----------- Unsteady Aerodynamics standalone driver --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True Echo - Echo the input file data (flag) ---------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ------------------------------- 1.225 FldDens - Density of working fluid (kg/m^3) 1.4e-04 KinVisc - Kinematic viscosity of working fluid (m^2/s) 340.29 SpdSound - Speed of sound of working fluid (m/s) ---------------------- UNSTEADYAERO ------------------------------------------- 0 UAMod - Unsteady Aero Model Switch (switch) {2=B-L Gonzalez, 3=B-L Minnema/Pierce, 4=B-L HGM 4-states, 5=B-L 5 states, 6=Oye, 7=Boeing-Vertol} [used only when AFAeroMod=2] True FLookup - Flag to indicate whether a lookup for f' will be calculated (TRUE) or whether best-fit exponential equations will be used (FALSE); if FALSE S1-S4 must be provided in airfoil input files (flag) [used only when AFAeroMod=2] ------------------- AIRFOIL PROPERTIES ---------------------------------------- "DU21_A17.dat" AirFoil - Airfoil table (Column 1: Angle of Attack (AoA), column 2: Lift coeff, column 3: Drag coeff). 3.5 Chord - Chord length (m) 0, -0.25 Vec_AQ - Vector from reference point "A" to aerodynamic center (~quarter chord) "Q" in airfoil coordinates and in chord length. If "A" is at mid chord values are likely (0, -0.25) (-) 0, 0.25 Vec_AT - Vector from reference point "A" to three-quarter chord point "T" in airfoil coordinates and in chord length. If "A" is at mid chord values are likely (0, 0.25) (-) True UseCm - Use Cm (moment coefficient) data in airfoil table {true/false} ------------------- SIMULATION CONTROL ---------------------------------------- 3 SimMod - Simulation model {1=reduced frequency model, 2=prescribed-aero time series, 3=elastic cross section} ---------- REDUCED-FREQUENCY SIMULATION [used only when SimMod=1] ------------- 40.0 InflowVel - Inflow velocity (m/s) 1 NCycles - Number of angle-of-attack oscillations over the length of the simulation (-) 60 StepsPerCycle - Number of timesteps per cycle (-) 1 Frequency - Frequency for the airfoil oscillations (Hz) 2 Amplitude - Amplitude of the angle of attack oscillations (deg) 7.5 Mean - Cycle mean (deg) 0 Phase - Initial phase (num steps). ---------- PRESCRIBED-AERO INPUTS SIMULATION [used only when SimMod=2] -------- 50.13 TMax_PA - Total run time (s) 0.0050 DT_PA - Recommended module time step (s) "AeroTSFile.csv" AeroTSFile - Time series data in delimited input file (e.g. csv) with 1 header line, 4 columns: Time (s), angle-of-attack (deg), InflowVel (m/s), Pitch rate (rad/s) ---------- AERO-ELASTIC SIMULATION [used only when SimMod=3] ------------------ 50.13 TMax - Total run time (s) 0.0050 DT - Recommended module time step (s) F, F, F ActiveDOF - List of Degrees of freedom that are active (true or false) 0.0, 0, 0.01 InitPos - List of initial positions for the elastic degrees of freedom (m, m and rad) 0, 0, 0.06 InitVel - List of initial velocities for the elastic degrees of freedom (m/s, m/s, and rad/s) 0.001, 0.000, 0.000 GFScalingL1 - Generalized force scaling factors to convert from section loads to generalized loads 0.000, 0.001, 0.000 GFScalingL2 - 0.000, 0.000, 0.001 GFScalingL3 - 2, 0, 0 MassMatrixL1 - Mass matrix 0, 2, 0 MassMatrixL2 0, 0, 2 MassMatrixL3 0.1, 0, 0 DampMatrixL1 - Damping matrix 0, 0.1, 0 DampMatrixL2 0, 0, 3 DampMatrixL3 3, 0, 0 StifMatrixL1 - Stiffness matrix 0, 3, 0 StifMatrixL2 0, 0, 3 StifMatrixL3 1 Twist - Fixed twist of the section when torsion degree of freedom is zero (deg) 1 InflowMod - Model for the inflow velocity. {1: constant velocity, 2: time series} 1, 10 Inflow - Inflow velocity in x and y direction [used only when InflowMod=1] "InflowFile.csv" InflowTSFile - Input file for inflow velocity. Delimited file (e.g. csv) with one header line, three columns: Time (s), Ux (m/s), Uy (m/s). [used only when InflowMod=2] 2 MotionMod - Model for the motion of the degrees of freedom {1: dynamic, 2: prescribed} "MotionFile.csv" MotionTSFile - Input file for prescribed motion. Delimited file (e.g. csv) with one header line, 10 columns: Time (s), x (m), y (m), th (rad), velocities, and accelerations. [used only when InflowMod=2] ------------------- OUTPUT CONTROL -------------------------------------------- True SumPrint - Write unsteady aerodynamics summary file (flag) True WrAFITables - Write back the aerodynamic coefficients used internally (flag) END of driver input file