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ICMS 2020 Session: The Jupyter Environment for Computational Mathematics

Location: TU Braunschweig, Germany

A session at ICMS, Braunchweig, Germany Online July 13-16, 2020

Other Sessions

Session organizers

Aim and Scope

The last years have seen the emergence of the open source web-based interactive computing environment Jupyter (formerly IPython). Its flagship is the traditional notebook application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text; millions of such notebooks have been published online. The main novelty of Jupyter is that it can be used with dozens of programming languages, including Julia, Python, R, Caml, C++, or Coq.

Thanks to this level of generality and to the use of open standards and modern web technologies, a wide ecosystem of related tools has appeared, e.g. for interactive book and slides authoring, hosting, collaborating, sharing, or publishing. Several mathematical systems (e.g. GAP, SageMath, Singular, OSCAR) have already adopted it as user interface of choice.

The purpose of this session is to review and discuss the merits (and demerits!) of this ecosystem and its alternatives for mathematical research and education, notably with open science and reproducibility in mind.

~~It you would like to present a talk (~25 minutes), please submit!~~

Topics (including, but not limited to)
  • Overview of the Jupyter ecosystem
  • Use cases in Research and Education: demonstration and feedback from experience
  • Integration of computational systems and proof systems: demonstration and feedback from experience
  • Interactive mathematics with Jupyter widgets
  • Hands on mini tutorials

Online format

This session will follow the online format of ICMS 2020. See also the general schedule.

Talks will be prerecorded. Every attendee should watch the talks he / she is interested in before the interactive session takes place by visio-conference on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th, from 16:30 to 17:10. During the session, we will have a chaired discussion with the speakers, as it would normally occur during a live format after a speakers talk.

See the talks below for the detailed schedule.

Interactive session 1, Wednesday July 15th of 2020

16:30: An overview of Jupyter and its ecosystem

Speaker: Nicolas M. Thiéry

In this introductory presentation, we will setup the stage for the session by giving a brief overview of the Jupyter ecosystem.

16:40: Nuggets: Visualizations with GAP and Jupyter

Speaker: Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez

GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra, with particular emphasis on Computational Group Theory. In this presentation, we will briefly illustrate some of the visualization capabilities offered by GAP in Jupyter thanks to Francy and JupyterViz.

16:50 Interactive computation and complex representations of 2D-MZV

Speaker: Olivier Bouillot

The Jupyter notebook we present here pursues two main goals:

  • give tools to compute a 2D-sum;
  • give a complex representation of convergent 2D-Multiple Zeta Values (2D-MZV).

On one hand, a poorly known Lindelöf formula (cf. [1]) explains how to compute the sum of the values at integers of holomorphic functions. This formula can be written by an integral. Therefore, one can generalize the process to double sums using double integrals. The notebook shows how the approximation changes according to the truncation orders, and vice-versa, using widgets on a few examples.

On the other hand, it is easy to deduce real function properties from graphical representations. This is also possible for functions defined and valued in the complex plane (cf. [2]): we represent the values of the image of a complex number z by coloring the corresponding pixel to z, according to a fixed coloured scheme. Now, visualizing a complex function with two variables is nothing else than drawing a representation of the partial functions and move inside it. Then, using widgets, we ask the user a discretisation of two complex domains and allow him to realize this walk by showing a partial graphic representation of the 2D-MZV.

References :

[1] E. Lindelöf : Le calcul des résidus et ses applications à la théorie des fonctions, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1905.

[2] Wegert, E.: Visual complex functions. An introduction with phase portraits. Birkhäuser/Springer Basel AG, Basel, 2012.

17:00 Experience with teaching mathematics with notebooks at Universidad de Zaragoza

Speaker: Miguel Marco

Web based notebook interfaces to free/open source mathematical software have been used as a tool for teaching mathematics related courses at Universidad de Zaragoza for a decade. Initially the classic SageMath notebook (sagenb) was used, but in the last year, a migration process to a Jupyterhub/Jupyterlab based one has been started. Due to the modularity of the Jupyter ecosystem, design choices had to be made considering the desired use cases.

We describe the different design choices considered, together with the advantages and drawbacks of each one. Specifically, we mention the main problems that were found in practice, and how we dealt with them.

We also discuss the viability of such approaches for a university-wide level deployment.

17:10 Informal discussion

Interactive session 2, Thursday July 16th of 2020

16:30 Jupyter widgets for interactive mathematics

Speaker: Odile Benassy

In this talk, we will illustrate the rich interactive features offered by Jupyter. Indeed, beyond the traditional REPL (Read-Eval-Print loop), Jupyter offers a cross-language toolbox of interactive visual components -- called widgets -- from which users can build and share their own interactive applications. This toolbox has been adopted and extended by the community which has developed visualization components for various applications. A key feature of Jupyter widgets is the progressive learning curve which blurs the line between notebook readers, notebook authors, and developers.

We will start with a few "interacts" -- a feature well know to Mathematica or Sage users -- to build with a handful of lines of code some simple yet effective mini applications where the input of a function is chosen with visual controls (e.g. sliders). We will then illustrate the process of building applications with richer interactions from the tool box. Finally, we will demonstrate two Python/SageMath packages that we have developed based on Jupyter widgets. The first one -- Sage-Combinat-widgets -- is a library of widgets for the interactive edition of certain types of combinatorial objects. The second one -- Sage-Explorer -- is an application for interactive visual exploration of objects in Sage. Both can be combined or integrated in larger applications.

Along the way, we will reflect on our experience, trying to evaluate the expertise and development time required for each use case. We will stress at this occasion the role played by dedicated Research Software Engineers and suggest incentives for building and animating a rich user community.

16:40 Prototyping Controlled Mathematical Languages in Jupyter Notebooks

Speaker: Jan Frederik Schaefer


The Grammatical Logical Framework (GLF) is a framework for prototyping natural language semantics. It uses the Grammatical Framework for grammar development and MMT for logic development and semantics construction. In the semantics construction, parse trees are mapped to logical expressions via MMT views (meaning-preserving interpretation mappings).

The motivation behind GLF was to apply it to mathematical language, as the classical compositional approach to semantics construction seemed most suitable for a domain where high precision was mandatory - even at the price of limited coverage. In particular, software for formal mathematics (such as proof checkers) require formal input languages. These are typically difficult to understand and learn, raising the entry barrier for potential users. A solution is to design input languages that closely resemble natural language. Early results indicate that GLF can be a useful tool for quickly prototyping such languages.

With this in mind, we present a new Jupyter kernel for GLF that adds visual support for the development of GLF-based syntax/semantics interfaces. It was put to the test in a one-semester course on logic-based natural language processing and was evaluated in classroom presentation as well as for homework assignments.

16:50: Polymake.jl: A new interface to polymake

Speakers: Marek Kaluba, Sascha Timme


Polymake is a software for research in polyhedral geometry with Perl as the user interfacing language. We present Polymake.jl, an interface to polymake from Julia. This talk discusses the technical aspects of the interface and shows how the Julia package manager allows for easily reproducible computations even when as large scale projects as polymake is, are involved. The interface and reproducibility will be demonstrated on an interactive example which combines exact computations in polyhedral geometry with numerical methods from other fields.

17:00: Interactive use of C/C++ libraries in Jupyter - Strategies and lessons learned

Speaker: Sebastian Gutsche

In this talk, we will describe several strategies to use Jupyter as an interactive front-end for a C/C++ library or a legacy computational system with a REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) interactive interface.

We will show how to access C/C++ libraries from interpreters for various languages (Python, Julia, C++) and then use them from Jupyter. This will demonstrate Python wrappers like the CPython API, Cython, or cppyy, and Julia wrappers like CxxWrap and Julia's build-in ccall.

For packages with a REPL, we will see how we can adjust them to the use in Jupyter using pexpect, the CPython API, or Xeus.

We discuss the benefits and drawbacks for the different approaches, and additional Jupyter functionality (graphical output, widgets) that becomes available for free.

17:10: Informal discussions


  • A short abstract will appear on the permanent conference web page (see below) as soon as accepted.

  • An extended abstract may be submitted for the conference proceedings that will be distributed during the meeting.

  • A journal special issue consisting of full papers will be organized immediately after the meeting.

Submission process

There are two levels of submissions (short and extended abstracts). Going to Level 2 requires to go through Level 1 before.

Level 1: In order to give a presentation at ICMS 2020, submit a short abstract (plain text, i.e., without using any mathematical symbols, etc; 200 words max.) by February 24, 2020 via email to the session chair.

We encourage that you submit it as soon as possible. If you submit early, then you will get the decision early: the organizers will make a decision within a week of submission. If accepted, then you will give a talk at the session, and your abstract will appear on the session web page immediately. Furthermore you may (if desired) proceed to Level 2.

Level 2: You submit an extended abstract by March 16, 2016. If accepted, then it will enter the conference proceedings, which will appear in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). It should be at least 4 pages and at most 8 pages. It should follow the Springer guidelines for authors In particular, it should use the latex template and the LNCS latex style. The extended abstracts must be submitted via EasyChair to as a single file, containing all the files. This must include one LaTeX source file, one bib file with the references, and one PDF created from the source. If you should have TikZ graphics, include it into the LaTeX source. Additional graphics files may be added to the zip file as PNG or JPG.

The extended abstracts shall contain original research that has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors need to sign a Consent-to-Publish form, through which the copyright of their paper is transferred to Springer.