15:05.387 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice() 11-22 16:15:05.388 984 1242 V UvcDevice: construct(pointer=0x7439a495c0|null) 11-22 16:15:05.388 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice()... 11-22 16:15:05.388 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice() 11-22 16:15:05.388 984 1242 V LibUsbDevice: construct(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:15:05.389 984 1242 V UvcApiCameraCharacteristicsBuilder: construct(0x014c81fa) 11-22 16:15:05.390 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:289] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo()... 11-22 16:15:05.390 984 1242 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo: enter... 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] uvc_get_device_info()... 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D libusb : [1669151677.131863] [000004da] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D libusb : [1669151677.131945] [000004da] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] uvc_scan_control()... 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] uvc_parse_vc_header()... 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] uvc_scan_streaming()... 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] uvc_parse_vs_input_header()... 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] ...uvc_parse_vs_input_header() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed()... 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg()... 11-22 16:15:05.391 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.392 984 1242 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:15:05.392 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] ...uvc_scan_streaming() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.392 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] ...uvc_parse_vc_header() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.392 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal()... 11-22 16:15:05.392 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] ...uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.392 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit()... 11-22 16:15:05.392 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] ...uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.392 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] ...uvc_scan_control() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.392 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] ...uvc_get_device_info() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.392 984 1242 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo: ...exit 11-22 16:15:05.392 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:289] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo() 11-22 16:15:05.393 984 1242 V UvcDeviceInfo: construct(pointer=0x7439a2c6b0) 11-22 16:15:05.394 984 1242 V UvcStreamingInterface: construct(pointer=0x7439a49640) 11-22 16:15:05.472 984 1242 V UvcStreamingInterface: destroy(pointer=0x7439a49640) 11-22 16:15:05.472 984 1242 V UvcDeviceInfo: destroy(pointer=0x7439a2c6b0) 11-22 16:15:05.473 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_deviceinfo.cpp:63] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo()... 11-22 16:15:05.473 984 1242 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo: enter... 11-22 16:15:05.473 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] uvc_free_device_info()... 11-22 16:15:05.473 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] ...uvc_free_device_info() 11-22 16:15:05.473 984 1242 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo: ...exit 11-22 16:15:05.473 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_deviceinfo.cpp:63] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo() 11-22 16:15:05.473 984 1242 V UvcApiCameraCharacteristicsBuilder: destroy(hash=0x014c81fa) 11-22 16:15:05.474 984 1242 V UvcDevice: destroy(pointer=0x7439a495c0|/dev/bus/usb/003/003) 11-22 16:15:05.474 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:15:05.474 984 1242 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: enter... 11-22 16:15:05.474 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] uvc_unref_device()... 11-22 16:15:05.474 984 1242 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] ...uvc_unref_device() 11-22 16:15:05.474 984 1242 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:15:05.474 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:15:05.475 984 1242 V LibUsbDevice: destroy(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:15:05.475 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:15:05.475 984 1242 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:15:05.477 984 1242 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): user requested that we activate 11-22 16:15:05.478 984 1242 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): activating viewport 11-22 16:15:05.482 984 1246 D OpenCvViewportRenderThread: Render thread is up! 11-22 16:15:05.482 984 1242 D UsbResiliantWebcam: createCaptureSession()... 11-22 16:15:05.483 984 1242 V DelCaptureSession: construct(0x0e89b3ab) 11-22 16:15:05.485 984 1242 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:15:05.485 984 1242 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:15:05.486 984 1242 D CachingExposureControl: onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:15:05.486 984 1242 D CachingExposureControl: ...onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:15:05.486 984 1242 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...createCaptureSession() 11-22 16:15:05.488 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: startCapture()... 11-22 16:15:05.488 984 1247 V DelCaptureSequence: construct(0x08a1a5a1) 11-22 16:15:05.489 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:15:05.489 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: pauseStreaming(Stopped)... 11-22 16:15:05.489 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...pauseStreaming(Stopped) 11-22 16:15:05.490 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: resumeStreaming(Stopped)... 11-22 16:15:05.490 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...resumeStreaming(Stopped) 11-22 16:15:05.490 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:15:05.490 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: startStreaming(Stopped)... 11-22 16:15:05.491 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: doStreaming()... 11-22 16:15:05.491 984 1247 V UvcApiCaptureSession: construct(0x08d0c3c6) 11-22 16:15:05.492 984 1245 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: camera session is configured: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:15:05.492 984 1247 V UvcApiCameraCaptureSequence: construct(0x0daddf87) 11-22 16:15:05.493 984 1247 D UvcDeviceHandle: getStreamControl(320x240 30)... 11-22 16:15:05.493 984 1247 V UvcStreamCtrl: construct(0x068d7eb4) 11-22 16:15:05.494 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:115] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize()... 11-22 16:15:05.494 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize: enter... 11-22 16:15:05.494 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:373] uvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size()... 11-22 16:15:05.494 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=1)... 11-22 16:15:05.494 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) 11-22 16:15:05.494 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:05.494 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:05.494 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.494 984 1247 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:412] 320x240 30fps 11-22 16:15:05.494 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:15:05.498 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.498 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface()... 11-22 16:15:05.498 984 1247 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) 11-22 16:15:05.499 984 1247 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:05.499 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] ...uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.499 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:523] uvc_probe_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:15:05.499 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=1)... 11-22 16:15:05.499 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) 11-22 16:15:05.500 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:05.500 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:05.500 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.500 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:15:05.506 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.506 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:15:05.510 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.510 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:523] ...uvc_probe_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.510 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:373] ...uvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.510 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize: ...exit 11-22 16:15:05.510 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:115] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize() 11-22 16:15:05.510 984 1247 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...getStreamControl(320x240 30) 11-22 16:15:05.510 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamcontrol.cpp:101] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen()... 11-22 16:15:05.510 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen: enter... 11-22 16:15:05.510 984 1247 D Uvc : [devicehandle.cpp:46] uvc_device_handle::openStreamControl()... 11-22 16:15:05.511 984 1247 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:58] uvc_stream_handle::claimInterface()... 11-22 16:15:05.511 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=1)... 11-22 16:15:05.511 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) 11-22 16:15:05.511 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:05.511 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:05.511 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.511 984 1247 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:58] ...uvc_stream_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.511 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:15:05.520 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.520 984 1247 D Uvc : [devicehandle.cpp:46] ...uvc_device_handle::openStreamControl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.520 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen: ...exit 11-22 16:15:05.520 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamcontrol.cpp:101] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen() 11-22 16:15:05.521 984 1247 V UvcStreamHandle: construct(pointer=0x7439a3de00) 11-22 16:15:05.521 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming()... 11-22 16:15:05.521 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:15:05.521 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] uvc_stream_stop()... 11-22 16:15:05.521 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] ...uvc_stream_stop() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.521 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:15:05.521 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming() 11-22 16:15:05.521 984 1247 V UvcFrameCallback: construct(0x0a11fadd) 11-22 16:15:05.522 984 1247 V UvcFrameCallbackData: construct(pointer=0x7439b24ed0) 11-22 16:15:05.522 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStartStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:15:05.522 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:970] uvc_stream_start_bandwidth()... 11-22 16:15:05.522 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1173] uvc_stream_handle::startIsochronousStreaming()... 11-22 16:15:05.522 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting(setInterfaceAltSetting(intf=1 alt=8))... 11-22 16:15:05.522 984 1247 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,8) 11-22 16:15:05.523 984 1247 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,8) succeeded 11-22 16:15:05.523 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] ...uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.523 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1173] ...uvc_stream_handle::startIsochronousStreaming() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.523 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1201] uvc_stream_handle::startUserCallbackThread()... 11-22 16:15:05.523 984 1241 V BNO055IMU: IMU has come out of reset. No more I2C failures should occur. 11-22 16:15:05.524 984 1248 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1265] User Callback thread started 11-22 16:15:05.524 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1201] ...uvc_stream_handle::startUserCallbackThread() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.524 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1221] uvc_stream_handle::submitTransfers()... 11-22 16:15:05.527 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1221] ...uvc_stream_handle::submitTransfers() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.527 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:970] ...uvc_stream_start_bandwidth() rc=0 11-22 16:15:05.527 984 1247 D UvcStreamHandle: [jni_streamhandle.cpp:150] successfully started streaming 11-22 16:15:05.527 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStartStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:15:05.528 984 1247 V UvcStreamCtrl: destroy(pointer=0x7439a49640) 11-22 16:15:05.528 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...doStreaming() 11-22 16:15:05.528 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...startStreaming(Stopped) 11-22 16:15:05.528 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...startCapture() 11-22 16:15:05.528 984 1247 I System.out: OpenCvWebcam: onConfigured 11-22 16:15:05.529 984 1242 I System.out: OpenCvWebcam: streaming started 11-22 16:15:05.534 984 1181 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:729] this is the UVC processTransfer() stream processing thread 11-22 16:15:10.355 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12186) 11-22 16:15:10.458 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(2296), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:10.459 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2297), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:10.460 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2298), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:10.462 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2299), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:11.275 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12207) 11-22 16:15:11.338 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(2318), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:11.339 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2319), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:11.341 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2320), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:11.344 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2321), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:12.035 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12226) 11-22 16:15:12.098 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(2340), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:12.100 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2341), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:12.102 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2342), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:12.103 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2343), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:15.916 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12285) 11-22 16:15:15.978 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(2403), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:15.979 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2404), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:15.980 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2405), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:15.982 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2406), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:16.436 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12300) 11-22 16:15:16.499 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(2420), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:16.502 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2422), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:16.503 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2423), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:16.504 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2424), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:17.195 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12319) 11-22 16:15:17.258 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(2442), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:17.259 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2443), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:17.262 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2444), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:17.263 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2445), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:17.916 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12337) 11-22 16:15:17.980 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(2464), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:17.980 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2465), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:17.982 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2466), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:17.983 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2467), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:18.676 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12354) 11-22 16:15:18.738 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(2484), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:18.739 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2485), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:18.740 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2486), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:18.741 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2487), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:19.195 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12370) 11-22 16:15:19.258 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(2502), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:19.259 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2503), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:19.261 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2504), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:19.264 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2505), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:20.036 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12389) 11-22 16:15:20.099 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(2525), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:20.101 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2526), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:20.102 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2527), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:20.103 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(2528), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:22.519 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(12430) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:15:22.525 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v4_No_Cone_Score.txt ******************** 11-22 16:15:22.531 984 1256 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v4_No_Cone_Score.txt 11-22 16:15:22.531 984 1256 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:15:3.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v4_No_Cone_Score.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:15:22.532 984 1229 E RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - caught InterruptedException during scriptFinishedLock.wait 11-22 16:15:22.541 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:15:22.541 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end 11-22 16:15:22.546 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/JavaBridge - scriptFinished 11-22 16:15:22.546 984 1229 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - after while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:15:22.547 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - run2 - before clearScript 11-22 16:15:22.547 984 1229 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - end - 15ms after InterruptedException 11-22 16:15:22.547 984 1229 D RobotCore: User runOpModeMethod exited 11-22 16:15:22.548 984 1229 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:15:22.553 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - run2 - after clearScript 11-22 16:15:22.559 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: stopCapture()... 11-22 16:15:22.559 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: undoStreaming()... 11-22 16:15:22.559 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: stopCapture()... 11-22 16:15:22.559 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming()... 11-22 16:15:22.559 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:15:22.559 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] uvc_stream_stop()... 11-22 16:15:22.559 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1542] cancelling extant transfers 11-22 16:15:22.562 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: surfaceDestroyed() 11-22 16:15:22.562 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): lifecycle mandates deactivation regardless of user 11-22 16:15:22.562 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): deactivating viewport 11-22 16:15:22.562 984 1246 W System.err: java.lang.InterruptedException 11-22 16:15:22.563 984 1246 W System.err: at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) 11-22 16:15:22.563 984 1246 W System.err: at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.collections.EvictingBlockingQueue.take(EvictingBlockingQueue.java:143) 11-22 16:15:22.563 984 1246 W System.err: at org.openftc.easyopencv.OpenCvViewport$RenderThread.run(OpenCvViewport.java:554) 11-22 16:15:22.563 984 1246 D OpenCvViewportRenderThread: About to exit 11-22 16:15:22.563 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: ...surfaceDestroyed() 11-22 16:15:22.565 1257 1257 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:127): avc: denied { read } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=1 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 11-22 16:15:22.565 1257 1257 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:128): avc: denied { open } for path="/" dev="rootfs" ino=1 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 11-22 16:15:22.589 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:15:22.598 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1471] (waitForAllTransfers(waiting for cancelled transfers))... 11-22 16:15:22.598 984 1248 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1329] user callback thread stopped 11-22 16:15:22.599 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1485] no extant active transfers: continuing 11-22 16:15:22.599 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1471] ...() 11-22 16:15:22.599 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1189] uvc_stream_handle::stopIsochronousStreaming()... 11-22 16:15:22.599 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting(setInterfaceAltSetting(intf=1 alt=0))... 11-22 16:15:22.599 984 1185 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,0) 11-22 16:15:22.600 984 1185 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,0) succeeded 11-22 16:15:22.600 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] ...uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting() rc=0 11-22 16:15:22.600 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1189] ...uvc_stream_handle::stopIsochronousStreaming() rc=0 11-22 16:15:22.600 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1558] awakening user thread 11-22 16:15:22.600 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1567] waiting for user callback thread to finish 11-22 16:15:22.600 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] ...uvc_stream_stop() rc=0 11-22 16:15:22.600 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:15:22.600 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming() 11-22 16:15:22.600 984 1185 V UvcFrameCallback: destroy(hash=0x0a11fadd) 11-22 16:15:22.601 984 1185 V UvcFrameCallbackData: destroy(pointer=0x7439b24ed0) 11-22 16:15:22.601 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcFrameCallback_nativeReleaseCallbackState: enter... 11-22 16:15:22.601 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcFrameCallback_nativeReleaseCallbackState: ...exit 11-22 16:15:22.601 984 1185 V UvcStreamHandle: destroy(pointer=0x7439a3de00) 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming()... 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] uvc_stream_stop()... 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] ...uvc_stream_stop() rc=0 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming() 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:200] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle()... 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle: enter... 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1584] uvc_stream_close()... 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:45] uvc_stream_handle::~uvc_stream_handle()... 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:66] uvc_stream_handle::releaseInterface()... 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface()... 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) 11-22 16:15:22.602 984 1185 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:22.603 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] ...uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:22.603 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:66] ...uvc_stream_handle::releaseInterface() 11-22 16:15:22.603 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:45] ...uvc_stream_handle::~uvc_stream_handle() 11-22 16:15:22.603 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1584] ...uvc_stream_close() 11-22 16:15:22.603 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle: ...exit 11-22 16:15:22.603 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:200] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle() 11-22 16:15:22.604 984 1247 D RobotCore: capture sequence DelegatingCaptureSequenceId(1) reports completed: lastFrame=493 11-22 16:15:22.604 984 1185 V UvcApiCameraCaptureSequence: destroy(hash=0x0daddf87) 11-22 16:15:22.604 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: ...stopCapture() 11-22 16:15:22.604 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: doClose()... 11-22 16:15:22.605 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: ...doClose() 11-22 16:15:22.605 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...undoStreaming() 11-22 16:15:22.605 984 1245 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: camera session is closed: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:15:22.605 984 1245 V UvcApiCaptureSession: destroy(hash=0x08d0c3c6) 11-22 16:15:22.605 984 1245 D UvcApiCaptureSession: destructor... 11-22 16:15:22.605 984 1247 D RobotCore: capture sequence DelegatingCaptureSequenceId(1) reports completed: lastFrame=493 11-22 16:15:22.606 984 1245 D UvcApiCaptureSession: ...destructor 11-22 16:15:22.606 984 1185 V UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: destroy(hash=0x08a1a5a1) 11-22 16:15:22.606 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...stopCapture() 11-22 16:15:22.606 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: doClose()... 11-22 16:15:22.607 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...doClose() 11-22 16:15:22.607 984 1185 V UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: destroy(hash=0x0e89b3ab) 11-22 16:15:22.607 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: destructor()... 11-22 16:15:22.608 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...destructor() 11-22 16:15:22.608 984 1185 V CameraImpl: destroy(hash=0x0b2a481c) 11-22 16:15:22.608 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: CameraImpl.destructor()... 11-22 16:15:22.608 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: externalDestructor()... 11-22 16:15:22.609 984 1185 V CameraImpl: destroy(hash=0x02eaf24a) 11-22 16:15:22.609 984 1245 D CameraManager: camera reports closed: CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))) 11-22 16:15:22.609 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: CameraImpl.destructor()... 11-22 16:15:22.609 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: externalDestructor()... 11-22 16:15:22.609 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: changeDelegatedCamera(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null)... 11-22 16:15:22.610 984 1185 D CachingExposureControl: onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null)... 11-22 16:15:22.610 984 1185 D CachingExposureControl: ...onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null) 11-22 16:15:22.610 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...changeDelegatedCamera(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null) 11-22 16:15:22.610 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...externalDestructor() 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 V UvcDeviceHandle: destroy(pointer=0x743f7dd440) 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: destructor... 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:87] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle()... 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle: enter... 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:872] uvc_device_handle::~uvc_device_handle()... 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:840] uvc_device_handle::deconstruct()... 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:751] uvc_device_handle::stop()... 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:751] ...uvc_device_handle::stop() 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:865] uvc_device_handle::close()... 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 E libusb : [1669151694.352376] [000004a1] libusb: error [do_close] Device handle closed while transfer was still being processed, but the device is still connected as far as we know 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 E libusb : [1669151694.352422] [000004a1] libusb: error [do_close] A cancellation hasn't even been scheduled on the transfer for which the device is closing 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:865] ...uvc_device_handle::close() 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:840] ...uvc_device_handle::deconstruct() 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] uvc_free_device_info()... 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] ...uvc_free_device_info() 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:872] ...uvc_device_handle::~uvc_device_handle() 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle: ...exit 11-22 16:15:22.611 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:87] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle() 11-22 16:15:22.612 984 1185 V UvcDevice: destroy(pointer=0x743d1fdb80|/dev/bus/usb/003/003) 11-22 16:15:22.612 984 1185 D UsbDeviceConnectionJNI: close 11-22 16:15:22.612 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:15:22.612 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: enter... 11-22 16:15:22.612 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] uvc_unref_device()... 11-22 16:15:22.614 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] ...uvc_unref_device() 11-22 16:15:22.614 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:15:22.614 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:15:22.614 984 1185 V LibUsbDevice: destroy(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:15:22.614 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:15:22.614 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:15:22.614 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...destructor 11-22 16:15:22.614 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...CameraImpl.destructor() 11-22 16:15:22.615 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...externalDestructor() 11-22 16:15:22.615 984 1185 V UsbResiliantWebcam: destroy(hash=0x05a79143) 11-22 16:15:22.615 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: destructor()... 11-22 16:15:22.615 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...destructor() 11-22 16:15:22.615 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...CameraImpl.destructor() 11-22 16:15:22.616 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:15:22.616 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:15:22.616 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:15:22.618 984 1260 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:15:22.619 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_STREAM_CHANGE(2572), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:22.619 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(2577), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:22.637 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(12438) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:15:22.659 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(2585), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:22.669 984 1256 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:15:3.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v4_No_Cone_Score.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:15:22.669 984 1256 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v4_No_Cone_Score.txt 11-22 16:15:29.960 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(12724) 0 11-22 16:15:29.961 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(12725) 2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score 11-22 16:15:29.983 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score ******************** 11-22 16:15:29.987 984 1260 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:15:29.991 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score 11-22 16:15:30.173 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:15:30.174 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:15:30.177 984 1262 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:15:30.178 984 1262 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:15:30.179 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(2885), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:30.180 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:15:30.180 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:15:30.181 984 1262 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:15:30.192 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:30.193 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:30.194 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:30.194 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:30.194 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:30.195 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Lights". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:30.195 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:30.196 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:30.196 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:30.196 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:30.196 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:15:30.233 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:15:30.259 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:15:30.268 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:15:30.272 984 1241 I System.out: OpenCvCameraBase ctor: EasyOpenCV version 1.5.2 11-22 16:15:30.276 984 1263 D CameraManager: doOpenCamera()... 11-22 16:15:30.277 984 1263 D CameraManager: requesting permission for camera: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:15:30.282 984 1263 D WebcamNameImpl: requesting permission for /dev/bus/usb/003/003 11-22 16:15:30.283 984 1263 V WebcamNameImpl: asyncRequestUsbPermission()... 11-22 16:15:30.284 984 1263 D WebcamNameImpl: permission already available for /dev/bus/usb/003/003 11-22 16:15:30.285 984 1263 V WebcamNameImpl: ...asyncRequestUsbPermission() 11-22 16:15:30.285 984 1263 D ContinuationSynchronizer: awaiting(camera open)... 11-22 16:15:30.285 984 1245 D WebcamNameImpl: permission for /dev/bus/usb/003/003=true 11-22 16:15:30.286 984 1245 D CameraManager: permission granted for camera: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:15:30.286 984 1245 D CameraManager: asyncOpenCamera(Webcam(67988BD0))... 11-22 16:15:30.286 984 1245 D CameraManager: asyncOpenWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))... 11-22 16:15:30.286 984 1245 V UsbResiliantWebcam: construct(0x017969f8) 11-22 16:15:30.287 984 1245 D UsbResiliantWebcam: openAssumingPermission()... 11-22 16:15:30.289 984 1245 D UvcContext: usb device is *not* UVC compatible, /dev/bus/usb/003/004 11-22 16:15:30.290 984 1245 D UvcContext: found webcam: usbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 vid=0x46D pid=0x825 serial=67988BD0 product=null 11-22 16:15:30.290 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice()... 11-22 16:15:30.290 984 1245 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: enter... 11-22 16:15:30.292 984 1245 D libusb : [1669151702.032797] [000004dd] libusb: debug [op_create] op_create: szUsbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 szSysfsDir=3-1.4 11-22 16:15:30.292 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] uvc_create_uvc_device()... 11-22 16:15:30.292 984 1245 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] uvc_device::uvc_device()... 11-22 16:15:30.292 984 1245 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:375] acquired vid=1133 & pid=2085 11-22 16:15:30.292 984 1245 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] ...uvc_device::uvc_device() 11-22 16:15:30.292 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] ...uvc_create_uvc_device() rc=0 11-22 16:15:30.292 984 1245 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:15:30.292 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice() 11-22 16:15:30.292 984 1245 V UvcDevice: construct(pointer=0x7439c38200|null) 11-22 16:15:30.292 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice()... 11-22 16:15:30.292 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice() 11-22 16:15:30.293 984 1245 V LibUsbDevice: construct(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:15:30.296 984 1245 D UvcDevice: open()... 11-22 16:15:30.296 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: surfaceCreated() 11-22 16:15:30.296 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: ...surfaceCreated() 11-22 16:15:30.296 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: surfaceChanged() 11-22 16:15:30.296 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): user requested that we deactivate 11-22 16:15:30.296 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): already deactivated 11-22 16:15:30.296 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: ...surfaceChanged() 11-22 16:15:30.299 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_STREAM_CHANGE(2890), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:30.355 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:50] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeSetUsbDeviceInfo()... 11-22 16:15:30.355 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:50] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeSetUsbDeviceInfo() 11-22 16:15:30.355 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:233] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle()... 11-22 16:15:30.355 984 1245 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle: enter... 11-22 16:15:30.355 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:279] uvc_open()... 11-22 16:15:30.355 984 1245 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:356] uvc_device::open()... 11-22 16:15:30.355 984 1245 D libusb : [1669151702.096589] [000004dd] libusb: debug [op_open] op_open: szUsbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 11-22 16:15:30.355 984 1245 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:356] ...uvc_device::open() rc=0 11-22 16:15:30.355 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:295] calling libusb_reset_device()... 11-22 16:15:30.375 984 1241 V BNO055 : Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BNO055 IMU 11-22 16:15:30.380 984 1241 V BNO055 : Found BNO055 IMU 11-22 16:15:30.819 984 1241 V BNO055IMU: Now polling until IMU comes out of reset. It is normal to see I2C failures below 11-22 16:15:30.825 984 1241 V RobotCore: addr=false data=true arb=false clock=false 11-22 16:15:30.825 984 1241 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: readStatusQuery: cbExpected=1 cbRead=0 11-22 16:15:30.825 984 1241 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: placeholder: readStatusQuery 11-22 16:15:30.891 984 1241 V RobotCore: addr=false data=true arb=false clock=false 11-22 16:15:30.892 984 1241 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: readStatusQuery: cbExpected=1 cbRead=0 11-22 16:15:31.059 984 1241 V BNO055IMU: IMU has come out of reset. No more I2C failures should occur. 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:303] ...libusb_reset_device() called 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:311] libusb_open() = 0 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:732] uvc_device_handle::uvc_device_handle()... 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:732] ...uvc_device_handle::uvc_device_handle() 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] uvc_get_device_info()... 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D libusb : [1669151703.811061] [000004dd] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D libusb : [1669151703.811118] [000004dd] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] uvc_scan_control()... 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] uvc_parse_vc_header()... 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] uvc_scan_streaming()... 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] uvc_parse_vs_input_header()... 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] ...uvc_parse_vs_input_header() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed()... 11-22 16:15:32.070 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg()... 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] ...uvc_scan_streaming() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] ...uvc_parse_vc_header() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal()... 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] ...uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit()... 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] ...uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] ...uvc_scan_control() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] ...uvc_get_device_info() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:326] claiming control interface 0 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=0)... 11-22 16:15:32.071 984 1245 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(0) 11-22 16:15:32.072 984 1245 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(0) succeeded 11-22 16:15:32.072 984 1245 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(0) succeeded 11-22 16:15:32.072 984 1245 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.072 984 1245 D Uvc : [device.cpp:279] ...uvc_open() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.072 984 1245 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle: ...exit 11-22 16:15:32.072 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:233] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle() 11-22 16:15:32.072 984 1245 V UvcDeviceHandle: construct(pointer=0x743f7dd440) 11-22 16:15:32.073 984 1245 V CameraImpl: construct(0x09c63437) 11-22 16:15:32.074 984 1245 D UsbResiliantWebcam.InterveningStateCallback: onOpened() camera=CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))... 11-22 16:15:32.079 984 1245 D UsbResiliantWebcam: changeDelegatedCamera(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:15:32.079 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Auto)... 11-22 16:15:32.080 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Auto): false 11-22 16:15:32.080 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto)... 11-22 16:15:32.081 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto): false 11-22 16:15:32.082 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Macro)... 11-22 16:15:32.082 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Macro): false 11-22 16:15:32.083 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Infinity)... 11-22 16:15:32.083 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Infinity): false 11-22 16:15:32.084 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Fixed)... 11-22 16:15:32.084 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Fixed): true 11-22 16:15:32.084 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: isFocusLengthSupported... 11-22 16:15:32.085 984 1245 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isFocusLengthSupported: false 11-22 16:15:32.088 984 1245 D CachingExposureControl: onCameraChanged(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:15:32.088 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(Auto)... 11-22 16:15:32.090 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(Auto): false 11-22 16:15:32.090 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto)... 11-22 16:15:32.092 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto): false 11-22 16:15:32.092 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(Manual)... 11-22 16:15:32.095 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(Manual): true 11-22 16:15:32.095 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(ShutterPriority)... 11-22 16:15:32.097 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(ShutterPriority): false 11-22 16:15:32.097 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(AperturePriority)... 11-22 16:15:32.100 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(AperturePriority): true 11-22 16:15:32.100 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: isExposureSupported()... 11-22 16:15:32.100 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isExposureSupported(): true 11-22 16:15:32.101 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: getMinExposure(NANOSECONDS)... 11-22 16:15:32.101 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:645] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinExposure()... 11-22 16:15:32.103 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:645] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinExposure() 11-22 16:15:32.103 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...getMinExposure(NANOSECONDS): 100000 11-22 16:15:32.103 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: getMaxExposure(NANOSECONDS)... 11-22 16:15:32.106 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...getMaxExposure(NANOSECONDS): 1000000000 11-22 16:15:32.106 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: setAePriority()... 11-22 16:15:32.110 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...setAePriority() 11-22 16:15:32.110 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: getMode()... 11-22 16:15:32.110 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:493] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetVuforiaExposureMode()... 11-22 16:15:32.112 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:493] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetVuforiaExposureMode() 11-22 16:15:32.112 984 1245 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...getMode(): AperturePriority 11-22 16:15:32.114 984 1245 D CachingExposureControl: ...onCameraChanged(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:15:32.114 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMinZoom()... 11-22 16:15:32.116 984 1245 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:219] Failed to get min zoom : error -9 11-22 16:15:32.116 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMinZoom(): 0 11-22 16:15:32.116 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMaxZoom()... 11-22 16:15:32.117 984 1245 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:242] Failed to get max zoom : error -9 11-22 16:15:32.117 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMaxZoom(): 0 11-22 16:15:32.118 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMinPanTilt()... 11-22 16:15:32.119 984 1245 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:365] Failed to get min pan/tilt : error -9 11-22 16:15:32.119 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMinPanTilt(): org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.hardware.camera.controls.PtzControl$PanTiltHolder@6d72da4 11-22 16:15:32.119 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMaxPanTilt()... 11-22 16:15:32.120 984 1245 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:333] Failed to get max pan/tilt : error -9 11-22 16:15:32.121 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMaxPanTilt(): org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.hardware.camera.controls.PtzControl$PanTiltHolder@a5e970d 11-22 16:15:32.121 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: getZoom()... 11-22 16:15:32.122 984 1245 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:196] Failed to get zoom : error -9 11-22 16:15:32.122 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getZoom(): 0 11-22 16:15:32.122 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: getPanTilt()... 11-22 16:15:32.124 984 1245 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:301] Failed to get pan/tilt : error -9 11-22 16:15:32.124 984 1245 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getPanTilt(): org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.hardware.camera.controls.PtzControl$PanTiltHolder@d5a76c2 11-22 16:15:32.124 984 1245 D UvcApiGainControl: getMinGain()... 11-22 16:15:32.124 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:894] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinGain()... 11-22 16:15:32.126 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:894] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinGain() 11-22 16:15:32.126 984 1245 D UvcApiGainControl: ...getMinGain(): 0 11-22 16:15:32.127 984 1245 D UvcApiGainControl: getMaxGain()... 11-22 16:15:32.127 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:917] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxGain()... 11-22 16:15:32.129 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:917] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxGain() 11-22 16:15:32.129 984 1245 D UvcApiGainControl: ...getMaxGain(): 255 11-22 16:15:32.129 984 1245 D UvcApiGainControl: getGain()... 11-22 16:15:32.129 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:940] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetGain()... 11-22 16:15:32.132 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:940] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetGain() 11-22 16:15:32.132 984 1245 D UvcApiGainControl: ...getGain(): 192 11-22 16:15:32.132 984 1245 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: getMinWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:32.132 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:726] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:32.134 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:726] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinWhiteBalanceTemperature() 11-22 16:15:32.134 984 1245 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: ...getMinWhiteBalanceTemperature(): 0 11-22 16:15:32.135 984 1245 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: getMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:32.135 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:748] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:32.137 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:748] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature() 11-22 16:15:32.137 984 1245 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: ...getMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature(): 10000 11-22 16:15:32.137 984 1245 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: getWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:32.138 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:793] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:15:32.140 984 1245 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:793] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetWhiteBalanceTemperature() 11-22 16:15:32.140 984 1245 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: ...getWhiteBalanceTemperature(): 4610 11-22 16:15:32.140 984 1245 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...changeDelegatedCamera(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:15:32.140 984 1245 D UsbResiliantWebcam: openSelfAndReport()... 11-22 16:15:32.141 984 1245 V CameraImpl: construct(0x0bbfdcd3) 11-22 16:15:32.141 984 1245 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...openSelfAndReport() 11-22 16:15:32.141 984 1245 D UsbResiliantWebcam.InterveningStateCallback: ...onOpened() camera=CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))) 11-22 16:15:32.141 984 1245 D UvcDevice: ...open() 11-22 16:15:32.141 984 1243 D CameraManager: camera reports opened: CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))) 11-22 16:15:32.141 984 1245 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...openAssumingPermission() 11-22 16:15:32.142 984 1245 D CameraManager: ...asyncOpenWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0)) 11-22 16:15:32.142 984 1245 D CameraManager: ...asyncOpenCamera(Webcam(67988BD0)) 11-22 16:15:32.142 984 1243 D ContinuationSynchronizer: finish("camera reports opened: Webcam(67988BD0)": CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))))... 11-22 16:15:32.142 984 1243 D ContinuationSynchronizer: ...finish("camera reports opened: Webcam(67988BD0)": CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0)))) 11-22 16:15:32.142 984 1263 D ContinuationSynchronizer: ...awaiting(camera open) 11-22 16:15:32.142 984 1263 D CameraManager: ...doOpenCamera() 11-22 16:15:32.146 984 1263 D UvcContext: usb device is *not* UVC compatible, /dev/bus/usb/003/004 11-22 16:15:32.146 984 1263 D UvcContext: found webcam: usbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 vid=0x46D pid=0x825 serial=67988BD0 product=null 11-22 16:15:32.146 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice()... 11-22 16:15:32.146 984 1263 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: enter... 11-22 16:15:32.148 984 1263 D libusb : [1669151703.889018] [000004ef] libusb: debug [op_create] op_create: szUsbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 szSysfsDir=3-1.4 11-22 16:15:32.148 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] uvc_create_uvc_device()... 11-22 16:15:32.148 984 1263 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] uvc_device::uvc_device()... 11-22 16:15:32.148 984 1263 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:375] acquired vid=1133 & pid=2085 11-22 16:15:32.148 984 1263 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] ...uvc_device::uvc_device() 11-22 16:15:32.148 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] ...uvc_create_uvc_device() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.148 984 1263 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:15:32.148 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice() 11-22 16:15:32.149 984 1263 V UvcDevice: construct(pointer=0x74128b6300|null) 11-22 16:15:32.149 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice()... 11-22 16:15:32.149 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice() 11-22 16:15:32.149 984 1263 V LibUsbDevice: construct(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 V UvcApiCameraCharacteristicsBuilder: construct(0x042b8010) 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:289] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo()... 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo: enter... 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] uvc_get_device_info()... 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 D libusb : [1669151703.891182] [000004ef] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 D libusb : [1669151703.891238] [000004ef] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] uvc_scan_control()... 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] uvc_parse_vc_header()... 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] uvc_scan_streaming()... 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] uvc_parse_vs_input_header()... 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] ...uvc_parse_vs_input_header() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed()... 11-22 16:15:32.150 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg()... 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] ...uvc_scan_streaming() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] ...uvc_parse_vc_header() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal()... 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] ...uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit()... 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] ...uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] ...uvc_scan_control() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] ...uvc_get_device_info() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo: ...exit 11-22 16:15:32.151 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:289] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo() 11-22 16:15:32.152 984 1263 V UvcDeviceInfo: construct(pointer=0x7412c0c730) 11-22 16:15:32.152 984 1263 V UvcStreamingInterface: construct(pointer=0x74128b6580) 11-22 16:15:32.200 984 1263 V UvcStreamingInterface: destroy(pointer=0x74128b6580) 11-22 16:15:32.200 984 1263 V UvcDeviceInfo: destroy(pointer=0x7412c0c730) 11-22 16:15:32.200 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_deviceinfo.cpp:63] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo()... 11-22 16:15:32.200 984 1263 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo: enter... 11-22 16:15:32.200 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] uvc_free_device_info()... 11-22 16:15:32.201 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] ...uvc_free_device_info() 11-22 16:15:32.201 984 1263 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo: ...exit 11-22 16:15:32.201 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_deviceinfo.cpp:63] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo() 11-22 16:15:32.201 984 1263 V UvcApiCameraCharacteristicsBuilder: destroy(hash=0x042b8010) 11-22 16:15:32.202 984 1263 V UvcDevice: destroy(pointer=0x74128b6300|/dev/bus/usb/003/003) 11-22 16:15:32.202 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:15:32.202 984 1263 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: enter... 11-22 16:15:32.202 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] uvc_unref_device()... 11-22 16:15:32.202 984 1263 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] ...uvc_unref_device() 11-22 16:15:32.202 984 1263 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:15:32.202 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:15:32.202 984 1263 V LibUsbDevice: destroy(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:15:32.202 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:15:32.202 984 1263 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:15:32.204 984 1263 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): user requested that we activate 11-22 16:15:32.204 984 1263 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): activating viewport 11-22 16:15:32.205 984 1263 D UsbResiliantWebcam: createCaptureSession()... 11-22 16:15:32.205 984 1263 V DelCaptureSession: construct(0x03ea9709) 11-22 16:15:32.205 984 1264 D OpenCvViewportRenderThread: Render thread is up! 11-22 16:15:32.210 984 1263 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:15:32.210 984 1263 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:15:32.211 984 1263 D CachingExposureControl: onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:15:32.211 984 1263 D CachingExposureControl: ...onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:15:32.212 984 1263 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...createCaptureSession() 11-22 16:15:32.212 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: startCapture()... 11-22 16:15:32.212 984 1247 V DelCaptureSequence: construct(0x0edd3d0e) 11-22 16:15:32.213 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:15:32.213 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: pauseStreaming(Stopped)... 11-22 16:15:32.214 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...pauseStreaming(Stopped) 11-22 16:15:32.214 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: resumeStreaming(Stopped)... 11-22 16:15:32.214 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...resumeStreaming(Stopped) 11-22 16:15:32.214 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:15:32.214 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: startStreaming(Stopped)... 11-22 16:15:32.215 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: doStreaming()... 11-22 16:15:32.215 984 1247 V UvcApiCaptureSession: construct(0x03a1732f) 11-22 16:15:32.215 984 1243 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: camera session is configured: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:15:32.217 984 1247 V UvcApiCameraCaptureSequence: construct(0x02308d3c) 11-22 16:15:32.218 984 1247 D UvcDeviceHandle: getStreamControl(320x240 30)... 11-22 16:15:32.219 984 1247 V UvcStreamCtrl: construct(0x021c9ac5) 11-22 16:15:32.219 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:115] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize()... 11-22 16:15:32.219 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize: enter... 11-22 16:15:32.219 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:373] uvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size()... 11-22 16:15:32.219 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=1)... 11-22 16:15:32.220 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) 11-22 16:15:32.221 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:32.222 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:32.222 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.222 984 1247 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:412] 320x240 30fps 11-22 16:15:32.222 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:15:32.226 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.226 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface()... 11-22 16:15:32.226 984 1247 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) 11-22 16:15:32.226 984 1247 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:32.226 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] ...uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.226 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:523] uvc_probe_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:15:32.226 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=1)... 11-22 16:15:32.226 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) 11-22 16:15:32.227 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:32.227 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:32.227 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.227 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:15:32.233 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.233 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:15:32.237 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.237 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:523] ...uvc_probe_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.237 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:373] ...uvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.237 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize: ...exit 11-22 16:15:32.237 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:115] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize() 11-22 16:15:32.237 984 1247 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...getStreamControl(320x240 30) 11-22 16:15:32.237 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamcontrol.cpp:101] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen()... 11-22 16:15:32.237 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen: enter... 11-22 16:15:32.237 984 1247 D Uvc : [devicehandle.cpp:46] uvc_device_handle::openStreamControl()... 11-22 16:15:32.237 984 1247 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:58] uvc_stream_handle::claimInterface()... 11-22 16:15:32.237 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=1)... 11-22 16:15:32.238 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) 11-22 16:15:32.238 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:32.238 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:15:32.238 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.238 984 1247 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:58] ...uvc_stream_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.238 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:15:32.247 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.247 984 1247 D Uvc : [devicehandle.cpp:46] ...uvc_device_handle::openStreamControl() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.247 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen: ...exit 11-22 16:15:32.247 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamcontrol.cpp:101] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen() 11-22 16:15:32.248 984 1247 V UvcStreamHandle: construct(pointer=0x7439bfd400) 11-22 16:15:32.248 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming()... 11-22 16:15:32.248 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:15:32.248 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] uvc_stream_stop()... 11-22 16:15:32.248 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] ...uvc_stream_stop() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.248 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:15:32.248 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming() 11-22 16:15:32.248 984 1247 V UvcFrameCallback: construct(0x06b41c1a) 11-22 16:15:32.249 984 1247 V UvcFrameCallbackData: construct(pointer=0x7439ab2060) 11-22 16:15:32.249 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStartStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:15:32.249 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:970] uvc_stream_start_bandwidth()... 11-22 16:15:32.249 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1173] uvc_stream_handle::startIsochronousStreaming()... 11-22 16:15:32.249 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting(setInterfaceAltSetting(intf=1 alt=8))... 11-22 16:15:32.249 984 1247 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,8) 11-22 16:15:32.250 984 1247 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,8) succeeded 11-22 16:15:32.250 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] ...uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.250 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1173] ...uvc_stream_handle::startIsochronousStreaming() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.251 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1201] uvc_stream_handle::startUserCallbackThread()... 11-22 16:15:32.251 984 1265 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1265] User Callback thread started 11-22 16:15:32.251 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1201] ...uvc_stream_handle::startUserCallbackThread() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.251 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1221] uvc_stream_handle::submitTransfers()... 11-22 16:15:32.252 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1221] ...uvc_stream_handle::submitTransfers() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.252 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:970] ...uvc_stream_start_bandwidth() rc=0 11-22 16:15:32.252 984 1247 D UvcStreamHandle: [jni_streamhandle.cpp:150] successfully started streaming 11-22 16:15:32.252 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStartStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:15:32.253 984 1247 V UvcStreamCtrl: destroy(pointer=0x74128b6840) 11-22 16:15:32.253 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...doStreaming() 11-22 16:15:32.253 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...startStreaming(Stopped) 11-22 16:15:32.253 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...startCapture() 11-22 16:15:32.253 984 1247 I System.out: OpenCvWebcam: onConfigured 11-22 16:15:32.254 984 1263 I System.out: OpenCvWebcam: streaming started 11-22 16:15:32.260 984 1181 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:729] this is the UVC processTransfer() stream processing thread 11-22 16:15:34.877 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12922) 11-22 16:15:34.938 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3070), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:34.939 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3071), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:34.941 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3072), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:34.942 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3073), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:35.636 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12940) 11-22 16:15:35.698 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3090), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:35.699 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3091), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:35.701 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3092), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:35.702 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3093), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:36.356 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12958) 11-22 16:15:36.379 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3111), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:36.418 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3112), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:36.420 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3113), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:36.421 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3114), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:38.597 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(12996) 11-22 16:15:38.658 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3153), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:38.659 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3154), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:38.661 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3155), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:38.662 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3156), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:40.477 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13029) 11-22 16:15:40.539 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3189), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:40.539 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3190), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:40.541 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3191), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:40.542 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3192), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:41.437 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13050) 11-22 16:15:41.498 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3213), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:41.499 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3214), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:41.501 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3215), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:41.502 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3216), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.078 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13068) 11-22 16:15:42.139 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3234), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.141 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3235), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.142 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3236), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.144 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3237), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.317 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13079) 11-22 16:15:42.378 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3248), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.379 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3249), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.380 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3250), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.381 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3251), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.837 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13095) 11-22 16:15:42.898 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3266), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.899 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3267), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.900 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3268), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:42.901 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3269), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:43.037 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13104) 11-22 16:15:43.098 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3280), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:43.099 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3281), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:43.100 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3282), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:43.101 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3283), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:48.718 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13189) 11-22 16:15:48.778 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3367), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:48.779 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3368), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:48.780 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3369), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:48.782 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3370), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:49.438 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13207) 11-22 16:15:49.498 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3387), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:49.499 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3388), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:49.501 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3389), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:49.503 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3390), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:50.118 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13223) 11-22 16:15:50.178 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3408), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:50.179 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3409), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:50.180 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3410), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:50.182 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3411), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:53.238 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13274) 11-22 16:15:53.299 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3461), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:53.299 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3462), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:53.301 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3463), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:53.302 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3464), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:53.997 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13293) 11-22 16:15:54.059 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3482), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:54.060 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3483), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:54.061 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3484), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:54.061 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3485), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:54.757 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13310) 11-22 16:15:54.818 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3504), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:54.819 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3505), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:54.821 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3506), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:54.822 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3507), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:55.798 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13333) 11-22 16:15:55.858 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3528), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:55.859 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3529), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:55.861 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3530), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:55.862 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3531), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:56.480 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(13349) 11-22 16:15:56.538 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(3548), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:56.539 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3549), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:56.541 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3550), attempt: 0 11-22 16:15:56.542 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(3551), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:15.240 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(14026) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:16:15.248 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v4_No_Cone_Score.txt ******************** 11-22 16:16:15.255 984 1266 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v4_No_Cone_Score.txt 11-22 16:16:15.255 984 1266 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:15:29.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v4_No_Cone_Score.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:16:15.256 984 1262 E RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - caught InterruptedException during scriptFinishedLock.wait 11-22 16:16:15.265 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:16:15.265 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end 11-22 16:16:15.269 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/JavaBridge - scriptFinished 11-22 16:16:15.270 984 1262 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - after while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:16:15.270 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - run2 - before clearScript 11-22 16:16:15.270 984 1262 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - end - 14ms after InterruptedException 11-22 16:16:15.270 984 1262 D RobotCore: User runOpModeMethod exited 11-22 16:16:15.271 984 1262 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:16:15.273 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: stopCapture()... 11-22 16:16:15.273 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: undoStreaming()... 11-22 16:16:15.273 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: stopCapture()... 11-22 16:16:15.273 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming()... 11-22 16:16:15.273 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:16:15.273 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] uvc_stream_stop()... 11-22 16:16:15.273 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1542] cancelling extant transfers 11-22 16:16:15.276 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v4 No Cone Score" - main/main - run2 - after clearScript 11-22 16:16:15.278 984 1172 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$Warning$ msg="The OpMode which was just initialized ended prematurely as a result of not monitoring for the start condition. Did you forget to call waitForStart()?" 11-22 16:16:15.285 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: surfaceDestroyed() 11-22 16:16:15.285 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): lifecycle mandates deactivation regardless of user 11-22 16:16:15.285 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): deactivating viewport 11-22 16:16:15.286 984 1264 W System.err: java.lang.InterruptedException 11-22 16:16:15.286 984 1264 W System.err: at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) 11-22 16:16:15.286 984 1264 W System.err: at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.collections.EvictingBlockingQueue.take(EvictingBlockingQueue.java:143) 11-22 16:16:15.286 984 1264 W System.err: at org.openftc.easyopencv.OpenCvViewport$RenderThread.run(OpenCvViewport.java:554) 11-22 16:16:15.286 984 1264 D OpenCvViewportRenderThread: About to exit 11-22 16:16:15.286 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: ...surfaceDestroyed() 11-22 16:16:15.312 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1471] (waitForAllTransfers(waiting for cancelled transfers))... 11-22 16:16:15.313 984 1265 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1329] user callback thread stopped 11-22 16:16:15.313 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1485] no extant active transfers: continuing 11-22 16:16:15.313 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1471] ...() 11-22 16:16:15.313 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1189] uvc_stream_handle::stopIsochronousStreaming()... 11-22 16:16:15.313 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting(setInterfaceAltSetting(intf=1 alt=0))... 11-22 16:16:15.313 984 1185 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,0) 11-22 16:16:15.314 984 1185 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,0) succeeded 11-22 16:16:15.314 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] ...uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting() rc=0 11-22 16:16:15.314 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1189] ...uvc_stream_handle::stopIsochronousStreaming() rc=0 11-22 16:16:15.314 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1558] awakening user thread 11-22 16:16:15.314 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1567] waiting for user callback thread to finish 11-22 16:16:15.314 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] ...uvc_stream_stop() rc=0 11-22 16:16:15.314 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:16:15.314 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming() 11-22 16:16:15.315 984 1185 V UvcFrameCallback: destroy(hash=0x06b41c1a) 11-22 16:16:15.315 984 1185 V UvcFrameCallbackData: destroy(pointer=0x7439ab2060) 11-22 16:16:15.315 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcFrameCallback_nativeReleaseCallbackState: enter... 11-22 16:16:15.315 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcFrameCallback_nativeReleaseCallbackState: ...exit 11-22 16:16:15.315 984 1185 V UvcStreamHandle: destroy(pointer=0x7439bfd400) 11-22 16:16:15.315 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming()... 11-22 16:16:15.315 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] uvc_stream_stop()... 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] ...uvc_stream_stop() rc=0 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming() 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:200] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle()... 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle: enter... 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1584] uvc_stream_close()... 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:45] uvc_stream_handle::~uvc_stream_handle()... 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:66] uvc_stream_handle::releaseInterface()... 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface()... 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] ...uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:16:15.316 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:66] ...uvc_stream_handle::releaseInterface() 11-22 16:16:15.317 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:45] ...uvc_stream_handle::~uvc_stream_handle() 11-22 16:16:15.317 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1584] ...uvc_stream_close() 11-22 16:16:15.317 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle: ...exit 11-22 16:16:15.317 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:200] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle() 11-22 16:16:15.318 984 1247 D RobotCore: capture sequence DelegatingCaptureSequenceId(1) reports completed: lastFrame=1761 11-22 16:16:15.319 984 1185 V UvcApiCameraCaptureSequence: destroy(hash=0x02308d3c) 11-22 16:16:15.320 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: ...stopCapture() 11-22 16:16:15.320 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: doClose()... 11-22 16:16:15.322 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:16:15.322 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: ...doClose() 11-22 16:16:15.323 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...undoStreaming() 11-22 16:16:15.323 984 1269 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: camera session is closed: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:16:15.323 984 1269 V UvcApiCaptureSession: destroy(hash=0x03a1732f) 11-22 16:16:15.323 984 1247 D RobotCore: capture sequence DelegatingCaptureSequenceId(1) reports completed: lastFrame=1761 11-22 16:16:15.323 984 1269 D UvcApiCaptureSession: destructor... 11-22 16:16:15.324 984 1269 D UvcApiCaptureSession: ...destructor 11-22 16:16:15.324 984 1185 V UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: destroy(hash=0x0edd3d0e) 11-22 16:16:15.324 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...stopCapture() 11-22 16:16:15.324 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: doClose()... 11-22 16:16:15.325 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...doClose() 11-22 16:16:15.326 984 1185 V UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: destroy(hash=0x03ea9709) 11-22 16:16:15.326 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: destructor()... 11-22 16:16:15.326 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...destructor() 11-22 16:16:15.327 984 1185 V CameraImpl: destroy(hash=0x0bbfdcd3) 11-22 16:16:15.327 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: CameraImpl.destructor()... 11-22 16:16:15.327 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: externalDestructor()... 11-22 16:16:15.328 984 1185 V CameraImpl: destroy(hash=0x09c63437) 11-22 16:16:15.328 984 1269 D CameraManager: camera reports closed: CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))) 11-22 16:16:15.328 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: CameraImpl.destructor()... 11-22 16:16:15.328 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: externalDestructor()... 11-22 16:16:15.330 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: changeDelegatedCamera(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null)... 11-22 16:16:15.331 984 1185 D CachingExposureControl: onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null)... 11-22 16:16:15.331 984 1185 D CachingExposureControl: ...onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null) 11-22 16:16:15.331 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...changeDelegatedCamera(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd440|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null) 11-22 16:16:15.331 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...externalDestructor() 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 V UvcDeviceHandle: destroy(pointer=0x743f7dd440) 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: destructor... 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:87] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle()... 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle: enter... 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:872] uvc_device_handle::~uvc_device_handle()... 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:840] uvc_device_handle::deconstruct()... 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:751] uvc_device_handle::stop()... 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:751] ...uvc_device_handle::stop() 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:865] uvc_device_handle::close()... 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 E libusb : [1669151747.073568] [000004a1] libusb: error [do_close] Device handle closed while transfer was still being processed, but the device is still connected as far as we know 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 E libusb : [1669151747.073626] [000004a1] libusb: error [do_close] A cancellation hasn't even been scheduled on the transfer for which the device is closing 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:865] ...uvc_device_handle::close() 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:840] ...uvc_device_handle::deconstruct() 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] uvc_free_device_info()... 11-22 16:16:15.332 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] ...uvc_free_device_info() 11-22 16:16:15.333 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:872] ...uvc_device_handle::~uvc_device_handle() 11-22 16:16:15.333 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle: ...exit 11-22 16:16:15.333 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:87] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle() 11-22 16:16:15.333 984 1185 V UvcDevice: destroy(pointer=0x7439c38200|/dev/bus/usb/003/003) 11-22 16:16:15.333 984 1185 D UsbDeviceConnectionJNI: close 11-22 16:16:15.333 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:16:15.333 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: enter... 11-22 16:16:15.333 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] uvc_unref_device()... 11-22 16:16:15.335 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] ...uvc_unref_device() 11-22 16:16:15.335 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:16:15.335 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:16:15.335 984 1185 V LibUsbDevice: destroy(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:16:15.335 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:16:15.335 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:16:15.336 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...destructor 11-22 16:16:15.336 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...CameraImpl.destructor() 11-22 16:16:15.336 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...externalDestructor() 11-22 16:16:15.336 984 1185 V UsbResiliantWebcam: destroy(hash=0x017969f8) 11-22 16:16:15.336 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: destructor()... 11-22 16:16:15.336 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...destructor() 11-22 16:16:15.336 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...CameraImpl.destructor() 11-22 16:16:15.337 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:16:15.337 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:16:15.337 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:16:15.338 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_STREAM_CHANGE(4235), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:15.339 984 1270 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:16:15.378 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(4240), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:15.391 984 1266 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:15:29.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v4_No_Cone_Score.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:16:15.391 984 1266 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v4_No_Cone_Score.txt 11-22 16:16:15.439 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(14040) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:16:15.459 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(4250), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:39.760 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(14980) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:16:39.769 984 1270 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:16:39.773 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:16:39.774 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:16:39.774 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:16:39.776 984 1275 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:16:39.779 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(5197), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:39.840 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(14990) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:16:39.859 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(5205), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:42.160 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(15084) 0 11-22 16:16:42.162 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(15085) 2022Autonomous v3 with Colors 11-22 16:16:42.179 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022Autonomous v3 with Colors ******************** 11-22 16:16:42.183 984 1275 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:16:42.187 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022Autonomous v3 with Colors 11-22 16:16:42.199 984 1174 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$None$ msg="" 11-22 16:16:42.372 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:16:42.372 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:16:42.376 984 1276 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:16:42.376 984 1276 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:16:42.376 984 1276 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:16:42.379 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(5314), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:42.381 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:16:42.381 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:16:42.392 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:16:42.393 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:16:42.393 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:16:42.394 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:16:42.394 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:16:42.394 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Lights". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:16:42.394 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:16:42.394 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:16:42.394 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:16:42.394 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:16:42.394 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:16:42.423 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:16:42.454 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:16:42.471 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:16:42.481 984 1241 I System.out: OpenCvCameraBase ctor: EasyOpenCV version 1.5.2 11-22 16:16:42.486 984 1277 D CameraManager: doOpenCamera()... 11-22 16:16:42.487 984 1277 D CameraManager: requesting permission for camera: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:16:42.492 984 1277 D WebcamNameImpl: requesting permission for /dev/bus/usb/003/003 11-22 16:16:42.493 984 1277 V WebcamNameImpl: asyncRequestUsbPermission()... 11-22 16:16:42.495 984 1277 D WebcamNameImpl: permission already available for /dev/bus/usb/003/003 11-22 16:16:42.495 984 1277 V WebcamNameImpl: ...asyncRequestUsbPermission() 11-22 16:16:42.495 984 1269 D WebcamNameImpl: permission for /dev/bus/usb/003/003=true 11-22 16:16:42.495 984 1277 D ContinuationSynchronizer: awaiting(camera open)... 11-22 16:16:42.495 984 1269 D CameraManager: permission granted for camera: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:16:42.496 984 1269 D CameraManager: asyncOpenCamera(Webcam(67988BD0))... 11-22 16:16:42.496 984 1269 D CameraManager: asyncOpenWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))... 11-22 16:16:42.496 984 1269 V UsbResiliantWebcam: construct(0x01c3dc4d) 11-22 16:16:42.497 984 1269 D UsbResiliantWebcam: openAssumingPermission()... 11-22 16:16:42.498 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_STREAM_CHANGE(5320), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:42.500 984 1269 D UvcContext: usb device is *not* UVC compatible, /dev/bus/usb/003/004 11-22 16:16:42.500 984 1269 D UvcContext: found webcam: usbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 vid=0x46D pid=0x825 serial=67988BD0 product=null 11-22 16:16:42.500 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice()... 11-22 16:16:42.500 984 1269 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: enter... 11-22 16:16:42.502 984 1269 D libusb : [1669151774.243619] [000004f5] libusb: debug [op_create] op_create: szUsbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 szSysfsDir=3-1.4 11-22 16:16:42.503 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] uvc_create_uvc_device()... 11-22 16:16:42.503 984 1269 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] uvc_device::uvc_device()... 11-22 16:16:42.503 984 1269 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:375] acquired vid=1133 & pid=2085 11-22 16:16:42.503 984 1269 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] ...uvc_device::uvc_device() 11-22 16:16:42.503 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] ...uvc_create_uvc_device() rc=0 11-22 16:16:42.503 984 1269 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:16:42.503 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice() 11-22 16:16:42.503 984 1269 V UvcDevice: construct(pointer=0x7439c373c0|null) 11-22 16:16:42.503 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice()... 11-22 16:16:42.503 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice() 11-22 16:16:42.504 984 1269 V LibUsbDevice: construct(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:16:42.509 984 1269 D UvcDevice: open()... 11-22 16:16:42.516 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: surfaceCreated() 11-22 16:16:42.516 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: ...surfaceCreated() 11-22 16:16:42.516 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: surfaceChanged() 11-22 16:16:42.516 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): user requested that we deactivate 11-22 16:16:42.516 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): already deactivated 11-22 16:16:42.516 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: ...surfaceChanged() 11-22 16:16:42.568 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:50] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeSetUsbDeviceInfo()... 11-22 16:16:42.568 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:50] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeSetUsbDeviceInfo() 11-22 16:16:42.568 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:233] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle()... 11-22 16:16:42.568 984 1269 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle: enter... 11-22 16:16:42.568 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:279] uvc_open()... 11-22 16:16:42.568 984 1269 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:356] uvc_device::open()... 11-22 16:16:42.568 984 1269 D libusb : [1669151774.309722] [000004f5] libusb: debug [op_open] op_open: szUsbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 11-22 16:16:42.568 984 1269 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:356] ...uvc_device::open() rc=0 11-22 16:16:42.568 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:295] calling libusb_reset_device()... 11-22 16:16:42.594 984 1241 V BNO055 : Suppressing I2C warnings while we check for a BNO055 IMU 11-22 16:16:42.599 984 1241 V BNO055 : Found BNO055 IMU 11-22 16:16:43.038 984 1241 V BNO055IMU: Now polling until IMU comes out of reset. It is normal to see I2C failures below 11-22 16:16:43.044 984 1241 V RobotCore: addr=false data=true arb=false clock=false 11-22 16:16:43.044 984 1241 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: readStatusQuery: cbExpected=1 cbRead=0 11-22 16:16:43.044 984 1241 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: placeholder: readStatusQuery 11-22 16:16:43.110 984 1241 V RobotCore: addr=false data=true arb=false clock=false 11-22 16:16:43.111 984 1241 E LynxI2cDeviceSynch: readStatusQuery: cbExpected=1 cbRead=0 11-22 16:16:43.277 984 1241 V BNO055IMU: IMU has come out of reset. No more I2C failures should occur. 11-22 16:16:44.279 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:303] ...libusb_reset_device() called 11-22 16:16:44.281 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:311] libusb_open() = 0 11-22 16:16:44.281 984 1269 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:732] uvc_device_handle::uvc_device_handle()... 11-22 16:16:44.281 984 1269 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:732] ...uvc_device_handle::uvc_device_handle() 11-22 16:16:44.281 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] uvc_get_device_info()... 11-22 16:16:44.282 984 1269 D libusb : [1669151776.022545] [000004f5] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:16:44.282 984 1269 D libusb : [1669151776.023592] [000004f5] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:16:44.282 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] uvc_scan_control()... 11-22 16:16:44.282 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] uvc_parse_vc_header()... 11-22 16:16:44.282 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] uvc_scan_streaming()... 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] uvc_parse_vs_input_header()... 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] ...uvc_parse_vs_input_header() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed()... 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg()... 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] ...uvc_scan_streaming() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] ...uvc_parse_vc_header() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal()... 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] ...uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit()... 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] ...uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] ...uvc_scan_control() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] ...uvc_get_device_info() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:326] claiming control interface 0 11-22 16:16:44.283 984 1269 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=0)... 11-22 16:16:44.284 984 1269 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(0) 11-22 16:16:44.284 984 1269 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(0) succeeded 11-22 16:16:44.284 984 1269 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(0) succeeded 11-22 16:16:44.284 984 1269 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.284 984 1269 D Uvc : [device.cpp:279] ...uvc_open() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.284 984 1269 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle: ...exit 11-22 16:16:44.284 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:233] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeOpenDeviceHandle() 11-22 16:16:44.284 984 1269 V UvcDeviceHandle: construct(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0) 11-22 16:16:44.285 984 1269 V CameraImpl: construct(0x0de07650) 11-22 16:16:44.285 984 1269 D UsbResiliantWebcam.InterveningStateCallback: onOpened() camera=CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))... 11-22 16:16:44.286 984 1269 D UsbResiliantWebcam: changeDelegatedCamera(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:16:44.286 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Auto)... 11-22 16:16:44.286 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Auto): false 11-22 16:16:44.287 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto)... 11-22 16:16:44.287 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto): false 11-22 16:16:44.287 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Macro)... 11-22 16:16:44.287 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Macro): false 11-22 16:16:44.287 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Infinity)... 11-22 16:16:44.287 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Infinity): false 11-22 16:16:44.288 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: isModeSupported(Fixed)... 11-22 16:16:44.288 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isModeSupported(Fixed): true 11-22 16:16:44.288 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: isFocusLengthSupported... 11-22 16:16:44.288 984 1269 D UvcApiFocusControl: ...isFocusLengthSupported: false 11-22 16:16:44.291 984 1269 D CachingExposureControl: onCameraChanged(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:16:44.291 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(Auto)... 11-22 16:16:44.294 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(Auto): false 11-22 16:16:44.294 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto)... 11-22 16:16:44.296 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(ContinuousAuto): false 11-22 16:16:44.296 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(Manual)... 11-22 16:16:44.298 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(Manual): true 11-22 16:16:44.299 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(ShutterPriority)... 11-22 16:16:44.301 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(ShutterPriority): false 11-22 16:16:44.301 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: isModeSupported(AperturePriority)... 11-22 16:16:44.303 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isModeSupported(AperturePriority): true 11-22 16:16:44.303 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: isExposureSupported()... 11-22 16:16:44.304 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...isExposureSupported(): true 11-22 16:16:44.304 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: getMinExposure(NANOSECONDS)... 11-22 16:16:44.304 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:645] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinExposure()... 11-22 16:16:44.306 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:645] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinExposure() 11-22 16:16:44.306 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...getMinExposure(NANOSECONDS): 100000 11-22 16:16:44.306 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: getMaxExposure(NANOSECONDS)... 11-22 16:16:44.309 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...getMaxExposure(NANOSECONDS): 1000000000 11-22 16:16:44.309 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: setAePriority()... 11-22 16:16:44.312 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...setAePriority() 11-22 16:16:44.312 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: getMode()... 11-22 16:16:44.313 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:493] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetVuforiaExposureMode()... 11-22 16:16:44.315 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:493] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetVuforiaExposureMode() 11-22 16:16:44.315 984 1269 D UvcApiExposureControl: ...getMode(): AperturePriority 11-22 16:16:44.317 984 1269 D CachingExposureControl: ...onCameraChanged(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:16:44.317 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMinZoom()... 11-22 16:16:44.319 984 1269 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:219] Failed to get min zoom : error -9 11-22 16:16:44.320 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMinZoom(): 0 11-22 16:16:44.320 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMaxZoom()... 11-22 16:16:44.321 984 1269 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:242] Failed to get max zoom : error -9 11-22 16:16:44.321 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMaxZoom(): 0 11-22 16:16:44.321 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMinPanTilt()... 11-22 16:16:44.322 984 1269 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:365] Failed to get min pan/tilt : error -9 11-22 16:16:44.323 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMinPanTilt(): org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.hardware.camera.controls.PtzControl$PanTiltHolder@e7ef049 11-22 16:16:44.323 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: getMaxPanTilt()... 11-22 16:16:44.324 984 1269 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:333] Failed to get max pan/tilt : error -9 11-22 16:16:44.324 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getMaxPanTilt(): org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.hardware.camera.controls.PtzControl$PanTiltHolder@ab8bd4e 11-22 16:16:44.324 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: getZoom()... 11-22 16:16:44.326 984 1269 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:196] Failed to get zoom : error -9 11-22 16:16:44.326 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getZoom(): 0 11-22 16:16:44.326 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: getPanTilt()... 11-22 16:16:44.327 984 1269 E UvcDeviceHandle: [jni_devicehandle.cpp:301] Failed to get pan/tilt : error -9 11-22 16:16:44.328 984 1269 D UvcApiPtzControl: ...getPanTilt(): org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.hardware.camera.controls.PtzControl$PanTiltHolder@2aa8e6f 11-22 16:16:44.328 984 1269 D UvcApiGainControl: getMinGain()... 11-22 16:16:44.328 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:894] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinGain()... 11-22 16:16:44.330 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:894] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinGain() 11-22 16:16:44.330 984 1269 D UvcApiGainControl: ...getMinGain(): 0 11-22 16:16:44.330 984 1269 D UvcApiGainControl: getMaxGain()... 11-22 16:16:44.330 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:917] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxGain()... 11-22 16:16:44.332 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:917] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxGain() 11-22 16:16:44.333 984 1269 D UvcApiGainControl: ...getMaxGain(): 255 11-22 16:16:44.333 984 1269 D UvcApiGainControl: getGain()... 11-22 16:16:44.333 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:940] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetGain()... 11-22 16:16:44.335 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:940] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetGain() 11-22 16:16:44.335 984 1269 D UvcApiGainControl: ...getGain(): 192 11-22 16:16:44.335 984 1269 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: getMinWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:16:44.335 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:726] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:16:44.337 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:726] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMinWhiteBalanceTemperature() 11-22 16:16:44.337 984 1269 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: ...getMinWhiteBalanceTemperature(): 0 11-22 16:16:44.338 984 1269 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: getMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:16:44.338 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:748] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:16:44.340 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:748] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature() 11-22 16:16:44.340 984 1269 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: ...getMaxWhiteBalanceTemperature(): 10000 11-22 16:16:44.340 984 1269 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: getWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:16:44.340 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:793] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetWhiteBalanceTemperature()... 11-22 16:16:44.342 984 1269 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:793] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetWhiteBalanceTemperature() 11-22 16:16:44.343 984 1269 D UvcApiWhiteBalanceControl: ...getWhiteBalanceTemperature(): 4760 11-22 16:16:44.343 984 1269 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...changeDelegatedCamera(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:16:44.343 984 1269 D UsbResiliantWebcam: openSelfAndReport()... 11-22 16:16:44.343 984 1269 V CameraImpl: construct(0x02dea77c) 11-22 16:16:44.344 984 1269 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...openSelfAndReport() 11-22 16:16:44.344 984 1269 D UsbResiliantWebcam.InterveningStateCallback: ...onOpened() camera=CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))) 11-22 16:16:44.344 984 1269 D UvcDevice: ...open() 11-22 16:16:44.345 984 1269 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...openAssumingPermission() 11-22 16:16:44.345 984 1269 D CameraManager: ...asyncOpenWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0)) 11-22 16:16:44.345 984 1269 D CameraManager: ...asyncOpenCamera(Webcam(67988BD0)) 11-22 16:16:44.345 984 1278 D CameraManager: camera reports opened: CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))) 11-22 16:16:44.346 984 1278 D ContinuationSynchronizer: finish("camera reports opened: Webcam(67988BD0)": CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))))... 11-22 16:16:44.346 984 1278 D ContinuationSynchronizer: ...finish("camera reports opened: Webcam(67988BD0)": CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0)))) 11-22 16:16:44.346 984 1277 D ContinuationSynchronizer: ...awaiting(camera open) 11-22 16:16:44.346 984 1277 D CameraManager: ...doOpenCamera() 11-22 16:16:44.349 984 1277 D UvcContext: usb device is *not* UVC compatible, /dev/bus/usb/003/004 11-22 16:16:44.350 984 1277 D UvcContext: found webcam: usbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 vid=0x46D pid=0x825 serial=67988BD0 product=null 11-22 16:16:44.350 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice()... 11-22 16:16:44.350 984 1277 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: enter... 11-22 16:16:44.351 984 1277 D libusb : [1669151776.092122] [000004fd] libusb: debug [op_create] op_create: szUsbPath=/dev/bus/usb/003/003 szSysfsDir=3-1.4 11-22 16:16:44.351 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] uvc_create_uvc_device()... 11-22 16:16:44.351 984 1277 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] uvc_device::uvc_device()... 11-22 16:16:44.351 984 1277 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:375] acquired vid=1133 & pid=2085 11-22 16:16:44.351 984 1277 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:346] ...uvc_device::uvc_device() 11-22 16:16:44.351 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:613] ...uvc_create_uvc_device() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.351 984 1277 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:16:44.351 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_context.cpp:120] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcContext_nativeCreateUvcDevice() 11-22 16:16:44.352 984 1277 V UvcDevice: construct(pointer=0x743d1bf0c0|null) 11-22 16:16:44.352 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice()... 11-22 16:16:44.352 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:108] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetLibUsbDevice() 11-22 16:16:44.352 984 1277 V LibUsbDevice: construct(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:16:44.352 984 1277 V UvcApiCameraCharacteristicsBuilder: construct(0x0667605a) 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:289] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo()... 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo: enter... 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] uvc_get_device_info()... 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D libusb : [1669151776.093965] [000004fd] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D libusb : [1669151776.094013] [000004fd] libusb: debug [op_get_config_descriptor] op_get_config_descriptor: config_index=0 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] uvc_scan_control()... 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] uvc_parse_vc_header()... 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] uvc_scan_streaming()... 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] uvc_parse_vs_input_header()... 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1340] ...uvc_parse_vs_input_header() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed()... 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1389] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_uncompressed() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg()... 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1449] ...uvc_parse_vs_format_mjpeg() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 V Uvc : [device.cpp:1630] unsupported descriptor subtype: 13 UVC_VS_COLORFORMAT 11-22 16:16:44.353 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1284] ...uvc_scan_streaming() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.354 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1041] ...uvc_parse_vc_header() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.354 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal()... 11-22 16:16:44.354 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1083] ...uvc_parse_vc_input_terminal() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.354 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit()... 11-22 16:16:44.354 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:1156] ...uvc_parse_vc_processing_unit() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.354 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:986] ...uvc_scan_control() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.354 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:386] ...uvc_get_device_info() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.354 984 1277 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo: ...exit 11-22 16:16:44.354 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:289] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeGetDeviceInfo() 11-22 16:16:44.354 984 1277 V UvcDeviceInfo: construct(pointer=0x7439a296e0) 11-22 16:16:44.355 984 1277 V UvcStreamingInterface: construct(pointer=0x7439c63040) 11-22 16:16:44.376 984 1277 V UvcStreamingInterface: destroy(pointer=0x7439c63040) 11-22 16:16:44.376 984 1277 V UvcDeviceInfo: destroy(pointer=0x7439a296e0) 11-22 16:16:44.376 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_deviceinfo.cpp:63] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo()... 11-22 16:16:44.376 984 1277 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo: enter... 11-22 16:16:44.376 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] uvc_free_device_info()... 11-22 16:16:44.376 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] ...uvc_free_device_info() 11-22 16:16:44.376 984 1277 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo: ...exit 11-22 16:16:44.376 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_deviceinfo.cpp:63] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceInfo_nativeFreeDeviceInfo() 11-22 16:16:44.376 984 1277 V UvcApiCameraCharacteristicsBuilder: destroy(hash=0x0667605a) 11-22 16:16:44.377 984 1277 V UvcDevice: destroy(pointer=0x743d1bf0c0|/dev/bus/usb/003/003) 11-22 16:16:44.377 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:16:44.377 984 1277 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: enter... 11-22 16:16:44.377 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] uvc_unref_device()... 11-22 16:16:44.377 984 1277 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] ...uvc_unref_device() 11-22 16:16:44.377 984 1277 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:16:44.377 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:16:44.378 984 1277 V LibUsbDevice: destroy(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:16:44.378 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:16:44.378 984 1277 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:16:44.379 984 1277 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): user requested that we activate 11-22 16:16:44.380 984 1277 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): activating viewport 11-22 16:16:44.380 984 1277 D UsbResiliantWebcam: createCaptureSession()... 11-22 16:16:44.381 984 1277 V DelCaptureSession: construct(0x08fba28b) 11-22 16:16:44.381 984 1279 D OpenCvViewportRenderThread: Render thread is up! 11-22 16:16:44.382 984 1277 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:16:44.382 984 1277 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:16:44.384 984 1277 D CachingExposureControl: onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:16:44.384 984 1277 D CachingExposureControl: ...onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:16:44.384 984 1277 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...createCaptureSession() 11-22 16:16:44.384 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: startCapture()... 11-22 16:16:44.385 984 1247 V DelCaptureSequence: construct(0x012cbf68) 11-22 16:16:44.385 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003))))... 11-22 16:16:44.386 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: pauseStreaming(Stopped)... 11-22 16:16:44.386 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...pauseStreaming(Stopped) 11-22 16:16:44.386 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: resumeStreaming(Stopped)... 11-22 16:16:44.386 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...resumeStreaming(Stopped) 11-22 16:16:44.386 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...onCameraChange(null->CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))) 11-22 16:16:44.386 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: startStreaming(Stopped)... 11-22 16:16:44.387 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: doStreaming()... 11-22 16:16:44.387 984 1247 V UvcApiCaptureSession: construct(0x04cf5f81) 11-22 16:16:44.387 984 1278 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: camera session is configured: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:16:44.388 984 1247 V UvcApiCameraCaptureSequence: construct(0x0a2b2826) 11-22 16:16:44.389 984 1247 D UvcDeviceHandle: getStreamControl(320x240 30)... 11-22 16:16:44.389 984 1247 V UvcStreamCtrl: construct(0x0dffdc67) 11-22 16:16:44.390 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:115] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize()... 11-22 16:16:44.390 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize: enter... 11-22 16:16:44.390 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:373] uvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size()... 11-22 16:16:44.390 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=1)... 11-22 16:16:44.390 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) 11-22 16:16:44.390 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:16:44.391 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:16:44.391 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.391 984 1247 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:412] 320x240 30fps 11-22 16:16:44.391 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:16:44.395 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.395 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface()... 11-22 16:16:44.395 984 1247 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) 11-22 16:16:44.396 984 1247 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:16:44.396 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] ...uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.396 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:523] uvc_probe_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:16:44.396 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=1)... 11-22 16:16:44.396 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) 11-22 16:16:44.396 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:16:44.396 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:16:44.396 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.396 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:16:44.402 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.402 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:16:44.406 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.406 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:523] ...uvc_probe_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.406 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:373] ...uvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.407 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize: ...exit 11-22 16:16:44.407 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:115] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeGetStreamControlFormatSize() 11-22 16:16:44.407 984 1247 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...getStreamControl(320x240 30) 11-22 16:16:44.407 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamcontrol.cpp:101] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen()... 11-22 16:16:44.407 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen: enter... 11-22 16:16:44.407 984 1247 D Uvc : [devicehandle.cpp:46] uvc_device_handle::openStreamControl()... 11-22 16:16:44.407 984 1247 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:58] uvc_stream_handle::claimInterface()... 11-22 16:16:44.407 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] uvc_device_handle::claimInterface(idx=1)... 11-22 16:16:44.407 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) 11-22 16:16:44.408 984 1247 D UvcDevice: claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:16:44.408 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:783] claimInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:16:44.408 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:770] ...uvc_device_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.408 984 1247 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:58] ...uvc_stream_handle::claimInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.408 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] uvc_query_stream_ctrl()... 11-22 16:16:44.417 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:162] ...uvc_query_stream_ctrl() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.417 984 1247 D Uvc : [devicehandle.cpp:46] ...uvc_device_handle::openStreamControl() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.417 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen: ...exit 11-22 16:16:44.417 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamcontrol.cpp:101] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamCtrl_nativeOpen() 11-22 16:16:44.417 984 1247 V UvcStreamHandle: construct(pointer=0x7412821000) 11-22 16:16:44.417 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming()... 11-22 16:16:44.417 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:16:44.417 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] uvc_stream_stop()... 11-22 16:16:44.417 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] ...uvc_stream_stop() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.417 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:16:44.417 984 1247 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming() 11-22 16:16:44.418 984 1247 V UvcFrameCallback: construct(0x09c26a14) 11-22 16:16:44.418 984 1247 V UvcFrameCallbackData: construct(pointer=0x741281eaa0) 11-22 16:16:44.418 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStartStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:16:44.418 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:970] uvc_stream_start_bandwidth()... 11-22 16:16:44.418 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1173] uvc_stream_handle::startIsochronousStreaming()... 11-22 16:16:44.418 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting(setInterfaceAltSetting(intf=1 alt=8))... 11-22 16:16:44.419 984 1247 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,8) 11-22 16:16:44.419 984 1247 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,8) succeeded 11-22 16:16:44.419 984 1247 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] ...uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.419 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1173] ...uvc_stream_handle::startIsochronousStreaming() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.419 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1201] uvc_stream_handle::startUserCallbackThread()... 11-22 16:16:44.420 984 1280 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1265] User Callback thread started 11-22 16:16:44.420 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1201] ...uvc_stream_handle::startUserCallbackThread() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.420 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1221] uvc_stream_handle::submitTransfers()... 11-22 16:16:44.421 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1221] ...uvc_stream_handle::submitTransfers() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.421 984 1247 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:970] ...uvc_stream_start_bandwidth() rc=0 11-22 16:16:44.421 984 1247 D UvcStreamHandle: [jni_streamhandle.cpp:150] successfully started streaming 11-22 16:16:44.421 984 1247 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStartStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:16:44.421 984 1247 V UvcStreamCtrl: destroy(pointer=0x743d1bf0c0) 11-22 16:16:44.422 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...doStreaming() 11-22 16:16:44.422 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...startStreaming(Stopped) 11-22 16:16:44.422 984 1247 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...startCapture() 11-22 16:16:44.422 984 1247 I System.out: OpenCvWebcam: onConfigured 11-22 16:16:44.423 984 1277 I System.out: OpenCvWebcam: streaming started 11-22 16:16:44.429 984 1181 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:729] this is the UVC processTransfer() stream processing thread 11-22 16:16:49.645 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(15379) 11-22 16:16:49.699 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(5596), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:49.699 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5597), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:49.700 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5598), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:49.704 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5599), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:55.480 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(15466) 11-22 16:16:55.539 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(5686), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:55.539 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5687), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:55.540 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5688), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:55.542 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5689), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:56.160 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(15484) 11-22 16:16:56.218 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(5706), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:56.219 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5707), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:56.221 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5708), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:56.222 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5709), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:57.001 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_FRAME(15503) 11-22 16:16:57.059 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_BEGIN(5729), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:57.059 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5730), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:57.060 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5731), attempt: 0 11-22 16:16:57.061 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_RECEIVE_FRAME_CHUNK(5732), attempt: 0 11-22 16:17:10.522 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(15938) 2022Autonomous v3 with Colors 11-22 16:17:10.537 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:10.537 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:10.539 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(6168), attempt: 0 11-22 16:17:10.568 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:11.318 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:11.336 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:12.536 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:12.546 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:13.546 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:13.578 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:14.428 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:14.453 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:14.654 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:14.670 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:14.971 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:14.995 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:15.195 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:15.201 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:16.201 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:16.223 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:16.524 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:16.534 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:16.735 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:16.736 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:17.236 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:17.267 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:18.068 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:18.098 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:18.298 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:18.300 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:19.051 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:19.078 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:19.278 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:19.294 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:19.494 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:19.499 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:19.499 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:19.504 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:19.704 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - sleepForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:19.707 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/JavaBridge - scriptFinished 11-22 16:17:19.708 984 1276 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - after while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:17:19.708 984 1276 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - end - no InterruptedException 11-22 16:17:19.708 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - run2 - before clearScript 11-22 16:17:19.708 984 1276 D RobotCore: User runOpModeMethod exited 11-22 16:17:19.709 984 1276 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:17:19.710 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: auto-stopping OpMode '2022Autonomous v3 with Colors' 11-22 16:17:19.711 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: stopCapture()... 11-22 16:17:19.711 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: undoStreaming()... 11-22 16:17:19.712 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: stopCapture()... 11-22 16:17:19.712 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming()... 11-22 16:17:19.712 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:17:19.712 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] uvc_stream_stop()... 11-22 16:17:19.712 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1542] cancelling extant transfers 11-22 16:17:19.715 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022Autonomous v3 with Colors" - main/main - run2 - after clearScript 11-22 16:17:19.718 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: surfaceDestroyed() 11-22 16:17:19.718 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): lifecycle mandates deactivation regardless of user 11-22 16:17:19.718 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: CheckState(): deactivating viewport 11-22 16:17:19.719 984 1279 W System.err: java.lang.InterruptedException 11-22 16:17:19.719 984 1279 W System.err: at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) 11-22 16:17:19.719 984 1279 W System.err: at org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.collections.EvictingBlockingQueue.take(EvictingBlockingQueue.java:143) 11-22 16:17:19.719 984 1279 W System.err: at org.openftc.easyopencv.OpenCvViewport$RenderThread.run(OpenCvViewport.java:554) 11-22 16:17:19.719 984 1279 D OpenCvViewportRenderThread: About to exit 11-22 16:17:19.721 984 984 D OpenCvViewport: ...surfaceDestroyed() 11-22 16:17:19.740 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:17:19.749 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1471] (waitForAllTransfers(waiting for cancelled transfers))... 11-22 16:17:19.750 984 1280 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1329] user callback thread stopped 11-22 16:17:19.750 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1485] no extant active transfers: continuing 11-22 16:17:19.750 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1471] ...() 11-22 16:17:19.751 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1189] uvc_stream_handle::stopIsochronousStreaming()... 11-22 16:17:19.751 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting(setInterfaceAltSetting(intf=1 alt=0))... 11-22 16:17:19.751 984 1185 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,0) 11-22 16:17:19.751 984 1185 D UvcDevice: setInterfaceAltSetting(1,0) succeeded 11-22 16:17:19.751 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:825] ...uvc_device_handle::setInterfaceAltSetting() rc=0 11-22 16:17:19.751 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1189] ...uvc_stream_handle::stopIsochronousStreaming() rc=0 11-22 16:17:19.751 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1558] awakening user thread 11-22 16:17:19.752 984 1185 D UvcStream: [stream.cpp:1567] waiting for user callback thread to finish 11-22 16:17:19.752 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] ...uvc_stream_stop() rc=0 11-22 16:17:19.752 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:17:19.752 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming() 11-22 16:17:19.752 984 1185 V UvcFrameCallback: destroy(hash=0x09c26a14) 11-22 16:17:19.752 984 1185 V UvcFrameCallbackData: destroy(pointer=0x741281eaa0) 11-22 16:17:19.752 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcFrameCallback_nativeReleaseCallbackState: enter... 11-22 16:17:19.752 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcFrameCallback_nativeReleaseCallbackState: ...exit 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 V UvcStreamHandle: destroy(pointer=0x7412821000) 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming()... 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: enter... 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] uvc_stream_stop()... 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1514] ...uvc_stream_stop() rc=0 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming: ...exit 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:184] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeStopStreaming() 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:200] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle()... 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle: enter... 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1584] uvc_stream_close()... 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:45] uvc_stream_handle::~uvc_stream_handle()... 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:66] uvc_stream_handle::releaseInterface()... 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface()... 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D UvcDevice: releaseInterface(1) succeeded 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:793] ...uvc_device_handle::releaseInterface() rc=0 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:66] ...uvc_stream_handle::releaseInterface() 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [streamhandle.cpp:45] ...uvc_stream_handle::~uvc_stream_handle() 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [stream.cpp:1584] ...uvc_stream_close() 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle: ...exit 11-22 16:17:19.753 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_streamhandle.cpp:200] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcStreamHandle_nativeCloseStreamHandle() 11-22 16:17:19.754 984 1185 V UvcApiCameraCaptureSequence: destroy(hash=0x0a2b2826) 11-22 16:17:19.754 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: ...stopCapture() 11-22 16:17:19.754 984 1247 D RobotCore: capture sequence DelegatingCaptureSequenceId(1) reports completed: lastFrame=2799 11-22 16:17:19.754 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: doClose()... 11-22 16:17:19.755 984 1185 D UvcApiCaptureSession: ...doClose() 11-22 16:17:19.755 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: ...undoStreaming() 11-22 16:17:19.755 984 1281 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: camera session is closed: Webcam(67988BD0) 11-22 16:17:19.756 984 1185 V UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSequence: destroy(hash=0x012cbf68) 11-22 16:17:19.756 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...stopCapture() 11-22 16:17:19.756 984 1247 D RobotCore: capture sequence DelegatingCaptureSequenceId(1) reports completed: lastFrame=2799 11-22 16:17:19.756 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: doClose()... 11-22 16:17:19.756 984 1281 V UvcApiCaptureSession: destroy(hash=0x04cf5f81) 11-22 16:17:19.756 984 1281 D UvcApiCaptureSession: destructor... 11-22 16:17:19.756 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...doClose() 11-22 16:17:19.756 984 1281 D UvcApiCaptureSession: ...destructor 11-22 16:17:19.756 984 1185 V UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: destroy(hash=0x08fba28b) 11-22 16:17:19.756 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: destructor()... 11-22 16:17:19.756 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam|DelCaptureSession: ...destructor() 11-22 16:17:19.757 984 1185 V CameraImpl: destroy(hash=0x02dea77c) 11-22 16:17:19.757 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: CameraImpl.destructor()... 11-22 16:17:19.757 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: externalDestructor()... 11-22 16:17:19.758 984 1185 V CameraImpl: destroy(hash=0x0de07650) 11-22 16:17:19.758 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: CameraImpl.destructor()... 11-22 16:17:19.758 984 1281 D CameraManager: camera reports closed: CameraImpl(UsbResiliantWebcam(Webcam(67988BD0))) 11-22 16:17:19.758 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: externalDestructor()... 11-22 16:17:19.759 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: changeDelegatedCamera(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null)... 11-22 16:17:19.762 984 1185 D CachingExposureControl: onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null)... 11-22 16:17:19.762 984 1185 D CachingExposureControl: ...onCameraChanged(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null) 11-22 16:17:19.762 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...changeDelegatedCamera(CameraImpl(UvcDeviceHandle(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0|UvcDevice(/dev/bus/usb/003/003)))->null) 11-22 16:17:19.762 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...externalDestructor() 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 V UvcDeviceHandle: destroy(pointer=0x743f7dd8a0) 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: destructor... 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:87] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle()... 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle: enter... 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:872] uvc_device_handle::~uvc_device_handle()... 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:840] uvc_device_handle::deconstruct()... 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:751] uvc_device_handle::stop()... 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:751] ...uvc_device_handle::stop() 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:865] uvc_device_handle::close()... 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 E libusb : [1669151811.504220] [000004a1] libusb: error [do_close] Device handle closed while transfer was still being processed, but the device is still connected as far as we know 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 E libusb : [1669151811.504278] [000004a1] libusb: error [do_close] A cancellation hasn't even been scheduled on the transfer for which the device is closing 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:865] ...uvc_device_handle::close() 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:840] ...uvc_device_handle::deconstruct() 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] uvc_free_device_info()... 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:433] ...uvc_free_device_info() 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [libuvc/libuvc_internal.h:872] ...uvc_device_handle::~uvc_device_handle() 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle: ...exit 11-22 16:17:19.763 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_devicehandle.cpp:87] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDeviceHandle_nativeReleaseRefDeviceHandle() 11-22 16:17:19.764 984 1185 V UvcDevice: destroy(pointer=0x7439c373c0|/dev/bus/usb/003/003) 11-22 16:17:19.764 984 1185 D UsbDeviceConnectionJNI: close 11-22 16:17:19.764 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:17:19.764 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: enter... 11-22 16:17:19.764 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] uvc_unref_device()... 11-22 16:17:19.766 984 1185 D Uvc : [device.cpp:882] ...uvc_unref_device() 11-22 16:17:19.766 984 1185 V Uvc : API: Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice: ...exit 11-22 16:17:19.766 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_device.cpp:126] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_UvcDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:17:19.767 984 1185 V LibUsbDevice: destroy(pointer=0x7439c1ef80) 11-22 16:17:19.767 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice()... 11-22 16:17:19.767 984 1185 D Uvc : [jni_libusb_device.cpp:64] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_camera_libuvc_nativeobject_LibUsbDevice_nativeReleaseRefDevice() 11-22 16:17:19.767 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...destructor 11-22 16:17:19.767 984 1185 D UvcDeviceHandle: ...CameraImpl.destructor() 11-22 16:17:19.767 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...externalDestructor() 11-22 16:17:19.767 984 1185 V UsbResiliantWebcam: destroy(hash=0x01c3dc4d) 11-22 16:17:19.768 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: destructor()... 11-22 16:17:19.768 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...destructor() 11-22 16:17:19.768 984 1185 D UsbResiliantWebcam: ...CameraImpl.destructor() 11-22 16:17:19.768 984 1185 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v3_with_Colors.txt ******************** 11-22 16:17:19.773 984 1282 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v3_with_Colors.txt 11-22 16:17:19.773 984 1282 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:16:42.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v3_with_Colors.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:17:19.774 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:17:19.774 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:17:19.774 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:17:19.776 984 1284 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:17:19.778 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_STREAM_CHANGE(6490), attempt: 0 11-22 16:17:19.779 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(6497), attempt: 0 11-22 16:17:19.806 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(16267) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:17:19.819 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(6504), attempt: 0 11-22 16:17:19.872 984 1282 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:16:42.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v3_with_Colors.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:17:19.872 984 1282 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022Autonomous_v3_with_Colors.txt 11-22 16:17:46.444 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(17296) 0 11-22 16:17:46.448 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(17297) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:17:46.471 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022_Power Play Teleop League ******************** 11-22 16:17:46.475 984 1284 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:17:46.479 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:17:46.667 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:17:46.667 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:17:46.670 984 1289 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:17:46.670 984 1289 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:17:46.671 984 1289 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:17:46.675 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:17:46.676 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:17:46.685 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:17:46.686 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:17:46.687 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:17:46.687 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:17:46.687 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:17:46.687 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:17:46.688 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:17:46.688 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:17:46.689 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:17:46.689 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:17:46.698 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(7547), attempt: 0 11-22 16:17:46.721 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:17:46.756 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:17:46.768 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:17:46.855 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:17:49.525 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(17413) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:17:49.539 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(7652), attempt: 0 11-22 16:17:49.561 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end 11-22 16:17:59.804 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(17938) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:17:59.812 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt ******************** 11-22 16:17:59.819 984 1291 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:17:59.819 984 1291 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:17:46.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:17:59.820 984 1289 E RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - caught InterruptedException during scriptFinishedLock.wait 11-22 16:17:59.830 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptFinished 11-22 16:17:59.830 984 1289 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - after while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:17:59.830 984 1289 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - end - 10ms after InterruptedException 11-22 16:17:59.830 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - before clearScript 11-22 16:17:59.830 984 1289 D RobotCore: User runOpModeMethod exited 11-22 16:17:59.830 984 1289 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:17:59.831 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:17:59.832 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:17:59.832 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:17:59.834 984 1293 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:17:59.838 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - after clearScript 11-22 16:17:59.858 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(8224), attempt: 0 11-22 16:17:59.863 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:17:59.879 984 1291 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:17:46.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:17:59.879 984 1291 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:17:59.884 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(17947) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:17:59.899 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(8232), attempt: 0 11-22 16:18:04.622 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED 11-22 16:18:04.627 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/003 11-22 16:18:04.631 984 1185 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$Warning$ msg="Unable to find webcam "Camera" with serial number 67988BD0." 11-22 16:18:04.632 984 1185 V RobotCore: event loop: device has shutdown abnormally: ABNORMAL 11-22 16:18:04.632 984 1185 V EventLoopManager: event loop: detaching device 67988BD0 11-22 16:18:04.632 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: vv===== MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: disarm Webcam [67988BD0]=====vv 11-22 16:18:04.633 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ======= MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: pretend Webcam [67988BD0]======= 11-22 16:18:04.633 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ^^===== MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: complete Webcam [67988BD0]=====^^ 11-22 16:18:04.740 984 1184 V SoundInfo: construct(0x04f10917) 11-22 16:18:04.777 984 1183 I MediaCodec: callingProcessName:com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller 11-22 16:18:04.779 984 1306 I ACodec : onAllocateComponent:6752 mSoftCodecPref:0 componentName: 11-22 16:18:04.781 984 1306 I ACodec : onAllocateComponent:6783 mSoftCodecPref:0 componentName:OMX.google.raw.decoder 11-22 16:18:04.822 984 1080 D SoundPlayer: onLoadComplete(samp=3|ms=2509, samp=3)=0 11-22 16:18:04.824 984 1184 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 48000 Hz, output 44100 Hz 11-22 16:18:04.829 984 1184 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=3|ms=2509 11-22 16:18:04.858 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(8424), attempt: 0 11-22 16:18:06.479 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED 11-22 16:18:06.481 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/005 11-22 16:18:06.481 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: addOrUpdateUsbDevice(vid=0x046d pid=0x0825) 11-22 16:18:06.482 984 984 V RCActivity: onPause() 11-22 16:18:06.484 984 984 V RCActivity: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/005 11-22 16:18:06.485 984 984 V RCActivity: onResume() 11-22 16:18:06.490 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: vv===== MODULE ATTACH: disarm Webcam [67988BD0]=====vv 11-22 16:18:06.490 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ======= MODULE ATTACH: arm or pretend Webcam [67988BD0]======= 11-22 16:18:06.491 984 1185 V WebcamNameImpl: clearing extant global warning: "Unable to find webcam "Camera" with serial number 67988BD0." 11-22 16:18:06.494 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ^^===== MODULE ATTACH: complete Webcam [67988BD0]=====^^ 11-22 16:18:06.495 984 1185 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$None$ msg="" 11-22 16:18:10.645 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(18365) 0 11-22 16:18:10.647 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(18366) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:18:10.663 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022_Power Play Teleop League ******************** 11-22 16:18:10.672 984 1293 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:18:10.677 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:18:10.867 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:18:10.867 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:18:10.870 984 1312 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:18:10.870 984 1312 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:18:10.871 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:18:10.871 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:18:10.874 984 1312 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:18:10.885 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:10.885 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:10.886 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:10.886 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:10.887 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:10.887 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:10.887 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:10.887 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:10.888 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:10.888 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:10.899 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(8667), attempt: 0 11-22 16:18:10.922 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:18:10.950 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:18:10.959 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:18:11.038 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:18:12.965 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(18458) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:18:12.979 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(8746), attempt: 0 11-22 16:18:13.045 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end 11-22 16:18:14.485 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(18514) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:18:14.491 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt ******************** 11-22 16:18:14.498 984 1313 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:18:14.498 984 1313 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:18:10.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:18:14.499 984 1312 E RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - caught InterruptedException during scriptFinishedLock.wait 11-22 16:18:14.521 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptFinished 11-22 16:18:14.521 984 1312 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - after while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:18:14.522 984 1312 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - end - 23ms after InterruptedException 11-22 16:18:14.522 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - before clearScript 11-22 16:18:14.522 984 1312 D RobotCore: User runOpModeMethod exited 11-22 16:18:14.522 984 1312 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:18:14.526 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:18:14.526 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:18:14.526 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:18:14.529 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - after clearScript 11-22 16:18:14.531 984 1315 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:18:14.540 984 995 W art : Suspending all threads took: 5.032ms 11-22 16:18:14.545 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(8817), attempt: 0 11-22 16:18:14.563 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:18:14.565 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(18522) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:18:14.579 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(8823), attempt: 0 11-22 16:18:14.583 984 1313 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:18:10.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:18:14.583 984 1313 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:18:25.768 984 1172 V EventLoopManager: synthetic gamepad received: id=-2 user=TWO atRest=true 11-22 16:18:28.325 984 1172 V EventLoopManager: synthetic gamepad received: id=-2 user=ONE atRest=true 11-22 16:18:40.807 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(19256) 0 11-22 16:18:40.809 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(19257) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:18:40.826 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022_Power Play Teleop League ******************** 11-22 16:18:40.835 984 1315 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:18:40.840 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:18:41.024 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:18:41.024 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:18:41.027 984 1319 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:18:41.027 984 1319 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:18:41.029 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:18:41.029 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:18:41.031 984 1319 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:18:41.038 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:41.039 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:41.040 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:41.040 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:41.041 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:41.041 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:41.041 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:41.042 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:41.042 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:41.042 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:18:41.059 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(9564), attempt: 0 11-22 16:18:41.074 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:18:41.111 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:18:41.122 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:18:41.214 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:18:41.686 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(19276) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:18:41.699 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(9575), attempt: 0 11-22 16:18:41.716 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end 11-22 16:19:41.739 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/004 11-22 16:19:41.739 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED 11-22 16:19:41.799 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED 11-22 16:19:41.802 984 1185 V RobotCore: event loop: device has shutdown abnormally: ABNORMAL 11-22 16:19:41.802 984 1185 V EventLoopManager: event loop: detaching device 67988BD0 11-22 16:19:41.803 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: vv===== MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: disarm Webcam [67988BD0]=====vv 11-22 16:19:41.803 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ======= MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: pretend Webcam [67988BD0]======= 11-22 16:19:41.803 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/005 11-22 16:19:41.803 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ^^===== MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: complete Webcam [67988BD0]=====^^ 11-22 16:19:41.804 984 1185 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$Warning$ msg="Unable to find webcam "Camera" with serial number 67988BD0." 11-22 16:19:41.805 984 1185 E Robocol : exception IOException(Invalid argument): exception sending datagram [java.net.PlainDatagramSocketImpl.send(Native Method)] 11-22 16:19:41.813 984 1184 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=3|ms=2509 11-22 16:19:41.818 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(12350), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:42.058 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(12350), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:42.219 984 1200 V Robocol : Giving up on command CMD_PLAY_SOUND(12350) after 2 attempts 11-22 16:19:43.071 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/007 11-22 16:19:43.071 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED 11-22 16:19:43.071 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: addOrUpdateUsbDevice(vid=0x0bda pid=0xc820) 11-22 16:19:43.539 984 1200 V UpdateUI: Network: active, disconnected 11-22 16:19:43.539 984 1200 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt ******************** 11-22 16:19:43.550 984 1200 I EventLoopManager: Lost connection while running op mode: 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:19:43.550 984 1200 V NetworkConnectionHandler: Peer connection lost 11-22 16:19:43.550 984 1354 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:19:43.551 984 1354 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:18:40.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:19:43.604 984 1354 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:18:40.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:19:43.604 984 1354 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:19:43.651 984 1184 V SoundInfo: construct(0x0ac82b23) 11-22 16:19:43.686 984 1183 I MediaCodec: callingProcessName:com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller 11-22 16:19:43.689 984 1362 I ACodec : onAllocateComponent:6752 mSoftCodecPref:0 componentName: 11-22 16:19:43.690 984 1362 I ACodec : onAllocateComponent:6783 mSoftCodecPref:0 componentName:OMX.google.raw.decoder 11-22 16:19:43.729 984 1080 D SoundPlayer: onLoadComplete(samp=4|ms=901, samp=4)=0 11-22 16:19:44.051 984 1319 E RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - caught InterruptedException during scriptFinishedLock.wait 11-22 16:19:44.075 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptFinished 11-22 16:19:44.075 984 1319 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - after while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:19:44.075 984 1319 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - end - 24ms after InterruptedException 11-22 16:19:44.075 984 1319 D RobotCore: User runOpModeMethod exited 11-22 16:19:44.076 984 1319 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:19:44.077 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - before clearScript 11-22 16:19:44.078 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:19:44.078 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:19:44.078 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:19:44.082 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - after clearScript 11-22 16:19:44.083 984 1366 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:19:44.105 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:19:44.181 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 10 11-22 16:19:44.318 984 1365 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 48000 Hz, output 44100 Hz 11-22 16:19:44.321 984 1365 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=4|ms=901 11-22 16:19:44.748 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 11 11-22 16:19:44.748 984 984 I EventLoopManager: onNetworkConnectionEvent: DISCONNECTED 11-22 16:19:44.774 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 12 11-22 16:19:44.819 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/008 11-22 16:19:44.820 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: addOrUpdateUsbDevice(vid=0x046d pid=0x0825) 11-22 16:19:44.820 984 984 V RCActivity: onPause() 11-22 16:19:44.821 984 984 V RCActivity: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/008 11-22 16:19:44.822 984 984 V RCActivity: onResume() 11-22 16:19:44.824 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED 11-22 16:19:45.041 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 13 11-22 16:19:45.041 984 984 I EventLoopManager: onNetworkConnectionEvent: CONNECTION_INFO_AVAILABLE 11-22 16:19:45.041 984 984 I Robocol : Received network connection event 11-22 16:19:45.043 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi AP is enabled 11-22 16:19:45.043 984 984 I NetworkConnectionHandler: Handling new network connection infomation, connected: true setup needed: false 11-22 16:19:45.045 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi AP is enabled 11-22 16:19:45.059 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:45.060 984 1200 V Robocol : Giving up on command CMD_PLAY_SOUND(12368) after 0 attempts 11-22 16:19:45.084 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: vv===== MODULE ATTACH: disarm Webcam [67988BD0]=====vv 11-22 16:19:45.084 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ======= MODULE ATTACH: arm or pretend Webcam [67988BD0]======= 11-22 16:19:45.085 984 1185 V WebcamNameImpl: clearing extant global warning: "Unable to find webcam "Camera" with serial number 67988BD0." 11-22 16:19:45.089 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ^^===== MODULE ATTACH: complete Webcam [67988BD0]=====^^ 11-22 16:19:45.091 984 1185 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$None$ msg="" 11-22 16:19:45.299 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:45.539 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:45.779 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:46.019 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:46.259 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367), attempt: 5 11-22 16:19:46.499 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367), attempt: 6 11-22 16:19:46.739 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367), attempt: 7 11-22 16:19:46.979 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367), attempt: 8 11-22 16:19:58.751 984 1172 V UpdateUI: Network: active, connected 11-22 16:19:58.753 984 1172 D FTCService: Sending user device types and preferences to driver station 11-22 16:19:58.755 984 1184 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 48000 Hz, output 44100 Hz 11-22 16:19:58.776 984 1184 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=2|ms=757 11-22 16:19:58.779 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367), attempt: 9 11-22 16:19:58.779 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(12431), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:58.786 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sendAllPreferences() 11-22 16:19:58.787 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works value=false 11-22 16:19:58.788 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_device_name value=8531-RC 11-22 16:19:58.789 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_incorrect_clocks value=true 11-22 16:19:58.790 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_obsolete_software value=true 11-22 16:19:58.791 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_has_speaker value=false 11-22 16:19:58.792 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_2_4_ghz_band value=true 11-22 16:19:58.793 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_has_independent_phone_battery value=false 11-22 16:19:58.794 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_app_theme value=green 11-22 16:19:58.795 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_mismatched_app_versions value=true 11-22 16:19:58.796 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_sound_on_off value=false 11-22 16:19:58.797 984 1172 V NetworkConnectionHandler: Peer connection established 11-22 16:19:58.802 984 1172 V Robocol : packet processing took 51.9ms: type=PEER_DISCOVERY 11-22 16:19:58.819 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(12432), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:58.820 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12433), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:58.821 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12434), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:58.821 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12435), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:58.821 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12436), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:58.822 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12437), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:58.822 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12438), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:58.822 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12439), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:58.823 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12440), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:58.823 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12441), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:58.823 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12442), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:59.019 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367), attempt: 10 11-22 16:19:59.019 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(12431), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.059 984 1200 V Robocol : Giving up on command CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12367) after 11 attempts 11-22 16:19:59.059 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(12432), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.062 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12433), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.063 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12434), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.063 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12435), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.064 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12436), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.065 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12437), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.065 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12438), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.066 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12439), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.067 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12440), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.067 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12441), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.068 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12442), attempt: 1 11-22 16:19:59.179 984 1200 V Robocol : Giving up on command CMD_PLAY_SOUND(12431) after 2 attempts 11-22 16:19:59.299 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(12432), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:59.301 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12433), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:59.302 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12434), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:59.303 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12435), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:59.303 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12436), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:59.304 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12437), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:59.305 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12438), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:59.305 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12439), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:59.306 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12440), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:59.306 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12441), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:59.307 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12442), attempt: 2 11-22 16:19:59.538 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(12432), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:59.541 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12433), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:59.541 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12434), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:59.542 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12435), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:59.542 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12436), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:59.543 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12437), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:59.544 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12438), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:59.544 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12439), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:59.545 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12440), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:59.546 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12441), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:59.546 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12442), attempt: 3 11-22 16:19:59.768 984 1174 V EventLoopManager: Setting authoritative wall clock based on connected DS. 11-22 16:19:59.769 984 1174 D Uvc : [time.cpp:64] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_system_AppUtil_nativeSetCurrentTimeMillis()... 11-22 16:19:59.754 984 1174 I JniTime : [time.cpp:83] settimeofday() succeeded 11-22 16:19:59.754 984 1174 D Uvc : [time.cpp:64] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_system_AppUtil_nativeSetCurrentTimeMillis() 11-22 16:19:59.756 984 1174 V AppUtil : attempted to set timezone: before=America/New_York after=America/New_York 11-22 16:19:59.758 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_ACTIVE_CONFIG(10001) 11-22 16:19:59.759 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_USER_DEVICE_TYPES(10002) 11-22 16:19:59.760 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_OP_MODE_LIST(10003) 11-22 16:19:59.761 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(10004) {"booleanValue":true,"prefName":"pref_ds_supports_5_ghz"} 11-22 16:19:59.762 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(10005) {"intValue":21,"prefName":"pref_dh_os_version_code"} 11-22 16:19:59.763 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(12432), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:59.766 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12433), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:59.767 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12434), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:59.768 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12435), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:59.769 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12436), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:59.770 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12437), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:59.771 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12438), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:59.771 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12439), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:59.772 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12440), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:59.774 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12441), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:59.775 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(12442), attempt: 4 11-22 16:19:59.804 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION(12456), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:59.843 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(12462), attempt: 0 11-22 16:19:59.846 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_OP_MODE_LIST(12465), attempt: 0 11-22 16:20:12.074 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(10202) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:20:12.089 984 1366 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:20:12.095 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:20:12.095 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:20:12.095 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:20:12.098 984 1398 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:20:12.124 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12657), attempt: 0 11-22 16:20:13.834 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(10231) 0 11-22 16:20:13.835 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(10232) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:20:13.854 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022_Power Play Teleop League ******************** 11-22 16:20:13.867 984 1398 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:20:13.872 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:20:14.047 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:20:14.047 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:20:14.050 984 1399 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:20:14.050 984 1399 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:20:14.050 984 1399 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:20:14.053 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:20:14.053 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:20:14.063 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:20:14.063 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:20:14.064 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:20:14.064 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:20:14.064 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:20:14.064 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:20:14.065 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:20:14.065 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:20:14.066 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:20:14.066 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:20:14.083 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(12694), attempt: 0 11-22 16:20:14.098 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:20:14.133 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:20:14.140 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:20:14.222 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:20:15.195 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(10255) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:20:15.204 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(12710), attempt: 0 11-22 16:20:15.224 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end 11-22 16:23:00.013 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED 11-22 16:23:00.016 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/007 11-22 16:23:00.099 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED 11-22 16:23:00.101 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/008 11-22 16:23:00.103 984 1185 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$Warning$ msg="Unable to find webcam "Camera" with serial number 67988BD0." 11-22 16:23:00.104 984 1185 V RobotCore: event loop: device has shutdown abnormally: ABNORMAL 11-22 16:23:00.104 984 1185 V EventLoopManager: event loop: detaching device 67988BD0 11-22 16:23:00.104 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: vv===== MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: disarm Webcam [67988BD0]=====vv 11-22 16:23:00.104 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ======= MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: pretend Webcam [67988BD0]======= 11-22 16:23:00.105 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ^^===== MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: complete Webcam [67988BD0]=====^^ 11-22 16:23:00.112 984 1184 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=3|ms=2509 11-22 16:23:00.123 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(19862), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:00.363 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(19862), attempt: 1 11-22 16:23:00.524 984 1200 V Robocol : Giving up on command CMD_PLAY_SOUND(19862) after 2 attempts 11-22 16:23:01.844 984 1200 V UpdateUI: Network: active, disconnected 11-22 16:23:01.845 984 1200 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt ******************** 11-22 16:23:01.853 984 1200 I EventLoopManager: Lost connection while running op mode: 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:23:01.854 984 1200 V NetworkConnectionHandler: Peer connection lost 11-22 16:23:01.854 984 1434 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:23:01.854 984 1434 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:20:13.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:23:01.867 1435 1435 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:151): avc: denied { read } for name="/" dev="rootfs" ino=1 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 11-22 16:23:01.867 1435 1435 I sh : type=1400 audit(0.0:152): avc: denied { open } for path="/" dev="rootfs" ino=1 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 11-22 16:23:01.903 984 1434 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:20:13.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:23:01.903 984 1434 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:23:02.356 984 1399 E RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - caught InterruptedException during scriptFinishedLock.wait 11-22 16:23:02.374 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptFinished 11-22 16:23:02.375 984 1399 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - after while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:23:02.375 984 1399 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - end - 19ms after InterruptedException 11-22 16:23:02.375 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - before clearScript 11-22 16:23:02.375 984 1399 D RobotCore: User runOpModeMethod exited 11-22 16:23:02.375 984 1399 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:23:02.378 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:23:02.378 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:23:02.379 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:23:02.380 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - after clearScript 11-22 16:23:02.381 984 1439 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:23:02.408 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED 11-22 16:23:02.409 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/010 11-22 16:23:02.409 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: addOrUpdateUsbDevice(vid=0x0bda pid=0xc820) 11-22 16:23:02.418 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:23:02.425 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 10 11-22 16:23:02.618 984 1365 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 48000 Hz, output 44100 Hz 11-22 16:23:02.623 984 1365 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=4|ms=901 11-22 16:23:02.991 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 11 11-22 16:23:02.991 984 984 I EventLoopManager: onNetworkConnectionEvent: DISCONNECTED 11-22 16:23:03.018 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 12 11-22 16:23:03.264 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 13 11-22 16:23:03.264 984 984 I EventLoopManager: onNetworkConnectionEvent: CONNECTION_INFO_AVAILABLE 11-22 16:23:03.264 984 984 I Robocol : Received network connection event 11-22 16:23:03.266 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi AP is enabled 11-22 16:23:03.266 984 984 I NetworkConnectionHandler: Handling new network connection infomation, connected: true setup needed: false 11-22 16:23:03.267 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi AP is enabled 11-22 16:23:03.283 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(19880), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:03.285 984 1200 V Robocol : Giving up on command CMD_PLAY_SOUND(19881) after 0 attempts 11-22 16:23:03.524 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(19880), attempt: 1 11-22 16:23:03.764 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(19880), attempt: 2 11-22 16:23:04.003 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(19880), attempt: 3 11-22 16:23:04.162 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED 11-22 16:23:04.165 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/011 11-22 16:23:04.165 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: addOrUpdateUsbDevice(vid=0x046d pid=0x0825) 11-22 16:23:04.166 984 984 V RCActivity: onPause() 11-22 16:23:04.167 984 984 V RCActivity: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/011 11-22 16:23:04.169 984 984 V RCActivity: onResume() 11-22 16:23:04.243 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(19880), attempt: 4 11-22 16:23:04.386 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: vv===== MODULE ATTACH: disarm Webcam [67988BD0]=====vv 11-22 16:23:04.386 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ======= MODULE ATTACH: arm or pretend Webcam [67988BD0]======= 11-22 16:23:04.387 984 1185 V WebcamNameImpl: clearing extant global warning: "Unable to find webcam "Camera" with serial number 67988BD0." 11-22 16:23:04.391 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ^^===== MODULE ATTACH: complete Webcam [67988BD0]=====^^ 11-22 16:23:04.392 984 1185 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$None$ msg="" 11-22 16:23:04.484 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(19880), attempt: 5 11-22 16:23:04.724 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(19880), attempt: 6 11-22 16:23:04.964 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(19880), attempt: 7 11-22 16:23:05.204 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(19880), attempt: 8 11-22 16:23:17.523 984 1172 V UpdateUI: Network: active, connected 11-22 16:23:17.524 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(19880), attempt: 9 11-22 16:23:17.525 984 1172 D FTCService: Sending user device types and preferences to driver station 11-22 16:23:17.527 984 1184 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 48000 Hz, output 44100 Hz 11-22 16:23:17.539 984 1184 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=2|ms=757 11-22 16:23:17.563 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(19945), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.564 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sendAllPreferences() 11-22 16:23:17.564 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works value=false 11-22 16:23:17.565 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_device_name value=8531-RC 11-22 16:23:17.566 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_incorrect_clocks value=true 11-22 16:23:17.566 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_obsolete_software value=true 11-22 16:23:17.567 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_has_speaker value=false 11-22 16:23:17.567 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_2_4_ghz_band value=true 11-22 16:23:17.568 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_has_independent_phone_battery value=false 11-22 16:23:17.568 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_app_theme value=green 11-22 16:23:17.569 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_mismatched_app_versions value=true 11-22 16:23:17.569 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_sound_on_off value=false 11-22 16:23:17.570 984 1172 V NetworkConnectionHandler: Peer connection established 11-22 16:23:17.575 984 1172 V Robocol : packet processing took 53.1ms: type=PEER_DISCOVERY 11-22 16:23:17.602 984 1174 V EventLoopManager: Setting authoritative wall clock based on connected DS. 11-22 16:23:17.602 984 1174 D Uvc : [time.cpp:64] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_system_AppUtil_nativeSetCurrentTimeMillis()... 11-22 16:23:17.594 984 1174 I JniTime : [time.cpp:83] settimeofday() succeeded 11-22 16:23:17.594 984 1174 D Uvc : [time.cpp:64] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_system_AppUtil_nativeSetCurrentTimeMillis() 11-22 16:23:17.595 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(19947), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.597 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(19948), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.598 984 1174 V AppUtil : attempted to set timezone: before=America/New_York after=America/New_York 11-22 16:23:17.598 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(19949), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.599 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(19950), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.599 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_ACTIVE_CONFIG(10001) 11-22 16:23:17.599 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(19951), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.599 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_USER_DEVICE_TYPES(10002) 11-22 16:23:17.600 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_OP_MODE_LIST(10003) 11-22 16:23:17.600 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(19952), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.600 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(19953), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.601 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(19954), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.602 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(19955), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.602 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(10004) {"booleanValue":true,"prefName":"pref_ds_supports_5_ghz"} 11-22 16:23:17.602 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(19956), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.603 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(19957), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.609 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(10005) {"intValue":21,"prefName":"pref_dh_os_version_code"} 11-22 16:23:17.636 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION(19965), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.637 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(19969), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.639 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_OP_MODE_LIST(19972), attempt: 0 11-22 16:23:17.755 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(19880), attempt: 10 11-22 16:23:17.795 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(19945), attempt: 1 11-22 16:23:27.355 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(10169) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:23:27.377 984 1439 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:23:27.381 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:23:27.381 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:23:27.381 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:23:27.384 984 1454 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:23:27.395 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(20134), attempt: 0 11-22 16:24:06.058 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED 11-22 16:24:06.059 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/011 11-22 16:24:06.065 984 1185 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$Warning$ msg="Unable to find webcam "Camera" with serial number 67988BD0." 11-22 16:24:06.066 984 1185 V RobotCore: event loop: device has shutdown abnormally: ABNORMAL 11-22 16:24:06.066 984 1185 V EventLoopManager: event loop: detaching device 67988BD0 11-22 16:24:06.067 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: vv===== MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: disarm Webcam [67988BD0]=====vv 11-22 16:24:06.068 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ======= MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: pretend Webcam [67988BD0]======= 11-22 16:24:06.069 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ^^===== MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: complete Webcam [67988BD0]=====^^ 11-22 16:24:06.074 984 1184 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=3|ms=2509 11-22 16:24:06.077 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(20659), attempt: 0 11-22 16:24:22.597 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(10997) 0 11-22 16:24:22.598 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(10998) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:24:22.620 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022_Power Play Teleop League ******************** 11-22 16:24:22.623 984 1454 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:24:22.627 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:24:22.798 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:24:22.799 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:24:22.802 984 1460 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:24:22.802 984 1460 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:24:22.802 984 1460 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:24:22.804 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:24:22.805 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:24:22.810 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:24:22.810 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:24:22.811 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:24:22.811 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:24:22.811 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:24:22.811 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:24:22.811 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:24:22.811 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:24:22.812 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:24:22.812 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:24:22.827 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:24:22.835 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(20972), attempt: 0 11-22 16:24:22.857 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:24:22.865 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:24:22.945 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:24:23.719 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(11018) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:24:23.748 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end 11-22 16:24:23.756 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(20985), attempt: 0 11-22 16:27:50.235 984 1241 V LynxModule: retransmitting: mod=2 cmd=0x1016 msg#=221 ref#=0 11-22 16:29:07.972 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(23825) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:29:07.980 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt ******************** 11-22 16:29:07.986 984 1460 E RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - caught InterruptedException during scriptFinishedLock.wait 11-22 16:29:07.986 984 1463 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:29:07.986 984 1463 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:24:22.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:29:07.999 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptFinished 11-22 16:29:07.999 984 1460 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - after while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:29:08.000 984 1460 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - end - 14ms after InterruptedException 11-22 16:29:08.000 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - before clearScript 11-22 16:29:08.000 984 1460 D RobotCore: User runOpModeMethod exited 11-22 16:29:08.000 984 1460 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:29:08.002 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:29:08.002 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:29:08.002 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:29:08.003 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - after clearScript 11-22 16:29:08.004 984 1466 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:29:08.035 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(34925), attempt: 0 11-22 16:29:08.036 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:29:08.042 984 1463 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:24:22.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:29:08.042 984 1463 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:29:08.091 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(23834) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:29:08.115 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(34934), attempt: 0 11-22 16:30:06.973 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(24674) 0 11-22 16:30:06.975 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(24675) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:30:06.991 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022_Power Play Teleop League ******************** 11-22 16:30:06.998 984 1466 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:30:06.998 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:30:07.163 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:30:07.163 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:30:07.166 984 1469 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:30:07.166 984 1469 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:30:07.167 984 1469 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:30:07.184 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:30:07.184 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:30:07.193 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:30:07.194 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:30:07.195 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:30:07.195 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:30:07.195 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:30:07.195 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:30:07.195 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(35781), attempt: 0 11-22 16:30:07.196 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:30:07.196 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:30:07.196 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:30:07.196 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:30:07.227 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:30:07.256 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:30:07.265 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:30:07.351 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:30:07.776 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(24692) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:30:07.797 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(35793), attempt: 0 11-22 16:30:07.852 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end 11-22 16:33:35.983 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(34263) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:33:35.989 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt ******************** 11-22 16:33:35.995 984 1472 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:33:35.995 984 1469 E RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - caught InterruptedException during scriptFinishedLock.wait 11-22 16:33:35.995 984 1472 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:30:6.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:33:36.012 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptFinished 11-22 16:33:36.012 984 1469 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - after while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:33:36.012 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - before clearScript 11-22 16:33:36.012 984 1469 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - end - 17ms after InterruptedException 11-22 16:33:36.013 984 1469 D RobotCore: User runOpModeMethod exited 11-22 16:33:36.013 984 1469 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:33:36.016 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:33:36.016 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:33:36.016 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:33:36.017 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - after clearScript 11-22 16:33:36.024 984 1476 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:33:36.035 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(46195), attempt: 0 11-22 16:33:36.045 984 1472 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:30:6.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:33:36.045 984 1472 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:33:36.051 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:33:36.062 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(34269) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:33:36.075 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(46200), attempt: 0 11-22 16:34:57.066 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(35367) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:34:57.081 984 1476 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:34:57.084 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:34:57.084 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:34:57.084 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:34:57.087 984 1481 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:34:57.115 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(47305), attempt: 0 11-22 16:34:57.227 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(35374) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:34:57.275 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(47312), attempt: 0 11-22 16:35:57.230 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(37159) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:35:57.240 984 1481 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:35:57.245 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:35:57.245 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:35:57.245 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:35:57.248 984 1485 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:35:57.275 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(49104), attempt: 0 11-22 16:35:57.351 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(37166) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:35:57.395 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(49110), attempt: 0 11-22 16:36:00.350 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(37211) 0 11-22 16:36:00.359 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(37212) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:36:00.371 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022_Power Play Teleop League ******************** 11-22 16:36:00.375 984 1485 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:36:00.379 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:36:00.555 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:36:00.555 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:36:00.558 984 1486 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:36:00.558 984 1486 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:36:00.559 984 1486 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:36:00.559 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:36:00.559 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:36:00.569 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:36:00.569 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:36:00.570 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:36:00.570 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:36:00.570 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:36:00.570 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:36:00.571 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:36:00.571 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:36:00.571 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:36:00.571 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:36:00.592 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:36:00.595 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(49163), attempt: 0 11-22 16:36:00.629 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:36:00.636 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:36:00.720 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:36:04.790 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(37264) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:36:04.831 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end 11-22 16:36:04.835 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(49210), attempt: 0 11-22 16:39:16.078 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(46387) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:39:16.084 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt ******************** 11-22 16:39:16.090 984 1488 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:39:16.090 984 1488 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:36:0.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:39:16.090 984 1486 E RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - caught InterruptedException during scriptFinishedLock.wait 11-22 16:39:16.096 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptFinished 11-22 16:39:16.096 984 1486 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - after while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:39:16.097 984 1486 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - end - 6ms after InterruptedException 11-22 16:39:16.097 984 1486 D RobotCore: User runOpModeMethod exited 11-22 16:39:16.097 984 1486 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:39:16.099 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - before clearScript 11-22 16:39:16.103 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - after clearScript 11-22 16:39:16.103 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:39:16.104 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:39:16.104 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:39:16.109 984 1491 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:39:16.115 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(59096), attempt: 0 11-22 16:39:16.145 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:39:16.159 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(46393) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:39:16.159 984 1488 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:36:0.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:39:16.160 984 1488 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:39:16.196 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(59101), attempt: 0 11-22 16:39:48.693 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED 11-22 16:39:48.694 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/012 11-22 16:39:48.694 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: addOrUpdateUsbDevice(vid=0x046d pid=0x0825) 11-22 16:39:48.698 984 984 V RCActivity: onPause() 11-22 16:39:48.698 984 984 V RCActivity: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/012 11-22 16:39:48.702 984 984 V RCActivity: onResume() 11-22 16:39:48.703 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: vv===== MODULE ATTACH: disarm Webcam [67988BD0]=====vv 11-22 16:39:48.703 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ======= MODULE ATTACH: arm or pretend Webcam [67988BD0]======= 11-22 16:39:48.704 984 1185 V WebcamNameImpl: clearing extant global warning: "Unable to find webcam "Camera" with serial number 67988BD0." 11-22 16:39:48.709 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ^^===== MODULE ATTACH: complete Webcam [67988BD0]=====^^ 11-22 16:39:48.710 984 1185 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$None$ msg="" 11-22 16:40:21.283 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(47277) 0 11-22 16:40:21.284 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(47278) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:40:21.302 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022_Power Play Teleop League ******************** 11-22 16:40:21.309 984 1491 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:40:21.312 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:40:21.474 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:40:21.475 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:40:21.478 984 1503 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:40:21.478 984 1503 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:40:21.478 984 1503 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:40:21.479 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:40:21.479 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:40:21.489 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:40:21.489 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:40:21.490 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:40:21.490 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:40:21.490 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:40:21.490 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:40:21.491 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:40:21.491 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:40:21.491 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:40:21.491 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:40:21.515 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(59993), attempt: 0 11-22 16:40:21.531 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:40:21.568 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:40:21.578 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:40:21.656 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:40:22.442 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(47298) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:40:22.459 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end 11-22 16:40:22.476 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(60008), attempt: 0 11-22 16:42:53.227 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/010 11-22 16:42:53.227 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED 11-22 16:42:53.293 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED 11-22 16:42:53.297 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/012 11-22 16:42:53.301 984 1185 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$Warning$ msg="Unable to find webcam "Camera" with serial number 67988BD0." 11-22 16:42:53.302 984 1185 V RobotCore: event loop: device has shutdown abnormally: ABNORMAL 11-22 16:42:53.302 984 1185 V EventLoopManager: event loop: detaching device 67988BD0 11-22 16:42:53.302 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: vv===== MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: disarm Webcam [67988BD0]=====vv 11-22 16:42:53.302 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ======= MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: pretend Webcam [67988BD0]======= 11-22 16:42:53.302 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ^^===== MODULE DETACH RECOVERY: complete Webcam [67988BD0]=====^^ 11-22 16:42:53.307 984 1184 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=3|ms=2509 11-22 16:42:53.315 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(1538), attempt: 0 11-22 16:42:53.555 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(1538), attempt: 1 11-22 16:42:53.715 984 1200 V Robocol : Giving up on command CMD_PLAY_SOUND(1538) after 2 attempts 11-22 16:42:55.075 984 1200 V UpdateUI: Network: active, disconnected 11-22 16:42:55.076 984 1200 I RobotCore: ******************** STOP - OPMODE /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt ******************** 11-22 16:42:55.085 984 1200 I EventLoopManager: Lost connection while running op mode: 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:42:55.085 984 1200 V NetworkConnectionHandler: Peer connection lost 11-22 16:42:55.085 984 1537 I RobotCore: saving match logcat to /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:42:55.085 984 1537 I RobotCore: logging command line: exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:40:21.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:42:55.086 984 1503 E RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - caught InterruptedException during scriptFinishedLock.wait 11-22 16:42:55.108 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptFinished 11-22 16:42:55.108 984 1503 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - after while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:42:55.109 984 1503 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - end - 22ms after InterruptedException 11-22 16:42:55.109 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - before clearScript 11-22 16:42:55.109 984 1503 D RobotCore: User runOpModeMethod exited 11-22 16:42:55.109 984 1503 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:42:55.112 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run2 - after clearScript 11-22 16:42:55.114 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:42:55.114 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:42:55.114 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:42:55.116 984 1540 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:42:55.140 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:42:55.149 984 1537 I RobotCore: Done running exec logcat -d -T '11-22 16:40:21.000' -f '/storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt' -n4 -v threadtime UsbRequestJNI:S UsbRequest:S art:W ThreadPool:W System:W ExtendedExtractor:W OMXClient:W MediaPlayer:W dalvikvm:W *:V 11-22 16:42:55.149 984 1537 I RobotCore: exiting match logcat for /storage/emulated/0/FIRST/matchlogs/Match-0-2022_Power_Play_Teleop_League.txt 11-22 16:42:55.611 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED 11-22 16:42:55.613 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/014 11-22 16:42:55.613 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: addOrUpdateUsbDevice(vid=0x0bda pid=0xc820) 11-22 16:42:55.647 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 10 11-22 16:42:55.815 984 1365 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 48000 Hz, output 44100 Hz 11-22 16:42:55.821 984 1365 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=4|ms=901 11-22 16:42:56.215 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 11 11-22 16:42:56.215 984 984 I EventLoopManager: onNetworkConnectionEvent: DISCONNECTED 11-22 16:42:56.252 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 12 11-22 16:42:56.511 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi state change:, wifiApState: 13 11-22 16:42:56.511 984 984 I EventLoopManager: onNetworkConnectionEvent: CONNECTION_INFO_AVAILABLE 11-22 16:42:56.512 984 984 I Robocol : Received network connection event 11-22 16:42:56.514 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi AP is enabled 11-22 16:42:56.514 984 984 I NetworkConnectionHandler: Handling new network connection infomation, connected: true setup needed: false 11-22 16:42:56.515 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1553), attempt: 0 11-22 16:42:56.516 984 984 I RobotControllerAccessPointAssistant: Wi-Fi AP is enabled 11-22 16:42:56.517 984 1200 V Robocol : Giving up on command CMD_PLAY_SOUND(1556) after 0 attempts 11-22 16:42:56.755 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1553), attempt: 1 11-22 16:42:56.995 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1553), attempt: 2 11-22 16:42:57.235 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1553), attempt: 3 11-22 16:42:57.349 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/015 11-22 16:42:57.349 984 984 V FtDeviceManager: addOrUpdateUsbDevice(vid=0x046d pid=0x0825) 11-22 16:42:57.350 984 1080 D CameraManager: ---------------------------------------------- ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED 11-22 16:42:57.352 984 984 V RCActivity: onPause() 11-22 16:42:57.353 984 984 V RCActivity: ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED: /dev/bus/usb/003/015 11-22 16:42:57.356 984 984 V RCActivity: onResume() 11-22 16:42:57.475 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1553), attempt: 4 11-22 16:42:57.624 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: vv===== MODULE ATTACH: disarm Webcam [67988BD0]=====vv 11-22 16:42:57.625 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ======= MODULE ATTACH: arm or pretend Webcam [67988BD0]======= 11-22 16:42:57.625 984 1185 V WebcamNameImpl: clearing extant global warning: "Unable to find webcam "Camera" with serial number 67988BD0." 11-22 16:42:57.630 984 1185 I FtcEventLoop: ^^===== MODULE ATTACH: complete Webcam [67988BD0]=====^^ 11-22 16:42:57.633 984 1185 D RobotCore: system telemetry: key=$System$None$ msg="" 11-22 16:42:57.715 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1553), attempt: 5 11-22 16:42:57.955 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1553), attempt: 6 11-22 16:42:58.195 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1553), attempt: 7 11-22 16:42:58.435 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1553), attempt: 8 11-22 16:43:11.791 984 1172 V UpdateUI: Network: active, connected 11-22 16:43:11.791 984 1172 D FTCService: Sending user device types and preferences to driver station 11-22 16:43:11.794 984 1184 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 4, track 48000 Hz, output 44100 Hz 11-22 16:43:11.795 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1553), attempt: 9 11-22 16:43:11.812 984 1184 D SoundPlayer: playing volume=0.000000 samp=2|ms=757 11-22 16:43:11.817 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sendAllPreferences() 11-22 16:43:11.818 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works value=false 11-22 16:43:11.819 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_device_name value=8531-RC 11-22 16:43:11.819 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_incorrect_clocks value=true 11-22 16:43:11.820 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_obsolete_software value=true 11-22 16:43:11.821 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_has_speaker value=false 11-22 16:43:11.821 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_2_4_ghz_band value=true 11-22 16:43:11.822 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_has_independent_phone_battery value=false 11-22 16:43:11.823 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_app_theme value=green 11-22 16:43:11.823 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_warn_about_mismatched_app_versions value=true 11-22 16:43:11.824 984 1172 V NetDiscover_prefremrc: sending RC pref name=pref_sound_on_off value=false 11-22 16:43:11.825 984 1172 V NetworkConnectionHandler: Peer connection established 11-22 16:43:11.835 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_PLAY_SOUND(1625), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.836 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(1626), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.837 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(1627), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.838 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(1628), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.839 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(1629), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.839 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(1630), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.840 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(1631), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.840 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(1632), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.841 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(1633), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.841 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(1634), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.842 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(1635), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.842 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(1636), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.851 984 1174 V EventLoopManager: Setting authoritative wall clock based on connected DS. 11-22 16:43:11.851 984 1174 D Uvc : [time.cpp:64] Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_system_AppUtil_nativeSetCurrentTimeMillis()... 11-22 16:43:11.794 984 1174 I JniTime : [time.cpp:83] settimeofday() succeeded 11-22 16:43:11.794 984 1174 D Uvc : [time.cpp:64] ...Java_org_firstinspires_ftc_robotcore_internal_system_AppUtil_nativeSetCurrentTimeMillis() 11-22 16:43:11.795 984 1174 V AppUtil : attempted to set timezone: before=America/New_York after=America/New_York 11-22 16:43:11.796 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_ACTIVE_CONFIG(10001) 11-22 16:43:11.797 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_USER_DEVICE_TYPES(10002) 11-22 16:43:11.798 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_REQUEST_OP_MODE_LIST(10003) 11-22 16:43:11.799 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(10004) {"booleanValue":true,"prefName":"pref_ds_supports_5_ghz"} 11-22 16:43:11.800 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_ROBOT_CONTROLLER_PREFERENCE(10005) {"intValue":21,"prefName":"pref_dh_os_version_code"} 11-22 16:43:11.819 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION(1646), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.858 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_USER_DEVICE_LIST(1649), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.859 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_OP_MODE_LIST(1652), attempt: 0 11-22 16:43:11.978 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(1553), attempt: 10 11-22 16:51:43.978 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(16975) $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:51:43.989 984 1540 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:51:43.993 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode $Stop$Robot$ 11-22 16:51:43.994 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:51:43.994 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:51:43.996 984 1566 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:51:44.018 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(8620), attempt: 0 11-22 16:51:45.815 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_SET_MATCH_NUMBER(17006) 0 11-22 16:51:45.816 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_INIT_OP_MODE(17007) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:51:45.832 984 1173 I RobotCore: ******************** START - OPMODE 2022_Power Play Teleop League ******************** 11-22 16:51:45.840 984 1566 V RobotCore: thread: ...terminating 'OpModeThread' 11-22 16:51:45.846 984 1185 I RobotCore: Attempting to switch to op mode 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:51:46.005 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:51:46.005 984 1185 D HardwareMap: Clearing which device instances have been retrieved 11-22 16:51:46.008 984 1567 V RobotCore: thread: 'OpModeThread' starting... 11-22 16:51:46.008 984 1567 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - start 11-22 16:51:46.008 984 1567 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/OpModeThread - runOpMode - before while !scriptFinished loop 11-22 16:51:46.008 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - before loadScript 11-22 16:51:46.009 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - loadScript - WebView user agent is "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.2; Control Hub v1.0 Build/NHG47K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/52.0.2743.100 Safari/537.36" 11-22 16:51:46.018 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_INIT_OP_MODE(8657), attempt: 0 11-22 16:51:46.018 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:51:46.018 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:51:46.020 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "controlhubimu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:51:46.020 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "imu". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:51:46.020 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:51:46.020 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:51:46.020 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Control Hub". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:51:46.021 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:51:46.021 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Expansion Hub 2". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:51:46.021 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - Skipping hardware device named "Camera". It isn't used in this blocks opmode. 11-22 16:51:46.061 984 984 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/main - run1 - after loadScript 11-22 16:51:46.095 984 984 W cr_BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 984 11-22 16:51:46.104 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - scriptStarting 11-22 16:51:46.178 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - start 11-22 16:51:46.295 984 1172 V Robocol : received command: CMD_RUN_OP_MODE(17021) 2022_Power Play Teleop League 11-22 16:51:46.338 984 1200 V Robocol : sending CMD_NOTIFY_RUN_OP_MODE(8665), attempt: 0 11-22 16:51:46.378 984 1241 I RobotCore: BlocksOpMode - "2022_Power Play Teleop League" - main/JavaBridge - waitForStartForBlocks - end