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esr360 edited this page Feb 9, 2020 · 57 revisions


A Module is a React Function Component that returns a <Module> instance.

Quick Look
import React from 'react';
import { Module } from '@onenexus/lucid';

const Button = (props) => <Module name='button' {...props}>{props.children}</Module>

export default Button;
import React from 'react';
import { Module } from '@onenexus/lucid';
import { Logo, Navigation } from 'modules';

const Header = (props) => (
  <Module name='header' {...props}>
    <Logo />
    <Navigation />

export default Header;


Prop Type Description
[name] String The name of the module to be used when rendering to the DOM (if not passed a unique name in the format module-1 will be used)
[styles] (Object|Function|Array) Your module's styles
[config] (Object|Function) Your module's configuration
[theme] (Object|Function) Your project's/UI's theme
[content] React Element The content to render within the Module (instead of passing a child/children elements)
[tag='div'] (String|React Element) HTML tag or React Component to use when rendering the module
[component] React Element You can supply a React component to render instead a div/HTML tag
[id] String Standard id HTML attribute (learn more)
[className] String CSS classes to add to the rendered component
[href] String Standard href attribute for anchor tags - adding this prop will automatically set tag to a
[data-{attribute}] String Any data-attribute
[on{Event}] Function Any valid GlobalEventHandler (you must use camelCase to be compatible with React)
[attributes] Object If you need to send any other attributes to the rendered DOM node, you can pass them here
[generateClasses=true] Boolean If you wish for Lucid to not output any CSS class names to the DOM, disable this option (can be set globally)
[singleClass=false] Boolean If you wish for Lucid to generate separate classes for each modifier, enable this option (can be set globally)
[componentGlue='__'] String The glue to connect component names to other components/the parent module in the generated CSS class names (can be set globally)
[modifierGlue='--'] String The glue to connect modifiers to modules/components in the generated CSS class names (can be set globally)

Using content Prop

You can use the content prop instead of passing a child/children elements

import React from 'react';
import { Module } from '@onenexus/lucid';

const Button = (props) => <Module name='button' content={props.children} {...props} />

export default Button;

Render Function

By supplying a function to render within <Module>, you can access the following properties from within your module's JSX:

const MyModule = (props) => (
  <Module styles={styles} {...props}>
    {({ theme, config, context, utils }) => {

      return props.children;
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